Bard Faculty News
Peter Filkins
Visiting Professor of Literature
Academic Program Affiliation(s): First-Year Seminar, Literature
Area of Specialization: Translation and poetry
Biography: Peter Filkins teaches courses in translation at Bard College, and also creative writing and literature at Bard College at Simon's Rock, where he is Richard B. Fisher Professor of Literature. He has published five books of poetry, Water / Music (2021), The View We're Granted (2012), Augustine's Vision (2010), After Homer (2002), and What She Knew (1998). He is also the translator of Ingeborg Bachmann’s collected poems, Darkness Spoken (2006), as well as her novels, The Book of Franza and Requiem for Fanny Goldmann (1999). In addition, he has translated H. G. Adler’s novels The Journey (2008), Panorama (2011), and The Wall (2014), and has published a biography, H. G. Adler: A Life in Many Worlds (2019). Co-winner of the 2013 Sheila Motton Best Book Award from the New England Poetry Club, he has also received fellowships from the National Endowment for the Humanities, from the Leon Levy Center for Biography, from the American Academy in Berlin, and from the Fulbright Commission of Austria. He has been awarded the Stover Prize in Poetry from Southwest Review, the New American Press Chapbook Award, as well as fellowships from the Massachusetts Cultural Council, Yaddo, MacDowell, Millay, and the Deutsches Literaturarchiv – Marbach. Previously he was the recipient of an Outstanding Translation Award from the American Literary Translators Association and received a Distinguished Translation Award from the Austrian government, as well as serving as Writer-in-Residence at the James Merrill House. His work has appeared in numerous publications, including The New York Times Book Review, Poetry, Partisan Review, The New Republic, The Paris Review, The American Scholar, and the Los Angeles Times Book Review.BA, Williams College; MFA, Columbia University. At Bard since 2007.
- Research Interests: Post-war German literature, contemporary poetry and fiction.
- Teaching Interests: Translation, post-war German literature, creative writing, modern and contemporary poetry
- Other Interests: First-year Seminar
Phone: 845-758-6822 x7244Email:
Location: Aspinwall
Office: 201