Bard Faculty News
Benjamin Hale
Writer in Residence
Academic Program Affiliation(s): Experimental Humanities, Written Arts
Biography: B.A., Sarah Lawrence College; M.F.A., University of Iowa. Awards and honors include the Bard Fiction Prize for his first novel, The Evolution of Bruno Littlemore (Twelve, 2011); Michener-Copernicus Award; nominations for the Dylan Thomas Prize and the New York Public Library's Young Lions Fiction Award. His story collection, The Fat Artist, was published by Simon & Schuster in 2016. His fiction, essays, and reviews have appeared in Harper’s, the New York Times Book Review, Washington Post, Paris Review, Conjunctions, and Dissent; and he has been anthologized in Best American Science and Nature Writing 2013. Has taught writing and led fiction workshops at Sarah Lawrence’s Graduate Writing Program, Rutgers University Summer Writers’ Conference, the University of California, Berkeley, and the University of Iowa's Iowa Writers' Workshop. In addition to creative writing, his teaching interests include English literature, ancient Greek literature, biology, and philosophy of mind. At Bard since 2013.Contact:
Phone: 845-758-4520Email: