Bard Faculty News
Elizabeth M. Holt
Associate Professor of Arabic
Primary Academic Program: Literature
Biography: Professor Holt is the author of Fictitious Capital: Silk, Cotton, and the Rise of the Arabic Novel (Fordham University Press, 2017); and articles, chapters, and reviews in Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East, The Bloomsbury Handbook of Postcolonial Print Culture, Journal of Palestine Studies, Research in African Literatures, The Routledge Handbook of the Global Sixties, Campaigning Culture and the Global Cold War, Comparative Literature, Middle Eastern Literatures, Journal of Arabic Literature, and the Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Literature. She was a 2015–16 fellow of the Berlin research program, Europe in the Middle East—The Middle East in Europe (EUME), for research toward a second monograph on Arabic literature in the Cold War, and is working on a third monograph, Solar Readings. Other honors: National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow (2012); Fulbright scholar (2006–07); and Gerhardt Award of Distinction, American University in Cairo (2006–07). She is a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Arabic Literature.BA, Harvard University; MA, MPhil, PhD, Columbia University. At Bard since 2008.
- Research Interests: Carbon, soft power, cold war, solar, periodicals, poetry, novel, theater, film, form, translation, Arabic, comparative literature; Palestine
2017 — PublicationFictitious Capital: Silk, Cotton, and the Rise of the Arabic Novel