Guide to the Colin de Land, American Fine Arts, Co., and Pat Hearn Gallery Archives

Published in February 2016
©February 2016 CCS Bard Archives

Table of Contents

Summary Description
Arrangement note
Biographical/Historical note
Scope and Contents note
Information for Users
Controlled Access Headings
Related Materials
Contents List
Series I: Colin de Land, American Fine Arts, Co.
Subseries A. Artists' Files
Subseries B. Exhibition Files
Subseries C. Art Fairs
Subseries D. Binders: Artists' Slides
Subseries E. Binders: Exhibitions
Subseries F. Binders: Art Fairs and Promotional Compilations
Subseries G. Correspondence
Subseries H. Artists of Interest/Artists Under Consideration
Subseries I. Press
Subseries J. Financial / Administrative
Series II: Pat Hearn Gallery
Subseries A. Exhibition Files
Subseries B. Correspondence
Subseries C. [Artist Files]
Subseries D. Administative (Miscellaneous)
Subseries E. Art Fairs
Subseries F. Visual Materials
Subseries G. Pat Hearn Memorial Service and Exhibitions
Series III: American Fine Arts Art Courses
Subseries A. Art Couse Files
Subseries B. Art Course Slides
Series IV: Colin de Land Files
Subseries A. Special Projects
Subseries B. Writings
Subseries C. Personal Files
Subseries D. Slide Carousels
Subseries E: Real Estate
Subseries F. Invitations
Subseries G: Readings
Series V: Media
Subseries A: American Fine Arts Media
Subseries B: Pat Hearn Gallery Media
Subseries C. Art Course Audio
Subseries D. Colin De Land Files Media
Subseries E: Miscellaneous Media
Oversize Series I
Oversize Series I.A: Artists' Files
Oversize Series I.C: Exhibition Files
Oversize Series II
Oversize Series II.C: Pat Hearn Gallery Artist Files

Summary Description

Center for Curatorial Studies Library & Archives
American Fine Arts, Co.
De Land, Colin, 1955-2003
Hearn, Pat, 1955-2000
Pat Hearn Gallery
Colin de Land, American Fine Arts, Co., and Pat Hearn Gallery Archives
Date [bulk]
Bulk, 1987-2003
Date [inclusive]
103.0 Linear feet  in 75 boxes and 95 binders
Finding aid prepared by Ryan Evans; Collection processed by Ryan Evans.

Preferred Citation

Published citations should take the following form:

Identification of item, date (if known); Colin de Land, American Fine Arts, Co., and Pat Hearn Gallery Archives; MSS.008; [box number]; [folder number], Center for Curatorial Studies Library and Archives, Bard College.

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Biographical/Historical note

Colin de Land (1955-2003), New York art dealer and gallery owner who fostered wide ranging experimentation in the arts, established American Fine Arts, Co. in 1986 and ran the gallery until he died in 2003 at the age of 47. De Land grew up in Union City, NJ and studied philosophy and linguistics at NYU before establishing his first gallery in March 1982, originally named American Fine Arts, Co. In 1984 the gallery’s name changed to Vox Populi, operating out of a space on Clinton Street, and then on East 6th Street in the East Village. In February 1986 Colin de Land reverted to the original name American Fine Arts, Co. In 1988 the gallery moved to 40 Wooster Street in Soho, and again in 1993 the gallery moved to 22 Wooster Street.

American Fine Arts, Co. was unique in that it operated as an anti-conventional commercial gallery where de Land presented a broad range of artists whose practices spanned from large-scale installation to institutional critique, video, and abstract painting. Recurring artists in the A.F.A. program included Cady Noland, Mark Dion, Peter Fend, Andrea Fraser, John Waters, Jessica Stockholder, Christian Philipp Müller, Tom Burr, John Knight, and Silvia Kolbowski, among others. Beyond solo and group exhibitions A.F.A. also welcomed renowned guest curators to organize thematic exhibitions, such as Collins & Milazzo (“Modern Sleep,” 1986) , Ralph Rugoff (“Just Pathetic,” 1992), James Meyer ("What Happened to the Institutional Critique?", 1993 and “Election”, 2004), as well as thematic shows organized by gallery artists like Peter Fend (“Mapping, a Response to MoMA”, 1995) and Jason Simon (“The Mayfair Show,” 1994). The unique creative and social environment de Land fostered at A.F.A. is evidenced by the insertion of his own artistic endeavors in the programming, including the artists John Dogg (said to be a collaboration between Richard Prince and de Land) and J. St. Bernard (de Land’s solo pseudonym). In 1992 de Land began having creative meetings with a group of Cooper Union art students including Daniel McDonald, Patterson Beckwith, and Craig Wadlin. Both Beckwith and Wadlin worked at A.F.A. at the time. The result was the birth of the collaborative Art Club 2000 following their first exhibition “Commingle” at the gallery in the summer of 1993.

Pat Hearn (1955-2000), a widely respected art dealer and gallery owner of the 1980s and 1990s, was known for being open to new art, exceptionally receptive to artists and their needs, generous, and willing to share ideas and artists with other art dealers. Hearn was born in Providence, RI and studied painting and video at the Museum School in Boston. While on a semester abroad in Paris, Hearn worked briefly at an artist-run alternative art space in the Belleville district called L’Usine Pali-Kao. At Pali-Kao (where the programming focused on live performance as it converged with the visual arts as well as music), Hearn created video and performance work and notably began programming the work of other artists. Hearn returned to the States in February 1982 and referenced the Paris space in the naming of her new performance space called Poly Cow that she operated out of the ground floor of her apartment building in Boston. In November of 1983 Hearn opened her first gallery on Avenue B in the East Village of New York City, and in 1988 moved to the southwest corner of Soho at 33 Wooster Street. In 1995, the Pat Hearn Gallery was one of the first commercial galleries to move to Chelsea. Her program featured a multigenerational roster of artists showing a combination of painting, performance, photography, conceptual art, and video, in addition to posthumous shows by pioneering female artists Ana Mendieta and Eva Hesse. Pat Hearn Gallery artists included Philip Taffee, Milan Kunc, Peter Schuyff, Jimmy de Sana, Jutta Koether, Monique Prieto, Julia Scher, Susan Hiller, Renee Green, Simon Leung, George Condo, Jack Pierson and Mark Morrisroe, Joan Jonas, and Lutz Bacher, and others.

Together, Pat Hearn and Colin de Land, along with dealers Matthew Marks and Paul Morris, helped to establish the Gramercy International Art Fair in 1994 at the Gramercy Hotel. In 1999 the fair was renamed The Armory Show.

Colin de Land and Pat Hearn married in 1999. Hearn passed away in August 2000 following a battle with liver cancer. For a period of around two years following the death of Hearn de Land operated two galleries consecutively, one at 22 Wooster Street and the other in Hearn’s former space in Chelsea. In 2002 American Fine Arts, Co. gave up the Wooster Street location and operated solely out of Chelsea. In March 2003 Colin de Land passed away after his own battle with cancer. The gallery remained open until November 2004 for the final group exhibition, “Election,” organized by James Meyers, in part, as an homage to Colin de Land.

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Scope and Contents note

The Colin de Land, American Fine Arts, Co., and Pat Hearn Gallery Archives is comprised of the gallery records of both American Fine Arts, Co. and Pat Hearn Gallery in addition to the personal files of Colin de Land.

Series I: Colin de Land, American Fine Arts, Co. contains the working gallery records which is largely comprised of artist files, in addition to exhibition files, administrative and financial documents, correspondence, and press. The Binders subseries supplement the artist files and exhibition files, but contain mostly visual materials (slides, photographs, transparencies, etc.)

I.A The A.F.A. Artist Files subseries is comprised of the working records of the gallery and includes correspondence, exhibition files for AFA shows and other institutions, financial records, artist writings, and other types of documentation. There are also small amounts of visual records (slides, photographs, negatives, etc.) found throughout the artist files.

I.B The A.F.A. Exhibition Files subseries is comprised of general correspondence regarding the planning of AFA exhibitions, invitations, checklists, press releases and other types of records, including select visual documentation.

I.C The A.F.A. Art Fairs Files subseries contains planning documentation regarding the gallery's participation in art fairs.

I.D The A.F.A. Artist Binders subseries contains largely visual documentation (slides, transparencies, photographs, etc.) for individual gallery artists. See content notes for indiviual binder contents.

I.E The A.F.A. Exhibition binders subseries contains visual documentation in addition to checklists and press in some cases. See content notes for indiviual binder contents.

I.F The A.F.A. Compilation Binders subseries contains visual and promotional material on individual artists.

I.G The A.F.A. Correspondence Files subseries spans from 1984 to 2003.

I.H The A.F.A. Artists of Interest subseries includes artist files for artists once represented by the gallery, artists under consideration, and artists with substantial correspondence or activity. See I.A for artist file scope and contents.

I.I The Press subseries contains the press files regarding Colin de Land, American Fine Arts, Co., and Pat Hearn Gallery.

I.J The A.F.A. Financial and Administrative subseries contains records related to the organization and management of the gallery, in addition to records on resale activity.

Series II: Pat Hearn Gallery is comprised of the gallery's working files including exhibition files, correspondence (largely focused by artist), artist files, administrative and financial records, visuals binders for exhibitions and artists, and Pat Hearn's Memorial services and exhibitions.

II.A The P.H.G. Exhibition Files subseries contains mostly promotional materials (invitations, posters), as well as checklists, some correspondence, and guest books.

II.B The P.H.G. Correspondence subseries is largely focused by artist, with some general gallery correspondence included.

II.C The P.H.G. Artist Files subseries contains various administrative and miscellaneous project files related to individual artists.

II.D The P.H.G. Administrative and Financial Files subseries contains records pertaining to general gallery business including invoices, shipping, and advertising.

II.E The P.H.G. Art Fairs subseries contains files regarding the gallery's participation in art fairs.

II.F The P.H.G. Visuals subseries contains mostly slides and transparencies for indiviual artists, as well as group shows and select art fairs and performances.

II.G The Pat Hearn Memorial subseries contains materials related to the organization of Pat Hearn's memorial service, as well as the memorial exhibitions, including a binder of memorabilia (press, invitations, etc.) which was on view.

Series III: American Fine Arts Art Courses contains files pertaining to the planning of the art courses administered by Colin de Land and various guest speakers between 1994 and 1996 at American Fine Arts, Co., as well as a binder of slides used. The audio tapes documenting the series can be found in Series V: Media.

III.A The Art Course Files subseries contains planning documents and press releases for the four art course series.

III.B The Art Course Slides subseries contains slides for the four art course series.

Series IV: The Colin de Land Files consists of various records that reflect Colin de Land's process as a dealer and artist, reflecting the blurred boundaries that existed between his professional and personal lives.

IV.A The Special Projects subseries consists of various professional and academic projects that Colin took on in addition to the everyday functions of the gallery.

IV.B The Writings subseries consists of published writings, interviews, and notebooks which contain thoughts on art, gallery operations, and personal matters.

IV.CThe Personal Files subseries are comprised of folders containing personal correspondence, as well as folders concerning personal topics such as travel and health.

IV.D The Slide Carousels subseries reflect slide presentations on various artists, and often present a snapshot of gallery programming of a given year or range of years.

IV.E The Real Estate subseries consists of information on the various tenancies associated with Colin de Land, including leases, legal records, and floorplans.

IV.F The Invitations subseries consist of gallery invitations collected by Colin de Land.

IV.G The Readings subseries contains various essays, articles and exhibition statements collected by Colin de Land.

Series V: Media contains audiovisual media (3/4 in. U-matic, VHS, audiocassette, minicassette) and storage media (CDs, DVDs, floppy disk, etc.) separated from the preceeding series. Media access is only provided where access files have been created. Access files are indicated throughout the finding aid.

V.A The Colin de Land, American Fine Arts, Co. Media subseries contains audiovisual and storage media from the A.F.A. Artist Files subseries (I.A), in addition to a general media inventory from the gallery.

V.B The Pat Hearn Gallery Media subseries contains audiovisual and storage media from the P.H.G. Exhibition Files subseries, in addition to a general media inventory from the gallery.

V.C The Art Course Audio subseries contains audiocassettes documenting the Art Courses administered by Colin de Land and guest speakers at American Fine Arts, Co. between 1994 and 1996. See series III.

V.D The Colin de Land Files Media subseries contains various audiocassettes and CDs, ranging from commercially released music to mixtapes and self-help titles.

V.E The Miscellaneous Media subseries consists of largely unlabeled audiovisual and storage media.

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Arrangement note

The Colin de Land, American Fine Arts, Co., and Pat Hearn Gallery Archives is comprised of five series:

Series I: Colin de Land, American Fine Arts, Co.

Series II: Pat Hearn Gallery

Series III: American Fine Arts Art Courses

Series IV: Colin de Land Files

Series V: Media

See individual arrangement notes by subseries throughout the finding aid.

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Information for Users

Publication Information

Center for Curatorial Studies Library & Archives  February 2016

Bard College
Annandale-on-Hudson, NY, 12504-5000

Access Restrictions

The collection is open to researchers without restrictions. Appointments are necessary to consult manuscript and archival materials. Access copies for media materials may not be available yet. Please contact the CCS Archivist for further details.

Use Restrictions

Collection use is subject to all copyright laws. Permission to publish materials must be obtained in writing from the Director of the Library & Archives at the Center for Curatorial Studies at Bard College. Please contact for more information.


The Colin de Land, American Fine Arts, Co., and Pat Hearn Gallery Archives was acquired in 2012 from the Colin de Land Estate.

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Controlled Access Headings

Corporate Name(s)

  • American Fine Arts, Co.
  • Art Club 2000 (Group of artists)
  • Bernadette Corporation (Collective)
  • Clegg & Guttmann
  • Collins & Milazzo
  • Pat Hearn Gallery


  • 3/4-inch
  • Audiocassettes
  • Black-and-White prints (photographs)
  • CD-ROMs
  • CDRs
  • Clippings (information artifacts)
  • Color negatives
  • Color Prints (photographs)
  • Color Slides
  • Color transparencies
  • DVDs
  • Invitations
  • Letters (correspondence)
  • Magnetic disks
  • Notes
  • Postcards
  • Posters
  • Press releases
  • Promotional materials
  • Reviews (document genre)
  • VHS (TM)

Personal Name(s)

  • Acconci, Vito, 1940-
  • Arden, Roy
  • Armleder, John
  • Askevold, David
  • Bacher, Lutz
  • Bag, Alex
  • Balk, Dennis
  • Barton, Nancy (Artist)
  • Beckwith, Patterson, 1972-
  • Bogawa, Roddy, 1962-
  • Bonin, Cosima von
  • Brown, Calvin, 1952-
  • Burr, Tom
  • Burroughs, William S., 1914-1997
  • Byfield, Ted
  • Carpenter, Merlin, 1967-
  • Clough, Charles, 1951-
  • Condo, George
  • Corris, Michael
  • Davey, Moyra
  • Davis, Douglas , 1933-2014
  • de Groot, Pat
  • De Land, Colin, 1955-2003
  • De Sana, Jimmy
  • Diamond, Jessica
  • Dillemuth, Stephan, 1954-
  • Dion, Mark, 1961-
  • Dogg, John
  • Elrod, Jeff, 1966-
  • Faust , Gretchen
  • Faust, D. (Daniel), 1956-
  • Fend, Peter
  • Finch, Spencer , 1962-
  • Fraser, Andrea
  • Graham, Dan, 1942-
  • Green, Renée
  • Grennan , Simon
  • Grigely, Joseph , 1956-
  • Gross, Garry, 1937-
  • Grow, Frank
  • Hart, Claudia, 1955-
  • Hearn, Pat, 1955-2000
  • Heilmann, Mary, 1940-
  • Hein, Lisa
  • Hiller, Susan
  • Hirakawa, Noritoshi, 1960-
  • Hopkins, Peter, 1955-
  • Hsu, Tishan, 1951-
  • Hutchinson, Peter , 1930-
  • James, Gareth, 1970-
  • Jonas, Joan, 1936-
  • Kelley, Mike, 1954-2012
  • Knight, John, 1945-
  • Koether, Jutta
  • Kolbowski, Silvia
  • Ku, Alexander
  • Ledes, Richard
  • Leung, Simon , 1964-
  • Martori, Patty, 1956-
  • McElheny, Josiah, 1966-
  • Merrick, Thom, 1963-
  • Meyer, James
  • Miller, John, 1954-
  • Moor, Cris
  • Morgana, Aimee, 1958-
  • Mori, Mariko, 1967-
  • Morrisroe, Mark , 1959-1989
  • Müller, Christian Philipp
  • Noland, Cady, 1957-
  • Norman, Nils, 1966-
  • Owens, Bill
  • Pfahler, Kembra
  • Pierson, Jack, 1960-
  • Prieto, Monique, 1962-
  • Prina, Stephen , 1954-
  • Reverend Jen, 1972-
  • Richer, Ira (Artist)
  • Robbins, David, 1957-
  • Rosen, Kay
  • Salloum, Jayce
  • Samore, Sam, 1953-
  • Santino, Peter, 1948-
  • Scher, Julia
  • Schoolwerth, Pieter, 1970-
  • Schott, Tom, 1956-
  • Schroder, Frank, 1950-
  • Schuyff, Peter
  • Shearer, Steven, 1968-
  • Signer, Roman, 1938-
  • Simon, Jason, 1961-
  • Skovgård, Jan
  • Spence, Suzy, 1969-
  • Sperandio, Christopher
  • St. Bernard, J.
  • Stockholder, Jessica , 1959-
  • Taaffe, Philip , 1955-
  • Tobier, Lincoln
  • Tower, Jon
  • Verene, Chris
  • Wachtel, Julie, 1956-
  • Wallace, Ian, 1943-
  • Waters, John, 1946-
  • Yonemoto , Norman
  • Yonemoto, Bruce
  • Zilm, Jeff, 1958-


  • Armory Show (1999- )
  • Art galleries, Commercial -- New York (State) -- New York
  • Art, Modern -- 20th Century
  • Art, Modern -- 21st Century
  • Art--20th century--Exhibitions
  • Art--21st century--Exhibitions
  • Artists -- United States
  • Artists' writings
  • Conceptual art
  • Environment (Art)
  • Institutional Critique (Art movement)
  • Performance art
  • Site-specific art
  • Video installations (Art)

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Related Materials

Related Archival Materials note

Patricia Barnwell Collins Papers; Colin de Land Library; Mary Jane Jacob Papers; Colin de Land collection at the Archives of American Art

Exhibition Chronology

Click here for the American Fine Arts, Co. and Pat Hearn Gallery Exhibition Chronology.

Separated Material

Click here for a list of separated materials.

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Contents List

Series I: Colin de Land, American Fine Arts, Co. 

Scope and Contents note

Series I: Colin de Land, American Fine Arts, Co. contains the working gallery records which is largely comprised of artist files, in addition to exhibition files, administrative and financial documents, correspondence, and press. The Binders subseries supplement the artist files and exhibition files, but contain mostly visual materials (slides, photographs, transparencies, etc.)

Subseries A. Artists' Files 

Arrangement note

The A.F.A. Artists' Files subseries is arranged alphabetically by artist. Further ordering by record group has been performed during processing (Correspondence, Exhibition, Financial, Project, etc.).

Scope and Contents note

The A.F.A. Artist Files subseries is comprised of the working records of the gallery and includes correspondence, exhibition files for AFA shows and other institutions, financial records, artist writings, and other types of documentation. There are also small amounts of visual records (slides, photographs, negatives, etc.) found throughout the artist files.

Roy Arden 

Box Folder

Correspondence: RA Correspondence 95-96 1995-1996, n.d. 

1 1

Correspondence: RA Correspondence 97 1997, n.d. 

1 2

Correspondence: RA Correspondence 98-99 1998-1999, n.d. 

1 3

Correspondence: RA Correspondence 00 2000, n.d. 

1 4

Exhibition: Various Invitations 1995-1999 

1 5

Financial (General) 1995-2000 

1 6

RA Shipping 1996-1997, n.d. 

1 7

RA Texts 1993-1996, n.d. 

1 8

Art Club 2000 

Box Folder

Correspondence: Inter Art Club 2000 Correspondence 1994 1994 

1 9

Correspondence: Inter Art Club 2000 Correspondence 1995 1995 

1 10

Correspondence: Inter Art Club 2000 Correspondence 96-97 1996-1997, n.d. 

1 11

Correspondence: Inter Art Club Correspondence Undated n.d. 

1 12

Correspondence: AC Correspondence 93-94 1993-1994, n.d. 

1 13

Correspondence: AC Correspondence 95 1995, n.d. 

1 14

Correspondence: AC Correspondence 96 1996, n.d. 

1 15

Correspondence: AC Correspondence 97-99 1997-1999, n.d. 

1 16

Correspondence: AC Correspondence 00-01 2000-2001, n.d. 

1 17

Correspondence: AC Correspondence 02-04 2002-2004 

1 18

Correspondence: Access Gallery, Toronto 1994, n.d. 

1 19

Correspondence: Cargo, Marseille (Marianne Sarrailh) 1994-1997 

1 20

Correspondence: Colin de Land and Art Club 2000 notes (contains slides) 1997-1999, n.d. 

1 21

Correspondence: Flash Art International (NYC Museum Cafe Review) 1996, n.d. 

1 22

Correspondence: Harry N. Abrams, Inc. (New Art) 1996 

1 23

Correspondence: Madison Art Center 1997 

1 24

Correspondence: Muse X Editions 1995-1996 

1 25

Correspondence: Pintoff, Ernest 1995 

1 26

Correspondence: Press [c. 1993-1995] (2 folders) 1993-1995, n.d. 

1 27,28

Correspondence: Printed Matter, Inc. 1993-1998 

1 29

Correspondence: Sameshima, Dean (Los Angeles Center for Photographic Studies) 1994 

1 30

Correspondence: Spencer, John (Dazed and Confused) 1994-1995, n.d. 

1 31

Correspondence: Taschen (Art at the turn of the millennium) 1998-1999 

1 32

Exhibition: "Commingle" American Fine Arts 6/19-8/20/93 1993-1995, n.d. 

1 33

Exhibition: "Garbage!" Real Art Ways 4/94 and Thread Waxing Space 2/95 1993-1995, n.d. 

1 34

Exhibition: "Clear" American Fine Arts 7/23-8/13/94 1994, n.d. 

1 35

Exhibition: "kunstklub 2000" allgirls, Berlin 9/11-9/2/94 1994 

1 36

Exhibition: "Esprit d'Amuseument" Grazer Kunstverein 10/94 1994-1995, n.d. 

1 37

Exhibition: "Milanarian" Galleria Facsimile Milan 1995 1995, n.d. 

1 38

Exhibition: "Campo '95" [Francesco Bonami] 1995-1996 1994-1995, n.d. 

1 39

Exhibition: "Make Believe" Royal College of Art Galleries 2/8-2/26/95 1994-1995, n.d. 

1 40

Exhibition: "Closing In" ICA Philadelphia 2/13-2/20/95 1994-1995 

1 41

Exhibition: "Multiple Exposure" 3/95-8/97 Independent Curators International 1994, n.d. 

1 42

Exhibition: Time Festival, Gent 3/18-4/1/95 1994-1995, n.d. 

1 43

Exhibition: "Cosmos" Centre National d'Art Contemporainde Grenoble 3/95 1995 

1 44

Exhibition: ["Fuori Uso 1995" Aurum] Pescara 6/11-7/11/95 1995 

1 45

Exhibition: Transmission Gallery, Glasgow ["Art Club 2000" 10/95 and "21 Days of Darkness" 1/96] 1995-1996, n.d. 

1 46

Exhibition: Forde Gallery, Geneva 11/95 1995, n.d. 

2 47

Exhibition: Galleria S.A.L.E.S. Rome 11/20/95-1/20/96 1995-1996, n.d. 

2 48

Exhibition: "ART AGAINST AIDS COPENHAGEN" Galerie Mikael Andersen 12/95 n.d. 

2 49

Exhibition: Exhibitions 96 1996 

2 50

Exhibition: "Echoes" Kunsthalle New York 1996 1996 

2 51

Exhibition: Le Capitou, Frejus 3/96 1996 

2 52

Exhibition: Jose Freire 4/96 1996 

2 53

Exhibition: "Art at Home: Ideal Standard Life" Art Dynamics, Tokyo 4/96 1996 

2 54

Exhibition: "Departure Lounge" ICA/Clocktower 5/96 1996 

2 55

Exhibition: "Global Tekno 2" CAPC, Bordeaux 6/96 1996 

2 56

Exhibition: "Strange Days" The Agency, London 6/96 1996 

2 57

Exhibition: Group Show at American Fine Arts 6/96 (contains photos) 1996 

2 58

Exhibition: "Soho So Long" 7/96 1996-1997 

2 59

Exhibition: Exhibitions 97 1997 

2 60

Exhibition: "1970" 6/97 1997 

2 61

Exhibition: Lawning Gallery, Houston 5/98 1998 

2 62

Exhibition: Museum Ludwig, Cologne 11/98 1998-1999 

2 63

Exhibition: "Collective Consciousness" 1/99 [DiverseWorks, Houston] 1998-1999 

2 64

Exhibition: The Photographers' Gallery, London 4/99 1998-1999 

2 65

Exhibition: La Panaderia, Mexico 1/00 2000 

2 66

Exhibition: Les Abbatoirs, Toulouse 2/00 1999-2000 

2 67

Exhibition: Bard College 4/00 ["Distinctions" at CCS Bard/Berrie Center, curated by Sofia Hernandez Chong Cuy] 1999-2000 

2 68

Exhibition: "Start!", Modern Culture at the Gershwin Hotel 6/00 2000 

2 69

Exhibition: Cranbrook 12/00 2000 

2 70

Exhibition: MACG, Mexico City 12/00 2000 

2 71

Exhibition: "Televisions" Kunsthalle Wien 10/01 2001 

2 72

Exhibition: Various Invitations 1995-2000 

2 73

Financial (General) 1993-1997, n.d. 

2 74

Financial: Consignment 1995-1996 

2 75

Financial: Artist Payments (Reimbursement) 1994-1996, n.d. 

2 76

Financial: Business Certificate for Partners 1994, n.d. 

2 77

Project: NYC Museum Cafe Review, Flash Art Int'l (photographs, negatives, transparencies) c.1996 

2 78

Project: MCI/Stewart (storyboard and notes) 

2 79

AC2K Interest (General) 1993-1996, n.d. 

2 80

AC2K Interest, Collectors n.d. 

2 81

AC2K Notes n.d. 

2 82

AC2K Photo (contains photographs) n.d. 

2 83

AC2K Shipping 1994 

2 84

["The Age of Sublime Stupidity" Panel at S.V.A. with Joshua Decter] 10/13/94 1994 

2 85

Aspirin Design Conference, Cooper Union 4/9/94 1994 

2 86

U.K. Art Schools Illustrated Lecture and Questionnaires 1995, n.d. 

2 87

Soho So Long publication draft 1996 

2 88

Artforum Top Ten 1999 1999, n.d. 

2 89

United Colors of Benetton press folder 1995 

2 90

Art Club 2000 texts (Nolda?) n.d. 

2 91

Lutz Bacher 

Box Folder

Correspondence: LB Correspondence 00 1999-2000 

2 92

Correspondence: LB Correspondence 01-02-03 2001-2003, n.d. 

2 93

Correspondence: LB Correspondence 04 2004 

2 94

Exhibition: "Bitstreams" Whitney Museum 00 2000-2001 

2 95

Exhibition: "Undigestible Correctness I" Participant Inc. 4/9-5/9/04 2004 

2 96

Exhibition: "Power, Corruption and Lies" Roth Horowitz 2004 2004 

2 97

Exhibition: Bacher Loans 1995-2000 

2 98

Alex Bag 

Box Folder

Correspondence: AB Correspondence 99 1997-2000, n.d. 

2 99

Correspondence: AB Correspondence 00-01 2000-2001 

2 100

Correspondence: AB Correspondence 02 2001-2002 

2 101

Exhibition: Bag, Almine Rech, Paris 6/5/99 1999, n.d. 

2 102

Exhibition: "Making Time" Palm Beach Inst. 3/00 1999-2000, n.d. 

2 103

Exhibition: ["All You Need is Love"] Laznia, Poland 5/00 1999-2000, n.d. 

2 104

Exhibition: ["Herz aus Glas"] Parking Meters, Cologne 5/00 2000 

2 105

Exhibition: "Post-Pop Post-Punk" MoCA D.C. 5/00 2000 

2 106

Exhibition: "Elysian Fields" Pompidou 5/00 1999-2000 

2 107

Exhibition: "God Bless America" Alleged Galleries 5/00 2000 

2 108

Exhibition: AB Catalyst Arts, Ireland 6/00 2000 

2 109

Exhibition: "Performing Bodies" Tate 10/00 1999-2000 

2 110

Exhibition: "Alex" Kevin Bruck Gallery 11/00 2000 

2 111

Exhibition: Various Invitations 1997-2000, n.d. 

2 112

Dennis Balk 

Box Folder

Correspondence: DB Correspondence 93-94 1992-1994, n.d. 

3 113

Correspondence: DB Correspondence 95-96 1995-1996. n.d. 

3 114

Correspondence: DB Correspondence 97-98-99 1997-2000, n.d. 

3 115

Correspondence: DB Correspondence 00-01 n.d. 

3 116

Exhibition: American Fine Arts 2/29-3/28/92 (contains slides) 1992, n.d. 

3 117

Exhibition: DB at AFA 4/93 1993, n.d. 

3 118

Exhibition: "Extended Relations" 12/93 at Andrea Rosen Gallery 1993-1994 

3 119

Exhibition: DB at AFA 1994 [Prophet's Plain] n.d. 

3 120

Exhibition: DB at AFA 2/97 n.d. 

3 121

Exhibition: "(extra)super[meta]" Yerba Buena 00 1998-2000 

3 122

Exhibition: Various Invitations 1995-2000, n.d. 

3 123

Play: "Bitter Taste" 95 1995, n.d. 

3 124

Play: "Emerson Outside Islam" 95 (contains poster and script) 1995, n.d. 

3 125

Project: General 1998, n.d. 

3 126

Project: ["Dietrologia" Statement for Pat Hearn, Matthew Marks, Paul Morris] 1994-1995, n.d. 

3 127

Project: Muse [x] Editions 1996-1998, n.d. 

3 128

Writing: General (statements and bibliography) c. 1993-1997 

3 129

Writing: De Land Material/Press Conference Background Material (9/14/96) 1996 

3 130

Writing: 3 theater/gallery works, selected biography c. 1995 

3 131

Writing: Prophet's Plain (incomplete) 1890 n.d. 

3 132

Financial: Consignment 1993 1993 

3 133

Financial: Consignment 1994 1994, n.d. 

3 134

Financial: DB Expenses 93-94 1993-1994 

3 135

Financial: [Napkin Works Inventory] 

3 136

Financial: Certificate of Authenticity ["Quantum Journalism and Dietrologia Story Boards"] 1996 

3 137

Collectors/Interest 1997, n.d. 

3 138

Napkin Xeroxes (photocopies) n.d. 

3 139

Balk Photos (slide list, images, gallery plan) 1993, n.d. 

3 140

Nancy Barton 

Box Folder

Correspondence: NB Correspondence (General) 1990-1993, n.d. 

3 141

Exhibition: "Swan Song" American Fine Arts 11/5-12/5/88 

3 142

Exhibition: "California Photography" MoMA 6/29-8/20/89 1989-1990 

3 143

Exhibition: "Butter Won't Melt in My Mouth" American Fine Arts 11/90 1990-1991, n.d. 

3 144

Exhibition: "Swan Song" Presentation House" 10/11-11/24/91 1991-1992, n.d. 

3 145

Exhibition: New Langton Arts 12/91-1/92 1991-1992 

3 146

Exhibition: "the frame: multiplied and extended" Security Pacific Gallery 1-3/92 1991-1992 

3 147

Exhibition: "Live and Let Die" Christopher Grimes Gallery 4/4-5/9/92 1992, n.d. 

3 148

Exhibition: "Hollywood, Hollywood" Pasadena Art Alliance 10/20-12/20/92 1992, n.d. 

3 149

Exhibition: "Soho at Duke IV" Duke University Museum 5/93 1993 

3 150

Financial: Consignment 1990-1992 

3 151

Financial: Invoice 1988-1990 

3 152

NB Texts n.d. 

3 153

NB Reviews 1988-1999, n.d. 

3 154

NB Shipping/Installation 1991-194, n.d. 

3 155

NB Slide Request 1993 

3 156

NB Photo (contains photographs and transparencies) 1988-1990, n.d. 

3 157

Patterson Beckwith 

Box Folder

Exhibition: "The Look of Love" Kertin Engholm Galerie 2/01 2001 

3 158

Exhibition: Various Invitations 2002-2004 

3 159

Bernadette Corporation 

Box Folder

Correspondence: Correspondence 96 1996, n.d. 

3 160

Correspondence: Correspondence 97 1997, n.d. 

3 161

Correspondence: Correspondence 98-99 1998-1999, n.d. 

3 162

Correspondence: Correspondence 01-02-03-04 2001-2004 

3 163

Exhibition: Various Invitations 

3 164

Bernadette/180 1996 1996-1997, n.d. 

3 165

Project 180 (proposals) 1996-1997 

3 166

Proposal 1997 [New York Fashion Week] n.d. 

3 167

Purple Fashion, no. 1, 1995 1995 

3 168

Coup d'Etat" 2HD mac disk, Chris Habib 1999 

3 169

Cosima Von Bonin 

Box Folder

Correspondence: CB Correspondence (General) 1994-1998 

3 170

Exhibiton: Von Bonin at A.F.A. 93 1993-1997, n.d. 

3 171

Von Bonin Slide Request 93 1993, n.d. 

3 172

Boug and Worth 

Box Folder

Boug and Worth: Correspondence 2002, n.d. 

3 173

Tom Burr 

Box Folder

Correspondence: TB Correspondence 94-95-96 1994-1997, n.d. 

3 174

Correspondence: TB Correspondence 1997 1996-1997, n.d. 

3 175

Correspondence: TB Correspondence 98-99 1998-1999, n.d. 

3 176

Correspondence: TB Corespondence 00-01 2000-2001, n.d. 

3 177

Correspondence: TB Corespondence 02 2002 

3 178

Correspondence: TB Corespondence 2004 2004 

3 179

Exhibition: "Project Unite" [Firminy, France (Le Corbusier)] 1993 1993-1994 

3 180

Exhibition: "Platzwechsel" Kunsthalle Zurich 6/3-7/30/95 1995 

3 181

Exhibition: "42nd Street Structures" at AFA 11/18-12/16/95 1995-1996 

3 182

Exhibition: "Ideal Standard Life" Art Dynamics, Tokyo 4/96 1996 

3 183

Exhibition: "Video Sans Titre", Froment and Putnam 9/17-10/26/96 1996 

3 184

Exhibition: "Stainless" at AFA 4/97 n.d. 

3 185

Exhibition: "Surface" Galerie Neu, Berlin 5/98 1997-1998 

3 186

Exhibition: ["The Medical Show"] Galeria Marta Cervera 1998 1997-1998 

3 187

Exhibition: "Modelle" Galerie Belvedere 7/98 1998, n.d. 

3 188

Exhibition: ["Private Property"] Almine Rech 3/13-5/15/99 1998-1999, n.d. 

3 189

Exhibition: ["Low Slung"] Kunsteverein Braunschweig 9/16-11/12/00 2000 

3 190

Exhibition: "Dog Days" Greene Naftali 5/02 2002 

3 191

Exhibition: "Flowers Observed Flowers Transformed" Warhol Museum 5/15-9/5/04 2004 

4 192

Exhibition: Various Invitations 1991-2000, n.d. 

4 193

Projects: General 1991-1996 

4 194

Projects: Battery Park City Posters 93 1989-1994, n.d. 

4 195

Texts ["42nd Street Structures, Prospect Park: a documentary"] c.1995 

4 196

Merlin Carpenter 

Box Folder

Correspondence: M. Carpenter Correspondence 2004 2003-2004 

4 197

"P.T.M. Mogadon Megadan Issue, Nov 2000" produced for Magnani London exhibition 2000 

4 198

Clegg and Guttmann 

Box Folder

Correspondence: C&G Correspondence 96-99 1996-1999, n.d. 

4 198

Correspondence: C&G Correspondence 00-01 2000-2001, n.d. 

4 199

Correspondence: C&G Correspondence 02-03-04 2002-2004 

4 200

Project: Guttmann Project Group (with Nicole Klagsbrun) 1991, n.d. 

4 201

C&G Press Packet 1992 

4 202

Charles Clough 

Box Folder

Correspondence: CC Correspondence (General) 1991-1992 

4 203

Exhibition: American Fine Arts 12/8/90-1/5/91 1990, n.d. 

4 204

Financial: Consignment 1991 

4 205

Financial: Invoice 1991-1992 

4 206

Financial: CC Prices c. 1991 

4 207

Project: Arena Painting, Art Park 1992 

4 208

CC Slide Request In/Out 1993-1994 

4 209

CC Interest, Collectors 1990-1991 

4 210

Moyra Davey 

Box Folder

Correspondence: MD Correspondence 94 1994, n.d. 

4 211

Correspondence: MD Correspondence 1993 1993 

4 212

Correspondence: MD Correspondence 96-99 1996-1999, n.d. 

4 213

Correspondence: MD Correspondence 00-04 2000-2004 

4 214

Exhibition: M. Davey at AFA 3/19 - 4/9/94 1994 

4 215

Exhibition: Moyra Davey at AFA 2/17 - 3/9/96 1996, n.d. 

4 216

Exhibition: "1997 New Jersey Annual" Newark Museum 1997 

4 217

Exhibition: ["Moon to Moon"] Massimo Audiello Gallery 6/10 - 7/31/98 

4 218

Exhibition: Rena Bransten 6/18 - 7/18/98 1998 

4 219

Exhibition: ["Shelf Life" at CCS Bard curated by Denise Markonish] 5/99 1998-1999 

4 220

Exhibition: "Still Life" Amelie A. Wallace Gallery 9/23-10/23/99 1999 

4 221

Exhibition: Various Invitations 1990-1999 

4 222

Financial: MD Consignments 1993/94/95 1993 

4 223

Financial: Consignment 1995 

4 224

Financial: Invoices 1993/94 1993-1994 

4 225

Project: [Shark Editions multiple by Moyra Davey] 1993 

4 226

MD Shipping 1994, n.d. 

4 227

Davey Slide Request/Return 1994, n.d. 

4 228

[Black Folder with Photographs] (4.5 x 6 in. and 8 x 10 in.) c. 1994 

4 229

Pat de Groot 

Box Folder

Correspondence: PdG Correspondence c. 2000 

4 230

Exhibition: Various Invitations 2000-2001, n.d. 

4 231

PdG Slides Out 2000 

4 232

PdG Slides In 2000 

4 233

Jessica Diamond 

Box Folder

Correspondence: JD to American Fine Arts (contains slides) (2 folders) 1992-1994, n.d. 

4 234,235

Correspondence: JD Correspondence 1989 1989, n.d. 

4 236

Correspondence: JD Correspondence 1990 1990, n.d. 

4 237

Correspondence: JD Correspondence 1991 1991, n.d. 

4 238

Correspondence: JD Correspondence 1992 1992, n.d. 

4 239

Correspondence: JD Correspondence 1993 1993 

4 240

Correspondence: JD Correspondence 1994 1994 

4 241

Correspondence: JD Correspondence 95 1992, 1995, n.d. 

4 242

Correspondence: Galerie Marc Jancou 1990-1992 

4 243

Correspondence: Karl Lagerfeld/Whitney Biennial Copyright Dispute 1991-1992 

4 244

Exhibition: "Perverted by Language" Hillwood Art Gallery [curated by Robert Nickas] 2/11-3/6/87 n.d. 

4 245

Exhibition: "After the Gold Rush" Milford Gallery [curated by Howard Halle] 1989 1989 

4 246

Exhibition: "The Koln Show" Galerie Isabella Kacprzak 4/26-5/26/90 1990 

4 247

Exhibition: JD American Fine Arts 5/12-6/2/90 1989-1999, n.d. 

4 248

Exhibition: Interim Art 9/90 1990-1991 

4 249

Exhibition: "Food for Thought" SF Artspace [curated by Dan Cameron] 9/11-10/27/90 1990 

4 250

Exhibition: "Spent" New Museum/Marine Midland Bank 10/1/90-2/28/91 1990 

4 251

Exhibition: "Total Metal" Simon Watson [curated by Richard Phillips] 10-11/90 1990 

4 252

Exhibition: "Hyperbate" Sous-sol 11/15-12/14/90 1990-1991 

4 253

Exhibition: The Archives, Art Information Center, Rotterdam 1991 1991, n.d. 

4 254

Exhibition: "El Jardin Salvaje" Fundacion Caja de Pensiones [curated by Dan Cameron] 1/91 1990-1991 

4 255

Exhibition: 1991 Whitney Biennial 1991, n.d. 

4 256

Exhibition: Jablonka Galerie 2/15-3/16/91 1990-1991, n.d. 

4 257

Exhibition: Galerie Fahnemann 3/15-4/13/91 1990-1991 

4 258

Exhibition: "Nachtrengels/Night Lines" Centraal Museum 4/27-10/15/91 (2 folders) 1990-1991 

4 259, 260

Exhibition: "Anni Novanta" Galleria d'Arte Moderna, Bologna 5-9/91 1991, n.d. 

4 260

Exhibition: "Presenting Rearwards" Rosamund Felsen [curated by Ralph Rugoff] 8/1-9/7/91 1991 

4 262

Exhibition: "Ha!" Roy Boyd Gallery 9-10/91 1991 

4 263

Exhibition: Hyde Collection Exhibition "...Today's Homes" 9/8-11/17/91 1991 

5 264

Exhibition: "Les Couleurs de l'argent" Musee de la Poste 11/6/91-1/31/92 1991 

5 265

Exhibition: "The Golden Age" Württembergischer Kunstverein Stuttgart 11/23/91-2/9/92 1991-1992 

5 266

Exhibition: "Wealth of Nations" Goethe Institut Warsaw 12/6/91-1/12/92 1991 

5 267

Exhibition: "Money Holes" Real Art Ways 4/1-5/30/92 1992, n.d. 

5 268

Exhibition: "The Other Side" Tony Shafrazi Gallery 5/28-7/11/92 1992, n.d. 

5 269

Exhibition: "Tattoo Collection" Air de Paris 6-7/92 1991-1992 

5 270

Exhibition: "Irony and Ecstasy" Zilka Gallery, Wesleyan University 9/1-10/11/92 1992 

5 271

Exhibition: "It's What You Make It" American Fine Arts 10/92 1992 

5 272

Exhibition: Galleria Massimo di Carlo 9/93 1993 

5 273

Exhibition: "Money/Politics/Sex" Nancy Drysdale Gallery 9-10/93 1993 

5 274

Exhibition: "Wall to Wall" Serpentine Gallery 1/94 1994 

5 275

Exhibition: Paula Cooper Gallery 1/8-2/15/94 1994, n.d. 

5 276

Exhibition: Various Invitations 1989-1992 

5 277

Project: Museum Folkwang Print Edition 1990 

5 278

Project: Landfall Press Multiple 1990-1992, n.d. 

5 279

Project: Forum Magazine Project 1991 

5 280

Project: Art Basel 1991 1991, n.d. 

5 281

Project: Robert Shiffler Catalog 92-93 n.d. 

5 282

Project: Jahresring contribution (Konig/Obrist) n.d. 

5 283

Financial: JD Consignment 1989 1989 

5 284

Financial: JD Consignment 1990 1990, 1992 

5 285

Financial: JD Consignment 1991 1991 

5 286

Financial: JD Consignment 1992 1992 

5 287

Financial: JD Consignment 93-94 1993-1994 

5 288

Financial: JD Invoice 1989 1989 

5 289

Financial: JD Invoice 1990 1990 

5 290

Financial: JD Invoice 1991 1991 

5 291

Financial: JD Invoice 92-93 1992-1993 

5 292

Financial: Expenses 1990-1993, n.d. 

5 293

Financial: JD Prices 1989-1990, n.d. 

5 294

JD Reviews and Bio 1984-1990, n.d. 

5 295

JD Wall Drawings n.d. 

5 296

JD Photographs (includes polaroids and transparencies) n.d. 

5 297

JD Interest, Collectors 1991, n.d. 

5 298

JD Interest, Exhibitions 1990-1993, n.d. 

5 299

JD Shipping 1989-1994 

5 300

JD Slides (contains slides) n.d. 

5 301

JD Slide Request In/Out 1993-1994, n.d. 

5 302

JD Framing Instructions ("Dollar Signs") n.d. 

5 303

JD Certificate of Authenticity 1989 

5 304

"Money as Barbed Wire" photocopy drawings n.d. 

5 305

Photocopy drawings (including Real Life Magazine Cover) n.d. 

5 306

"Friendly Dictators" text n.d. 

5 307

"I Hate Business" postcards c. 1989 

5 308

Risk vol. 6 no. 6, June 1993 (Jessica Diamond cover artwork) 1993 

5 309

Mark Dion 

Box Folder

Correspondence: MD Correspomdence 1990 1990, n.d. 

5 310

Correspondence: MD Correspomdence 1991 1991, n.d. 

5 311

Correspondence: MD Correspondence 1992 1992, n.d. 

5 312

Correspondence: MD Correspondence 1993 193, n.d. 

5 313

Correspondence: MD Correspondence 94 (2 folders) 1994, n.d. 

5 314,315

Correspondence: MD Correspondence 95 1995, n.d. 

5 316

Correspondence: MD Correspondence 96 1996, n.d. 

5 317

Correspondence: MD Correspondence 97 (2 folders) 1997, n.d. 

5 318,319

Correspondence: MD Correspondence 97 (Scala, Delirium, Meyer, Jancou, Brouhaha) 1996-1997 

5 320

Correspondence: MD Correspondence 98 (2 folders) 1998, n.d. 

5 321,322

Correspondence: MD Correspondence 99 1999, n.d. 

5 323

Correspondence: MD Correspondence 2000 2000 

5 324

Correspondence: MD Correspondence 01 2001 

5 325

Correspondence: MD Correspondence 02 2002 

6 326

Correspondence: MD Correspondence 03-04 2003-2004 

6 327

Correspondence: MD Correspondence (Cervera, Capellazzo, Reina Sofia) 2000 1999-2000, n.d. 

6 328

Correspondence: Galeria Tanya Rumpff ("Flotsam and Jetsam") 1996-1999 

6 329

Correspondence: Galeria Sylvana Lorenz 1990 

6 330

Correspondence: Marc Jancou Galerie 1991-1994, n.d. 

6 331

Correspondence: Miami Art Museum 1996-1997 

6 332

Exhibition: Group Exhibitions 90-91 1990-1991, n.d. 

6 333

Exhibition: American Fine Arts (with William Schefferine) 3/17-4/7/90 1990, n.d. 

6 334

Exhibition: "The Koln Show" Monika Spruth Gallery 4/26-5/26/90 1990 

6 335

Exhibition: "Garbage Out Front" Municipal Art Society 6/90 1990 

6 336

Exhibition: Galerie Sylvana Lorenz 6/7-7/15/90 1990-1991 

6 337

Exhibition: "The (Un) Making of Nature: Whitney Museum Fairfield County 10/12/90-1/5/91 1990, n.d. 

6 338

Exhibition: "Counter-Media" Key, Richmond 3/8-4/21/91 1991 

6 339

Exhibition: "Frankenstein" Galerie Christian Nagel 4/6-5/18/91 1991, n.d. 

6 340

Exhibition: "Barenfalle" Ruhrlandmuseum, Essen 9/91 1989-1992, n.d. 

6 341

Exhibition: "Arte Amazonas" Museo de Arte Moderna Rio de Janeiro/Staatliche Kunsthalle, Berlin 1992 (2 folders) 1991-1993, n.d. 

6 342,343

Exhibition: "Concrete Jungle" Tanja Grunert Galerie 1992 1992 

6 344

Exhibition: Galleri Nordanstad 2/29-3/29/92 1991-1992, n.d. 

6 345

Exhibition: American Fine Arts 5/92 1992, n.d. 

6 346

Exhibition: "The Americas" Andalucia/Expo '92 Sevilla 8-9/92 1992, n.d. 

6 347

Exhibition: "Oh! Cet Echo!" Centre Culturel Suisse 9/18-11/1/92 1992 

6 348

Exhibition: "Natural Science" John Gibson Gallery 9/19-10/31/92 1992 

6 349

Exhibition: "True Stories - Part II" ICA London 11/4-12/6/92 1992-1994, n.d. 

6 350

Exhibition: Galerie Marc Jancou 1993 1993 

6 351

Exhibition: "Simply Made in America" Aldrich Museum of Contemporary Art 1993 1993, 1995 

6 352

Exhibition: "Parallax View" Goethe House 1993 n.d. 

6 353

Exhibition: "The Great Munich Bug Hunt" Kunstraum Daxer 1993 1992, 1994 

6 354

Exhibition: "Parallax View" P.S.1 3/18-6/20/93 (von Bonin, Fraser) 1992-1993 

6 355

Exhibition: "Culture in Action" Sculpture Chicago [curated by Mary Jane Jacob] 5-9/93 1993, 1994 

6 356

Exhibition: "Sonsbeek 93" Arnhem 5/6/93-9/26/93 n.d. 

6 357

Exhibition: "Project Art - DocuMatter" Andrea Rosen Gallery [curated by Barbara and Howard Morse] 8/93 1993, n.d. 

6 358

Exhibition: "On taking a normal situation..." MUHKA Antwerp 9/18-11/28/93 1993 

6 359

Exhibition: "The Foreign-The Guest" Offenes Kulturhaus 10/93 n.d. 

6 360

Exhibition: American Fine Arts 3/19-4/9/94 1994, n.d. 

6 361

Exhibition: "Residence Secondaire: Commerce" Carre-St. Nicolas 5/27-6/26/94 1994, n.d. 

6 362

Exhibition: Fri-Art Centre d'Art Contemporain Fribourg 9/13-10/22/94 

6 363

Exhibition: Galleria Emi Fontana 11/94 1994, n.d. 

6 364

Exhibition: "Platzwechsel" Kunsthalle Zurich 1995 1995, n.d. 

6 365

Exhibition: "A Vital Matrix" Domestic Setting 1995 1995 

6 366

Exhibition: "Two Trees" American Fine Arts 1/13-2/10/96 (contains photographs) 1995-1997, n.d. 

6 367

Exhibition: "Vehicle" Paolo Baldacci Gallery 2/1-3/1/96 n.d. 

6 368

Exhibition: Galerie Des Archives 1997 1995-1997, n.d. 

6 369

Exhibition: "Natural History and Other Fictions" Ikon Gallery, Kunstverein Hamburg, De Appel 1997 1997, n.d. 

6 370

Exhibition: "Skulptur. 97 Projekte in Munster" 1997 1996-1997, n.d. 

6 371

Exhibition: "Trophies and Souvenirs" London Projects 1/18-3/1/97 1997, n.d. 

6 372

Exhibition: "Cabinet of Curiosities" Wexner Center 5/97 1997 

6 373

Exhibition: Messe Basel 6/11-6/16/97 1996-1997 

6 374

Exhibition: "(naturally artificial)" Venice Biennale 6/11-11/9/97 n.d. 

6 375

Exhibition: "I Love New York" Museum Ludwig 98 1998, n.d. 

6 376

Exhibition: "The Natural World" Vancouver Art Gallery 10/10/98-1/24/99 1998-2000, n.d. 

6 377

Exhibition: "Ecotopia" Yerba Buena Center for the Arts 11/14/98-1/3/99 1998-1999, n.d. 

6 378

Exhibition: "Hiriya in the Museum" (with Nils Norman) Tel Aviv Museum 1999 1999 

6 379

Exhibition: "The Museum as Muse" Museum of Modern Art 3/14-6/1/99 1998-2000, n.d. 

6 380

Exhibition: "Tate Thames Dig" Tate Gallery 10/26/99-2/27/00 1999 

6 381

Exhibition: "Carnegie International 1999/2000" 11/6/99-3/26/00 1999-2000, n.d. 

6 382

Exhibition: "1999 Drawings" Alexander and Bonin 12/11/99-1/22/00 1999-2000, n.d. 

6 383

Exhibition: "Small World" Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego 1/22-4/30/00 2000 

6 384

Exhibition: "The Museum of Poison" Bonakdar Jancou Gallery 3/30-4/29 00 2000 

6 385

Exhibition: "Environmentally Concerned" Bronx River Art Center/Dieu Donne 4-11/00 2000 

6 386

Exhibition: "Ecologies" Smart Museum of Art 7/6-8/27/00 2000-2001 

6 387

Exhibition: "The Swamp" Harn Museum 9/00 1999-2000 

6 388

Exhibition: "Paradise Now" Exit Art 9/9-10/28/00 200-2001 

6 389

Exhibition: "Alexander von Humboldt and other Sculptures" Galerie Christian Nagel 11/4-12/23/00 2000-2001 

6 390

Exhibiton: "Play's the Thing" Whitney Museum 5/25-7/8/01 (contains transparencies) 2001, n.d. 

6 391

Exhibition: "Vivarium" Tanya Bonakdar Gallery 11/21/02-1/4/03 2002 

6 392

Exhibition: "Microcosmographia" University of Tokyo 12/6/02 2002-2003 

6 392

Exhibition: "Ecotopias" Yerba Buena Center for the Arts 11/14/98-1/3/99 1998-1999, n.d. 

6 393

Exhibition: "Encyclomania" Villa Merkel, Bonner Kunstverein, Kunstverein Hannover 2003 2002 

6 394

Exhibition: "Full House" Aldrich Museum 1/19-5/14/03 2002-2003 

6 395

Exhibition: "A Survey of Collaborations" Joseloff Gallery 1/31-3/9/03 2002 

6 396

Exhibition: "Past Presence" Main Line Art Center 4/16-5/16/04 2004 

6 397

Exhibition: Various Invitations (3 folders) 1988-2002, n.d. 

6 398-400

Financial: Consignment 89-93 1989-1993 

7 401

Financial: Consignment 1994-1997, n.d. 

7 402

Financial: Consignment (Problem) 96-97 1997, n.d. 

7 403

Financial: Expenses 1993-1994, n.d. 

7 404

Financial: Invoices 89-92 1989-1992, n.d. 

7 405

Financial: Invoices 93 1993 

7 406

Project: Zoological Book Project, Thea Westreich Associates 1990, n.d. 

7 407

Project: Les Editions Belle Haleine "Pieces of Eight" 1990-1991, n.d. 

7 408

Project: "1492-1992" Blueprint Edition 1991-1992 

7 409

Project: "Die Botschaft als Medium" Cash Flow/Museum in Progress, Vienna January 1991 1990-1991 

7 410

Project: ["Guyana, a Multimedia Jungle Diary" and "The Art of the X-Files"] 1996-1997 

7 411

Project: Bug Edition c. 1997 

7 412

Project: Concrete Jungle, Juno Books 1996-1997, n.d. 

7 413

Project: Phaidon Book 1996-1998, n.d. 

7 414

Selected Species, 1990 1990, n.d. 

7 415

Reconstruction Series (index cards and list) n.d. 

7 416

MD Texts and Reviews 1990, n.d. 

7 417

MD Artist Writings (through 1992) n.d. 

7 418

MD Photo (contains photographs, transparencies and slides) 1990, n.d. 

7 419

MD Interviews through 1992 1990-1991, n.d. 

7 420

MD Personal File (contains hand-painted postcard) 1961-1993, n.d. 

7 421

MD Installation Instructions c. 1989-1992 

7 422

MD Interest 89-94 1989-1994, n.d. 

7 423

MD Shipping 89-91 1989-1991 

7 424

MD Shipping 93 1993 

7 425

MD Shipping 94-95 1994-1995, n.d. 

7 426

MD Slide Request 93 1993, n.d. 

7 427

MD Slide Request-Return 94 1994, n.d. 

7 428

MD Drawing Photocopies c. 1992 

7 429

"On Tropical Nature"/"When Dinosaurs Rules the Earth" promotional packet (contains slides and transparencies) n.d. 

7 430

Envelope, Mark Dion (Strings) n.d. 

7 431

John Dogg 

Box Folder

Correspondence (General) 1986-1990, n.d. 

7 432

Exhibition: American Fine Arts 4/17-5/15/87 [1987] 

7 433

Exhibition: "Horn of Plenty" Stedelijk Museum 1/14-2/29/89 1988 

7 434

Exhibition: Various Exhibitions (announcements, press releases, checklists) 1986-2012, n.d. 

7 435

Financial (General) 1986-1987, n.d. 

7 436

Financial: Invoice and Consignment 1987-1988, n.d. 

7 437

Financial: JD Inventory c. 1986-1987 

7 438

JD Shipping 1986-1989 

7 439

JD Press 1986-1987, n.d. 

7 440

JD Fabrication Materials and Notes n.d. 

7 441

JD Unsolicited Mail n.d. 

7 442

JD Photos (includes slides transparencies, negatives, photographs and mechanicals) (2 folders) 1986-1987, n.d. 

7 443,444

Daniel Faust 

Box Folder

Correspondence: Faust Correspondence 89-90 1989-1990, n.d. 

7 445

Correspondence: Faust Correspondence 91 1991, n.d. 

7 446

Correspondence: Faust Correspondence 92 1992, n.d. 

7 447

Correspondence: Faust Correspondence 93 1993, n.d. 

7 448

Correspondence: DF Correspondence 94 1994, n.d. 

7 449

Correspondence: DF Correspondence 95 1995, n.d. 

7 450

Correspondence: DF Correspondence 96 1996, n.d. 

7 451

Correspondence: DF Correspondence 97 1997-1998, 2002 

7 452

Exhibition: American Fine Arts c. 1988-1993 

7 453

Exhibition: Faust Group Shows 1986-1993, n.d. 

7 454

Exhibition: ["Hotel Carlton Place Chambre 763", curated by Hans Ulrich Obrist] Paris 1993 1993 

7 455

Exhibition: ["Money/Politics/Sex"] Nancy Drysdale Gallery 9-10/93 1993 

7 456

Exhibition: "On the Road Again" 9/10-10/31/94 1994, n.d. 

7 457

Exhibition: "Family Photographic portrait(s)" Kunstverein Gent 6/97 

8 458

Exhibition: Various Invitations 1986-1995, n.d. 

8 459

Financial: Consignment 1989-1991 

8 460

Financial: Invoice 1986-1993 

8 461

DF Interest, Shows 1988-1991 

8 462

DF Artist's Writings 1978, n.d. 

8 463

DF Shipping 1986-1995, n.d. 

8 464

DF Slides In/Out, and Slide Descriptions 1990-1993, n.d. 

8 465

DF Photographs and Mechanicals n.d. 

8 466

DF Installation Instructions n.d. 

8 467

DF Postcards (blank, Faust artwork) n.d. 

8 468

Daniel Faust Interview with the Metropolitan Museum of Art, May 19, 1995 [1995] 

8 469

Peter Fend 

Box Folder

Correspondence: PF Correspondence 90 1990 

8 470

Correspondence: PF Correspondence 91(3 folders) 1991, n.d. 

8 471-473

Correspondence: PF Correspondence 92 1992, n.d. 

8 474

Correspondence: PF Correspondence 93 (2 folders) 1993 

8 475,476

Correspondence: PF Correspondence 94 1994 

8 477

Correspondence: PF Correspondence 95 (2 folders) 1995, n.d. 

8 478,479

Correspondence: PF Correspondence 96 (2 folders) 1996, n.d. 

8 480,481

Correspondence: PF Correspondence 97 (2 folders) 1997, n.d. 

8 482,483

Correspondence: PF Correspondence 98 1998, n.d. 

8 484

Correspondence: PF Correspondence 99 1997-1999, n.d. 

8 485

Correspondence: PF Corrspondence 00 2000, n.d. 

8 486

Correspondence: PF Corrspondence 01(2 folders) 2001, n.d. 

8 487,488

Correspondence: PF Corrspondence 02 2002, n.d. 

8 489

Correspondence: PF Corrspondence 03 2003, n.d. 

8 490

Correspondence: PF Corrspondence 04 2004, n.d. 

8 491

Correspondence: Fend vs.William T. Meyer III (2 folders) 1999-2000, n.d. 

8 492,493

Correspondence: Japan 1992 (Nicaf Yokohama/Shiraishi Contemporary) 1992, n.d. 

8 494

Correspondence: Galleri Nicolai Wallner 1996 

9 495

Correspondence: Scully, Vincent (Yale University) 1990 

9 496

Correspondence: Shiraishi Contemporary Art, Inc. 1992 

9 497

Exhibition: "News Room" Museum Fodor 1990 1990-1991, n.d. 

9 498

Exhibition: Galerie de Paris 1/91 1990-1991 

9 499

Exhibition: "Topography" Wiener Fest Wochen 9/27-11/3/91 1991, n.d. 

9 500

Exhibition: Kunstraum Daxer 10/91 1991, n.d. 

9 501

Exhibition: "Incognito" Curt Marcus Gallery 10/17-11/16/91 1991 

9 502

Exhibition: "Ocean Earth Construction and Development Corporation" American Fine Arts 11-12/91 1991, n.d. 

9 503

Exhibition: NICAF Yokohama 92 (Contains contact sheets and negatives) 1991, n.d. 

9 504

Exhibition: ["Beach Party Yugoslavia"] Riverside Studios 1992 1991-1992, n.d. 

9 505

Exhibition: "Il Faut Construire L'Hacienda" Centre Creation Contemporain Tours 1-3/92 1991-1992 

9 506

Exhibition: ["Beach Party Deutschland"] Esther Schipper 1/25-2/29/92 1992, n.d. 

9 507

Exhibition: "Allocaties/Allocations" Floriade World Horticultural Exhibition 4/11-10/10/92 1991-1992, n.d. 

9 508

Exhibition: "3 Times, 3 Weeks"Galerie Roger Pailhas 4/25-5/16/92 1991-1992 

9 509

Exhibition: Documenta IX (Fend flags, Martin Guesnet, MARTIN-D) 6/13-9/20/92 1991-1992, n.d. 

9 510

Exhibition: "Strategie Globale" FRAC Poitou-Charentes 6/24-9/26/93 1993 

9 511

Exhibition: "Project Art - DocuMatter" Andrea Rosen Gallery [curated by Barbara and Howard Morse] 8/93 

9 512

Exhibition: ["Ecological Views"] Bea Voigt, Munich 9/93 (taken from art fair records) 1992, n.d. 

9 513

Exhibition: ["Startbahn Oesterreich"] Galerie Metropol, Vienna 1994 1994, n.d. 

9 514

Exhibition: "Eurasian Scenario" Marc Jancou Gallery 4/20-5/21-94 1994-1995, n.d. 

9 515

Exhibition: "Mapping: a Response to MoMA" American Fine Arts 1/21-2/18/95 (3 folders) 1995 

9 516-518

Exhibition: "Landkraft" Erfrischungsraum 5/31-6/15/95 1995, n.d. 

9 519

Exhibition: "On Board" Aperto '95/Venice Biennale 6/6-6/11/95 

9 520

Exhibition: "Ocean Earth" Ars Futura Galerie 6/24-7/15/95 1994-1995, n.d. 

9 521

Exhibition: "Chernobyl Solutions" Steffany Martz 4/25-5/25/96 1996, n.d. 

9 522

Exhibition: Leo Koenig, Inc. 1999 1999 

9 523

Exhibition: "Global Warming" Nikolai Fine Art 10/16-11/11/99 1999-2001, n.d. 

9 524

Exhibition: "News Room" Roger Smith Gallery 1/6-1/27/00 2000, n.d. 

9 525

Exhibition: "Environmentally Concerned" Bronx River Art Center/Dieu Donne 4-11/00 2000 

9 526

Exhibition: "Ecologies" Smart Museum of Art 7/6-8/27/00 2000, n.d. 

9 527

Exhibition: Galleria Marta Cervera 10/00 2000 

9 528

Exhibition: Mars Gallery, Tokyo 1/20-3/10/01 2000-2001, n.d. 

9 529

Exhibition: "Big Deal: Revival of the Americas" Nikolai Fine Art 4/5-5/19/01 [2001] 

9 530

Exhibition: "Ocean Earth: Policy Models" Rockford Art Museum 8/24-11/4/01 2001 

9 531

Exhibition: "Ways Out" Stroom, the Hague 2/7-4/27/02 2002 

9 532

Exhibition: "Geopoetics" Whitney Independent Study Program 5/24-7/14/02 2002 

9 533

Exhibition: "Wasserressourcen/Stromlösung" Ars Electronica, Linz 9/7-9/12/02 2002, n.d. 

9 534

Exhibition: "Okonomien der Zeit" Migros Museum 11/9/02-1/5/03 n.d. 

9 535

Exhibition: "Hardcore: towards a new activism" Palais de Tokyo 2/27-5/18/03 2003, n.d. 

9 536

Exhibition: "Attack! Art and War in the Media Age" Kunsthalle Wien 5/23-9/21/03 2002 

9 537

Exhibition: Various Invitations 1991-1999, n.d. 

9 538

Financial (General) 1990-1993, n.d. 

9 539

Financial: Consignment 1988-1992, n.d. 

9 540

Financial: Invoices 1988-1993, n.d. 

9 541

Financial: Debts and Loans 1990-1992, n.d. 

9 542

Financial: [Johan] Lorrenz payment 1995 1994-1995 

9 543

Financial: Various Agreements (includes 6 polaroids documenting Colin de Land contract 4/20/90) 1990-1995, n.d. 

9 544

Project: Euro Flag Edition 1990-1992, n.d. 

9 545

Project: Ocean Earth Development Corporation, General 1991-1992, n.d. 

9 546

Project: Ocean Earth Development Corporation, Iran and Iraq 1990, n.d. 

9 547

Project: Ocean Earth Development Corporation, Tivat Bay 1991-1992, n.d. 

9 548

Project: Ocean Earth Development Corporation, Writings n.d. 

9 549

Project: Ocean Earth Development Corporation, MITI Japan 1992 

9 550

Project: Ocean Earth Development Corporation, Artspace Residency 1995 1992-1994, n.d. 

9 551

Project: Ocean Earth Development Corporation, Montenegro 1998, n.d. 

9 552

Project: Border Action (including Border Action publication, no. 1) 1992 

9 553

Project: Tokyo Action 1992, n.d. 

9 554

Project: Wordstack Edition (General) (2 folders) 1991, 1994, n.d. 

10 555,556

Project: Wordstack Edition, Original Artwork (2 folders) 1991-1992, n.d. 

10 557, 558

Project: Wordstack Edition, Original Xeroxes 1991, n.d. 

10 559

Project: Wordstack Edition, Inventories 1989-1993 

10 560

Project: French Foreign Policy/Foreign Policy Most Dangerous c. 1992 

10 561

Project: Eurasian Scenario 1995, n.d. 

10 562

Project: M. Rose Editions "Untitled, I'm a Bad Boy/I did What I was Able to Do" (5 prints, draft) 1995 

10 563

Project: Spiral Cemetery (Roger Yaseen, architect) 1997-1998 

10 564

Project: Ocean Earth Tokyo Bay 8/96 (contains photographs) [1996] 

10 565

Project: Global Warming proposal for PS1, 2000 2000, n.d. 

10 566

Press Book [Frankfurt Art Fair 1992] n.d. 

10 567

PF Press (2 folders) 1993-2004 

10 568,569

PF Artist Writings 1983-1994, n.d. 

10 570

PF Interest 1990-1993 

10 571

PF Requests 1991-1992 

10 572

PF Slide Requests 1993 

10 573

PF Press Conference 1991 1991 

10 574

PF T-Shirts c. 1989 

10 575

PF Photographs (contains one 5 x 7 in. transparency of a map) n.d. 

10 576

PF Maps n.d. 

10 577

Mapping, a response to MoMA. (publication draft undated, loose) c. 1995 

10 578

Mapping, a response to MoMA. (publication draft undated, spiral bound) c. 1995 

10 579

Mapping, a response to MoMA. (publication draft 2/15/95, spiral bound, 2 copies) (2 folders) 1995 

10 580,581

Peter Fend,"Ocean Earth", Der Standard, 11/12/1998 1998, 1999 

10 582

Ocean Earth Development Corporation, "Chase Scene" Paper Stock Piece (7 certificates) 1998 

10 583

"Architecture of the 21st Century: Ocean Earth" Issue Magazine, Issue 3 n.d. 

10 584

Fend / London - Karlsruhe n.d. 

10 585

Fend 8-10/1994 (various notes, receipts, press, snapshots, etc.) 1993-1994, n.d. 

10 586

Fend ArtForum Ad 1992 (photographs, negatives) c. 1992 

10 587

Fend January 1993 visit (various projects) 1992-1993, n.d. 

10 588

Fend Exhibitions and Projects 11-12/91 (contains correspondence, press, photos) (2 folders) 1990-1991, n.d. 

10 589,590

Fend P.O. Box 1991-1992 

10 591

Artist Questionnaires Completed (Ken Lum) 1990 

10 592

Andrea Fraser 

Box Folder

Correspondence: AF Correspondence 91-92 1991-1992 

10 593

Correspondence: AF Correspondence 93 1993, n.d. 

10 594

Correspondence: AF Correspondence 94 1994 

10 595

Correspondence: AF Correspondence 95 1995 

10 596

Correspondence: AF Correspondence 96 1996, n.d. 

10 597

Correspondence: AF Correspondence 97 1997, n.d. 

10 598

Correspondence: AF Correspondence 98 1998, n.d. 

10 599

Correspondence: AF Correspondence 99 1999 

10 600

Correspondence: AF Correspondence 00-01-02 2000-2002 

10 601

Correspondence: AF Correspondence 03-04 2003-2004, n.d. 

10 602

Correspondence: AFA to Andrea Fraser (presentation notes sent to Brazil 1/00) 2000, n.d. 

10 603

Exhibiton: "The Koln Show" 4/26-5/26/90 1990 

10 604

Exhibiton: "Art Supplies and Utopia" Ralph Wernicke 6/10-7/28/90 1990 

10 605

Exhibition: Galerie Christian Nagel 11/15-12/15/90 (contains photocopy of front desk book) 1990-1992 

11 606

Exhibiton: "May I Help You?" (with Allan McCollum) American Fine Arts 1/12-2/2/91 1990-1991, n.d. 

11 607

Exhibition: "Matrix 114" Wadsworth Atheneum 4/91 1990, n.d. 

11 608

Exhibition: "Aren't They Lovely?" UC Berkeley 1992 1992-1993 

11 609

Exhibition: "Logique Flou" MA Galerie/Emmanuel Perrotin 5/15-7/12/92 1992 

11 610

Exhibition: Whitney Biennial 1993 1993-1994, n.d. 

11 611

Exhibition: "Parallax View" Goethe House 1993 n.d. 

11 612

Exhibition: "Project Art - DocuMatter" Andrea Rosen Gallery 8/9-8/24/93 1993, n.d. 

11 613

Exhibition: "Bad Girls (West)" Armand Hammer Museum 1-4/94 1993 

11 614

Exhibition: "Services" Universitat Luneberg [curated by Andrea Fraser and Helmut Draxler] 3/22-4/23/94 n.d. 

11 615

Exhibition: "Make Believe" Royal College of Art 2/95 1994-1995 

11 616

Exhibition: EA Generali Foundation 5/14-7/30/95 1995 

11 617

Exhibition: "Hidden in Plain Sight" LACMA 10/27/96-1/12/97 1996 

11 618

Exhibition: "Fort! Da! Cooperations" Villa Merkel 2/2-4/6/97 

11 619

Exhibition: "Magic Carpet" Malmo Konstmuseum 10/24-11/15/98 1998, n.d. 

11 620

Exhibition: "The Cultured Tourist" Leslie Tonkonow Artworks + Projects [co-curated by Ingrid Shaffner] 11-12/98 1998 

11 621

Exhibition: "The Museum as Muse" MoMA 3/14-6/1/99 1998-1999 

11 622

Exhibition: "Sight/Site" ICA Philadelphia 5/11-7/29/01 2001 

11 623

Exhibition: "Official Welcome" MICA Foundation performance 11/28/01 2001, 2003 

11 624

Exhibition: Kunstverein in Hamburg 9/13-11/9/03 2003 

11 625

Exhibition: "Made in Mexico" ICA Boston/UCLA Hammer 1-9/04 2003-2004, n.d. 

11 626

Exhibition: "Andrea Fraser: Works 1984-2003" Dunkers Kulturhaus 5/8-8/8/04 2004, n.d. 

11 627

Exhibition: "What Business Are You In?" Atlanta Contemporary Art Center 1/29-3/26/05 2004 

11 628

Exhibition: Various Invitations 1993-2004, n.d. 

11 629

Financial: Consignment 90-91 1990-1991 

11 630

Financial: Consignment 92-93 1992-1993 

11 631

Financial: Invoice 89-92 1989-1992 

11 632

Financial: Invoice 93-94 1993-1994 

11 633

Financial: Expenses 1994 

11 634

Project: "Welcome to the Wadsworth" text 1991 

11 635

Project: "May I Help You?" text 1991 

11 636

Project: Various texts ("Notes on the Margin", "Door Voice,"...) n.d. 

11 637

Project: The V-Girls 1989, n.d. 

11 638

AF Collector Interest 1991-1995, n.d. 

11 639

AF Interest, Shows 1990-1992 

11 640

AF Slide and VHS In/Out 1993-1995, n.d. 

11 641

AF Shipping 1990-1997, n.d. 

11 642

Magazine Projects (CashFlow, Forum Intl.) 1991-1992 

11 643

Published Texts 1986-1990, n.d. 

11 644

Greg Gorman 

Box Folder

Exhibition: "Just Between Us" Los Angeles 10/02 2002, n.d. 

11 645

Grennan and Sperandio 

Box Folder

Correspondence: GS Correspondence (General) 1996-2004, n.d. 

11 646

Correspondence: Museum of Modern Art, New York 1998-2000, n.d. 

11 647

Exhibition: "Fantastic Shit" American Fine Arts 3/96 [1996] 

11 648

Exhibition: "Conceptual Art as Neurobiological Praxis" Thread Waxing Space3/25-5/1/99 1999 

11 649

Exhibition: "Invisible City" Public Art Fund 4/99 1999 

11 650

Exhibition: Various Invitations 1997-1999, n.d. 

11 651

All-American Art proposal for the Whitney Biennial (contains IBM 2HD 3.5 in. disk) n.d. 

11 652

Garry Gross 

Box Folder

Correspondence: GG Correspondence (General) 1998-2004 

11 653

Exhibition: "Presumed Innocent"CAPC Musee d'art contemporain de Bordeaux 10-12/99 1999 

11 654

Exhibition: Ann Janss Gallery, Los Angeles 4/01 2001, n.d. 

11 655

"Little Women by Garry Gross" n.d. 

11 656

Mary Heilmann 

Box Folder

Correspondence: MH Correspondence 00 2000, n.d. 

11 657

Correspondence: MH Correspondence 01 2001 

11 658

Correspondence: MH Correspondence 02 2002, n.d. 

11 659

Correspondence: MH Correspondence 03-04 2003-2004 

11 660

Correspondence: Secession, Vienna (damaged painting, "Rosebud") 2003-2004, n.d. 

11 661

Exhibition: "Sea Change" Parrish Art Museum 9-11/98 1998-1999 

11 662

Exhibition: Johnson County Community College Gallery of Art11/22/98-1/20/99 (contains photos) 1999, n.d. 

11 663

Exhibition: Camden Arts Centre 4/6-6/3/01 [2001] 

11 664

Exhibition: Various Invitations 1989-2001, n.d. 

11 665

Financial: Consignment (Open) 1997-2002, n.d. 

11 666

Financial: Consignment (Closed) (2 folders) 1987-2001, n.d. 

11 667,668

Financial: Invoices and Receipts (2 folders) 1988-2001, n.d. 

11 669,670

Financial: MH Inventory and Collectors c. 1986-2001, n.d. 

11 671

Financial: MH Inventory - Ceramics 1986 

11 672

Financial: MH Inventory - Works on Paper 1986-2000, n.d. 

12 673

Financial: MH Prices and Available Work 2000-2003 

12 674

MH Releases 1996-2002 

12 675

MH Slides Out 98 1998 

12 676

MH Slides Returns 98 1997-1999, n.d. 

12 677

MH Slides Out 99 1999 

12 678

MH Slides Out 00-01 2000-2001, n.d. 

12 679

MH Slides Returns 00 1999-2000 

12 680

MH Press 1998 

12 681

MH Shipping 1988-1996 1988-1996 

12 682

MH Shipping 1997-2001 1997-2001, n.d. 

12 683

[Untitled Binder] (MH Available Works) (contains slides and transparencies) c. 2002 

12 684

"The All Night Movie" catalog 1998-1999, n.d. 

12 685

MH Paintings to be Confirmed Destroyed (contains slides) n.d. 

12 686

Noritoshi Hirakawa 

Box Folder

Correspondence: NH Correspondence 91-93 1991-1993, n.d. 

12 687

Correspondence: NH Correspondence 94 1994, n.d. 

12 688

Exhibition: General c. 1992-1994 

12 689

Exhibition:"The Greatest" Gallery HAM 3/13-4/10/93 1993, n.d. 

12 690

Exhibition: Hirakawa at American Fine Arts 1994 2/19-3/12/94 1994 

12 691

Peter Hopkins 

Box Folder

Correspondence: PH Correspondence 89-90 1988-1990, n.d. 

12 692

Correspondence: PH Correspondence 91 1991 

12 693

Correspondence: PH Correspondence 92 1992, n.d. 

12 694

Correspondence: PH Correspondence 93 1993 

12 695

Correspondence: PH Correspondence 94-95 1994-1995 

12 696

Correspondence: Tanja Grunert 1990-1991, n.d. 

12 697

Exhibition: Other Exhibitions 1984-1986, n.d. 

12 698

Exhibition: PH at American Fine Arts 1986-1993 1986-1993, n.d. 

12 699

Exhibition: Galerie Ryszard Varisella 5/90 1989-1991 

12 700

Exhibition: "The (Un) Making of Nature" Whitney Museum Fairfield County 5-12/90 1990, n.d. 

12 701

Exhibition: Patrick Debrock Gallery (contains installation images) 1991, n.d. 

12 702

Exhibition: Palm Beach Community College 1/91 1990 

12 703

Exhibition: PH at American Fine Arts 1991 10/19-11/9/91 (contains slides) 1991 

12 704

Exhibition: Marc Jancou Galerie 12/91 1991-1992 

12 705

Exhibition: Galerie Sophia Ungers 1991-1992 

12 706

Exhibition: Galerie Ludwig 1992 1992-1993, n.d. 

12 707

Exhibition: "Fuer die Galerie - Dealing with Art" Kunstwerkstatt Lothringer Strasse Munchen 3/21-4/25/92 (contains photographs) 1992, n.d. 

12 708

Exhibition: "Documenta IX" 6/13-9/20/92 1991-1992, n.d. 

12 709

Exhibition: Christopher Grimes Gallery 1993 1993 

12 710

Exhibition: "Single Frame" John Good 3/18-4/10/93 1993 

12 711

Exhibition: Various Invitations 1992-1996, n.d. 

12 712

Financial: Consignment 1988-1993 

12 713

Financial: Invoice 1989-1993 

12 714

PH Photo (contains photographs, negatives and transparencies) c. 1988-1991 

12 715

PH Artist Writings 1986-1993, n.d. 

12 716

PH Slide Requests 1993, n.d. 

12 717

PH Interest 1993-1994, n.d. 

12 718

Installation/Instructions n.d. 

12 719

Texts and Reviews 1986-1989, n.d. 

12 720

Slides and Transparencies 1988-1990, n.d. 

12 721

Shipping 1989-1995, n.d. 

12 722

John Knight 

Box Folder

Exhibition: American Fine Arts 10/9-10/31/98 1998-2000, n.d. 

12 723,724

John Knight catalog 1999-2000, n.d. 

12 725

JK Press (2 folders) 1990-2003 

13 726,727

Slides for Lecture (contains slides) n.d. 

13 728

Jutta Koether 

Box Folder

Correspondence: JK Correspondence 1999-2003, n.d. 

13 729

Exhibition: Various Invitations 1999-2003 

13 730

Exhibition: Loans (Closed) 1996-1999 

13 731

Financial: Consignment (Closed) 1993-2000 

13 732

Financial: JK Inventory - Paintings 1999, n.d. 

13 733

Financial: JK Inventory - Works on Paper n.d. 

13 734

JK Artist Writings n.d. 

13 735

Outer Sound Project CD sleeve printwork, Ecstatic Peace E#868 n.d. 

13 736

Eleven painted strips of paper in edition of 66 ["Last Hy??" For Pat Hearn Gallery Memorial 3, til May 5th] 2001 

13 737

Silvia Kolbowski 

Box Folder

Correspondence: SK Correspondence 96-97-98 1996-1998 

13 738

Correspondence: SK Correspondence 00-01-02 2000-2002 

13 739

Correspondence: SK Correspondence 03-04 2003-2004 

13 740

Exhibition: "Seven x 7" Seven, New York 10/00 2000 

13 741

Exhibition: Secession, Vienna 9/17-11/14/04 2003-2004 

13 742

SK Photo (contains slides) n.d. 

13 743

Alexander Ku 

Box Folder

Correspondence (General) 1995-2000 

13 744

Exhibition: "Ver Rückt" Schloss Agathenburg 9/23-11/26/95 1995 

13 745

Exhibition: Various Invitations 1995-1997 

13 746

Cris Moor 

Box Folder

Correspondence: CM Correspondence 96-97 1996-1997, n.d. 

13 747

Correspondence: CM Correspondence 98-99-00 1998-2000, n.d. 

13 748

Exhibition: "Truce" SITE Santa Fe 7/18-10/12/97 1997, n.d. 

13 749

Exhibition: "The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly" American Fine Arts 10/12-10/16/99 1999, n.d. 

13 750

Exhibition: Various Invitations 1997-1999, n.d. 

13 751

Financial (General) 1994-2004, n.d. 

13 752

CM Slides 1996-1999 

13 753

Aimee Morgana 

Box Folder

Correspondence: AM Correspondence 1990-1992, n.d. 

13 754

Exhibition: American Fine Arts 2/9-3/2/91 1991, n.d. 

13 755

Exhibition: "No Man's Time" Villa Arson 7/6-9/30/91 1991, n.d. 

13 756

Exhibition: "Les Couleurs de l'Argent" Musee de la Poste 11/6/91-1/31/92 1991, n.d. 

13 757

Exhibition: The Golden Age" Württembergischer Kunstverein Stuttgart 11/23/91-2/9/92 1991, n.d. 

13 758

Exhibition: Various Invitations (Aimee Rankin) 1986-1999, n.d. 

13 759

Financial : Consignment 1990-1991 

13 760

Financial: Invoice 1990-1992 

13 761

AM Artist Writings (Aimee Rankin) 1985-1999, n.d. 

13 762

AM Catalog Texts (Aimee Rankin) 1986-1989 

13 763

AM Press Book (Aimee Rankin) 1985-1990, n.d. 

13 764

AM Shipping 1990-1992 

13 765

"Art of the Caress" transparency 8 x 10 in. n.d. 

13 766

Mariko Mori 

Box Folder

Correspondence: MM Correspondence 95 1994-1995, n.d. 

13 767

Correspondence: MM Correspondence 96 (2 folders) 1996, n.d. 

13 768,769

Correspondence: MM Correspondence 97 (2 folders) 1997, n.d. 

13 770,771

Correspondence: MM Correspondence 98 1998, n.d. 

13 772

Correspondence: MM Correspondence 99 1999 

13 773

Correspondence: Württembergischer Kunstverein, Stuttgart (contains "Nirvana" project proposal) 1995-1997, n.d. 

13 774

Exhibition: ["Made in Japan"] Shiseido Gallery 1995 1994-1995, n.d. 

13 775

Exhibition: "On Beauty" Regina Gallery [curated by Dan Cameron] 9/29-11/15/95 1995 

13 776

Exhibition: "Selfmade" Grazer Kunstverein 9/30-10/29/95 1995-1996, n.d. 

13 777

Exhibition: "All Dressed Up"Apex Art 12/21/95-1/27/96 1995-1996 

13 778

Exhibition: "show and tell" Lauren Wittels [curated by Andrea Scott] 1/12-2/10/96 1995-1996 

13 779

Exhibition: "Made in Japan" Deitch Projects 4/11-4/27/96 1996 

13 780

Exhibition: "Departure Lounge" Clocktower Gallery 5/3-6/30/96 1996 

13 781

Exhibition: Christie's East/Bronwyn Keenan Gallery 7/96 1996 

13 782

Exhibition: "a/drift: Scenes From the Penetrable Culture"CCS Bard 10/20-12/22/96 1996 

13 783

Exhibition: "New Histories" ICA Boston 10/23/96-1/5/97 1996, n.d. 

13 784

Exhibition: "Mirage" Koyanagi Gallery 5/7-5/27/97 1996-1997, n.d. 

13 785

Exhibition: "Play with Me" Dallas Museum of Art 9/17-11/9/97 1996-1997 

13 786

Exhibition: Various Invitations 1993-1999, n.d. 

13 787

Financial (General) (3 folders) 1995-1998 

13 788-790

MM Interest 1995-1996 

14 791

MM Shipping 1995, n.d. 

14 792

MM Slides n.d. 

14 793

Christian Philipp Müller 

Box Folder

Correspondence: CPM Correspondence 93 1992-1993, n.d. 

14 794

Correspondence: CPM Correspondence 94 1994, n.d. 

14 795

Correspondence: CPM Correspondence 95 1995 

14 796

Correspondence: CPM Correspondence 96 1996 

14 797

Correspondence: CPM Correspondence 97 1997, n.d. 

14 798

Correspondence: CPM Correspondence 98-99 1998-1999, n.d. 

14 799

Correspondence: CPM Correspondence 00-04 2000-2004 

14 800

Exhibition: "A Sense of Friendliness, Mellowness, and Permanence" American Fine Arts 11/92 1992, n.d. 

14 801

Exhibition: "Kontext Kunst" Neue Galerie, Graz 10/2-11/7/93 1993-1994 

14 802

Exhibition: "Interpellations", American Fine Arts 4/94 1994, n.d. 

14 803

Exhibition: Galleria Massimo De Carlo 7/94 1994 

14 804

Exhibition:"Tour de Suisse" Fri-Art Centre d'Art 9/4-10/23/94 1994 

14 805

Exhibition: "Double Vision" Swiss Institute [curated by Olivier Mosset and Not Vital] 11/18-12/30/94 

14 806

Exhibiton: American Fine Arts 10/95 1994-1996, n.d. 

14 807

Exhibition: "Der Fotowettbewerb" Kunstverein Hamburg 1997 n.d. 

14 808

Exhibition: "A Balancing Act" at documenta X, Fridericianum 6/21-9/28/97 (contains slides) 

14 809

Exhibition: ["Rewriting the City," curated by Xandra Eden] CCS Bard 5/99 1998, n.d. 

14 810

Exhibition: Various Invitations 1993-1998, n.d. 

14 811

Project: "Watershed, The Hudson Valley Art Project" Minetta Brook 5/24/03-12/31/05 2005 

14 812

Financial: Invoice 1993-1196 

14 813

Financial: Expenses 1992-2000, n.d. 

14 814

CPM Shipping 1993-1994 

14 815

Shipping Damage Claim, Galil Moving and Storage, Inc. 1995-1998, n.d. 

14 816

CPM Press 1993-2003 

14 817

CPM Slides (contains slides) n.d. 

14 818

Müller Slide Request n.d. 

14 819

CPM with Barbara and Howard Morse, printed photos on paper 6/97 n.d. 

14 820

CPM Photos (1 color 4 x 6 in. photograph) n.d. 

14 821

"Müller Border Cards 93" (2 postcards from CPM to AFA) 1993, 1994 

14 822

Cady Noland 

Box Folder

Correspondence: CN Correspondence 89 1989, n.d. 

14 823

Correspondence: CN Correspondence 90 1990, n.d. 

14 824

Correspondence: CN Correspondence 91 1991 

14 825

Correspondence: CN Correspondence 92 1992-1993, n.d. 

14 826

Correspondence: Aspen Art Museum c. 1992 

14 827

Correspondence: Gatewood, Charles ("Clip on Man" copyright) 1990 

14 828

Correspondence: Jablonka Galerie 1990, n.d. 

14 829

Correspondence: Kittelmann, Udo n.d. 

14 830

Correspondence: Kosmin, Alic and Marvin (damaged artwork "Push Papers") 1991-1992 

14 831

Correspondence: Massimo de Carlo Arte Contemporanea 1990 

14 832

Correspondence: Le Trésor des Arts Galerie Contemporain 1990, n.d. 

14 833

Correspondence: Westreich, Thea 1990-1992 

14 834

Exhibition: American Fine Arts 4/15-5/6/89 1989, n.d. 

14 835

Exhibition: Anthony Reynolds Gallery 9/89 1989-1990, n.d. 

14 836

Exhibition: Mattress Factory 10/14-12/22/89 1989 

14 837

Exhibition: "Einleuchten" Diechtorhallen 11/11/89-2/18/90 [curated by Harald Szeemann] 1990 

14 838

Exhibition: "Status of Sculpture" ELAC, Lyon/ICA, London/Museum Hasselt/Stiftung Starke 3/90-6/91 1989-1991, n.d. 

14 839

Exhibition: 44th Venice Biennale 5-9/90 1990, n.d. 

14 840

Exhibition: "Échange de procédés" Sous-sol, Geneve 5/3-5/31/90 

14 841

Exhibition: Galerie Max Hetzler 6/90 1990-1992, n.d. 

14 842

Exhibition: Galerie Ghislaine Hussenot 6/90 1990 

14 843

Exhibition: "New West - Old West" Luhring Augustine Hetzler 7-8/90 (contains contact sheets and negatives) 1990-1991, n.d. 

14 844

Exhibition: "Just Pathetic" Rosamund Felsen Gallery [curated by Ralph Rugoff] 8/90 1990 

14 845

Exhibition: "No, Not that one it's not a chair" Galerie 1900-2000 12/3/90-1/12/91 1990, n.d. 

14 846

Exhibition: Neue Gesellschaft fuer Bildende Kunst e.V. 12/14/90-1/30/91 (contains slides) 1990-1991 

14 847

Exhibition: Museum Fridericianum, Kassel 2/8-3/17/91 1990-1991 

14 848

Exhibition: "Ecart, Geneve" Galerie van Gelder [curated by John Armleder] 3/18-4/3/91 1991 

14 849

Exhibition: Whitney Biennial 1991 4/19-6/16/91 1991, n.d. 

14 850

Exhibition: "Metropolis" Martin Groupius Bau, Berlin 4/20-7/21/91 (2 folders) 1990-1991, n.d. 

14 851,852

Exhibition: "The Museum of Natural History" Galerie Barbara Farber 4/27-6/15/91 1991 

14 853

Exhibition: "Anni Novanta" Galleria d'Arte Moderna, Bologna 5-9/91 1990-1992, n.d. 

14 854

Exhibition: "Post Human" FAE Musée / Deste Foundation / Deichtorhallen 6/91-3/93 

14 855

Exhibition: Luhring Augustine 6/14-7/26/91 1991 

14 856

Exhibition: "Strange Abstraction" Touko Museum, Tokyo [crated by Jeffrey Deitch] 6/29-8/4/91(includes catalog with notes) 1991, n.d. 

15 857

Exhibition: Galerie Max Hetzler 7/91 1991 

15 858

Exhibition: "Selections from the Permanent Collection" MoCA, LA 8/91 1991 

15 859

Exhibition: Luhring Augustine Hetzler 9/91 1991, n.d. 

15 860

Exhibition: "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" Zilkha Gallery, Wesleyan University 9/3-10/6/91 1991 

15 861

Exhibition: "Objects for the Ideal Home" Serpentine Gallery 9/11-10/20/91 1991, n.d. 

15 862

Exhibition: "Social Sculpture" Vrej Baghoomian Gallery 9/14-10/12/91 1991, n.d. 

15 863

Exhibition: "Selections from the Danheisser Collection" The Parrish Art Museum 9/22-11/17/91 1991 

15 864

Exhibition: "Documenta IX" Kassel 6/13-9/20/92 1991-1992 

15 865

Exhibition: "Encounters 3" Dallas Museum of Art 11-12/92 1991-1992, n.d. 

15 866

Exhibition: Various Invitations 1991, n.d. 

15 867

Financial (General) (2 folders) 1988-1992, n.d. 

15 868,869

Financial: Consignment 89 1989, n.d. 

15 870

Financial: Consignment 90 1990 

15 871

Financial: Consignment 91 1991 

15 872

Financial: Consignment - Final 1989-1992 

15 873

Financial: Invoice 90 1990 

15 874

Financial: Invoice 91 1991 

15 875

Financial: Invoice 92 1992 

15 876

Financial: Invoice 89-92 (2 folders) 1989-1992 

15 878,879

Financial: Invoice: L.A.H. Final Payment 1992, n.d. 

15 880

Financial: Luhring Augustine Hetzler Sales 1990-1991, n.d. 

15 882

Financial: Accounting - Final (7/21/92) 1989-1992, n.d. 

15 881

Financial: Benefit Donations 1990-1992 

15 883

Financial: Contract Terms 1989, n.d. 

15 884

Financial: "Push Papers" Insurance Claim 1990, 1992 

15 885

CN Biography and Bibliography 2004, n.d. 

15 886

CN Inventory (General) 1991-1992 

15 887

CN Inventory - Final 8/18/92 (3 folders) 1991-1992, n.d. 

15 888-890

CN Inventory - Master (Jan. 30) n.d. 

15 891

CN Inventory (available work) c. 1990 

15 892

CN Inventory (AFA snapshots and negatives) n.d. 

15 893

CN Inventory: Noland Studio, AC 4/22 (contains slides) n.d. 

15 894

CN Artist Writings (General) 1989-1990, n.d. 

15 895

CN Artist Writings: "Psycopathology" 1989 

15 896

CN Artist Writings: "Towards a Metalanguage of Evil" n.d. 

15 897

CN Installation Instructions (various works) n.d. 

25 898

CN Installation Instructions ("Reception Cage" with Art no. 7, July 1991) 1991, n.d. 

15 899

CN Press (General) (2 folders) 1988-1991 

15 900,901

CN Press (on resume, not in press packet) (2 folders) 1989-1991 

15 902,903

CN Press (Clippings and Masters) (2 folders) 1988-1991 

16 904,905

CN Press (Master press packet) 

16 906

CN Artist Certificates 1991, n.d. 

16 907

CN Artwork Image and documentation (contains slides and transparencies) 1992, n.d. 

16 908

CN Artwork Image Photocopies (2 folders) n.d. 

16 909,910

CN Slide Request / Return 1990-1992 

16 911

CN Shipping 1989-1992 

16 912

CN Slides n.d. 

16 913

CN Interest, Collectors 1989-1992, n.d. 

16 914

CN Interest, Exhibition 1990-1992, n.d. 

16 915

CN Interest, Press 1990-1992, n.d. 

16 916

"Strange Abstraction" Touko Museum Catalog Edits 1991 

16 917

Nils Norman 

Box Folder

Correspondence: NN Correspondence 97-98-99 1995, 1997-1999, n.d. 

16 918

Correspondence: NN Correspondence 00-01 2000-2001, n.d. 

16 919

Correspondence: NN Correspondence 02-03-04 2002-2004 

16 920

Exhibition: "Social Surplus" American Fine Arts 3/22-4/12/97 

16 921

Exhibition: "Broken Home" Greene Naftali 5/3-6/7/97 1997 

16 922

Exhibition: "Contemporary Landscape" Hyde Collection 8-10/97 1997 

16 923

Exhibition: "The making of" Generali Foundation 2/5-4/12/98 1998 

16 924

Exhibition: "Nils Norman/Christopher Whittey" Wallace Gallery, SUNY Old Westbury 3/2-3/28/98 1997-1998 

16 925

Exhibition: Rosamund Felsen Gallery (with Simon Leung) 5/99 1999, n.d. 

16 926

Exhibition: "Small World" Museum of Contemporary Art, San Diego 1/22-4/30/00 1999-2000, n.d. 

16 927

Exhibition: "Greater New York" P.S. 1 2/00 2000 

16 928

Exhibition: "Cousins" (with Cosima von Bonin) Kunstverein Braunschweig 2/4-3/26/00 

16 929

Exhibition: "democracy!" Royal College of Art 4/14-5/12/00 [2000] 

16 930

Exhibition: "Building Codes: The Programmable City" Storefront for Art and Architecture 7-8/01 2001 

16 931

Exhibition: "Fantastic!" Mass MoCA 3/8/03-2/04 2002-2004 

16 932

Exhibition: "Homeland" Whitney Independent Study Program 5/23-6/29/03 2003 

16 933

Exhibition: Various Invitations 1999-2005, n.d. 

16 934

Project: Poster Studio, London 1994-1996, n.d. 

16 935

Project: Various Projects Documentation 1996-1999, n.d. 

16 936

NN Press (2 folders) 1991-2003 

16 937,938

NN Framing/Production 1997-2000 

16 939

Book Work's London 2001 catalog including Norman's The Contemporary Picturesque 2001 

16 940

Kembra Pfahler 

Box Folder

Correspondence (General) (2 folders) 2001-2004, n.d. 

16 941,942

Exhibition: "Availabism and Anti-naturalism" American Fine Arts 3/9-4/6/02 

16 943

Exhibition: "Visions of Excess" Fierce, Birmingham UK 5/16-6/8/03 2003, n.d. 

16 944

Financial (General) 2001-2003, n.d. 

16 945

Monique Prieto 

Box Folder

Correspondence (General) 2004 

16 946

Ira Richer 

Box Folder

Correspondence (General) n.d. 

16 947

Kay Rosen 

Box Folder

Correspondence (General) 1986-1989 

16 948

Exhibition: Various Invitations 1987, n.d. 

16 949

Financial (General) 1986-1988 

16 950

KR Resume [1986-1987] 

16 951

KR Slides (contains slides) n.d. 

16 952

Farm 1987-88 (magazine) Feature and Instituting Contemporary Idea c. 1988 

16 953

Sam Samore 

Box Folder

Correspondence: SS Correspondence 90 1990, n.d. 

16 954

Correspondence: SS Correspondence 91 1991 

16 955

Correspondence: SS Correspondence 92 1992 

16 956

Correspondence: SS Correspondence 93 1993, n.d. 

16 957

Correspondence: SS Correspondence 94 - 95 1994-1995, n.d. 

16 958

Correspondence: Bleich-Rossi Gallery 1990-1991 

16 959

Correspondence: Galerie Hans Meyer 1991, n.d. 

17 960

Correspondence: Galerie Marc Jancou 1991-1992 

17 961

Correspondence: Galleri Nordanstad-Skarstedt 1990 

17 962

Correspondence: Gundlach, F.C. 1989-1992, n.d. 

17 963

Correspondence: Il Campo Arte Contemporanea, Rome 1992 

17 964

Exhibition: Galerie Schurr, Stuttgart 3/30-5/12/90 1990, n.d. 

17 965

Exhibition: "Camouflage" Curt Marcus Gallery 9/8-10/1/88 1988 

17 966

Exhibition: American Fine Arts 4/14-5/5/90 [1990] 

17 967

Exhibition: "The Köln Show" 4/26-5/26/90 1990 

17 968

Exhibition: Galerie Max Hetzler [curated by Thea Westreich] 6/90 1990, n.d. 

17 969

Exhibition: Air de Paris 9/29-11/10/90 and 12/15/90-1/25/91 1990-1991 

17 970

Exhibition: Galerie Bleich-Rossi, Graz 11/90 1990-1991 

17 971

Exhibition: "Photos?" Tresor d'Art 1/91 1990-1991 

17 972

Exhibition: "La Revanche de L'image" Galerie Pierre Huber 3/15-4/13/91 1991 

17 973

Exhibition: Galerie Anne de Villepoix 3/16-4/20/91 1991 

17 974

Exhibition: "Gulliver's Travels" Galerie Sophia Ungers 4/91 1991 

17 975

Exhibition: "The Museum of Natural History" Galerie Barbara Farber [curated by Bob Nickas] 4/27-6/15/91 1991 

17 976

Exhibition: Luhring Augusting Hetzler 4/27-6/1/91 1990-1992 

17 977

Exhibition: "Spy Stories" Il Campo, Rome 5/91 1991, n.d. 

17 978

Exhibition: "Invitational" Tony Shafrazi Gallery 5/4-6/8/91 1991 

17 979

Exhibition: "The Lick of the Eye" Shoshana Wayne Gallery 7/20-9/12/91 1991 

17 980

Exhibition: Galerie Christian Nagel 8/91 1991 

17 981

Exhibition: Galleria Casoli 11/91 1991 

17 982

Exhibition: "The Big Nothing..." The New Museum 1/15-4/12/92 1991, n.d. 

17 983

Exhibition: Galleria Massimo de Carlo 2/92 1992, n.d. 

17 984

Exhibition: "Anomie" Patent House, London 3/92 1991-1992 

17 985

Exhibition: "Exhibit A" Serpentine Gallery 5/92 1992, n.d. 

17 986

Exhibition: Galerie Marc Jancou 9/92 1992-1993, n.d. 

17 987

Exhibition: "In through the out Door" Nordanstad Skarstedt Gallery 9/12-10/17/92 [1992] 

17 988

Exhibition: "Boys and Girls Together" Beaver College 11-12/92 1992, n.d. 

17 989

Exhibition: Various Invitations 1988-1994, n.d. 

17 990

Financial (General) 1990-1992, n.d. 

17 991

Financial: Consignment 90 1990, n.d. 

17 992

Financial: Consignment 91 1991, n.d. 

17 993

Financial: Consignment 92 1992 

17 994

Financial: Invoice 89 1989 

17 995

Financial: Invoice 90 1991, n.d. 

17 996

Financial: Invoice 91 1991 

17 997

Financial: Invoice 92 1992 

17 998

Financial: Benefit (BAM 1991) 1990-1991 

17 999

Financial: Benefit (New Museum 1991) 1991 

17 1000

Financial: Benefit (White Columns 1992) 1991-1992 

17 1001

Financial: SS Price Structure n.d. 

17 1002

Project: Book Projects (Forum Stadtpark, Jahrespring) 1990-1991 

17 1003

Project: Window Pieces 1991 

17 1004

SS Artist Statements 1990-1993, n.d. 

17 1005

SS Photo (includes photographs and print mechanicals) 1991, n.d. 

17 1006

SS Interest, Collectors 1991 

17 1007

SS Interest, Exhibitions 1991 

17 1008

SS Slide Inventory n.d. 

17 1009

SS Slide Request 1993, n.d. 

17 1010

SS Framing Instructions 1990-1991, n.d. 

17 1011

SS Installation Instructions (AFA) n.d. 

17 1012

SS Shipping 90 1990 

17 1013

SS Shipping 91 1991 

17 1014

SS Shipping 92-93 1992-1993, n.d. 

17 1015

SS Artwork Certificates n.d. 

17 1016

"Studies" text works (including names, body, personalities) n.d. 

17 1017

Certifikat - Arctic Circle Adventure (från Jukkasjärvi, 7/29/90) 1990 

17 1018

Peter Santino 

Box Folder

Correspondence (General) 1984-2004, n.d. 

17 1019

Exhibition: "Project: Installation" Aldrich Museum 10/29/89-2/25/90 [1989] 

17 1020

Exhibition: American Fine Arts 2/94 1994 

17 1021

Exhibition: Various Invitations 1984-1996, n.d. 

17 1022

Financial: Consignment 1984-1994, n.d. 

17 1023

Santino Press 1984-1989, n.d. 

17 1024

Santino Photo (contains photographs) 1988-1996, n.d. 

17 1025

Santino Slides n.d. 

17 1026

Alan Scarritt 

Box Folder

Correspondence (General) 1990 

17 1027

Kerri Scharlin 

Box Folder

Correspondence (General) n.d. 

17 1028

Matthias Schauffler 

Box Folder

Correspondence (General) c. 1990 

17 1029

Pieter Schoolwerth 

Box Folder

Correspondence (General) 2002-2003 

17 1030

Exhibition: MC Magma, Milan 2/20-4/5/01 2000-2001, n.d. 

17 1031

Exhibition: MC Magma, Milan 5/7-6/15/02 2002-2003 

17 1032

Tom Schott 

Box Folder

Correspondence (General) 1987, n.d. 

17 1033

Exhibition: American Fine Arts 2/18-3/15/87 (contains photograph) [1987] 

17 1034

Financial (General) 1987, n.d. 

17 1035

TS Slides (contains slides) c. 1986-1987 

17 1036

Frank Schroder 

Box Folder

Correspondence (General) 2001-2004, n.d. 

17 1037

Exhibition: "Mommy Dearest" Gimpel Fils, London 6/14-7/29/00 2000 

17 1038

Exhibition: "Bloom Off the Rose" American Fine Arts 5/10-6/16/01 2001 

17 1039

Exhibition: Various Invitations 2000, 2002 

17 1040

Frank Schroder: The Portrait Collection (desk copy) c. 2001 

17 1041

Steven Shearer 

Box Folder

Correspondence (General) 2000-2004, n.d. 

18 1042

Exhibition: Mars Gallery, Tokyo 12/01 2000-2002, n.d. 

18 1043

Exhibition: Hauser and Wirth and Prensenhuber 2/03 2003, n.d. 

18 1044

Jan Skovgård 

Box Folder

Correspondence (General) 1992-1996, n.d. 

18 1045

The Grand Tour, Projekt 1990 1994 

18 1046

Suzy Spence 

Box Folder

Correspondence (General) 1998-1999 

18 1047

Exhibition: "Encyclopedia 1999" Turner and Runyon 12/98 1998-1999 

18 1048

Exhibition: "Chocolate Kingdom" The Work Space 1/23-3/10/99 1999 

18 1049

Exhibition: "Accelerator" Arnolfini 2-3/99 1998-1999, n.d. 

18 1050

Exhibition: "Visions of Grandeur" Grazer Kunstverein 2/25-4/2/99 1999 

18 1051

Exhibition: Various Invitations 1998-1999 

18 1052

J. St. Bernard 

Box Folder

Exhibition: ["J. St. Bernard / Merrick / Martori" Pat Hearn Gallery 1/89] (contains slides) 1989 

18 1053

Exhibition: Ryszard Varisella Galerie, Frankfurt 5/90 (contains slides) 1990, n.d. 

18 1054

Exhibition: Opening Exhibition, MAMCO, Geneva 9/94 1994 

18 1055

Exhibition: American Fine Arts 9/18-10/25/03 2003, n.d. 

18 1056

Julian St. Bernard Press 1987-2003, n.d. 

18 1057

Jessica Stockholder 

Box Folder

Correspondence: JS Correspondence 90 1990, n.d. 

18 1058

Correspondence: JS Correspondence 91 1991 

18 1059

Correspondence: JS Correspondence 92 1992, n.d. 

18 1060

Correspondence: JS Correspondence 93 (2 folders) 1993, n.d. 

18 1061,1062

Correspondence: JS Correspondence 94 1994, n.d. 

18 1063

Correspondence: Awards in the Visual Arts 1990-1991 

18 1064

Correspondence: Centraal Museum Utrecht 1991 

18 1065

Correspondence: Galerie de Lege Ruimte 1992, n.d. 

18 1066

Correspondence: Hufkens, Xavier 1989-1991, n.d. 

18 1067

Correspondence: Maureen Paley / Interim Art 1990-1991 

18 1068

Correspondence: Ric Urmel Gallery 1990, n.d. 

18 1069

Correspondence: Trans Avant Garde Gallery 1991 

18 1070

Exhibition: American Fine Arts 2/17-3/10/90 [1990] 

18 1071

Exhibition: "Sculpture 1990" Daniel Weinberg Gallery 6/90 1990-1991 

18 1072

Exhibition: "Contingent Realms" Whitney Museum at Equitable Center 9/26-12/8/90 1990, n.d. 

18 1073

Exhibition: Galerie Isabella Kacprzak 10/90 1990-1991, n.d. 

18 1074

Exhibition: "In the Beginning..." Cleveland Center for Contemporary Art 11/90-1/91 1990 

18 1075

Exhibition: "Les Choix des Femmes" Le Consortium, Dijon 11/17/90-1/15/91 (2 folders) 1990, n.d. 

18 1076,1077

Exhibition: Zilkha Gallery, Wesleyan University 1/29-3/3/91 1990-1991 

18 1078

Exhibition: "Outside America" Fay Gold Gallery [curated by Collins & Milazzo] 3-4/91 1991 

18 1079

Exhibition: "1991 Whitney Biennial" 4/2-6/30/91 1990-1991 

18 1080

Exhibition: Adelson Galleries 4/9-5/4/91 1991, n.d. 

18 1081

Exhibition: "The Museum of Natural History" Galerie Barbara Farber 4/27-6/15/91 1991 

18 1082

Exhibition: "Sculptors' Drawings" Paula Cooper Gallery 5/4-5/24/91 1990-1991, n.d. 

18 1083

Exhibition: Witte de With 6/15-7/28/91 (2 folders) 1990-1991, n.d. 

18 1084,1085

Exhibition: "American Art of the 80's" Museo d'Arte di Trento e Rovereto 12/91-3/92 1991, n.d. 

18 1086

Exhibition: "Sculptors' Drawings" Bellas Artes Santa Fe 11/27/91-1/4/92 1991 

18 1087

Exhibition: Christine Burgin Gallery 12/6/91-1/11/92 1991 

18 1088

Exhibition: "Growing Rock Candy Mountain" Westfälischer Kunstverein 4/92 1990-1992, n.d. 

18 1089

Exhibition: American Fine Arts 5/92 1992 

18 1090

Exhibition: "SpICE BOXed Project(ion)" Galerie Metropol 9-10/92 1991-1992 

18 1091

Exhibition: Kunsthalle Zurich 10/31/92-1/3/93 (contains photographs) 1992 

18 1092

Exhibition: "Unfair, Cologne" Galerie Max Hetzler 11/92 1992 

18 1093

Exhibition: "Simply Made in America" Aldrich Museum et al. 1/93-4/95 1993 

18 1094

Exhibition: "Edge of Hothouse Glass" Carré d'Art-Musée d'art contemporain, Nîmes 5-9/93 

18 1095

Exhibition: John Good Gallery 5-6/93 and "Cultural Fabrication 6-8/93 1993 

18 1096

Exhibition: "As Long as it Lasts" Witte de With 6/13-9/19/93 1993 

18 1097

Exhibition: "Objekte" Galerie Ludwig 9/12-10/30/93 1993-1994 

18 1098

Exhibition: "Possible Things" Bardamu [curated by Vik Muniz] 1/20-2/26/94 1994, n.d. 

18 1099

Exhibition: Various Invitations 1990-1995, n.d. 

18 1110

Financial: Consignment 90 1990 

18 1101

Financial: Consignment 91 1990 

18 1102

Financial: Consignment 92 1992 

18 1103

Financial: Consignment 93 1993, n.d. 

18 1104

Financial: Consignment 94 1994 

18 1105

Financial: Invoice 90 1989-1990, n.d. 

18 1106

Financial: Invoice 91 1991 

18 1107

Financial: Invoice 92 1992 

18 1108

Financial: Invoice 93 1993 

18 1109

Financial: JS Artwork Pricing 1993-1994, n.d. 

18 1110

Project: Outdoor works, proposals 1985- n.d. 

18 1111

JS Inventory 1990, n.d. 

18 1112

JS Photos (contains photographs and negatives) 1991 

18 1113

JS Installation Instructions 1990, n.d. 

18 1114

JS Shipping 1990-1994, n.d. 

18 1115

JS Framing (contains photographs) n.d. 

18 1116

JS Artist Writing (General) 1998-1993, n.d. 

19 1117

JS Artist Writing: Annotated "Das Unbewusste" by Sigmund Freud n.d. 

19 1118

JS Interest, Collectors 1990-1991, n.d. 

19 1119

JS Interest, Exhibitions 1990-1993, n.d. 

19 1120

JS Slide Requests/Return 1990-1994, n.d. 

19 1121

JS Artwork Descriptions/Instructions n.d. 

19 1122

"Green Eggs and Ham" print (Jessica Stockholder and Patrick Chamberlain) 1990, n.d. 

19 1123

Philip Taaffe 

Box Folder

Correspondence (General) n.d. 

19 1124

Jon Tower 

Box Folder

Correspondence (General) 1990-1993, n.d. 

19 1125

Correspondence: Wiener Secession 1992, n.d. 

19 1126

Exhibition: "Adam's Sorrow" Hallwalls Contemporary Arts Center 11/90 1990 

19 1127

Exhibition: Randy Alexander, New York 3/91 1991 

19 1128

Exhibition: PS1 4/91 1991 

19 1129

Exhibition: "Fleetinsel 71" Hamburg 6/91 1991 

19 1130

Exhibition: Galerie Xavier Hufkens, Brussels 9-10/91 

19 1131

Exhibition: Terrain, San Francisco 9/10-10/12/91 1991-1992 

19 1132

Exhibition: Mars Gallery, Tokyo 3/92 1992 

19 1133

Exhibition: American Fine Arts 5/4-25/92 (contains negatives) 1992, n.d. 

19 1134

Exhibition: Galerie Rizzo, Paris 9/92 1991-1992, n.d. 

19 1135

Exhibition: "Problems and Solutions" Herron Gallery 10/17-11/20/92 1992 

19 1136

Exhibition: Various Invitations 1991-1992 

19 1137

Financial: Consignment 1991-1992 

19 1138

Financial: Invoice 1989-1992 

19 1139

Project: Thermographs 1991, n.d. 

19 1140

JT Artist Writings 1986-1991, n.d. 

19 1141

JT Shipping 1994, n.d. 

19 1142

Fell or Jumped or Was Pushed Volume 1, Edited by Jon Tower (for Colin de Land) n.d. 

19 1143

From a Boy in Toronto, Canada: A Project for Open City by Jon Tower  n.d. 

19 1144

Sarah Vogwill 

Box Folder

SV Correspondence (General) n.d. 

19 1145

Wolf Vostell 

Box Folder

Wolf Vostell / Dokumentation (biographical pamphlet) c. 1968 

19 1146

Vorschlag fur des Aachener Kaiser Doms, 9.11.67 - Foyer Reiffmuseum (signed and annotated) 1967 

19 1147

Julia Wachtel 

Box Folder

Correspondence (General) 1991-1993 

19 1148

Correspondence: Genovese Gallery (insurance claim) 

19 1149

Exhibition: American Fine Arts 12/19/86-1/11/87 n.d. 

19 1150

Exhibition: Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago 3/23-5/13/91 1991 

19 1151

Exhibition: American Fine Arts 4/6-4/27/91 1991-1992, n.d. 

19 1152

Exhibition: American Fine Arts 2/6-2/27/93 1993, n.d. 

19 1153

Exhibition: Various Invitations 1990-1993 

19 1154

Financial: Consignment 1990-1991 

19 1155

Financial: Available Works as of 9/19/91 1991 

19 1156

JW Artist Writings 1985-1986 

19 1157

JW Press 1986, n.d. 

19 1158

JW Photos (contains photographs and slides) 1985, n.d. 

19 1159

JW Slide Request / Return 1993, n.d. 

19 1160

JW Shipping 1987, 1990 

19 1161

JW Interest 1991 

19 1162

John Waters 

Box Folder

Correspondence: JW Correspondence 95 1995, n.d. 

19 1163

Correspondence: JW Correspondence 96 1996, n.d. 

19 1164

Correspondence: JW Correspondence 97 1997, n.d. 

19 1165

Correspondence: JW Correspondence 98 (2 folders) 1998, n.d. 

19 1166,1167

Correspondence: JW Correspondence 99-00 1999-2000, n.d. 

19 1168

Exhibition: "Art at Home: Ideal Standard Life" Art Dynamics, Tokyo 4/96 

19 1169

Exhibition: "Director's Cut" American Fine Arts 11/9-11/30/96 1996, n.d. 

19 1170

Exhibition: Galleria Emi Fontana 3/97 1995-1999, n.d. 

19 1171

Exhibition: "Photo-Op" Contemporary Arts Center, Cincinnati 3/15-6/30/97 1996-1997, n.d. 

19 1172

Exhibition: Galerie Christian Nagel 4/97 1996-2000, n.d. 

19 1173

Exhibition: Arthur Roger Gallery 6-7/97 1997, n.d. 

19 1174

Exhibition: "Director's Cut" Pace Wildenstein MacGill 6/20-7/26/97 1996-1999, n.d. 

19 1175

Exhibition: "Essence d'un sens (Sentir du regard)" Passage de Retz 6/24-8/31/97 n.d. 

19 1176

Exhibition: Biennale de Lyon 7-9/97 1997, n.d. 

19 1177

Exhibition: "Peep Show" Vaknin Schwartz 1/98 1997-1999 

19 1178

Exhibition: "Pop Surrealism" Aldrich Museum 6/7-8/30/98 1998 

19 1179

Exhibition: "When Worlds Collide" Center for Contemporary Arts, Glasgow 6/12-7/25/98 1997-1998, n.d. 

19 1180

Exhibition: "Marks" Gavin Brown's enterprise 6/18-7/31/98 1998, n.d. 

19 1181

Exhibition: "ghost story" Kunstlerhauskino, Vienna 8/28-9/27/98 1998, n.d. 

20 1182

Exhibition: "Blow Up" Independent Curators International 9/98-12/00 1997-1998, n.d. 

20 1183

Exhibition: "Inside/Out" Blind Spot Magazine 2/11-3/27/99 1998-1999 

20 1184

Exhibition: [Show Schedules and Inventories] 1994-1998, n.d. 

20 1185

Exhibition: Various Invitations 1996-1998, n.d. 

20 1186

JW Interest 1996-1998, n.d. 

20 1187

JW Inventory 1998, n.d. 

20 1188

JW Shipping 1995-1998, n.d. 

20 1189

JW Slides (contains slides and color prints) 1996-1998, n.d. 

20 1190

JW Recalled Artwork 1999, n.d. 

20 1191

Tom Wesselman 

Box Folder

Financial: Consignment 1991 

20 1192

Bruce and Norman Yonemoto 

Box Folder

Yonemoto Photo (includes slides) n.d. 

20 1193

Yonemoto Artist Writings n.d. 

20 1194

Subseries B. Exhibition Files 

Scope and Contents note

The A.F.A. Exhibition Files subseries is comprised of general correspondence regarding the planning of AFA exhibitions, invitations, checklists, press releases and other types of records, including select visual documentation.

Arrangement note

The A.F.A. Exhibition Files run chronologically.

Box Folder

Group Show (Calvin Brown, Steve Miller, Peter Nagy, Taro Suzuki) 3/15-4/4/86 1986, n.d. 

20 1195

"Modern Sleep", curated by Collins & Milazzo 10/17-11/16/86 (contains negatives and photographs) (2 folders) 1986, n.d. 

20 1196,1197

Group Show (Brian Gayman, Beth Brenner, Robert Younger, Vito Acconci) 1/21-2/15/87 (contains slides and photographs) 1987, n.d. 

20 1198

Group Show, 6/25-7/19/87 and 7/21-8/16/87 (contains slides) 1987, n.d. 

20 1199

Group Show (David Bussel, Nan Goldin, Larry Johnson) 2/18-3/11/89 (contains slides) 1988-1989, n.d. 

20 1200

Group Show (Barton, Diamond, Dion, Fend, Kilimnik, Noland, Samore) 6/10-7/1/89 

20 1201

Group Show, 7/8-8/5/89 (contains slides and transparencies) (2 folders) 1989, n.d. 

20 1202,1203

Group Show (John Miller, Gary Mirabelle, Lawrence Weiner) 9/89 (contains slides and photographs) 1989, n.d. 

20 1204

"Daniel Buren, Ken Lum, Stephen Prina, Rudolf Stingel", curated by Colin de Land, HOME for Contemporary Art and Theatre 5/91 1991, n.d. 

20 1205

Group Show (Barton, Balk, Miller, Asher, Dion, Hopkins, Diamond) 6-7/91 n.d. 

20 1206

Group Show (Acconci, Koons, Shapiro) 9/14-10/12/91 (contains slides) 1991, n.d. 

20 1207

"Just Pathetic", curated by Ralph Rugoff 1/18-2/8/92 (contains photographs) (2 folders) 1991-1992, n.d. 

20 1208,1209

Group Show Summer/Fall 1992 1992, n.d. 

20 1210

Group Show (Balk, Clough, Diamond, Fend, Hopkins, Parrino, Stockholder, Samore) 12/92-1/93 (contains slides) n.d. 

20 1211

"What Happened to the Institutional Critique?", organized by James Meyer 9/11-10/2/93 (contains publication master, facsimile, slides and labels, and floor plan sketch by James Meyer) (3 folders) 1993-1998, n.d. 

20 1212-1214

Ull Hohn / Daniel Faust 10/9-10/30/93 1993-1994, n.d. 

20 1215

"Cop Sculpture" Ted Byfield and Lincoln Tobier, Pat Hearn Gallery and American Fine Arts 11/6-12/11/93 1993-1998, n.d. 

20 1216

Alexander Ku (Reuben Room) 12/93 1994, n.d. 

20 1217

"The Mayfair Show", organized by Jason Simon 1/94 1993-1994, n.d. 

20 1218

Peter Santino / Noritoshi Hirakawa 2/19-3/12/94 1994, n.d. 

20 1219

Moyra Davey / Mark Dion 3/19-4/9/94 [1994] 

20 1220

"Gil Garfield: Kitchinsync" 5/14-6/18/94 (contains slides and transparencies) (2 folders) 1993-1994, n.d. 

20 1221,1222

"Imi Knoebel or Evel Knievel?" Ross Knight / Jackie McAllister 6/25-7/16/94 1994, n.d. 

20 1223

Frank Stella / Stephen Prina 10/22-11/19/94 1994-1997, n.d. 

21 1224

First Fundraising Event to Benefit American Fine Arts Co. 12/13-12/17/94 (General) (4 folders) 1994, n.d. 

21 1225-1228

First Fundraising Event to Benefit American Fine Arts Co. 12/13-12/17/94: Donation Forms A-D 1994 

21 1229

First Fundraising Event to Benefit American Fine Arts Co. 12/13-12/17/94: Donation Forms E-L 1994 

21 1230

First Fundraising Event to Benefit American Fine Arts Co. 12/13-12/17/94: Donation Forms M-R 1994 

21 1231

First Fundraising Event to Benefit American Fine Arts Co. 12/13-12/17/94: Donation Forms S-W 1994 

21 1232

Mariko Mori / Dan Graham 3/18-4/15/95 (contains transparencies) (2 folders) 1995, n.d. 

21 1233,1234

Roy Arden / Gaylen Gerber (contains photographs) c. 1995 

21 1235

"100 Photographs" 12/14/96-1/4/97 1996-1997, n.d. 

21 1236

F.C. Gundlach / Bernadette Corporation, 1/16-2/8/97 (2 folders) 1996-1997, n.d. 

21 1237,1238

Dennis Balk, 2/22-3/15/97 1997, n.d. 

21 1239

"Nils Norman: Social Surplus" 3/22-4/12/97 1996-1997, n.d. 

21 1240

"Tom Burr: Stainless" 4/26-5/17/97 1997, n.d. 

21 1241

"Andrea Fraser: White People in West Africa" 10/25-11/15/97 1997, n.d. 

21 1242

"Concrete Jungle: Bob Braine, Mark Dion, Alexis Rockman" 11/22-12/13/97 1997, n.d. 

21 1243

"E Pluralus Nihil: Retro-economies/Social Dominions/Influence Parables"1/17-2/7/98 1997-1998, n.d. 

21 1244

"The Bradford 100 (Grennan and Sperandio)" 2/14-3/7/98 1997-1998, n.d. 

21 1245

"Crowd of Women, 1909-1959 (F. Schroder)" 3/14-4/11/98 1998-1999, n.d. 

21 1246

Jack Pierson 4/18-5/9/98 (2 folders) 1998-2000, n.d. 

21 1247,1248

"Art Club 2000: Night of the Living Dead Author" 5/98 1998, n.d. 

21 1249

"Suzy Spence: Visions of Grandeur" 6/19-7/15/98 1998-1999, n.d. 

21 1250

"Paul Dickerson (1961-1997)" 7/21-9/22/98 1998-2001, n.d. 

21 1251

"Gary Gross: Brooke Shields: The Woman in the Child" 9/12-10/31/98 (contains slides) (2 folders) 1992-2000, n.d. 

21 1252,1253

"John Waters: Low Definition" 11/7-12/15/98 (contains slides) 1998-1999, n.d. 

22 1254

"Mark Dion: Loot, Trophies, Souvenirs, and White Elephants, selected work 1991-1998" 12/12/98-1/9/99 1998-1999, n.d. 

22 1255

"Dennis Balk: Photo Magnetic Receiver" 1/23-2/13/99 1998-1999, n.d. 

22 1256

"Ocean Earth Development Corporation: Chase Scene" 2/20-3/13/99 (3 folders) 1998-1999, n.d. 

22 1257-1259

"Nils Norman: The Cruel Dialectic: Opportunity and Decay" 3/20-4/10/99 1999, n.d. 

22 1260

Daniel McDonald and Patterson Beckwith: "Gli Annimali - Bee-Bee (Bee-In)" 5/8/99 1999, n.d. 

22 1261

"Art Club 2000: 1999" 5/20-6/12/99 1999, n.d. 

22 1262

"Dr. Krenslove: Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Mu$eum" 7/9-8/4/99 (contains slides, photographs and negatives) (3 folders) 1999, n.d. 

22 1263-1265

"Silvia Kolbowski: An Inadequate History of Conceptual Art" 9/99 1998-2000, n.d. 

22 1266

Steven Shearer 10/21-11/13/99 1999-2000, n.d. 

22 1267

Moyra Davey 11/20-12/13/99 (contains slides) 1999-2000, n.d. 

22 1268

"Dope: An XXX-Mas Show" 12/22/99-1/8/00 1999-2000, n.d. 

22 1269

"Rapid Response: Post Petroleum Gas Stations Launching a Brand"2/18-3/11/00 (contains 2HD 3.5 in. disk) (2 folders) 1999-2000, n.d. 

22 1270,1271

"Alex Bag: Twelve Spells"1/20-2/5/00 2000, n.d. 

22 1272

"Mark Dion: Nature Bureaucracies" 3/17-4/15/00 2000, n.d. 

22 1273

"Pieter Schoolwerth: The Black Rainbow Domino's Effect on the Infinite Burgundy Line" 4/20-5/13/00 2000, n.d. 

22 1274

"Boug and Worth: f*ck all our art heroes assholes” 6/22-7/15/00 2000, n.d. 

22 1275

"Christian Philipp Müller: A Sense of Place" 5/00 2000, n.d. 

22 1276

Daniel McDonald and Patterson Beckwith: "I Bambini (Bee-In)" 6/18/00 2000, n.d. 

22 1277

"Fahrvergnügen / Play While You Wait" (John Armleder class) 7/18-7/22/00 (contains slides) 2000, n.d. 

22 1278

"Stephan Dillemuth: Coal By Any Other Name" 9/5-9/29/00 2000, n.d. 

22 1279

Chris Verene 10/5-11/11/00 2000-2001, n.d. 

22 1280

"John Waters: Straight to Video" 11/17-12/30/00 2000-2001, n.d. 

22 1281

"Gareth James: wReconstruction" 1/01 2000-2001, n.d. 

22 1282

Patterson Beckwith 3/22-4/14/01 2001, n.d. 

22 1283

"Nils Norman: Dismal Garden" 5/18-6/16/01 2000-2001, n.d. 

22 1284

"Culture Keeps a Model Brain Handy Made of Its Grain to Put in the Place of Its Own" 7/14-8/11/01 2001, n.d. 

22 1285

Pieter Schoolwerth 10/11-11/10/01 2000-2001, n.d. 

22 1286

Spencer Sweeney 11/17-12/10/01 2001, n.d. 

22 1287

"Ian Wallace: New York City" 10/6-11/3/01 [2001] 

22 1288

Steven Shearer 12/15/01-1/12/02 2001, n.d. 

22 1289

"Marlene McCarty: Poltergeist, Girls At Home" 1/02 (contains slides) 2002, n.d. 

23 1290

"Andrea Fraser: Arma Virumque Cano" 1/12-2/2/02 2002-2003 

23 1291

"Kembra Pfahler: Availabism and Anti-Naturalism" 3/9-4/6/02 2002, n.d. 

23 1292

"Serge Spitzer: Work from the 70's and 80's" 4/11-5/11/02 2002, n.d. 

23 1293

"Clegg and Guttmann: Negations of Strict Order" 4/20-5/11/02 2002, n.d. 

23 1294

"Gareth James and Gardar Eide Einarsson: Lars Von Trier" 5/22-6/22/02 (contains slides) 2002, n.d. 

23 1295

"Silvia Kolbowski: Like Looking Away" 9/12-10/5/02 2002, n.d. 

23 1296

"Mary Heilmann: New Paintings" 11/5-12/21/02 2002, n.d. 

23 1297

John Knight 1/4-1/18/03 2002-2004, n.d. 

23 1298

"Lutz Bacher: Manhatta (1999-2002)" 1/23-2/15/03 2002-2003, n.d. 

23 1299

"John Waters: Hair in the Gate" 2/21-3/22/03 (contains photographs) (2 folders) 200-2003, n.d. 

23 1300,1301

"Mark Dion: In Collaboration With..." 3/27-4/26/03 (contains photographs and slides) 2003, n.d. 

23 1302

"Dennis Balk: Particles + Waves with Plausibility" 5/2-6/4/03 (contains photographs) (2 folders) 2003, n.d. 

23 1303,1304

"Merlin Carpenter: Children of the Projects" 6/6-7/19/03 2003, n.d. 

24 1305

J. St. Bernard 9/18-10/25/03 2003-2004, n.d. 

24 1306

"Wild Nights: Remembering Colin de Land" CB's 313 Gallery 10/26-11/7/03 2003, n.d. 

24 1307

"Tom Burr: Gone Gone" 11/6-12/6/03 2003, n.d. 

23 1308

Moyra Davey 12/13/03-1/10/04 2003-2004, n.d. 

23 1309

"Peter Fend: Correspondence" 1/17-2/14/04 2004, n.d. 

23 1310

"Ian Wallace: The Barcelona Series" 2/21-3/20/04 2004, n.d. 

23 1311

"Gareth James: Get Real Estate" 3/27-4/24/04 (contains slides) 2004, n.d. 

23 1312

Mark Flood 4/29-5/29/04 2004, n.d. 

23 1313

"Andrea Fraser: Um Monumento às Fantasias Descartadas" 6/10-7/10/04 2004, n.d. 

23 1314

"Patterson Beckwith: Home" 7/22-9/4/04 2004, n.d. 

23 1315

"Lutz Bacher: Jokes" 9/18-10/9/04 2004, n.d. 

23 1316

"Election," organized by James Meyer 10/22-11/18/04 (contains photographs and negatives) 2004, n.d. 

23 1317

Subseries C. Art Fairs 

Scope and Contents note

The A.F.A. Art Fairs Files subseries contains planning documentation regarding the gallery's participation in art fairs.

Arrangement note

The A.F.A. Art Fairs Files run chronologically, and by art fair name.

Box Folder

International Gallery Invitational 88, New York 1988, n.d. 

24 1318

Art Cologne 89 (Program and correspondence) 1989, n.d. 

24 1319

Art Cologne 89 (Notebooks, invitations, receipts) 1989, n.d. 

24 1320

Art Cologne 90 1990, n.d. 

24 1321

Tokyo Art Expo 1991 (application packet) [1991] 

24 1322

Art Miami '92 1991 

24 1323

Basel Art Fairs / L'art 23 '92 1991, n.d. 

24 1324

Art Frankfurt 1992 (General) 1991-1995, n.d. 

24 1325

Art Frankfurt 1992 (Program materials) (2 folders) 1992, n.d. 

24 1326,1327

Art Frankfurt 1992 (Catalog proofs, contains transparencies) [1992] 

24 1328

NICAF Yokohama 92 (General) (3 folders) 1991-1992, n.d. 

24 1329-1331

NICAF Yokohama 92 (Shipping) (2 folders) 1992, n.d. 

24 1332,1333

NICAF Yokohama 92 (Exhibitor's Manual) [1992] 

24 1334

NICAF Yokohama 92 (financial/interest and travel documents) 1992, n.d. 

24 1335

NICAF Yokohama 92, Japanese artist materials 1992, n.d. 

24 1336

Unfair 92, Cologne 1992, n.d. 

24 1337

Unfair 93, Cologne (program materials) 1993, n.d. 

24 1338

Unfair 93, Cologne (2 fair desk notebooks) [1993] 

24 1339

Unfair 93, Cologne (shipping and tax documents) (2 folders) 1993-1994, n.d. 

24 1340,1341

Subseries D. Binders: Artists' Slides 

Scope and Contents note

The A.F.A. Artist Binders subseries contains largely visual documentation (slides, transparencies, photographs, etc.) for individual gallery artists. See content notes for individual binder contents.

Arrangement note

The A.F.A. Artists' Slides subseries is arranged alphabetically by artist.


Roy Arden: Works and Exhibitions c. 1991-1998 n.d. 

Scope and Contents note

Binder contains slides, transparencies and artist biography.


Nancy Barton: Works c. 1988-1991 1988-1991, n.d. 

Scope and Contents note

Binder contains mostly slides documenting individual works, installations, and exhibitions, organized by body of work. There are some printed photographs and snapshots.


Calvin Brown: Works c. 1984-1989 1985-1989, n.d. 

Scope and Contents note

Binder contains slides of works from 1984-1989 with an artist statement.


Charles Clough: Works and Exhibitions c. 1986-1991 

Scope and Contents note

Binder contains slides documenting works from 1986 to 1991, and includes installation views of his American Fine Arts exhibitions, 12/8/90-1/5/91 and 5/21-6/24/87.


Mark Dion: Projects and Exhibitions c. 1985-1999 c. 1985-1996 

Scope and Contents note

Binder contains slides documenting various artist projects primarily from 1991 to 1993 in reverse chronology, with dividers written in the artist's hand, followed by various projects from 1985 to 1990.


Daniel Faust 1983-1993 (2 binders) c. 1983-1993 

Scope and Contents note

Binder includes slides ranging from 1983 to 1993, preceded by a placard "Daniel Faust 1983-1993 List of Locations."


Peter Fend: Various Projects c. 1980-2001 (2 binders) 1980-2001, n.d. 

Scope and Contents note

Binder contains mostly slides, with some snapshots documenting various projects c. 1980-2001, bulk 1991-1998.


Peter Fend: Projects and Exhibitions 1999-2004 (2 binders) 1999-2004, n.d. 

Scope and Contents note

Binders contain slides, snapshots, photographs and negatives documenting projects (including site specific) and select exhibitions 1999-2004. Also included are select press and project descriptions, along with a series of photographic portraits of the artist.


Peter Fend 1999 1999, n.d. 

Scope and Contents note

Binder contains mostly slides and some snapshots printed in 1999, followed by some slides of older works by the artist as well other artists including Robert Smithson, Dennis Oppenheim, etc.


Brian Gayman: Works and Exhibitions c. 1986-1987 1976-1987, n.d. 

Scope and Contents note

Contains slides of individual works as well as installation views of Gayman's 1987 exhibition at American Fine Arts.


Grennan and Sperandio: Projects and Exhibitions c.1990-1999 1990-1999, n.d. 

Scope and Contents note

Binder contains documentation of works and exhibitions as well as solo works by Chris Sperandio; primarily slides, with some paper documentation and 3-D glasses.


Ull Hohn: Works and Exhibitions c. 1988-1996 

Scope and Contents note

Binder contains mostly slides with some transparencies documenting individual works as well as exhibition installations, as well as some inventory documentation.


Thom Merrick: Works and Exhibitions c. 1987-1991 

Scope and Contents note

Binder contains slides, transparencies, and photographs documenting individual works and exhibition installations, including the 1988 and 1999 exhibitions at American Fine Arts.


John Miller: Works and Exhibitions c. 1982-1992 

Scope and Contents note

Binder contains slides documenting works and exhibitions from around 1982 to 1992.


Aimee Morgana: Works 1983-1991 1983-1991, n.d. 

Scope and Contents note

Binder contains slides and polaroids of exhibition views and individual works.


David Robbins: Works and Exhibitions c. 1986-1989 

Scope and Contents note

Binder contains slides and photographs, as well as an exhibition chronology.


Sam Samore: Works and Exhibitions c. 1990-1993 (2 binders) 1990-1993, n.d. 

Scope and Contents note

Binders contain mostly sildes, with some printouts and transparencies, organized by body of work as well as exhibition. Also contains selet press and bio.


Frank Schroder: Works and Exhibitions c. 1999-2002 1999-2002, n.d. 

Scope and Contents note

Binder contains slides, transparencies, snapshots, select printed exhibition materials, and notes.


Suzy Spence: Works c.1995-2000 1995-2000, n.d. 

Scope and Contents note

Binder contains mostly slides of artist's work ranging from 1995 to 2000 with installation views, as well as color printouts, transparencies, and a bio and press.


J. St. Bernard Works and Exhibitions c. 1989-2003 n.d. 

Scope and Contents note

Binder contains slides, transparencies and production mechanicals.


Jessica Stockholder: Works (5 binders) 1985-1993, n.d. 

Scope and Contents note

The five binders are organized by three different number systems: Binders 1-3: JS#94-223, Binder 4: IJS #001-016 (Installation Views), and Binder 5: DJS#006-089, followed by Miscellaneous. Contain work descriptions as well as visual materials representing artworks in various formats: slides, photographs, polaroids, negatives, snapshots, transparencies and postcards.


Jessica Stockholder: Projects / Previous Work c. 1982-1992 1982-1992, n.d. 

Scope and Contents note

Binder contains slides, polaroids and photographs. Slides are arranged by projects in rough chronology, accompanied by descriptions. Many of these projects predate the artist's involvement with the gallery.


Jon Tower: Exhibitions and Works 1987-1992 1987-1992, n.d. 

Scope and Contents note

Binder contains mostly slides with some snapshots and transparencies, documenting exhibitions as well as individual or series of works. Select project descriptions and artist statements included.


Julie Wachtel: Chronology of Work c. 1983-1993 

Scope and Contents note

Binder contains mostly slides, with some transparencies, photographs, and press, as well as a checklist from Wachtel's 1993 solo show.

Binder Contents:

•Early Cartoon Paintings (1983-1984)

•Cartoon – Primitive Paintings (1985-1986)

•Cartoon/Primitive - Emotional Appeal Series (1986-1987)

•Celebrity Paintings (1987-1989)

•Landscape Series (1989-1991)

•Clusters (1991-1992)

•Abstract Portraits (1992-1993)


John Waters: Works and Exhibitions c. 1996-1998 1996-1999, n.d. 

Scope and Contents note

Binder contains polaroids, snapshots and negatives of individual works and exhibition installation views.


Subseries E. Binders: Exhibitions 

Scope and Contents note

The A.F.A. Exhibition binders subseries contains visual documentation in addition to checklists and press in some cases. See content notes for indiviual binder contents.

Arrangement note

The A.F.A. Exhibition Binders subseries is organized chronologically by exhibition.


Exhibitions c. 1986-1987 1986-1987, n.d. 

Scope and Contents note

Binder contains mostly slides of group exhibitions, with some checklists.

Binder Contents:

•[John Dogg and Richard Prince, 1986]

•“Modern Sleep” curated by Collins & Milazzo (Saint Clair Cemin, John Dogg, Ti Shan Hsu, Kevin Larmon, Jonathan Lasker, Annette Lemieux, Olivier Mosset, Joel Otterson, Jeffrey Plate), 10-11/86

•[Charles Clough / Peter Hopkins / Walter Robinson / Tom Schott / Julie Wachtel, 12/86]

•[Vito Acconci / Beth Brenner / Brian Gayman / Robert Younger, 1-2/87]

•[Group Show (Etkin, Hopkins, Robbins, Robinson, Staehle, …), 6/25-7/19/87]

•“Art Against Aids” 7/21-8/16/87 (Walter Robinson, Charles Clough, Olivier Mosset, Michael van der Leeuw, Brian Gayman, Tom Schott, Peter Hopkins, Daniel Faust, Calvin Brown, Julie Wachtel)

•[Sujet à discretion (John Dogg, Barbara Gladstone, Joseph Kosuth, Allan McCollum, Philippe Thomas), 10/15-11/8/87]

•[Exterior views of American Fine Arts at 511 East 6th St., 7/87]

•[Miscellaneous: Unidentified Exhibition (Dogg, Hopkins, Brown, Schott)]



Exhibitions June 1989-January 1992 1989-1992 

Scope and Contents note

Binder contains mostly slides of group exhibitions, with some transparencies.

Binder Contents:

•[Group Show, 6/89]

•[Group Show, 7/8-8/5/89]

•[John Miller / Gary Mirabelle / Lawrence Weiner, 9/89]

•"Just Pathetic", curated by Ralph Rugoff, 1/18-2/8/92


Group Show 7/8-8/5/89 

Scope and Contents note

Submitted materials by 50 artists who participated in the exhibition of largely non-gallery artists. Materials include a single page describing the work shown, followed by a sheet of 35 mm slides in most cases.

Box Folder

Roman Signer 10/11-10/20/90 (contains slides and photographs) [1990] 

60 1342

"Daniel Buren, Kevin Lum, Stephen Prina, Rudolf Stingel", curated by Colin de Land, HOME for Contemporary Art and Theatre 5/91 n.d. 

Scope and Contents note

Binder contains installation image slides.


[Vito Acconci/Jeff Koons/Joel Shapiro] 9/14-10/12/91 n.d. 

Scope and Contents note

Binder contains primarily slides documenting the exhibition, as well as other slides and a project description for Vito Acconci.


Exhibitions Summer 1992 – February 1993 1992-1993, n.d. 

Scope and Contents note

Binder contains mostly slides.

Binder Contents:

•[Group Show (Lothar Baumgarten, Mark Dion, Andrea Fraser, Dan Graham, Rodney Graham, Douglas Huebler, John Knight, Louise Lawler, Christian Philipp Müller, Stephen Prina, James Welling, Christopher Willams), Summer/Fall 1992]

•[One-Day Group Show 10/92]

•[Group Show (Dennis Balk, Charles Clough, Jessca Diamond, Peter Fend, Peter Hopkins, Steven Parrino, Jessica Stockholder, Sam Samore), 12/92-1/93]

•“Travelogue/Reisetagebuch” curated by Jackie McAllister at Hochschüle für angewandte Kunst, Wien, 2/25-3/27/93



Group Shows, Summer Shows, Back Room, and Art Fairs 1993-2002 

Scope and Contents note

Binder contains mostly slides with some snapshot photographs, documenting exhibitions and events including art fairs in chronological order.

Binder Contents:

•[Project Art – DocuMatter, Andrea Rosen Gallery, curated by Barbara and Howard Morse, 8/93]

•First Fundraising Event to Benefit American Fine Arts Co. 12/13-12/17/94

•Reuben Room Summer 1994 •First Gramercy International Art Fair [1994]

•[Group Show Summer 1995]

•Gramercy International Art Fair 1995

•Chateau Marmont December 1995

•[Gramercy International Contemporary Art Fair 1996]

•The Art Exchange Show, 60 Broad Street 1996

•[Group Show (Roy Arden, Art Club 2000, Chivas Clem, John Kelsey, Lisa Ruyter, Tom Burr, John Waters) 6/20-7/13/96]

•Gramercy International, “Miami” 1996, Raleigh Hotel

•Gramercy International, Chateau Marmont 12/98


"What Happened to the Institutional Critique?", organized by James Meyer 9/11-10/2/93 c. 1993 

Scope and Contents note

Binder contains transparencies and slides, including installation shots and individual work views.


"Cop Sculpture" Ted Byfield and Lincoln Tobier 11/6-12/11/93 1993, n.d. 

Scope and Contents note

Binder contains checklist, slides and transparencies for "Cop Sculpture" as well as documentation for other projects by the artists.


Alexander Ku (Reuben Room) 12/93 1993-1996, n.d. 

Scope and Contents note

Binder contains slides and transparencies and negatives documenting the exhibition, along some correspondence and later press.

Box Folder

"The Mayfair Show", organized by Jason Simon 1/94 (contains checklist, press release, press and slides) 1994, n.d. 

60 1343

Noritoshi Hirakawa 2/19-3/12/94 (contains slides and transparencies) n.d. 

60 1344

"Bill Owens: Photographs from Suburbia, Our Kind of People, and Working" 9/17-10/15/94 1994-1997, n.d. 

Scope and Contents note

Binder contains checklist and visual documentation including slides, snapshots, negatives and color photographs.


"Vito Acconci: Proposal for a Private House, Laguna Beach, CA" 9/17-10/15/94 1990-1994, n.d. 

Scope and Contents note

Binder contains checklist, slides, transparencies, press, photographs of the installation process, and documentation of other projects.


Frank Stella/Stephen Prina 10/22-11/19/94 1994, n.d. 

Scope and Contents note

Binder contains slides, transparencies, and checklists.


"Mapping: A Response to MoMA" 12/1/94-1/7/95 1994, n.d. 

Scope and Contents note

Binder contains invitation, press release, checklists, slides, negatives, photographs, and transparencies.

Box Folder

Dan Graham 3/18-4/15/95 (contains checklist, slides, transparencies, snapshots, and printed color images) n.d. 

60 1345

"James Welling: The Ugly America" 4/95 1995-1996, n.d. 

Scope and Contents note

Binder contains exclusively slides, documenting the exhibition as well as individual works.


"Claire Pentecost: Dominion" 5/95 

Scope and Contents note

Binder contains slides and transparencies documenting the exhibition, as well as some earlier work.


"Black Book" undated exhibition binder c. 1996 

Scope and Contents note

Binder contains bios, slides, transparencies, and publications.

Box Folder

Between Shows: Show Overlaps 3/96 (contains slides) 1996 

60 1346

Between Shows: 4/96 (contains slides) 1996 

60 1347

Between Shows: Moore / Clegg and Guttmann 5/96 (contains slides) 1996 

60 1348

"Jayce Salloum: There Was and There Was Not" 6/20-7/13/96 (contains press release, checklist, and slides) 

60 1349

Between Shows: AC2K / Ira Richer (contains slides) 1996 

60 1350

"Ira Richer: West Branch Station/The L.A. Project" 9/14-10/5/96 1988-1996, n.d. 

Scope and Contents note

Binder contains press release, artist statement, checklist, slides and transparencies.


"100 Photographs" 12/14/96-1/4/97 1996-1997, n.d. 

Scope and Contents note

Binder contains checklist and slides, as well as snapshots and negatives.

Box Folder

F.C. Gundlach / Bernadette Corporation, 1/16-2/8/97 (contains slides) 1997, n.d. 

60 1351

"E Pluralus Nihil: Retro-economies/Social Dominions/Influence Parables"1/17-2/7/98 (contains slides) 1998, n.d. 

60 1352

Jack Pierson 4/18-5/9/98 

Scope and Contents note

Binder contains checklist, press, transparencies, snapshots, polaroids, slides, and printed photographs documenting the exhibition as well as individual works.

Box Folder

"Paul Dickerson (1961-1997)" 7/21-9/22/98 (contains slides and transparencies) 1998, n.d. 

60 1353

"Gary Gross: Brooke Shields: The Woman in the Child" 9/12-10/31/98 1998, n.d. 

Scope and Contents note

Binder contains mostly slides with some transparencies, documenting the installation as well as individual works. Also contains some inventory information.


AFA at The Armory Show/Halloween ‘01 at PHAG 1999-2003, n.d. 

Scope and Contents note

Binder contains mostly slides documenting the gallery's Armory Show presentations, with some snapshots and press, as well as event slides for a Halloween party at Pat Hearn Art Gallery, 2001.

Binder Contents:

•The Armory Show 2/99

•The Armory Show 2000

•The Armory Show 2001

•Halloween ’01 at PHAG

•The Armory Show 2002

•The Armory Show 2003

Box Folder

Daniel McDonald and Patterson Beckwith: "Gli Annimali - Bee-Bee (Bee-In)" 5/8/99 (contains slides) 

60 1354

"Dr. Krenslove: Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Mu$eum" 7/9-8/4/99 (contains slides) 1999, n.d. 

60 1355

"Silvia Kolbowski: An Inadequate History of Conceptual Art" 9/99 (contains press release, bio, press, slides and transparencies) 1999, n.d. 

60 1356

"Andrea Robbins and Max Becher: Remotely Viewed" 12/99 (contains bio, checklist, slides, and color printouts) 1999, n.d. 

60 1357

"Dope: An XXX-Mas Show" 12/22/99-1/8/00 1999-2000, n.d. 

Scope and Contents note

Binder contains mostly slides with some transparencies and press.

Box Folder

"Mark Dion: Nature Bureaucracies" 3/17-4/15/00 (contains slides and transparencies) 1999-2000, n.d. 

60 1358

"Christian Philipp Müller: A Sense of Place" 5/00 (contains slides, transparencies, documentation) 1997-2000, n.d. 

60 1359

"Boug and Worth 2" 7/27-8/10/00 (contains checklist, slides, transparencies) 2000, n.d. 

60 1360

"Stephan Dillemuth: Coal By Any Other Name" 9/5-9/29/00 2000, n.d. 

Scope and Contents note

Binder contains press release, press, slides, transparencies, snapshots and negatives for the exhibition and related programming.

Box Folder

"Gareth James: wReconstruction" 1/01 (contains slides, printed images, and press) 2000-2004, n.d. 

60 1361

Patterson Beckwith 3/22-4/14/01 (contains photographs and slides) n.d. 

60 1362

"Nils Norman: Dismal Garden" 5/18-6/16/01 (contains press, bio, documentation, slides, and transparencies) 2001, n.d. 

60 1363

"Frank Schroder: Bloom Off the Rose" 5/10-6/16/01 (contains press release, checklist, press, slides, transparencies) 2001-2002, n.d. 

60 1364

"Culture Keeps a Model Brain Handy Made of Its Grain to Put in the Place of Your Own" 7/14-8/11/01 2001, n.d. 

Scope and Contents note

Binder contains invitation, press and slides.

Box Folder

"Group Show Summer 2001" 7/19-8/18/01 (contains slides and transparencies) n.d. 

60 1365

"Ian Wallace: New York City" 10/6-11/3/01 (contains press release, checklist, bio, press, slides and transparencies) 2001, n.d. 

60 1366

Pieter Schoolwerth 10/11-11/10/01 (contains press release, bio, slides) 2001, n.d. 

60 1367

Spencer Sweeney 11/17-12/10/01 (contains checklist, slides, and transparencies) 2001, n.d. 

60 1368

"MacDermott and MacGough: The Lust that Comes From Nothing" 11/17-12/15/01 2001, n.d. 

Scope and Contents note

Binder contains press release, checklist, slides, transparencies, and printed color images.

Box Folder

Steven Shearer 12/15/01-1/12/02 (contains press release, press, slides, transparencies, and printed images) 2001-2002, n.d. 

60 1369

"Andrea Fraser: Arma Virumque Cano" 1/12-2/2/02 (contains bio, press, printed images, slides, and transparencies) 2002-2004, n.d. 

60 1370

"Kembra Pfahler: Availabism and Anti-Naturalism" 3/9-4/6/02 (contains press release, bio, press, slides, and printed images) 2002-2004, n.d. 

60 1371

"Serge Spitzer: Work from the 70's and 80's" 4/11-5/11/02 2002-2003, n.d. 

Scope and Contents note

Binder contains slides, press release, checklist, press, printed images and documentation.


"Clegg and Guttmann: Negations of Strict Order" 4/20-5/11/02 2002, n.d. 

Scope and Contents note

Binder contains slides, press release, checklist, press, printed images and documentation.

Box Folder

"Silvia Kolbowski: Like Looking Away" 9/12-10/5/02 (contains press release, checklist, and press) n.d. 

60 1372

"Greg Gorman: Just Between Us" 10/02 2001, n.d. 

Scope and Contents note

Binder contains transparencies, some pricing information, slides documenting the exhibition, and other slides from the artist's studio.

Box Folder

"Dennis Balk: Particles + Waves with Plausibility" 5/2-6/4/03 (contains press, slides, printed images) 1992-2003, n.d. 

60 1373

"Merlin Carpenter: Children of the Projects" 6/6-7/19/03 (contains slides, press, press release, checklist) 2003, n.d. 

60 1374

Moyra Davey 12/13/13-1/10/04 (contains press release, checklist, bio, press, and printed images) 2003, n.d. 

60 1375

"Peter Fend: Correspondence" 1/17-2/14/04 (contains press release, bio, and press) [2004] 

60 1376

"Ian Wallace: The Barcelona Series" 2/21-3/20/04 (contains press release, bio, artist statement, printed images, slides, and transparencies) 2004, n.d. 

60 1377

Mark Flood 4/29-5/29/04 (contains slides and transparencies) n.d. 

60 1378

"Patterson Beckwith: Home" 7/22-9/4/04 (contains press release, checklist, slides, press, printed images) 

60 1379

"Lutz Bacher: Jokes" 9/18-10/9/04 (contains slides, transparencies, and press) n.d. 

60 1380

"Election," organized by James Meyer 10/22-11/18/04 n.d. 

Scope and Contents note

Binder contains slides and slide labels.

Box Folder

Miscellaneous: Tim Burton (contains slides) n.d. 

60 1381

Miscellaneous: Graham Durward (contains slides) n.d. 

60 1382

Miscellaneous: Brian Goldfarb (contains slides) n.d. 

60 1383

Miscellaneous: Nancy Jones (contains slides) n.d. 

60 1384

Miscellaneous: Hilary Kliros (contains slides) n.d. 

60 1385

Miscellaneous: Zini Lardieri (contains slides) n.d. 

60 1386

Miscellaneous: Simon Leung (contains slides) n.d. 

60 1387

Miscellaneous: Ken Light and Steven Rubin (contains slides) n.d. 

60 1388

Miscellaneous: B. Pavlow (contains slides) n.d. 

60 1389

Miscellaneous: Marc Tauss (contains slides) n.d. 

60 1390

Miscellaneous: Paul Warchol (contains slides) n.d. 

60 1391

Miscellaneous: [Unidentified installation images] (contains slides) n.d. 

60 1392

Subseries F. Binders: Art Fairs and Promotional Compilations 

Scope and Contents note

The A.F.A. Compilation Binders subseries contains visual and promotional material on individual artists.

Arrangement note

The A.F.A. Art Fairs and Promotional Compilations Binders are arranged chronologically. The contents of each binder are arranged by artist name alphabetically, and have been foldered by document type.

American Fine Arts, dX Book c. 1996 

Scope and Contents note

Binder contains slides,transparencies, printed photographs, press clipping, bios, artist statements and project descriptions by artist, presumably for presentation outside of the gallery.

Box Folder

Roy Arden: Slides n.d. 

88 1393

Roy Arden: Bio c. 1996 

88 1394

Art Club 2000: Slides n.d. 

88 1395

Art Club 2000: Press 1993-1996, n.d. 

88 1396

Dennis Balk: Slides n.d. 

88 1397

Dennis Balk: Bio and Press c. 1996 

88 1398

Tom Burr: Bio and Artist Writings n.d. 

88 1399

Tom Burr: Press n.d. 

88 1400

Tom Burr: Printed Color Images n.d. 

88 1401

Clegg & Guttmann: Slides n.d. 

88 1402

Clegg & Guttmann: Bio c. 1996 

88 1403

Moyra Davey: Slides n.d. 

88 1404

Moyra Davey: Bio, Press and Project Descriptions n.d. 

88 1405

Mark Dion: Slides n.d. 

88 1406

Mark Dion: Bio and "Culture in Action" catalog essay n.d. 

88 1407

Mark Dion: Printed Color Images 

88 1408

Daniel Faust: Slides n.d. 

88 1409

Andrea Fraser: Slides n.d. 

88 1410

Andrea Fraser: Bio c. 1996 

88 1411

Andrea Fraser: Press n.d. 

88 1412

Andrea Fraser: Wadsworth Antheneum Matrix 114 pamphlet 1991 

88 1413

Grennan and Sperandio: Slides n.d. 

88 1414

Grennan and Sperandio: Bio and Artist Writings n.d. 

88 1415

Grennan and Sperandio: Press n.d. 

88 1416

Grennan and Sperandio: "Culture in Action" catalog essay c. 1993 

88 1417

Grennan and Sperandio: "Fantastic Sh*t 3-D checklist n.d. 

88 1418

Chris Moore: Slides n.d. 

88 1419

Chris Moore: Bio, Press Release and Press n.d. 

88 1420

Mariko Mori: Slides n.d. 

88 1421

Mariko Mori: Bio and Press n.d. 

88 1422

Mariko Mori: "Made in Japan" Shiseido Gallery catalog 1994 

88 1423

Mariko Mori: Photographs and Printed Color Images 1992-1993, n.d. 

88 1424

Christian Philipp Müller: Slides n.d. 

88 1425

Christian Philipp Müller: Bio and Press n.d. 

88 1426

Bill Owens: Slides n.d. 

88 1427

Ira Richer: Slides 

88 1428

Ira Richer: Artist Statment and Press Release 1996, n.d. 

88 1429

John Waters: Slides 

88 1430

John Waters: Bio and Press n.d. 

88 1431

[Untitled Compilation Binder c. 1997] c. 1997 

Scope and Contents note

Binder contains mostly slides, transparencies and printed photographs by artist, in addition to some biographical material (bios, press, etc.). Binder is preceded by a list of artists on the cover that does not exactly replicate the contents of the binder. Some materials appear to have been removed.

Box Folder

Artist list and checklist information 1997, n.d. 

89 1432

Tom Burr: Slides n.d. 

89 1433

Mark Dion: Bio c. 1997 

89 1434

Mark Dion: On Tropical Nature proposal and documentation n.d. 

39 1435

Mark Dion: Concrete Jungle slides and transparencies n.d. 

89 1436

Andrea Fraser: Slides n.d. 

89 1437

Grennan and Sperandio: Bio and Slide c. 1997 

89 1438

Chris Moore: Slides, photographs, color printouts and clippings n.d. 

89 1439

Mariko Mori: Slides n.d. 

89 1440

Christian Philipp Müller: "The Condition of Bohemia" by James Meyer 

89 1441

Christian Philipp Müller: Slides n.d. 

89 1442

John Waters: Slides n.d. 

89 1443

[Art Forum Berlin 2002 Book (9/26-9/30/02)] 1997-2002, n.d. 

Scope and Contents note

This binder was brought to the Art Forum Berlin 2002 fair for promotional purposes and contains largely press and visual materials.

Box Folder

Artist and Artwork lists n.d. 

90 1444

American Fine Arts Press 2002 

90 1445

Vito Acconci: Slides n.d. 

90 1446

Art Club 2000: Slides and Transparencies n.d. 

90 1447

Dan Asher: Slides n.d. 

90 1448

Lutz Bacher: Slides n.d. 

90 1449

Alex Bag: Bio and Press c. 2002, n.d. 

90 1450

Alex Bag: Project Descriptions and Press Releases n.d. 

90 1451

Alex Bag: Slides n.d. 

90 1452

Tom Burr: Slides n.d. 

90 1453

James Casabere 2002 

90 1454

Clegg & Guttmann: Slides n.d. 

90 1455

Clegg & Guttmann: Printed color images n.d. 

90 1456

Clegg & Guttmann: "Negation of Strict Order" show information c. 2002 

90 1457

Moyra Davey: Slides n.d. 

90 1458

Mark Dion: Transparencies n.d. 

90 1459

Mark Di Suvero n.d. 

90 1460

Jeff Elrod (contains slides) n.d. 

90 1461

Dan Graham n.d. 

90 1462

Gary Gross (contains slides and transparencies) n.d. 

90 1463

Mary Heilmann (contains slides and transparencies) 2001-2002, n.d. 

90 1464

Gareth James and Gradar Eine Einarsson: "Lars von Trier" materials (contains slides) n.d. 

90 1465

Silvia Kolbowski (General) 2002, n.d. 

90 1466

Silvia Kolbowski: Slides and Transparencies n.d. 

90 1467

Silvia Kolbowski: Photographs n.d. 

90 1468

Marlene McCarty (contains slides) n.d. 

90 1469

Yasamasu Morimura 2002 

90 1470

Christian Philipp Müller: Transparencies n.d. 

90 1471

Nils Norman (contains slides and transparencies) n.d. 

90 1472

Elizabeth Peyton 2002 

19 1473

Kembra Pfahler (contains slides and transparencies) n.d. 

90 1474

Jack Pierson: Slides and Transparencies n.d. 

90 1475

Monique Prieto (contains transparencies) n.d. 

90 1476

Pierre-Auguste Renoir n.d. 

90 1477

Ira Richer (contains slides) n.d. 

90 1478

Frank Schroder (contains slides and transparencies) n.d. 

90 1479

Steven Shearer: Transparencies n.d. 

90 1480

Andreas Slomenski 2002 

90 1481

Robert Smithson: Photographs and Transparencies n.d. 

90 1482

Serge Spitzer (contains slides) n.d. 

90 1483

Ian Wallace (contains slides, transparencies, and photographs) n.d. 

90 1484

John Waters: Slides n.d. 

90 1485

Mel Ziegler 2002, n.d. 

90 1486

Subseries G. Correspondence 

Arrangement note

The A.F.A. Correspondence subseries is arranged chronologically by year, followed by an alphabetical run of correspondence by individual or institution name.

Scope and Contents note

The A.F.A. Correspondence Files span from 1984 to 2003, and include two years from the Vox Populi gallery.

Box Folder

Correspondence 1984 [Vox Populi] 1984 

91 1487

Correspondence 1985 [Vox Populi] 1985, n.d. 

91 1488

Correspondence 1986 (General) 1986, n.d. 

91 1489

Correspondence 1986 (Letter to Mr. & Mrs. Collector, from CdL) 1986 

91 1490

Correspondence 1987 (Outgoing) 1987, n.d. 

91 1491

Correspondence 1987 (Incoming) 1987, n.d. 

91 1492

Correspondence 1988 (Outgoing) 1998, n.d. 

91 1493

Correspondence 1988 (Incoming) 1987-1988, n.d. 

91 1494

Correspondence 1989 to 1992 A 1989-1992, n.d. 

91 1495

Correspondence 1989 to 1992 B 1989-1992, n.d. 

91 1496

Correspondence 1989 to 1992 C 1989-1992, n.d. 

91 1497

Correspondence 1989 to 1992 D 1989-1992, n.d. 

91 1498

Correspondence 1989 to 1992 E 1989-1991 

91 1499

Correspondence 1989 to 1992 F 1989-1992 

91 1500

Correspondence 1989 to 1992 G 1989-1992, n.d. 

91 1501

Correspondence 1989 to 1992 H 1989-1992, n.d. 

91 1502

Correspondence 1989 to 1992 I 1989-1992 

91 1503

Correspondence 1989 to 1992 J 1989-1992, n.d. 

91 1504

Correspondence 1989 to 1992 K 1989-1992, n.d. 

91 1505

Correspondence 1989 to 1992 L 1989-1992, n.d. 

91 1506

Correspondence 1989 to 1992 M 1989-1992, n.d. 

91 1507

Correspondence 1989 to 1992 N 1989-1992, n.d. 

91 1508

Correspondence 1989 to 1992 O 1989-1992, n.d. 

91 1509

Correspondence 1989 to 1992 P 1989-1992, n.d. 

91 1510

Correspondence 1989 to 1992 R 1989-1992, n.d. 

91 1511

Correspondence 1989 to 1992 S 1989-1992, n.d. 

91 1512

Correspondence 1989 to 1992 T 1989-1992, n.d. 

91 1513

Correspondence 1989 to 1992 U 1990-1991 

91 1514

Correspondence 1989 to 1992 V 1989-1992, n.d. 

91 1515

Correspondence 1989 to 1992 W 1989-1992, n.d. 

91 1516

Correspondence 1989 to 1992 X-Y-Z 1990-1991, n.d. 

91 1517

Correspondence Jan. 1993 to July 2000 A-B (2 folders) 1993-2000, n.d. 

91 1518,1519

Correspondence Jan. 1993 to July 2000 C-D (2 folders) 1993-2000, n.d. 

92 1520,1521

Correspondence Jan. 1993 to July 2000 E-F 1993-1999, n.d. 

92 1522

Correspondence Jan. 1993 to July 2000 G-H 1993-2000, n.d. 

92 1523

Correspondence Jan. 1993 to July 2000 I-J 1993-1999, n.d. 

92 1524

Correspondence Jan. 1993 to July 2000 K-L 1993-2000, n.d. 

92 1525

Correspondence Jan. 1993 to July 2000 M-N (2 folders) 1993-2000, n.d. 

92 1526,1527

Correspondence Jan. 1993 to July 2000 O-P 1993-2000, n.d. 

92 1528

Correspondence Jan. 1993 to July 2000 Q-R 1993-1999, n.d. 

92 1529

Correspondence Jan. 1993 to July 2000 S-T (2 folders) 1993-2000, n.d. 

92 1530,1531

Correspondence Jan. 1993 to July 2000 U-V 1994-1999, n.d. 

92 1532

Correspondence Jan. 1993 to July 2000 W-X 1993-2000, n.d. 

92 1533

Correspondence Jan. 1993 to July 2000 Y-Z 1993-2000, n.d. 

92 1534

Correspondence: Art & Language 2000-2001 

92 1535

Correspondence: Brooke Alexander 1991 

92 1536

Correspondence: Cugliani, Tom (Marlborough Gallery) 1997, n.d. 

92 1537

Correspondence: Deluccia, Margaret 1993, n.d. 

92 1538

Correspondence: Galerie Metropol (contains photographs and floorplans) 1991, n.d. 

92 1539

Correspondence: Galerie Pierre Huber (contains photographs) 1987-1988, n.d. 

92 1540

Correspondence: [Gecker], Jaime 2003 

92 1541

Correspondence: Guilbaud, Emmanuelle and George 1996-2002, n.d. 

92 1542

Correspondence: Holzworth, Jes 1999, n.d. 

92 1543

Correspondence: Meyer, James 1994-1998, n.d. 

92 1544

Correspondence: Morse, Barbara and Howard 1992-1997, n.d. 

92 1545

Correspondence: PS1 1991 

92 1546

Correspondence: Sadeg, Narmine 1993, 1994 

92 1547

Coorespondence: Schnabel, Julian 2002 

92 1548

Correspondence (To Be Filed) 1993-1993, n.d. 

92 1549

Subseries H. Artists of Interest/Artists Under Consideration 

Arrangement note

The A.F.A. Artists of Interest subseries is arranged alphabetically by artist name.

Scope and Contents note

The A.F.A. Artists of Interest subseries includes artist files for artists once represented by the gallery, artists under consideration, and artists with substantial correspondence or activity. Artist files contain the working records of the gallery pertaining to an artist, and include correspondence, exhibition files for AFA shows and other institutions, financial records, artist writings, and other types of documentation. There are also small amounts of visual records (slides, photographs, negatives, etc.) found throughout the artist files.

Vito Acconci 

Box Folder

Financial: "Convertible Clam Shelter" Damage and Claim 1991-1995, n.d. 

93 1550

Financial: Clam sale, Corcoran/Schulz 1992-1997, n.d. 

93 1551

Financial: Bra sale, Corcoran/Israel Museum 1994-1995, n.d. 

93 1552

Financial: Clam sale, Corcoran/Shiraishi Contemporary 1995 

93 1553

Project: Collision House, Max Protech Gallery documentation (contains photographs) n.d. 

93 1554

Project: Sliding Doorway, 1981 Whitney Biennial documentation (contains photographs and slides) n.d. 

93 1555

Project: Community House, Kunstverein Koln 4/81 documentation (contains photographs) n.d. 

93 1556

Project: The City the Comes Down From the Sky, Portland Center for the Visual Arts 2/82 documentation (contains photographs) n.d. 

93 1557

Project: Room Dividers, UMass Amherst 9/82 documentation (contains photographs) n.d. 

93 1558

Project: Stage Set for Ubu Roi 1984 (contains transparencies) n.d. 

93 1559

Project: Sleeping Dog Couch (contains slides) n.d. 

93 1560

Project: Linear Mobile City 1992, n.d. 

93 1561

VA Slides (contains slides) c. 1983-1985 

93 1562


Box Folder

Correspondence (General) 1999, n.d. 

93 1563

Ricci Albenda 

Box Folder

Correspondence (General) n.d. 

93 1564

Todd Alden 

Box Folder

Correspondence ("Collector's Shit" event) 1996 

93 1565

Joe Amrhein 

Box Folder

Correspondence (General) (contains slides and transparencies) c. 1993 

93 1566

Carl Andre 

Box Folder

Correspondence (General) (contains slides) 1989, n.d. 

93 1567

John Armleder 

Box Folder

JA Slides (contains slides) n.d. 

93 1568

Dan Asher 

Box Folder

Correspondence (General) 1991-1992, n.d. 

93 1569

Michael Ashkin 

Box Folder

Corresponence (General) (contains slides) 1994-1995, n.d. 

93 1570

Lutz Bacher 

Box Folder

Correspondence (General) n.d. 

93 1571

Nayland Blake 

Box Folder

Correspondence (General) (contains slides) 1988-1989, n.d. 

93 1572

Roddy Bogawa 

Box Folder

Correspondence (General) 1990-1991, n.d. 

93 1573

Financial (General) 1990-1991 

93 1574

RB Shipping 1990-1991 

93 1575

RB Biography c. 1990 

93 1576

RB Press 1988-1990, n.d. 

93 1577

RB Slides (Whitney I.S.P. Open House 5/90) n.d. 

93 1578

David Borawski 

Box Folder

Correspondence (General) 1991 

93 1579

Edward Braddocks 

Box Folder

Correspondence (General) (various newsletters and flyers) c. 1990 

93 1580

Davide Bramante 

Box Folder

Project: "Rave Mutation" (contains photographs and transparencies) 1997, n.d. 

93 1581

Calvin Brown 

Box Folder

Correspondence (General) 1986-1988, n.d. 

93 1582

Exhibition: Calvin Brown / Steve Miller / Peter Nagy / Taro Suzuki, American Fine Arts, 1986 n.d. 

93 1583

Exhibition: Calvin Brown / John Dogg / Peter Hopkins / Tom Schott 6/28-7/31/86 [1986] 

93 1584

Exhibition: American Fine Arts 11/20-12/14/86 1986, n.d. 

93 1585

Exhibition: "Generations of Geometry" Whitney Museum 6/17-8/26/87 1987, n.d. 

93 1586

Exhibition: American Fine Arts (with Daniel Faust) 2/18-3/13/88 [1988] 

93 1587

Exhibition: Various Invitations/Other Shows 1986-1988, n.d. 

93 1588

Financial: Invoice and Consignment 1986-1988 

93 1589

CB Shipping 1986-1987 

93 1590

CB Press 1986-1987, n.d. 

93 1591

CB Inventory c. 1987 

93 1592

CB Interest, Collectors n.d. 

93 1593

CB Biography c. 1988 

93 1594

Felix Brummer 

Box Folder

[Artist Submission] 1992 

93 1595

Kathe Burkhart 

Box Folder

Correspondence (General) 2002, n.d. 

93 1596

David Bussel 

Box Folder

Correspondence (General) 1988-1989 

93 1597

Exhibition: David Bussel / Nan Goldin / Larry Johnson American Fine Arts 2/18-3/11/89 (contains slides) n.d. 

93 1598

DB Artist Writings: "On Jacques Derrida's Parergon" 1989 

93 1599

DB Slides n.d. 

93 1600

Philippe Chalem 

Box Folder

Correspondence (General) 1993, n.d. 

93 1601

Mel Chin 

Box Folder

Correspondence (General) c. 1990 

93 1602

Cody Choi 

Box Folder

CC Slides (contains slides) n.d. 

93 1603

Charles Clough 

Box Folder

Correspondence (General) 1987, n.d. 

93 1604

Exhibition: Clough / Hopkins / Schott / Wachtel 12/19/86-1/11/87 1986-1987 

93 1605

Exhibition: American Fine Arts 5/21-6/24/87 1987, n.d. 

93 1606

Exhibition: "New Paintings by Charles Clough and Mimi Thompson" 11/20/87-1/24/88 1987-1988 

93 1607

Financial: Invoice and Consignment 1986-1987 

93 1608

CC Press 1982-1986, n.d. 

93 1609

CC Shipping 1987 

93 1610

CC Biography c. 1986 

93 1611

CC Photo (contains photographs) n.d. 

93 1612

Michael Corris 

Box Folder

Correspondence (General) 1988-1990, n.d. 

93 1613

Exhibition: American Fine Arts 3/17-4/10/88 (contains slides) 1988, n.d. 

93 1614

Exhibition: Various Invitations/Other Shows 1984-1988, n.d. 

93 1615

Financial: Invoice and Consignment 1987-1988 

93 1616

Project: "As If The Pillars Of Society" Clarte Press c. 1987 

93 1617

Project: "The Theater of Memory of Ad Reinhardt" c. 1991 

93 1618

MC Artist Writings 1985-1987, n.d. 

93 1619

MC Press 1985-1988, n.d. 

93 1620

MC Biography c. 1988 

93 1621

MC Photo (contains slides and photographs) c. 1985-1990 

93 1622

Douglas Davis 

Box Folder

Correspondence (General) n.d. 

93 1623

Exhibition: Various Invitations and Other Exhibitions 1994 

93 1624

Exhibition: Catalog texts n.d. 

93 1625

DD Press 1994-1995, n.d. 

93 1626

DD Artist Writings c. 1995 

93 1627

Brian DeGraw 

Box Folder

Correspondence (General) n.d. 

93 1628

Pat de Groot 

Box Folder

Correspondence (General) 1997-2000 

93 1629

PdG Biography and Artist Statement c. 1997-1998 

93 1630

PdG Press 1987-1998, n.d. 

93 1631

PdG Slides 1997-1998, n.d. 

93 1632

Stephan Dillemuth 

Box Folder

SD Artist Writings n.d. 

93 1633

Gabriele di Matteo 

Box Folder

Correspondence (General) n.d. 

94 1634

John Dogg 

Box Folder

Correspondence (General) n.d. 

94 1635

Exhibition: American Fine Arts 4/17-5/15/87 and 303 Gallery 4/24-5/17/87 [1987] 

94 1636

Exhibition: "The New Poverty" [curated by Collins & Milazzo] John Gibson Gallery 10/10-11/7/87 [1987] 

94 1637

Exhibition: Various Invitations 1987-1988 

94 1638

JD Press 1986-1987, n.d. 

94 1639

JD Fabrication Instructions n.d. 

94 1640

JD Biography c. 1986-1987 

94 1641

"Twisted Axiologies; or the Dog(g) made Us Do It" manuscript by Collins & Milazzo c. 1988 

94 1642

Steve Ellis 

Box Folder

Correspondence (General) n.d. 

94 1643

Spencer Finch 

Box Folder

Correspondence: January 11, 1992 (contains slides) 1992 

94 1644

Correspondence: April 6, 1992 (contains slides) 1992 

94 1645

Correspondence: April 7, 1992 (contains slides) 1992 

94 1646

Correspondence: April 8, 1992 (contains slides) 1992 

94 1647

Correspondence: April 9, 1992 (contains slides) 1992 

94 1648

Correspondence: April 10, 1992 (contains slides) 1992 

94 1649

Correspondence: April 13, 1992 (contains slides) 1992 

94 1650

Correspondence: April 14, 1992 (contains slides) 1992 

94 1651

Correspondence: April 15, 1992 (contains slides) 1992 

94 1652

Correspondence: April 16, 1992 (contains slides) 1992 

94 1653

Correspondence: April 17, 1992 (contains slides) 1992 

94 1654

Correspondence: April 20, 1992 (contains slides) 1992 

94 1655

Correspondence: April 21, 1992 (contains slides) 1992 

94 1656

Correspondence: April 23, 1992 (contains slides) 1992 

94 1657

Correspondence: April 24, 1992 (contains slides) 1992 

94 1658

Correspondence: April 25, 1992 (contains slides) 1992 

94 1659

Correspondence: May 5, 1992 (contains slides) 1992 

94 1660

Correspondence: May 6, 1992 (contains slides) 1992 

94 1661

Correspondence: May 8, 1992 (contains slides) 1992 

94 1662

Correspondence: May 11, 1992 (contains slides) 1992 

94 1663

Correspondence: May 12, 1992 (contains slides) 1992 

94 1664

Correspondence: May 13, 1992 (contains slides) 1992 

94 1665

Correspondence: May 14, 1992 (contains slides) 1992 

98 1666

Correspondence: "Elvis Poll" (contains slides) n.d. 

94 1667

Federico Fusi 

Box Folder

Correspondence (General) (contains negatives) c. 1995 

94 1668

Ron Galella 

Box Folder

Correspondence (General) 2001 

94 1669

Maureen Gallace 

Box Folder

MG Slides (contains slides) n.d. 

94 1670

Gaylen Gerber 

Box Folder

Correspondence (General) (contains photographs, slides, and transparencies) c. 1992-1998 

94 1671

Gilbert & George 

Box Folder

G&G photo (contains photographs) n.d. 

94 1672

Liam Gillick 

Box Folder

Correspondence (General) 1994 

94 1673

Liam Gillick and Henry Bond 

Box Folder

Correspondence (General) (contains slides) 1991-1992, n.d. 

94 1674

"Documents" APAC Nevers 1991 1991 

94 1675

Hope Ginsburg 

Box Folder

Correspondence (General) (contains slides) 1999-2000, n.d. 

94 1676

Guillermo Gómez-Peña 

Box Folder

GG Press 1990 

94 1677

Janine Gordon 

Box Folder

JG Biography c. 1990 

94 1678

Dan Graham 

Box Folder

Correspondence (General) n.d. 

94 1679

DG Biography and Bibliography c. 1991 

94 1680

"Wild in the Streets" pre-publication manuscript n.d. 

94 1681

"Rock My Religion" publication photocopy n.d. 

94 1682

Joseph Grigely 

Box Folder

Correspondence (General) 1991-1993, n.d. 

94 1683

Exhibition: "Conversations With the Hearing" White Columns 3/18-4/17/94 [1994] 

94 1684

Project (General) n.d. 

94 1685

JG Slides (contains slides) n.d. 

94 1686

"Deaf & Dumb: A Tale" Joseph Grigley and White Columns 1994 (2 books) 1994 

94 1687

"Recovering Lost Fictions: Caravaggio's Musicians" publication draft n.d. 

94 1688

Frank Grow 

Box Folder

Exhibition: "The Green Monster" Antoine Candau Gallerie 10/90 1990, n.d. 

94 1689

Financial: Consignment 1990 

94 1690

Financial: Invoice 1990-1991, n.d. 

94 1691

FG Biography c. 1990 

94 1692

FG Artist Writings 1990 

94 1693

FG Shipping 1990-1991 

94 1694

Matt Heckart 

Box Folder

MH Photo (contains photographs) n.d. 

94 1695

Noritoshi Hirakawa 

Box Folder

Correspondence (General) 1992-1996, n.d. 

94 1696

Exhibition: Various invitations and Other Shows 1988-2000 

94 1697

Ull Hohn 

Box Folder

UH Correspondence (General) 1988-1996, n.d. 

94 1698

Ull Hohn Memorial at AFA 4/28/96 (contains negatives) 1996, n.d. 

94 1699

Philip Howard 

Box Folder

PH Correspondence (General) c. 1990 

94 1700

Peter Hutchinson 

Box Folder

Correspondence (General) 1987, n.d. 

94 1701

Exhibition: American Fine Arts 9/11-10/4/87 1987, n.d. 

94 1702

Exhibition: Various Invitations 1987, 1988 

94 1703

PH Press 1987, n.d. 

94 1704

PH Photo (contains photographs, negatives, slides, and contact sheets) 

94 1705

Gareth James 

Box Folder

Correspondence (General) 1999-2004, n.d. 

94 1706

GJ Slides 1999 

94 1707

"Kill the Idiots," Manedsskrift for kunst og kunstrelateret materiale, Nr. 46/1998 1998 

94 1708

Richard Jones 

Box Folder

Metro Pictures 5/19-6/16/90 1990 

94 1709

Mike Kelley 

Box Folder

Correspondence (General) 2004 

94 1710

Correspondence: Rosamund Felsen Gallery 1996 

94 1711

Mel Kendrick 

Box Folder

MK Press c. 1990 

94 1712

Jutta Koether 

Box Folder

Project: "Hallal" c. 1990 

94 1713

Bill Komoski 

Box Folder

BK Slides (contains slides) n.d. 

94 1714

Renee Kool 

Box Folder

Correspondence (General) 1991, 1994 

94 1715

RK Biography and Artist Statement 1992, 1994 

94 1716

RK Press 1994, n.d. 

94 1717

Steve Kursh 

Box Folder

Correspondence (General) (contains slides) 1993, n.d. 

94 1718

Paul Lammertink 

Box Folder

Correspondence (General) (contains photographs and transparencies) 1992, n.d. 

94 1719

Richard Ledes 

Box Folder

Correspondence (General) 1991, n.d. 

94 1720

Exhibition: "Taste" American Fine Arts 9/22-9/24/90 1991, n.d. 

94 1721

RL Portfolio (contains photographs) n.d. 

94 1722

RL Slides (contains slides) n.d. 

94 1723

Mark Lombardi 

Box Folder

Correspondence (General) 1995, n.d. 

94 1724

Ken Lum 

Box Folder

KL Photo (contains photographs) n.d. 

94 1725

Eric Magnuson 

Box Folder

Correspondence (General) c. 1991 

94 1726

Robert Mahon 

Box Folder

Correspondence (General) 1992, n.d. 

94 1727

Josiah McElheny 

Box Folder

Correspondence (General) 1993-1997, n.d. 

94 1728

Exhibition: Various Invitations and Other Exhibitions n.d. 

94 1729

JM Slides n.d. 

95 1730

JM Biography c. 1994 

95 1731

JM Press 1993-1995, n.d. 

95 1732

"Josiah Mc Elheny: The Art of Ancient Forgery" Glass No. 54/Winter 1993 1993 

95 1733

Josiah McElheny: for engagements, weddings & anniversaries : catalogue of available commissions. Donald Young Gallery 1995 

95 1734

Thom Merrick 

Box Folder

Correspondence (General) 1989-1992, n.d. 

95 1735

Exhibition: American Fine Arts, 5/13-6/5/88 and 5/89 c. 1988-1999 

95 1736

Exhibition: Various Invitations 1990-1991 

94 1737

Financial (General) 19914, n.d. 

95 1738

Financial: Consignment 1988-1990 

95 1739

Financial: Invoice 1989-1991, n.d. 

95 1740

TM Artist Writings n.d. 

95 1741

TM Installation Drawings n.d. 

95 1742

TM Shipping 1988-1990 

95 1743

TM Inventory c. 1990 

95 1744

John Miller 

Box Folder

Correspondence (General) 1987-1992, n.d. 

95 1745

Exhibition: American Fine Arts 11/13-12/17/87 [1987] 

95 1746

Exhibition: John Miller/ Gary Mirabelle / Lawrence Weiner, American Fine Arts 9/89 [1989] 

95 1747

Exhibition: "...but the flesh is weak." Metro Pictures 11/17-12/15/90 [1990] 

95 1748

Exhibition: "Abject Art" Whitney Museum 6/23-8/29/93 1993-1994 

95 1749

Exhibition: Various Invitations 1987-1990 

95 1750

Financial: Invoice 1988-1992, n.d. 

95 1751

JM Bio and Press 1987-1990, n.d. 

95 1752

JM Artist Writings n.d. 

95 1753

JM Shipping 1987-1992 

95 1754

Jennifer Moon 

Box Folder

Correspondence (General) 1995-1996, n.d. 

94 1755

John Morrison 

Box Folder

Correspondence (General) (contains slides) 2003 

95 1756

Lillian Mulero 

Box Folder

[Artist Submission] 1991 

95 1757

Takashi Murakami 

Box Folder

Correspondence (General) (contains slides) c. 1995 

95 1758

Peter Nadin 

Box Folder

Project: "Poetry Room" (contains photographs) n.d. 

95 1759

"Twelve Prints and Poems," photocopies c. 1995 

95 1760

Aaron Namenwirth 

Box Folder

Correspondence (General) (contains transparencies, slides, and DVD) 2002, n.d. 

95 1761

Lowell Nesbitt 

Box Folder

Correspondence (General) (contains photographs) 1993, n.d. 

95 1762

Bill Owens 

Box Folder

Correspondence (General) 1996-1998, n.d. 

95 1763

Correspondence: Galerie Samia Saouma 1997 

95 1764

Exhibition: Bill Owens / Vito Acconci, American Fine Arts 9/17-10/15/94 (2 folders) 1997, n.d. 

95 1765,1766

Exhibition: "Wall Paintings" Le Capitou, Frejus (France) 1996 1996, n.d. 

95 1767

Exhibition: "Art at Home: Ideal Standard Life" Art Dynamics, Tokyo 4/96 1996, n.d. 

95 1768

Exhibition: Blum and Poe 7/3-8/3/96 1996-1997, n.d. 

95 1769

Exhibition: Galerie Gabrielle Maubrie, Paris 1998 1997, n.d. 

95 1770

Financial: Final Inventory Reconciliation (3 folders) 1996-1998, n.d. 

95 1771-1773

[Xeroxes of "Suburbia" by Bill Owens] n.d. 

95 1774

Xeroxes of All Available Prints at AFA n.d. 

95 1775

BO Postcards (blank, Owens' photography) n.d. 

95 1776

Cornelia Parker 

Box Folder

Correspondence (General) c. 1988-1990 

95 1777

Jack Pierson 

Box Folder

Correspondence (General) 1998-2000,n.d. 

95 1778

Stephen Prina 

Box Folder

SP Biography c. 1986 

95 1779

SP Press 1982-1986, n.d. 

95 1780

SP Slides n.d. 

95 1781

"Piano Performance" score n.d. 

95 1782

Olaf Probst 

Box Folder

Correspondence (General) (contains photographs) c. 1991 

95 1783

Tom Puckey 

Box Folder

Correspondence (General) 1990 

95 1784

Reverend Jen 

Box Folder

Correspondence (General) 2000-2001, n.d. 

95 1785

Exhibition: Various Invitations and Flyers 1997-1999, n.d. 

95 1786

RJ Press 1999, n.d. 

95 1787

"The Halitonian" vol. 1 zine n.d. 

95 1788

Antonio Riello 

Box Folder

Correspondence (General) (contains photographs and slides) 1992, n.d. 

95 1789

David Robbins 

Box Folder

Correspondence (General) 1988-1991, n.d. 

95 1790

Exhibition: American Fine Arts, Group Show 6/25-7/19/87 and "A Foole Show" 10/89 1987-1990, n.d. 

95 1791

Exhibition: Various Invitations/Other Shows 1988-1990, n.d. 

95 1792

Financial (General) 1987-1991, n.d. 

95 1793

Project: "Fuck Button Series" editions 1987, n.d. 

95 1794

Project: "Endworld" multiple n.d. 

95 1795

DR Press 1986-1989, n.d. 

95 1796

DR Biography c. 1987, c. 1989 

95 1797

DR Artist Writings n.d. 

95 1798

DR Shipping 1987-1989, n.d. 

95 1799

"American Harlequin #1" (suitbag) - signed fabric sample 1989 

95 1800

Jayce Salloum 

Box Folder

Correspondence (General) 2002 

96 1801

Exhibition: Various Invitations and Other Exhibitions 1989-1994 

96 1802

Project (General) 1990-1993 

96 1803

Project: "There Was and There Was Not" 1995, n.d. 

96 1804

Project: Post Card works c. 1979-1994 

96 1805

JS Biography 1993 

96 1806

JS Videography n.d. 

96 1807

JS Press 1989-1995, n.d. 

96 1808

JS Slides c. 1992-1998 

96 1809


Box Folder

Correspondence (General) 2003 

96 1810

Cindy Smith 

Box Folder

Correspondence (General) (contains slides) 1997-2001, n.d. 

96 1811

Maciej Toporowicz 

Box Folder

Correspondence (Forza Italia - stamp action '94) c. 1994 

96 1812

Ian Wallace 

Box Folder

Project: "An Attack on Literature" (1975) (contains photographs) c. 2002 

96 1813

Project: "The Barcelona Series" (contains photographs) n.d. 

96 1814

IW Biography c. 2004 

96 1815

IW Press n.d. 

96 1816

Jocko Weyland 

Box Folder

Correspondence (General) c. 1998 

96 1817

"It's a Beautiful World: Selections From the Associated Press Photo Library" show proposal n.d. 

96 1818

Robert Williams 

Box Folder

Correspondence (General) 1991, n.d. 

96 1819

Achim Wollscheid 

Box Folder

[Artist Submission] (contains transparencies) 1992 

96 1820

Writers and Curators 

Box Folder

James Hyde: "The Fetish of Knowledge" curatorial proposal (Real Art Ways) 1991 

96 1821

James Fuentes: "Painting Is Both a Verb and a Noun" curatorial proposal 2002 

96 1822

Miwon Kwon: Pre-publication transcript of "One Place After Another: Notes on Site Specificity" 1996 

96 1823

Bennett Simpson 1999 

96 1824
Box Folder

[Miscellaneous Artist Submissions and Statements] n.d. 

96 1825

Subseries I. Press 

Scope and Contents note

The Press subseries contains the press files regarding Colin de Land, American Fine Arts, Co., and Pat Hearn Gallery.

Box Folder

AFA General Press c. 1987-2003 

96 1826

[AFA/CDL Press] (2 folders) n.d. 

96 1827-1827A

CDL Obituaries (Art in America, Time Out NY, Art Review) c. 2003 

96 1828

[Original AFA Press Packet 1/18/03] 2003 

96 1829

AFA Gallery History/Chronologies n.d. 

96 1830

AFA Exhibition History compiled for Jerry Saltz 4/96 1996 

96 1831

Pat Hearn Gallery General Press (3 folders) n.d. 

96 1832-1834

Pat Hearn Gallery Exhibition History/Chronologies c.1995-n.d. 

96 1835

Pat Hearn Personal Press and Obituary c. 1985-2003 

96 1836

Pat Hearn Gallery Correspondence (General) 1993-2000, n.d. 

96 1837

Letter from Pat Hearn to the Guerrilla Girls c/o Franklin Furnace Archive Inc. June 20, 1996 1996 

96 1838

Interview of Laura Owens by N.D. in N.D's apartment on Monday Sept. 9, 1996 (photocopy) n.d. 

96 1839

Subseries J. Financial / Administrative 

Scope and Contents note

The A.F.A. Financial and Administrative subseries contains records related to the organization and management of the gallery, in addition to records on resale activity.

Arrangement note

The A.F.A. Financial and Administrative subseries is arranged by document type, in no particular order.

Box Folder

AFA Resale Certificates 1989-1994, n.d. 

97 1840

Association of Professional Art Advisors Guidelines and Standards n.d. 

97 1841

Resale (General) (3 folders) (contains slides, transparencies and photographs) 1992-2002, n.d. 

97 1842-1844

Resale: Bruce Conner 1996, n.d. 

97 1845

Resale: Mike Kelley 1986, n.d. 

97 1846

Resale: August Macke 1997, n.d. 

97 1847

Resale: James Turrell (Perpetual Cells) n.d. 

97 1848

Resale: Galerie Max Hetzler 

97 1849

Resale: James Corcoran Gallery 1996 

97 1850

Resale: Jim Kempner Fine Art (Prince) 1992 

97 1851

Proforma Invoices 1990 1990 

97 1852

Proforma Invoices 1991 1991 

97 1853

Shipping / Requests 1991-1992, n.d. 

97 1854

Agenda Summaries August to December 1989 (2 folders) 1989 

97 1855,1856

Agenda Summaries August to December 1990 1990, n.d. 

97 1857

Agenda Summaries March to December 1991 (4 folders) 1991 

97 1858-1861

Agenda Summaries January to March 1992 1992 

97 1862

Agenda Summaries June to December 1993 1993 

97 1863

Foundations / Names (2 folders) 1995-1998, n.d. 

97 1864,1865

American Fine Arts, Inc. Corporate Records 1988 

98 1866

Accounting 1994-1995 (2 folders) 1995, n.d. 

98 1867,1868

Bank Records 1990-1992 n.d. 

98 1869

Bank Records - Report July 1, 1992 1992,n.d. 

98 1870

Bank Records 1994-1997 1996, n.d. 

98 1871

AFA Tax Returns 1991 1991-1992 

98 1872

Taxes / IRS 1994 1994, n.d. 

98 1873

Gallery Artists, Current Shows (Barton, Diamond, Dion, Faust, Fend, Fraser) 1990-1991, n.d. 

98 1874

Gallery Artists, Current Shows (Hopkins, Robbins, Samore, Stockholder, Wachtel) 1990-1991, n.d. 

98 1875

Inventory Record/Release cards 1990-1991, n.d. 

98 1876

Artist Record Cards c. 1990 

98 1877

Inventory Updates 1991-1992 

98 1878

Inventory, AFA Video and Catalogs 9/92 1992 

98 1879

Miscellaneous Artist Inventories (3 folders) c. 1991-1992 

98 1880-1882

Inventory Release / Accept 2003 A-H 2003, n.d. 

98 1883

Inventory Release / Accept 2003 I-S 2002-2003, n.d. 

98 1884

Inventory Release / Accept 2003 W 2003, n.d. 

98 1885

Inventory Release / Accept 2004 A-F 2004, n.d. 

98 1886

Inventory Release / Accept 2004 G-P 2004, n.d. 

98 1887

Inventory Release / Accept 2004 S-W 2004, n.d. 

98 1888

Invoices 2003 (2 folders) 2003, n.d. 

98 1889,1890

Invoices 2004 2004, n.d. 

98 1891

Consignments 2003-2004 2003-2004, n.d. 

99 1892

New Museum Benefit Party and Art Auction 4/91 1990-1991, n.d. 

99 1893

New Museum Benefit Party and Art Auction 5/92 1991-1992, n.d. 

99 1894

MoCA Auction 1992 1991-1992, n.d. 

99 1895

Artist Expenses (for Compensation) 1991-1992, n.d. 

99 1896

Computer Programming - Gallery Forms (2 folders) n.d. 

99 1897,1898

[Exhibition Guestbook c. September 1991 through June 1992] 1991-1992, n.d. 

98 1899

[Exhibition Guestbook c. April 1993 through June 1994] 1993-1994, n.d. 

99 1900

[Exhibition Guestbook c. March through November 1996] 1996, n.d. 

99 1901

[Exhibition Guestbook c.December 1996 through June 1997] 1996-1997, n.d. 

99 1902

[Exhibition Guestbook c. October 1997 through April 1998] 1997-1998, n.d. 

99 1903

[Exhibition Guestbook c. April through July 1998] 1998, n.d. 

99 1904

[Exhibition Guestbook c. July through September 1998] 1998, n.d. 

99 1905

[Exhibition Guestbook c. September 1998 through April 2000] 1998-2000, n.d. 

99 1906

[Exhibition Guestbook c. April through October 2004] 2004, n.d. 

99 1907

Rolodex Printed 3/1/2000 2000 

99 1908

[Notebook c. October through December 1992] 

99 1909

Notes 1990-1991, n.d. 

99 1910

Mailing List/ Rolodex Additions c. 1992-1993 

99 1911

Receipts 1990 1989-1990, n.d. 

99 1912

American Fine Arts Co. checks (blank) n.d. 

99 1913

Leak December 1989 - Faust Damage (contains slides) n.d. 

99 1914

40 Wooster Street Flood, 7/93 (contains photographs, slides, and negatives) (2 folders) 1993-1996, n.d. 

99 1915,1916

Return to Table of Contents »

Series II: Pat Hearn Gallery 

Scope and Contents note

The Pat Hearn Gallery series is comprised of the gallery's working files including exhibition files, correspondence (largely focused by artist), artist files, administrative and financial records, visuals binders for exhibitions and artists, and Pat Hearn's Memorial services and exhibitions.

Subseries A. Exhibition Files 

Scope and Contents note

The P.H.G. Exhibition Files subseries contains mostly promotional materials (invitations, posters), as well as checklists, some correspondence, and guest books.

Arrangement note

The P.H.G. Exhibition Files run chronologically.

Box Folder

Heilmann, Trockel, Lemieux, Bourgeois, Hesse: Sculpture 9/25-10/18/87 [1987] 

100 1917

Peter Schuyff: Watercolors 10/23-11/15/87 n.d. 

100 1918

Eva Hesse 11/20-12/31/87 (contains transparencies) (2 folders) 1987-1988, n.d. 

100 1919,1920

Jimmy de Sana 1/17-1/31/88 1988, n.d. 

100 1921

Algus, Dryer, Hart, Hiller, Weinhardt 2/12-3/6/88 n.d. 

100 1922

Susan Hiller 3/18-4/17/88 1988, n.d. 

100 1923

Mary Heilmann: Paintings 4/22-5/22/88 n.d. 

100 1924

Mark Morrisroe 6/4-6/30/88 [1988] 

100 1925

Dan Flavin: Work From the 60's 11/4-11/19/88 1988, n.d. 

100 1926

Martori, Merrick, St. Bernard 1/7-1/28/89 (contains slides) 1988-1999, n.d. 

100 1927

Patty Martori 2/4-2/25/89 1989, n.d. 

100 1928

Susan Hiller 3/4-3/25/89 1989, n.d. 

100 1929

Tishan Hsu: "Social Security" 4/1-4/29/89 n.d. 

100 1930

Philip Taaffe 5/6-5/27/89 1989, n.d. 

100 1931

"They See God" (Abramovic, Askevold, Clemente, Hiller, Kelley) 6/3-7/1/89 (contains slides and photographs) 1989, n.d. 

100 1932

Faust, Martori, St. Bernard, Schuyff, Weinhardt 7/89 [1989] 

100 1933

Bechtle, Close, Cottingham, Morley, Polke 9/16-10/7/89 1989, n.d. 

100 1934

Mary Heilmann 10/14-11/4/89 n.d. 

100 1935

Peter Schuyff 11/11-12/2/89 [1989] 

100 1936

Lisa Hein, Thom Merrick 12/5-12/23/89 (contains photographs) n.d. 

100 1937

Gretchen Faust 1/13-2/3/90 1990-1993, n.d. 

100 1938

Claudia Hart: "Chance and Circumstance / 1" 2/10-3/3/90 [1990] 

100 1939

Braco Dimitrijevic: "Works That Lead Me to Post-History, 1968-1976" 3/10-3/31/90 1990-1991, n.d. 

100 1940

J. St. Bernard 4/7-4/28/90 1990, n.d. 

100 1941

Patty Martori 5/5-5/26/90 1989-1990, n.d. 

100 1942

Lisa Hein 9/8-10/6/90 [1990] 

100 1943

Ana Mendieta: "Burial of the Nanigo" 9/8-10/31/90 (contains photographs and transparencies) 1987-1990, n.d. 

100 1944

Gretchen Faust 10/13-11/10/90 1990, n.d. 

100 1945

Jutta Koether: "Kissing the Canvas" 1/5-2/2/91 1990-1991, n.d. 

100 1946

Susan Hiller (with Nicole Klagsbrun Gallery) 1/5-2/2/91 1990-1991, n.d. 

100 1947

Thom Merrick 2/9-3/9/91 1991, n.d. 

100 1948

Sophie Calle 3/16-4/13/91 (3 folders) 1990-1991, n.d. 

100 1949-1951

Mary Heilmann 4/20-5/18/91 1991, n.d. 

100 1952

Renée Green: "Vistavision: Landscape of Desire" 4/20-5/19/91 1991, n.d. 

100 1953

"Julia Scher, Gretchen Faust, J. St. Bernard'" 5/24-6/29/91 1991, n.d. 

100 1954

Kristen Mosher: "Gutting Cycle & Around the Black Monster "9/7-11/30/91" 1991, n.d. 

100 1955

Susan Hiller 1/4-2/8/92 1981-1992, n.d. 

100 1956

Gretchen Faust with Kevin Warren 5/9-6/13/92 n.d. 

100 1957

Mary Heilmann, Jack Pierson, Jessica Stockholder 9/12-10/24/92 1992, n.d. 

101 1958

Joan Jonas, Rodney Graham 10/31-12/23/92 1992-1993, n.d. 

101 1959

"Friesenwall 120 and works selected by Josef Strau and Stephan Dillemuth" 1/9-2/13/93 1992-1993, n.d. 

101 1960

Lisa Hein 2/13-3/13/93 n.d. 

101 1961

Gretchen Faust and Kevin Warren: "Love Furnitures" 3/20-4/17/93 1993, n.d. 

101 1962

Mary Heilmann 4/24-5/22/93 1993, n.d. 

101 1963

Jutta Koether: "Affective Import: Antibodies I-V" 5/27-6/26/93 (2 folders) 1992-1993, n.d. 

101 1964,1965

Lutz Bacher: "Playboys" 9/11-10/23/93 1993, n.d. 

101 1966

"Cop Sculpture": Ted Byfield and Lincoln Tobier 11/6-12/93 (with American Fine Arts, Co.) 1993, n.d. 

101 1967

"Mark Morrisroe (1959-1989): Photographs" 1/15-2/26/94 1993-1994, n.d. 

101 1968

Renée Green: "Taste Venue" 3/5-4/10/94 1994, n.d. 

101 1969

Mary Heilmann: "Greatest Hits" 4/16-5/21/94 1994, n.d. 

101 1970

Jason Simon: "Album" 5/28-6/25/94 1994, n.d. 

101 1971

Jutta Koether: "Frontage" 2/4-3/12/95 1995, n.d. 

101 1972

"Pat Hearn Gallery: A Selected Survey 1983-1995" 3/18-5/7/95 (contains photographs and slides) (3 folders) 1993-1995, n.d. 

101 1973-1975

Lincoln Tobier: "Studies for: (It all comes together in ) Ruckus L.A." 5/13-6/25/95 1995, n.d. 

101 1976

Dennis Balk, Limon Leung, Nils Norman 7/6-7/28/95 1995-1997, n.d. 

101 1977

"Jimmy De Sana (1950-1990): A Selected Survey of Photographs 1970-1990" 9/9-10/22/95 (2 folders) 1995, n.d. 

101 1978,1979

Mary Heilmann: "New Works on Paper" 10/12-12/10/95 1995, n.d. 

102 1980

Lutz Bacher 12/16/95 - 1/28/96 (contains drawings) 1995-1996, n.d. 

102 1981

Jutta Koether: "after shows" 2/3-3/10/96 (contains drawings) 1996, n.d. 

102 1982

"Mark Morrisroe: Polaroids, Photogravures, Dirt Magazine, Films, Videos, Music, Performance, Prints"3/23-4/28/96 1996, n.d. 

102 1983

"Mark Morrisroe: Polaroids, Photogravures, Dirt Magazine, Films, Videos, Music, Performance, Prints"3/23-4/28/96: Dirt, Fourth Issue (original) n.d. 

102 1984

"Mark Morrisroe: Polaroids, Photogravures, Dirt Magazine, Films, Videos, Music, Performance, Prints"3/23-4/28/96: Dirt, Fourth Issue (color facsimile) n.d. 

102 1985

"Mark Morrisroe: Polaroids, Photogravures, Dirt Magazine, Films, Videos, Music, Performance, Prints"3/23-4/28/96: Dirt, Third Issue (color copy of cover) n.d. 

102 1986

Jason Simon: "Spirits" 5/2-6/9/96 1996, n.d. 

102 1987

Simon Leung:"Call to Glory...or Afternoon Tea with Marcel Duchamp" 6/15-7/26/96 (contains slides) 1996, n.d. 

102 1988

"The Speed of Painting: Laura Owens, Steven Parrino, Monique Prieto, Scott Reeder" 9/7-10/13/96 (contains photographs) 1996-1997, n.d. 

102 1989

Renée Green: "Partially Buried" 10/19-11/24/96 (contains 2 CD-R) (3 folders) 1996, n.d. 

102 1990-1992

"The Flying Saucer Project: Ceramics, Furniture, Painting, Sculpture" (Heilmann, Keister, Haines) 11/30/96-1/12/97 1996-1997, n.d. 

102 1993

"Zeitgeist Becomes Form: German Fashion Photography 1945-1995" 1/18-2/23/97 (3 folders) 1995-1997, n.d. 

102 1994-1996

Lincoln Tobier 3/15-4/13/97 1997, n.d. 

102 1997

"Joan Jonas: Props: Works 1994 - 1997" 4/19-5/24/97 n.d. 

102 1998

Heilmann, Jonas, Koether, Prieto 5/31-7/31/97 

102 1999

Jutta Koether: "songs of new york &c" 9/13-10/18/97 1997, n.d. 

102 2000

"William Burroughs and George Condo: Collaborative Works, 1988-1996" 12/6/97-1/17/98: (General) (contains slides) (3 folders) 1997-1998, n.d. 

103 2001-2003

"William Burroughs and George Condo: Collaborative Works, 1988-1996" 12/6/97-1/17/98: "A Conversation Between William Burroughs, Philip Taafe, James Grauerholz, Diego Gomez, and Others" transcription (2 folders) n.d. 

103 2004-2005

"William Burroughs and George Condo: Collaborative Works, 1988-1996" 12/6/97-1/17/98: Condo / Burroughs bullets for sculpture n.d. 

103 2006

"William Burroughs and George Condo: Collaborative Works, 1988-1996" 12/6/97-1/17/98: recording notes for 5 audio tapes (see Media 008.306-008.310) n.d. 

103 2006A

"Painting: Now and Forever Part I" 6/25-7/31/98: General 1998, n.d. 

103 2007

"Painting: Now and Forever Part I" 6/25-7/31/98: Correspondence 1998-1999, n.d. 

103 2008

"Painting: Now and Forever Part I" 6/25-7/31/98: Financial: Consignment (contains slides) 1998, n.d. 

103 2009

"Painting: Now and Forever Part I" 6/25-7/31/98: Financial: Sales (contains transparencies) 1998, n.d. 

103 2010

"Painting: Now and Forever Part I" 6/25-7/31/98: Financial: Expenses 1998 

103 2011

"Painting: Now and Forever Part I" 6/25-7/31/98: Shipping 1998, n.d. 

103 2012

"Painting: Now and Forever Part I" 6/25-7/31/98 Press n.d. 

103 2013

"Painting: Now and Forever Part I" 6/25-7/31/98: "Painting: Now and Forever Part II" research 1998, n.d. 

103 2014

Jason Simon 9/12-10/24/98 1998, n.d. 

103 2015

Monique Prieto 10/31-12/23/98 1998, n.d. 

103 2016

Scott Reeder 1/9-2/27/99 n.d. 

103 2017

Jeff Elrod / Lisa Ruyter 3/6-4/10/99 1999, n.d. 

103 2018

Jutta Koether: "sun//ny" 4/24-5/29/99 (General) 1999, n.d. 

103 2019

Jutta Koether: "sun//ny" 4/24-5/29/99: hand-painted and signed show flyer slips n.d. 

103 2020

[Group Show (Armleder, Stockholder, Heilmann, Green)] Summer, 1999 n.d. 

103 2021

Ralph Nader Benefit Show 11/2/00 2000, n.d. 

103 2022

Subseries B. Correspondence 

Scope and Contents note

The P.H.G. Correspondence subseries is largely focused by artist, with some general gallery correspondence included.

Arrangement note

The P.H.G. Correspondence subseries is arranged alphabetically by artist or individual's name.

General Correspondence 

Box Folder

General Correspondence 1988 1988, n.d. 

104 2023

General Correspondence 1989 1989, n.d. 

104 2024

General Correspondence 1990 1990, n.d. 

104 2025

General Correspondence 1991 1991, n.d. 

104 2026

General Correspondence 1992 1992 

104 2027

General Correspondence (Notes from Leslie to Pat) 1998, n.d. 

104 2027A

General Correspondence 2000-2001 2000-2001, n.d. 

104 2027B

Correspondence Outgoing 7/99-3/00 1999-2000 

104 2028

Correspondence Outgoing (Daniel Reich) 10/00-12/00 2000 

104 2029

Correspondence Outgoing (Daniel Reich) 12/00-1/01 2000-2001 

104 2030

Lutz Bacher 

Box Folder

Correspondence to the artist 1995 1995, n.d. 

104 2031

Correspondence from PHG 1995 1995 

104 2032

Correspondence to the artist 1996 1996, n.d. 

104 2033

Correspondence from PHG 1996 1996 

104 2034

Correspondence to the artist 1997 1997, n.d. 

104 2035

Correspondence from PHG 1997 1997 

104 2036

Jimmy De Sana 

Box Folder

JDS Correspondence 1988 1988, n.d. 

104 2037

JDS Correspondence 1989 (contains photographs) 1989, n.d. 

104 2038

JDS Correspondence 1990 1990, n.d. 

104 2039

JDS Correspondence 1991 1991 

104 2040

JDS Correspondence 1992 1992-1993, n.d. 

104 2041

Correspondence: Jablonka Galerie n.d. 

104 2042

Correspondence from PHG 1995 1995 

104 2043

Correspondence to the artist's estate 1995 1995, n.d. 

104 2044

Correspondence from PHG 1996 1996 

104 2045

Correspondence to the artist's estate 1996 1995-1996, n.d. 

104 2046

Correspondence from PHG 1997 1997, n.d. 

104 2047

Correspondence to the artist's estate 1997 1997, n.d. 

104 2048

Gretchen Faust 

Box Folder

GF Correspondence 1989 1989 

104 2049

GF Correspondence 1990 1990, n.d. 

104 2050

GF Correspondence 1991 1991, n.d. 

104 2051

GF Correspondence 1992 1992, n.d. 

104 2052

GF Correspondence 1993 1993 

104 2053

Renée Green 

Box Folder

RG Correspondence 1991 (2 folders) 1991, n.d. 

104 2054,2055

RG Correspondence 1992 (2 folders) 1992, n.d. 

104 2056,2057

RG Correspondence 1993 (2 folders) 1993, n.d. 

104 2058,2059

Correspondence to the artist 1995 1995 

104 2060

Correspondence from PHG 1995 1994-1995, n.d. 

104 2061

Correspondence to the artist 1996 1996, n.d. 

104 2062

Correspondence from PHG 1996 (2 folders) 1996, n.d. 

104 2063,2064

Correspondence to the artist 1997 1997, n.d. 

105 2065

Correspondence from PHG 1997 1997, n.d. 

105 2066

Claudia Hart 

Box Folder

CH Correspondence 1988 1988 

105 2067

CH Correspondence 1989 1989 

105 2068

CH Correspondence 1990 1990, n.d. 

105 2069

Mary Heilmann 

Box Folder

MH Correspondence 1988 1987, 1988 

105 2070

MH Correspondence 1989 (contains slides) 1989, n.d. 

105 2071

MH Correspondence 1990 (2 folders) 1990, n.d. 

105 2072,2073

MH Correspondence 1991 1991, n.d. 

105 2074

MH Correspondence 1992 1992 

105 2075

MH Correspondence 1993 1993, n.d. 

105 2076

MH Correspondence 1994 1994 

105 2077

Correspondence to the artist 1995 1995, n.d. 

105 2078

Correspondence from PHG 1995 1995, n.d. 

105 2079

Correspondence to the artist 1996 1996, n.d. 

105 2080

Correspondence from PHG 1996 (2 folders) 1996 

105 2081,2082

Correspondence to the artist 1997 (contains photographs) 1997, n.d. 

105 2083

Correspondence from PHG 1997 1997, n.d. 

105 2084

Correspondence from PHG 1998 1998 

105 2085

Musee d'art Moderne de St. Etienne 1/18-3/23/97 1996-1997, n.d. 

105 2086

Hauser & Wirth 4/18-5/24/97 1997, n.d. 

105 2087

Lisa Hein 

Box Folder

LH Correspondence 1989 1989 

105 2088

LH Correspondence 1990 1990 

105 2089

LH Correspondence 1991 1991 

105 2090

LH Correspondence 1992 1992, n.d. 

105 2091

Susan Hiller 

Box Folder

SH Correpspondence 1988 1987-1988, n.d. 

105 2092

SH Correpspondence 1989 1989, n.d. 

105 2093

SH Correpspondence 1990 1990, n.d. 

105 2094

SH Correpspondence 1991 1991, n.d. 

105 2095

SH Correpspondence 1992 1992, n.d. 

105 2096

Tishan Hsu 

Box Folder

TSH Correspondence 1987 1987, n.d. 

105 2097

TSH Correspondence 1988 1988, n.d. 

105 2098

TSH Correspondence 1989 1989 

106 2099

TSH Correspondence 1990 1990, n.d. 

106 2100

TSH Correspondence 1991 1991 

106 2101

TSH Correspondence 1992 1991-1992, n.d. 

106 2102

TSH Correspondence 1993 1993 

106 2103

Joan Jonas 

Box Folder

JJ Correspondence 1993 1992-1993 

106 2104

Correspondence to the artist 1997 1997 

106 2105

Correspondence from PHG 1997 1997, n.d. 

106 2106

Correspondence from PHG 1998 1998-1999, n.d. 

106 2107

Correspondence to the artist 2000 2000 

106 2108

Jutta Koether 

Box Folder

Correspondence to the artist 1995 1995 

106 2109

Correspondence from PHG 1995 1995, n.d. 

106 2110

Correspondence to the artist 1996 1996, n.d. 

106 2111

Correspondence from PHG 1996 1996, n.d. 

106 2112

Correspondence to the artist 1997 1997, n.d. 

106 2113

Correspondence from PHG 1997 1997, n.d. 

106 2114

Milan Kunc 

Box Folder

MK Correspondence 1988-1990, n.d. 

106 2115

Patty Martori 

Box Folder

PM Correspondence 1989 1988-1989, n.d. 

106 2116

PM Correspondence 1990 1990 

106 2117

PM Correspondence 1991 (2 folders) 1991, n.d. 

106 2118,2119

PM Correspondence 1992 1992, n.d. 

106 2120

Thom Merrick 

Box Folder

TM Correspondence 1989 1989 

106 2121

TM Correspondence 1990 1990, n.d. 

106 2122

TM Correspondence 1991 1991, n.d. 

106 2123

TM Correspondence 1992 1992-1993, n.d. 

106 2124

Donald Moffett 

Box Folder

Correspondence (contains Blue [NY] catalog, Beaver College Art Gallery) [1997] 

106 2124A

Mark Morrisroe 

Box Folder

MM Correspondence 1988-1993, n.d. 

106 2125

Daniel Reich 

Box Folder

D.R.'s special Pat Hearn book: General Correspondence 1996-1998, n.d. 

106 2126

D.R.'s special Pat Hearn book: MM - NGBK Material 1997, n.d. 

106 2127

D.R.'s special Pat Hearn book: Material on MM 1997, n.d. 

106 2128

D.R.'s special Pat Hearn book: MM/JdS Visual Aids 1997 

106 2129

D.R.'s special Pat Hearn book: MH 1997-1998, n.d. 

106 2130

D.R.'s special Pat Hearn book: Supplies 1997, n.d. 

106 2131

Julia Scher 

Box Folder

JS Correspondence 1991 1991 

106 2132

JS Correspondence 1992 1992, n.d. 

106 2133

JS Correspondence 1993 1993, n.d. 

106 2134

Frances Scholz 

Box Frame

Correspondence (contains photographs and transparencies) 

106 2135

Peter Schuyff 

Box Folder

PS Correspondence 1988 1987-1988, n.d. 

106 2136

PS Correspondence 1989 1989, n.d. 

106 2137

PS Correspondence 1990 1990, n.d. 

106 2138

PS Correspondence 1991 1991-1992, n.d. 

106 2139

J. St . Bernard 

Box Folder

JSB Correspondence 1990 1989-1990 

106 2140

JSB Correspondence 1991 1991, n.d. 

106 2141

Philip Taaffe 

Box Folder

PT Correspondence 1989-1990, n.d. 

106 2142

Lincoln Tobier 

Box Folder

LT Correspondence 1992-1993, n.d. 

106 2143

Subseries C. [Artist Files] 

Scope and Contents note

The P.H.G. Artist Files subseries contains various administrative and miscellaneous project files related to individual artists.

Arrangement note

The P.H.G. Artists' Files subseries is arranged alphabetically by artist. Further ordering by record group has been performed during processing.

David Askevold 

Box Folder

DA Artist Writing ("Notes on the Ambit") n.d. 

107 2144

Lutz Bacher 

Box Folder

LB Photo (contains printed photographs) n.d. 

107 2145

Pat de Groot 

Box Folder

PDG Inventory c. 2000 

107 2146

PDG Invoices and Receipts 1999-2000 

107 2147

PDG Consignments (Open) 2001 

107 2148

PDG Consignments (Closed) 2000-2001 

107 2149

PDG Release Forms 1999-2002 

107 2150

PDG Shipping 2000-2001 

107 2151

PDG Press n.d. 

107 2152

Jimmy De Sana 

Box Folder

JDS Estate (General) 1990-1996, n.d. 

107 2153

JDS Inventory 1986-1990, n.d. 

107 2154

JDS Invoices and Receipts 1988-1998 

107 2155

JDS Loans (Closed) 1992, 2000 

107 2156

JDS Release Forms 1986-2001 

107 2157

JDS Slides Out 1998-2001, n.d. 

107 2158

JDS Slide Returns 1998-2000 

107 2159

JDS Photo (contains printed photographs) n.d. 

107 2160

Jeff Elrod 

Box Folder

JE Inventory n.d. 

107 2161

JE Invoices and Receipts 1998-2001 

107 2162

JE Consignments (Open) 2001 

107 2163

JE Consignments (Closed) 1999-2001 

107 2164

JE Loans (Closed) 2000-2001 

107 2165

JE Release Forms 1999-2002 

107 2166

JE Shipping 1999-2001 

107 2167

JE Slides Out 1999 1999, n.d. 

107 2168

JE Slides Out 2000 2000 

107 2169

JE Slides Out 2001 2001, n.d. 

107 2170

JE Slide Returns 1999-2000 

107 2171

JE Press (contains promotional image packet) c. 2000 

107 2172

JE Color Images and Labels n.d. 

107 2173

JE Exhibition Invitations and Press Releases 1999-2001, n.d. 

107 2174

Gretchen Faust 

Box Folder

GF Invoices and Receipts 1989-1993 

107 2175

GF Consignments and Loans (Open) 1990-1994 

107 2176

GF Consignments and Loans (Closed) 1989-1993 

107 2177

GF Shipping 1989-1993, n.d. 

107 2178

GF Certificates of Authenticity (St. Matthew Series) 1990-1992, n.d. 

107 2179

GF Inventory and Certificates of Authenticity ("Wall Tattoos") 1991-1992, n.d. 

107 2180

GF Photo (contains transparencies, negatives, contact sheets and printed photographs) (2 folders) 1991, n.d. 

107 2181,2182

Renée Green 

Box Folder

RG Inventory 1998, n.d. 

107 2183

RG Inventory (Installation/Packing Notes) 1992-1994, n.d. 

107 2184

RG Inventory (Prints) 1996-1998, n.d. 

107 2185

RG Inventory (Video) n.d. 

107 2186

RG Inventory (Keys to Collection Cases) n.d. 

107 2187

RG Invoices and Receipts 1999-2001 

107 2188

RG Consignments (Open) 2000 

107 2189

RG Consignments (Closed) 1996-1999 

107 2190

RG Loans (Closed) 1999-2001 

107 2191

RG Release Forms 1996-2000 

107 2192

RG Shipping 1991-2000. n.d. 

107 2193

RG Slides Out 2000-2002 

107 2194

RG Slide Returns 2000-2001 

107 2195

RG Exhibition Invitations 1998-2001 

107 2196

RG Exhibition: "The Ideal Place" HCAK 9/11-10/9/94 1994, n.d. 

107 2197

RG Exhibition: "After the Ten Thousand Things" Zevende Museum 9/24-11/6/94 

107 2198

RG Exhibition: "Between and Including" Wiener Secession 2/10-4/11/99 n.d. 

107 2199

RG Artist Writings 1995 

107 2200

RG Exhibition Archival Checklist 

107 2201

RG Photo (contains printed photographs and contact sheets) n.d. 

107 2202

Claudia Hart 

Box Folder

CH Press 1988-1990, n.d. 

107 2203

CH Photo (contains photographs) n.d. 

107 2204

Lisa Hein 

Box Folder

LH inventory n.d. 

108 2205

LH Invoices and Receipts 1989-1992 

108 2206

LH Consignments and Loans 1992-1994, n.d. 

108 2207

LH Shipping 1990 

108 2208

LH Photo (contains printed photographs) c. 1990 

108 2209

Mary Heilmann 

Box Folder

MH Photo (contains printed photographs and polaroids) n.d. 

108 2210

Susan Hiller 

Box Folder

SH Invoices and Receipts 1988-1990 

108 2212

SH Consignments and Loans 1998-1994 

106 2213

SH Shipping 1987-1996, n.d. 

108 2214

Tishan Hsu 

Box Folder

TSH Shipping 1987-1991, n.d. 

108 2215

TSH Photo (contains transparencies and printed photographs) (2 folders) n.d. 

108 2216,2217

Joan Jonas 

Box Folder

JJ Inventory (Photographs) n.d. 

108 2218

JJ Inventory (Works on Paper) n.d. 

108 2219

JJ Inventory (Mixed Media and Installation) n.d. 

108 2220

JJ Invoices and Receipts 1998-2000 

106 2221

JJ Consignments (Open) 1998-2001 

108 2222

JJ Consignments (Closed) 1998 

108 2223

JJ Loans (Open) 1998-2001 

108 2224

JJ Loans (Closed) 1998 

108 2225

JJ Release Forms 1997-2000 

108 2226

JJ Slides Out 1998 1998 

108 2227

JJ Slides Out 1999 1999 

108 2228

JJ Slides Out 2000 2000 

108 2229

JJ Slides Out 2001 2001-2002, n.d. 

108 2230

JJ Slide Returns 1999-2001 

108 2231

JJ Shipping 1997-2001 

108 2232

JJ Press n.d. 

108 2233

JJ Catalog - Stedelijk Museum 1999-2000 

108 2234

Jutta Koether 

Box Folder

JK Invoices and Receipts 1995-2001 

108 2235

JK Release Forms 1997-2001 

108 2236

JK Shipping 1996-2000, n.d. 

108 2237

Simon Leung 

Box Folder

SL Release Forms 2001 

108 2238

SL Photo (contains negatives and contact sheets) n.d. 

108 2239

Patty Martori 

Box Folder

PM Shipping 1989-1993, n.d. 

108 2240

PM Photo (contains transparencies and printed photographs) 

108 2241

PM Press n.d. 

108 2242

Thom Merrick 1989-1991, n.d. 

Box Folder

TM Shipping 1989-1991, n.d. 

108 2243

TM Photo (containsprinted photographs) n.d. 

108 2244

Mark Morrisroe 

Box Folder

MM Shipping 1998-2000, n.d. 

108 2245

MM Photo (contains slides and printed photographs) n.d. 

108 2246

MM Writers c. 1992-1994 

108 2247

Monique Prieto 

Box Folder

MP Inventory (Paintings) n.d. 

108 2248

MP Inventory (Prints) 1999-2000, n.d. 

108 2249

MP Invoices and Receipts 1996-2000 

108 2250

MP Consignment (Open) 1999 

108 2251

MP Consignment (Closed) 1997-1998 

108 2252

MP Loans (Closed) 1999 

108 2253

MP Release Forms 1998-1999 

108 2254

MP Shipping 2000 

108 2255

MP Slides Out 1998 1997-1998 

108 2256

MP Slides Out 1999 1999, n.d. 

108 2257

MP Slides Out 2000 2000-2002, n.d. 

108 2258

MP Slide Returns 1999-2000 

108 2259

MP Press 1998, n.d. 

108 2260

MP Exhibition Invitations 1998-2001 

108 2261

Scott Reeder 

Box Folder

SR Release Forms 1999-2000 

108 2262

SR Inventory n.d. 

108 2263

SR Invoices and Receipts 1996-2001 

108 2264

SR Exhibition Invitations and Releases 1999-2000 

108 2265

Lisa Ruyter 

Box Folder

LR Release Forms 1999-2000 

108 2266

LR Exhibition Invitations 2001 

108 2267

Julia Scher 

Box Folder

JS Inventory 1991, n.d. 

108 2268

JS Inventory (Xeroxes of Drawings) n.d. 

108 2269

JS Invoices and Receipts 1992 

108 2270

JS Consignments and Loans 1992-1994 

108 2271

JS Shipping 1992-1994 

109 2272

JS Photo n.d. 

109 2273

Peter Schuyff 

Box Folder

PS Shipping 1987-1991, n.d. 

109 2274

PS Photo (contains tranparencies and printed photographs) (2 folders) n.d. 

109 2275,2276

Jason Simon 

Box Folder

JS Release Forms 2000-2001 

109 2277

JS Exhibition: "The Mayfair Show" 12/93-1/94 (contains floorplan, invitations) n.d. 

109 2278

J. St. Bernard 

Box Folder

JSB Inventory n.d. 

109 2279

JSB Shipping 1989-1991 

109 2280

JSB Invoices and Receipts 1990, 1993 

109 2281

JSB Consignments and Loans 1990-1992 

109 2282

JSB Photo (contains printed photographs) 

109 2283

Philip Taaffe 

Box Folder

PT Photo (contains transparencies and printed photographs) n.d. 

106 2284

PT Press (2 folders) 1986-1989, n.d. 

109 2285,2286

Lincoln Tobier 

Box Folder

LT Release Forms 1998-1999 

109 2287

Chris Verene 

Box Folder

CV Press 1995-1999, n.d. 

109 2288

CV Exhibition Invitations n.d. 

109 2289

CV Photo (contains one photograph) n.d. 

109 2290

Jeff Zilm 

Box Folder

JZ Loans (Open) 2000 

109 2291

JZ Shipping 2001 

109 2292

JZ Exhibition Invitations 2000-2001 

109 2293

JZ Press n.d. 

109 2294

Subseries D. Administative (Miscellaneous) 

Arrangement note

The P.H.G. Administrative and Financial Files are arranged by document type, in no particular order.

Scope and Contents note

The P.H.G. Administrative and Financial Files contain records pertaining to general gallery business including invoices, shipping, and advertising.

Box Folder

Invoices 1986-1987 1986-1987 

109 2295

Invoices 1988 1988 

109 2296

Invoices 1989 1989 

109 2297

Invoices 1990 1990 

109 2298

Invoices 1991 1991 

109 2299

Invoices 1992 1992 

109 2300

Invoices 1993 1993 

109 2301

Invoices 1994 1994 

109 2302

Invoices 1995 1995 

109 2303

Invoices 1996 (2 folders) 1996 

109 2304,2305

Invoices 1997 1997 

109 2306

Invoices and Receipts (Miscellaneous) 1995-2001 

109 2307

Financial: Sales Sheets (Dead) 1994-1996, n.d. 

109 2308

Release Forms (Miscellaneous Artists) 1986-1998 

109 2309

Shipping Notices (Closed) 1988-1989 

109 2310

Slides Out (Miscellaneous) 1998-2002, n.d. 

109 2311

Dead Invoices: Paid Through December 1993 1993 

110 2312

Dead Invoices: Paid Through December 1994 1994 

110 2313

Dead Invoices: Paid Through December 1995 1994-1995 

110 2314

Dead Invoices: Paid Through July 1996 1995-1996 

110 2315

Invoices to be filed with Shipping Documents 1989-1995 

110 2316

Consignments and Loans, Incoming (Miscellaneous) 1986-1997 

110 2317

Tax Documentation re: 1997, 1998 (sent to R. Mandeltort CPA 6/99) 1997-1999, n.d. 

110 2318

Shipping, Incoming (Miscellaneous) 1986-2001 

110 2319

Shipping, Outgoing (Miscellaneous) (2 folders) 1988-2002, n.d. 

110 2320,2321

Slide Returns (Miscellaneous) 2000-2001 

110 2322

Advertising (General) 1990-1997, n.d. 

110 2323

Advertising : Type Setting 1991-1996, n.d. 

110 2324

Advertising: Art Forum International Berlin 1992-1993, n.d. 

110 2325

Advertising: Flash Art International 1989-1996 

110 2326

Advertising: Artforum 1989-1995, n.d. 

110 2327

Advertising: Art Now: Gallery Guide 1994-1997 

110 2328

Damaged Artwork: Claims pending/under restoration 1989-1993, n.d. 

110 2329

Penn Storage Inventory c. 1999 

110 2330

Storage Agreement 1988-1989 

110 2331

Credit Applications 1998-2001, n.d. 

110 2332

Insurance Certificates 1987-1993 

110 2333

Insurance Claims 2000 

110 2334

Framing (Miscellaneous) 1991-1999, n.d. 

110 2335

Computer Leases 1997 

110 2336

Giuliani Petition in Support of Brooklyn Museum 1999 

110 2337

P.H.A.G. Timesheet form c. 1999 

110 2338

P.H.A.G. Business Card Book 

110 2339

NYC Art Space and Night Life Invitations c. 1983-1988 1983-1988, n.d. 

110 2340

Cash Receipts Jan. 31, 1994 (6-8 months prior) (2 folders) 1994, n.d. 

110 2341,2342

Subseries E. Art Fairs 

Scope and Contents note

The P.H.G. Art Fairs subseries contains files regarding the gallery's participation in art fairs.

Arrangement note

The P.H.G. Art Fairs Files run chronologically, and by art fair name.

Box Folder

Gramercy International Los Angeles at Chateau Marmont 12/6-12/8/95 1995-1996, n.d. 

110 2343

Warteck Basel 6/11-6/16/96 1995 

110 2344

Art Forum Berlin 10/31-11/4/96 1996, n.d. 

110 2345

Gramercy International Los Angeles at Chateau Marmont 12/96 1996, n.d. 

110 2346

Gramercy International New York 5/2-5/5/97 1997 

110 2347

Messe Basel (Art 28 '97) 6/11-6/16/97 1996, n.d. 

110 2348

Kunst 97 Zürich 10/3-10/6/97 n.d. 

110 2349

Art Forum Berlin 10/31-11/4/97 1997, n.d. 

110 2350

Gramercy International Los Angeles at Chateau Marmont 12/5-12/7/97 1997 

110 2351

ARCO 98 (Portugal)/IFEMA 2/12-2/17/98 1997, n.d. 

110 2352

Art Frankfurt 1998 ("New Attitudes") 3/19-3/23/98 1997 

110 2353

Art 1998 Chicago at Navy Pier 1997 

110 2354

Subseries F. Visual Materials 

Scope and Contents note

The P.H.G. Visuals subseries contains mostly slides and transparencies for individual artists, as well as group shows and select art fairs and performances.

Arrangement note

The P.H.G. Visuals subseries is arranged alphabetically by artist name, preceded by binders with group show, art fair, and performance documentation.


Group Shows, Art Fairs, and Performances 1985-1996 n.d. 

Scope and Contents note

Binder contains mostly slides and transparencies for group shows, art fairs, and performances c. 1985-1996.

Binder Contents:

•Group Show 10/12-11/13/85 (Fontana, Castellani, Peine)

•Group Show 6-7/85 (Byron, Schuyff, Taaffe, Cheverney)

•Group Show 2/8-3/9/86 (Allington, Teusch, Schulze, Dokoupil)

•Group Show (Drawing Show) 6/20-7/22/86

•Group Show 1/87 (Hsu, Armleder, Artschwager)

•Group Show (Sculpture Show) 9-10/87 (Lemieux, Trockel, Bourgeois, Hesse, Heilmann)

•Group Show 2/12-3/13/88 (Hart, Algus, Weinhardt, Dryer)

•“They See God” 6/89

•Photorealism Group Show 9-10/89 (Morley, Close, Polke, Bechtle, Cottingham)

•“Kevin Carter: Root of Influence/Verify Your Understanding” 1990 Performance (3rd Floor)

•Kirsten Mosher: Gutting Cycle & Around the Block” 1991 Performance (outside gallery)

•Group Show 9/91 (Bell, Poons, Prince)

•Group Show 2/15-3/21/92 (Lum, Wallace, St. Bernard)

•Mary Heilmann, Jack Pierson, Jessica Stockholder 9/12-10/24/92

Arrangement note

Binder is arranged chronologically by exhibition.


Group Shows and Art Fairs 1995-2000 (2 binders) n.d. 

Arrangement note

Binders arranged chronologically by exhibition.

Binder Contents:

•"Pat Hearn Gallery: A Selected Survey 1983-1995" 3/18-5/7/95

•Grammercy International LA at Chateau Marmont 12/6-12/8/95 Gramercy International 5/96

•"The Speed of Painting: Laura Owens, Steven Parrino, Monique Prieto, Scott Reeder" 9/7-10/13/96

•"The Flying Saucer Project: Ceramics, Furniture, Painting, Sculpture" (Heilmann, Keister, Haines) 11/30/96-1/12/97

•"Zeitgeist Becomes Form: German Fashion Photography 1945-1995" 1/18-2/23/97

•Heilmann, Jonas, Koether, Prieto 5/31-7/31/97

•"William Burroughs and George Condo: Collaborative Works, 1988-1996" 12/6/97-1/17/98

•"Painting: Now and Forever Part I" 6/25-7/31/98

•Group Show (Armleder, Stockholder, Heilmann, Green) Summer, 1999

•Armory Show 2/25-2/28/00

•Jeff Elrod, Monique Prieto, & Jeff Zilm 5/27-6/31/00

•"The Nocturnal Dream Show" curated by Daniel Reich 7/00

Scope and Contents note

Binders contain mostly slides and transparencies for group shows and art fairs c. 1995-2000.


Artists A-Z (3 binders) 

Scope and Contents note

Binders contain mostly slides and transparencies for individual artists, including some installation views for solo exhibitions at Pat Hearn Gallery.

Binder Contents:

•Marina Abramovic

•Mitchell Algus

•Richard Artschwager

•David Askevold

•Donald Baechler

•Louise Bourgeois

•Peter Cain

•Sophie Calle

•Jimmy De Sana

•Braco Dimitrijevic

•Moira Dryer

•Jeff Elrod

•Helmut Federle

•Dan Flavin

•Renee Green

•Mike Kelley

•Jutta Koether

•Yayoi Kusama

•Simon Leung

•Ana Mendieta

•Thom Merrick

•Aimee Morgana

•Jack Pierson

•Matthew Ritchie

•Lisa Ruyter

•Frances Scholz

•Jason Simon


•Rosemarie Trockel

•Joan Wallace

•Seth Weinhardt

Arrangement note

Binders arranged alphabetically by artist.


John Armleder: Works and Exhibitions c. 1986-1998 n.d. 

Scope and Contents note

Binder contains slides and transparencies.


George Condo: Works and Exhibitions c. 1983-1985 n.d. 

Scope and Contents note

Binder contains transparencies, photographs and inventory polaroids.


Pat de Groot: Works and Exhibitions n.d. 


Gretchen Faust: Works and Exhibitions c. 1987-1992 (3 binders) n.d. 

Scope and Contents note

Binders contain slides, transparencies, and an exhibition chronology.


Claudia Hart: Works and Exhibitions 1987-1990 n.d. 

Scope and Contents note

Binder contains slides and transparencies.


Lisa Hein: Works and Exhibitions c. 1986-1996 n.d. 

Scope and Contents note

Binder contains slides and transparencies.


Susan Hiller: Works and Exhibitions c. 1976-1992 (3 binders) n.d. 

Scope and Contents note

Binders contain slides and transparencies.


Tishan Hsu Slides c. 1980-1991 (2 binders) n.d. 

Scope and Contents note

Binders contain slides.


Tishan Hsu Transparencies 1965-1990 (2 binders) n.d. 

Scope and Contents note

Binders contain transparencies.


Joan Jonas: Works and Exhibitions c. 1970-1999 n.d. 

Scope and Contents note

Binder contains photographs, slides, and transparencies.


Milan Kunc: Works and Exhibitions c. 1983-1986 n.d. 

Scope and Contents note

Binder contains slides, transparencies, photographs, and polaroids.


Patty Martori: Works and Exhibitions c. 1987-1992 (2 binders) n.d. 

Scope and Contents note

Binders contain slides and transparencies.


McDermott and McGough: Works and Exhibitions c. 1986 n.d. 

Scope and Contents note

Binder contains transparencies, photographs, and inventory polaroids.


Mark Morrisroe:Transparencies (2 binders) n.d. 

Scope and Contents note

Binders contain transparencies.


Monique Prieto: Works and Exhibitions c. 1995-2000 n.d. 

Scope and Contents note

Binder contains slides, transparencies, and color printouts.


Scott Reeder Works and Exhibitions c. 1995-2000 n.d. 

Scope and Contents note

Binder contains slides, transparencies, and color printouts.


Julia Scher: Works and Exhibitions c. 1989-1992 (2 binders) n.d. 

Scope and Contents note

Binders contain slides and transparencies.


Peter Schuyff Slides c. 1983-1989 (3 binders) n.d. 

Scope and Contents note

Binders contains slides and inventory polaroids.


Peter Schuyff Transparencies 1985-1990 (2 binders) n.d. 

Scope and Contents note

Binders contain transparencies.


Philip Taaffe Works and Exhibitions c. 1983-1989 (3 binders) n.d. 

Scope and Contents note

Binders contain slides, transparencies, photographs, and inventory polaroids.


Lincoln Tobier: Works and Exhibitions c. 1992-1997 

Scope and Contents note

Binder contains slides and transparencies.


Chris Verene: Works and Exhibitions c. 1997-2000 n.d. 

Scope and Contents note

Binder contains slides.


Subseries G. Pat Hearn Memorial Service and Exhibitions 

Arrangement note

The Pat Hearn Memorial subseries is arranged chronologically by event.

Scope and Contents note

The Pat Hearn Memorial subseries contains materials related to the organization of Pat Hearn's memorial service, as well as the memorial exhibitions, including a binder of memorabilia (press, invitations, etc.) which was on view.

Box Folder

"Pat Hearn Forever (June 16, 1955-August 18, 2000)" 11/11-2/24/01 and Memorial Service 12/14/00 (3 folders) 2000, n.d. 

110 2355-2357

"Pat Hearn Gallery: Part Two (1988-1994)" 2/3-3/3/01 2000-2001 

110 2358

"Pat Hearn Gallery: Part Three (1994-2000)" 4/14-5/5/01 2001, n.d. 

110 2359

Pat Hearn Memorial: Shipping 2000-2001, n.d. 

110 2360

Pat Hearn Memorial: Consignments and Loans 2000-2001 

110 2361

[Pat Hearn Memorial Press Binder] [2000] 

Scope and Contents note

Binder contains primarily press clippings and exhibition invitations focusing on Pat Hearn's career as a gallerist, with some coverage of her career as an artist and musician.


Return to Table of Contents »

Series III: American Fine Arts Art Courses 

Scope and Contents note

Series III: American Fine Arts Art Courses contains files pertaining to the planning of the art courses administered by Colin de Land and various guest speakers between 1994 and 1996 at American Fine Arts, Co., as well as a binder of slides used. The audio tapes documenting the series can be found in Series V: Media.

Arrangement note

The American Fine Arts Art Courses series is arranged chronologically by art course. Slides follow the foldered documentation.

Subseries A. Art Couse Files 

Scope and Contents note

The Art Course Files subseries contains planning documents and press releases for the four art course series.

Box Folder

Art Course I, 1994 1994, n.d. 

152 2362

Art Course II, 1994-1995 1994, n.d. 

152 2363

Art Course III, 1995 1995, n.d. 

152 2364

Art Course IV, 1996 1996, n.d. 

152 2365

Subseries B. Art Course Slides c. 1994-1996 

Scope and Contents note

The Art Course Slides subseries contains slides for the four art course series.


Return to Table of Contents »

Series IV: Colin de Land Files 

Scope and Contents note

The Colin de Land Files series consists of various records that reflect Colin de Land's process as a dealer and artist, reflecting the blurred boundaries that existed between his professional and personal lives.

Arrangement note

The Colin de Land Files series is organized by topic, in no particular order.

Subseries A. Special Projects 

Scope and Contents note

The Special Projects subseries consists of various professional, personal, and academic projects that Colin took on in addition to the everyday functions of the gallery.

Box Folder

ACME Journal 1990-1991, n.d. 

152 2366

Standard Grafik (2 folders) 1990-1992, n.d. 

152 2367,2368

Kunstlerwerkstatt Lothringerstrasse "Dealing with Art" exhibition invitation (Munich) 1991 

152 2369

"A New Spirit in Curating: Conference, Kunstlerhaus Stuttgart 1/24-1/26/92 1991-1992, n.d. 

152 2370

Hochschule fur Angewandte Kunst in Wien, speaking engagement 1992, n.d. 

152 2371

Artkards 1992 1992, n.d. 

152 2372

Gianni Romano 1993 1993-1994, n.d. 

152 2373

Hannes Daxer 1994 

152 2374

Rheinhardt Frais 1993-1994 

152 2375

Gil Garfield 1993, n.d. 

152 2376

Z Gallery, Art Dealer Publication 1993-1995 

152 2377

Jack Tilton/Electric 1994, n.d. 

152 2378

Fritsch/Cieslik: "Rattenkonig" 1994 (contains photographs) 1993-1994, n.d. 

152 2379

"Nudes in Nature" (Ben Schmidgall) 1997, n.d. 

152 2380

"Contemporary Art: Who Decides?" panel, The New School 1999 

152 2381

GREAD Magazine, with Nils Norman 1999, n.d. 

152 2382

"Art & Language & Luhmann No. 2" Symposium, ZKM Karlsruhe 4/29-4/30/00 (contains photographs) 1999-2000, n.d. 

152 2383

Subseries B. Writings 

Scope and Contents note

The Writings subseries consists of published writings, interviews, and notebooks which contain thoughts on art, gallery operations, and personal matters.

Box Folder

CDL Journalism Contributions 1994-1996, n.d. 

152 2384

CDL Polemic Notes 1995, n.d. 

152 2385

CDL Interviews 1994-2002, n.d. 

152 2386

CDL Interview, "The Art Dealers" 2002 2002, n.d. 

152 2387

New Observations Magazine 1995 

152 2388

Image Bank (clippings) c. 1987-1988 

152 2389

Images, Re-photograph and Clippings c, 1987-1988 

152 2390

Notebook c. March to August 1987 1987, n.d. 

152 2391

Notebook April 26 to May 24 1989 1989 

152 2392

Notebook June 9 to July 2 1989 1989 

152 2393

Notebook July 12 to August 9 1989 1989 

152 2394

Notebook c. May to July 1990 1990, n.d. 

152 2395

Notebook c. July to August 1990 1990, n.d. 

152 2396

Notebook c. August to September 1990 1990, n.d. 

152 2397

Notebook c. September to October 1990 1990, n.d. 

152 2398

Notebook c. December 1990 1990, n.d. 

152 2399

Notebook c. March to July 1993 1993, n.d. 

152 2400

Notebook c. February 1994 to January 1995 1994-1995, n.d. 

152 2401

Notebook c. January 1995 to November 1999 n.d. 

152 2402

Notebook c. March to September 1995 1995, n.d. 

152 2403

Notebook c. April 1995 to December 2000 1995, 2000, n.d. 

152 2404

Notebook c. September to October 1996 1996, n.d. 

154 2405

Notebook c. July to March 1999 1998-1999, n.d. 

154 2406

Notebook c. August to November 1999 1999, n.d. 

154 2407

Notebook c. February to March 2000 2000, n.d. 

154 2408

Notebook: P.H. Memorial c. 2000 

154 2409

Notebook c. April to September 2000 2000, n.d. 

154 2410

Notebook c. February to December 2001 2001, n.d. 

154 2411

Notebook c. February to June 2002 2002, n.d. 

154 2412

Notebook c. November 2002 to January 2003 2002-2003, n.d. 

154 2413

Notebook c. June to November 2002 2002, n.d. 

154 2414

Notebook: undated n.d. 

154 2415

Notebook: undated n.d. 

154 2416

Notebook: undated n.d. 

154 2417

Subseries C. Personal Files 

Scope and Contents note

The Personal Files subseries are comprised of folders containing personal correspondence, as well as folders concerning personal topics such as travel and health.

Box Folder

CDL Personal 91-95 (contains photographs) (5 folders) 1991-1995, n.d. 

154 2418-2422

CDL Personal 95-96 (contains photographs) (3 folders) 1995-1997, n.d. 

154 2423-2425

CDL Personal 97-98 (contains photographs) (3 folders) 1992-1999, n.d. 

154 2426-2428

CDL Personal 2002 2002, n.d. 

155 2429

CDL Marriage 1999 1999, n.d. 

155 2430

PH Condolences 2000-2001, n.d. 

155 2431

CDL Health n.d. 

155 2432

CDL Travel 1999-2001, n.d. 

155 2433

CDL Travel: Key West Dolphin Connection n.d. 

155 2434

Biennale Venice 1990 1990, n.d. 

155 2435

CDL Slides, Kippenberger L.A. 7/90 n.d. 

155 2436

Europe 1997: Skulptur Projekt in Munster 97 (includes Kunst und der Offentliche Raum nr. 1,2) 1997, n.d. 

155 2437

Europe 1997: 47th Venice Biennale 1997 

155 2438

Europe 1997: Documenta X 1997, n.d. 

155 2439

Europe 1997: Maps and Guides 1997, n.d. 

155 2440

CDL Passport 88-98 1988-1998, n.d. 

155 2441

CDL Organization n.d. 

155 2442

CDL Inventions, American Idea Management 1988, n.d. 

155 2443

CDL Castings 1997 

155 2444

CDL Jury Duty 96 1996 

155 2445

CDL Slides, Personal n.d. 

155 2446

Parking Ticket Photos (2 folders) 1994-1996, n.d. 

155 2447,2448

Party Lists 1994-1998, n.d. 

155 2449

Brooklyn Galleries 1990, n.d. 

155 2450

European Galleries (addresses, etc.) 1987-1991, n.d. 

155 2451

AFA Door Signs (Craig Wadlin) 1996, n.d. 

155 2452

CDL Action 12/7 1992, n.d. 

155 2453

CDL Action 1992, n.d. 

155 2454

CDL Action 8/3/92 

155 2455

Archive Material (to be filed) (Fend, Grigley, and General Correspondence) (2 folders) 1992-1993, n.d. 

155 2456-2457

[Untitled Folder to be Filed] (Fend, Hopkins, Müller, Hirakawa, Dion, and General Correspondence) (2 folders) 

155 2458-2459

[Untitled folder of Desk Memos, Receipts, and Cards c. 1992-1993] (5 folders) 1992-1993, n.d. 

155 2460-2464

Subseries D. Slide Carousels 

Arrangement note

Slides have been removed from carousels and arranged in slide sheets in original order.

Scope and Contents note

The Slide Carousels subseries contain slide presentations on various artists, and often present a snapshot of gallery programming of a given year or range of years.

Box Folder

Slide Inventories n.d. 

156 2465

Slide Presentation (Hopkins, Dion, Stockholder) n.d. 

156 2466

Slide Show #2 (Fraser, Hopkins, Merrick, Rankin, Santino, Fend) n.d. 

156 2467

Slide Presentation (Barton, Clough, Dion, Faust) n.d. 

156 2468

[Unitled: Pat Hearn Gallery Slides] n.d. 

156 2469

[Unitled: Fraser, Grennan & Sperandio, Pierson, Dion, Schroder, etc.] n.d. 

156 2470

[Untitled: Mori, Müller, Burr, Dion] n.d. 

156 2471

AFA Shows 93-94 (Simon, Burr, Santino, Hirakawa, Davey, Dion, Balk, Müller, McAllister, Knight, Art Club 2000, Owens, Acconci, Stella, etc.) n.d. 

156 2472

AFA Shows 93-94 (Bonin, Balk, Hopkins, Art Club 2000, "What Happened to the Institutional Critique?", Hohn, Faust, Byfield/Tober, Fraser) n.d. 

156 2473

AFA Shows 95 (Mori, Graham, Waters, Welling, Pentecost, Summer Group Show, Art Club 2000, Gerber, Arden, Müller, Burr, Dion, Davey) n.d. 

156 2474

AFA Shows 96 (Grennan & Sperandio, Chris Moore, Clegg & Guttmann, Salloum, Art Club 2000, Richer, Arden) n.d. 

156 2475

AFA Shows 96-97 (Waters, "100 Photographs", F.C. Gundlach, Bernadette Corporation, Balk Norman, Burr, Art Club 2000) n.d. 

156 2476

Dennis Balk n.d. 

156 2477

Tom Burr n.d. 

156 2478

Moyra Davey n.d. 

156 2479

Jimmy De Sana n.d. 

156 2480

Mark Dion n.d. 

156 2481

Andrea Fraser n.d. 

156 2482

Renee Green n.d. 

156 2483

Mark Morrisroe n.d. 

156 2484

Christian Philipp Müller n.d. 

156 2485

Richer [Ira?] Xmas n.d. 

156 2486

Lincoln Tobier n.d. 

156 2487

John Waters n.d. 

156 2488

Subseries E: Real Estate 

Scope and Contents note

The Real Estate subseries consists of information on the various tenancies associated with Colin de Land, including leases, legal records, and floorplans.

Arrangement note

The Real Estate subseries has been arranged in chronological order.

Box Folder

511 East 6th Street Lease/120 East 83rd Street/5 Rivington Street 1985-1988, n.d. 

157 2489

Vox Populi/Daniel Faust (Renovations and bill) 1985 

157 2490

5 Rivington Street #5: 1985-1987 (General) 1985-1987, n.d. 

157 2491

5 Rivington Street #5: 1985-1987 (Legal) 1985-1987, n.d. 

157 2492

Gallery Floor Plans (includes 40 Wooster Street, 2 Horatio Street Apartment) 1988-1991, n.d. 

157 2493

40 Wooster Street (Mary D. Dorman, Attorney) 1988-1989, n.d. 

157 2494

40 Wooster Street Lease 1990, 1991 

157 2495

40 Wooster Street: Renovation 6/91 (Proposal) 1991 

157 2496

40 Wooster Street: Resnick Scale Company 

157 2497

40 Wooster Street: 1992 Legal (3 folders) 1989-1993, n.d. 

157 2498-2500

40 Wooster Street: 1992 Eviction 1989-1992, n.d. 

157 2501

[Alter and Goldman: Bankruptcy and Incorporation of American Fine Arts Co., Inc.] 1993, n.d. 

157 2502

22 Wooster Street: Rental Survey and Lease Negotiation 1992-1993, n.d. 

157 2503

22 Wooster Street: Lease 1993 

157 2504

Mini Flood/ Epstein 93 1993, n.d. 

157 2505

Sublets 1994 and Before 1990-1993, n.d. 

157 2506

[Soho Real Estate and Architectural Research for Pat Hearn Gallery] (contains blueprints) 1988, n.d. 

157 2507

Restaurant Plan 1992, n.d. 

157 2508

Subseries F. Invitations 

Scope and Contents note

The Invitations subseries consist of gallery invitations collected by Colin de Land.


CDL Invitations 92-93 1992-1993, n.d. 


[CDL Invitations 94] 1994 


[CDL Invitations 95] 1995, n.d. 


CDL Invitations 95-98 1995-1998, n.d. 


[CDL Invitations 96] 1996 


[CDL Invitations 97] 1997 


CDL Invitations 97-99 1997-1999, n.d. 


CDL Invitations 99-02 1999-2002, n.d. 


CDL Invitations: Film and Video Programs 1994-1997, n.d. 


Subseries G: Readings 

Scope and Contents note

The Readings subseries contains various essays, articles and exhibition statements collected by Colin de Land.

Arrangement note

The Readings subseries has been arranged chronologically.

Box Folder

Essays and Articles c. 1984-1989 (2 folders) 1994-1999, n.d. 

157 2509-2510

Essays and Articles c. 1987-1988 1987-1988, n.d. 

157 2511

Essays and Articles c. 1992-1995 (2 folders) 1992-1995, n.d. 

157 2512-2513

Essays and Articles c. 1995-1996 1995-1996, n.d. 

157 2514

Essays and Articles c. 1996-1997 1996-1997, n.d. 

157 2515

Essays and Articles c. 1997-1999 1997-1999, n.d. 

157 2516

Essays and Articles c. 1998-1999 1998-1999, n.d. 

157 2517

Essays and Articles c. 2000-2001 (2 folders) 1998-2001, n.d. 

157 2518-2519

Books to Buy n.d. 

157 2520

Return to Table of Contents »

Series V: Media 

Arrangement note

The Media series is arranged according to the preceding finding aid structure (American Fine Arts, Co., Pat Hearn Gallery, American Fine Arts Art Courses, Colin de Land Files).

General note

Media access is only provided where access files have been created. Access files are indicated throughout the finding aid.

Scope and Contents note

The Media series contains audiovisual media (3/4 in. U-matic, VHS, audiocassette, minicassette) and storage media (CDs, DVDs, floppy disk, etc.) separated from the preceding series.

Subseries A: American Fine Arts Media 

Scope and Contents note

The Colin de Land, American Fine Arts, Co. Media subseries contains audiovisual and storage media from the A.F.A. Artist Files subseries (I.A), in addition to a general media inventory from the gallery.

AFA Artist Files Media 

Access Copies 

General note

Only select access copies are available at this time.

Original Media 


 008.001, 008.002 3/21/00, 4/14/00 [Fend vs.William T. Meyer III] (2 audiocassettes) 2000 


AFA Media Inventory (General) 

Access Copies 

 008.190_A_a, 008.190_B_a  Christian P Müller: Interpellations 4/22/94, Cassette, Sony HF-60 1994 

 008.192_A_a, 008.192_B_a An Introduction to the 1993 Biennial of the Whitney Museum of American Art, Andrea Fraser, Cassette, 45 min. 1993 

 008.217_A_a R.G. "Vistavision", [Renee Green?], Cassette, Duofone 3 min. n.d. 

Original Media 


 008.003 Josef Strau: S. Dillemuth mit Friesenwall 120 und F. Armaly, NTSC, VHS, Fuji E-30 HQ, 15 min. n.d. 


 008.004 Josef Strau: The Inheritage, VHS, Quantegy n.d. 


 008.005  TELETUBE: A New Season Experience by Michelle Nichol (Frank Schroder), NTSC, VHS, BASF 16'51" 1994 


 008.006 The Les Levine Video Catalog: Works From 1961-1989, Dominique Nahas, Mott Art Video, VHS 38 min. 1990 


 008.007 Les Levine: Diamond Mind, Art Metropole, VHS 30 min. 1986 


 008.008 "Ease Pain Media Campaign, NY 1992", Les Levine, VHS 6'50" 1992 


 008.009 Ausstellen: Helmut Draxler, Ute Meta Bauer, Hans Ulrich Obrist, Colin de Land, John Miller, Corinne Diserns, Eric Colliard; Kunstlerhaus Stuttgart Susanne Mueller, Andreas Cooper, VHS, 53min n.d. 


 008.010  Introduction to the End of an Argument , Intifada (speaking for oneself…speaking for others…; Jayce Salloum, Elia Suleiman, VHS, 45min. 1990  


 008.011 Jayce Salloum: Compilation Tape of 5 Tape Loops, Kan Ya Ma Kan Installation; Jayce Salloum, VHS, Maxell P/I Plus T-60 1992-1996  


 008.012  Jayce Salloum: Episode 1: So. Cal., Once You've Shot the Gun You Can't Stop the Bullet, VHS, 120 min. 1989  


 008.013 Dissociationism: A documentary of a non-existent art movement at the end of the millennium, Mike Ballou, Adam Simon, VHS, Fuji T-45 1997 


 008.014  Aimee Rankin [Morgana]: "The Man in the Mirror", VHS, T-30 1989 


 008.015 Aimee Morgana: "The Man in the Mirror", VHS, TDK HS T-120 1989 


 008.016  Aimee Morgana: "No Fairy Tale", VHS, JVC SX T-120 n.d. 


 008.017 Aimee Morgana: 10/31/90 The Rite Of Naming, VHS, JVC Super VHS ST-120 1990 


 008.018 Aimee Morgana: DUPE Oct. 31, 1990, VHS, JVC Super VHS ST-120 n.d. 


 008.019  "Some Divine Wind" selects reel: a film by Roddy Bogawa, VHS, 18'55" n.d.  


 008.020 Two Films: Roddy Bogawa Four or Five Accidents One June…, A Small Room in the Big House Piecemeal, VHS, 40 min. 1988 


 008.021 If Andy Warhol's Super-8 Camera Could Talk - a film by Roddy Bogawa, Piecemeal, 8 of 25, VHS, T-10 1994 


 008.022  Frank Grow's Red & Rosy (Signed Limited Edition) Danger!, Frank Grow, 4/100, VHS, 20min n.d. 


 008.023 Frank Grow's Red & Rosy (Signed Limited Edition) Four or Five Accidents One June…, Road/Stories, Frank Grow, Roddy Bogawa, VHS, 120 min. 1990 


 008.024 Blood Pumper's Racing Club (First Rough Edit), Frank Grow, VHS, TDK T-60 1990 


 008.025  Bernadette Fashion Show 5/9/97, Tape 2, USA Dubs, VHS BASF 1997  


 008.026  [Peter] Fend: Tivat Bay Deinstallation, VHS, Panasonic T-120 n.d.  


 008.027 Vito Acconci: The Red Tapes, Art Metropole, VHS, 142 min. 1986  


 008.028 artnet international, Tape II, (Samore at A. Dup., Hopkins at Jousse Sequine, Byfield Tobier (Town's End) at AFA & PHG), VHS, BASF 1994 


 008.029  Silvia Kolbowski: Inadequate excerpt (Whitney version -sound & audio), VHS, Quantegy T-30 n.d.  


 008.030  Hotel Lebanon, VHS, T-120 n.d. 


 008.031  Hotel Lebanon Black Flag at Maxwell's, Indian Music Films Oct. 16, 1994; VHS, 120 min. 1994 


 008.032  [Mariko] Mori: Venice 97, VHS [1997]  


 008.033  Mariko Mori: "Mikono-Inori", VHS 1996 


 008.034  Mariko Mori: "Mikono-Inori", VHS, 29' 23" 1996  


 008.035 Convolver 1995, Component of the Mission, Alexander Ku, VHS, 3M 1-60 1995 


 008.036  Kind 1997, Alexander Ku, VHS, 3M T-120 1997 


 008.037 John 1995 Nor, Component of the Mission, Alexander Ku, VHS, 3M 1-60 1995  


 008.038  "Preston," four stories of life in preston from 700AD to the present Grennan & Sperandio; Kartoon Kings, Harris Museum, VHS, 10min. n.d.  


 008.039  Angela: 5 Minute Loops and installation shots 3/28/98, Suzy Spence, VHS, Fuji T-30 1998  


 008.040  5 min. Animation Loops - Test Version (Butterfly, Sky, Field), Suzy Spence, VHS, 16 mins. n.d.  


 008.041  Angela: 5 short animations for demo only, Suzy Spence, VHS, Maxell 1998  


 008.042  Colin de Land Memorial Sequence 10/14/03 (Liquid Light), Brad Scott, VHS, Sony TS-15 2003  


 008.043  Rehab Video Week #4 @ Knitting Factory, VHS, approx. 40 min. 1990  


 008.044  Rehab Video Week #3 @ Knitting Factory, VHS, 40min. n.d. 


 008.045  Slide Show 1989 (Dan Cameron, Daniel Faust, Corey Kaup, Gorden Minette), Daniel Faust, VHS, 80 min. 1989  


 008.046  Slide Show 1989 Part 1 (Dan Cameron, Daniel Faust, Corey Kaup, Gordon Minette), U-matic, 40min. 1989 


 008.047  Slide Show 1989 Part 2 (Dan Cameron, Daniel Faust, Corey Kaup, Gordon Minette), Daniel Faust, U-matic, 40min. 1989 


 008.048  Slide Show 1989 (Dan Cameron, Daniel Faust, Corey Kaup, Gordon Minette), Daniel Faust, VHS, 80min 1989  


 008.049  Roman Signer: Krems, VHS, T-30 1988  


 008.050  Roman Signer AFA #1 1/11/90 7:15PM; #2 10/17/90 2:15PM (And Sculpture Made by Telephone), VHS, Ampex 189 T-30 1990 


 008.051  Roman Signer AFA #1 1/11/90 7:15PM; #2 10/17/90 2:15PM, VHS, Ampex 189 T-30 1990  


 008.052  Roman Signer AFA (Action) (10/11/90), 8mm, TDK 30 1990  


 008.053  Roman Signer: Aktion Mit Einer Zundschnur Appenzell - St. Gallen, Galerie Agathe Nisple, Edition of 200, VHS 1989  


 008.054 Roman Signer: Dokumenta Kassel, VHS 1987  


 008.055  Pruitt [Rob] & Early [Jack]: "Three Rock Videos", Pruitt and Early(late eighties), VHS, Fuji T-120 n.d. 


 008.056  Gareth [James] & Gardar [Eide Einarsson], AFA, VHS, Sony T-120 n.d.  


 008.057  "May I Help You?" Andrea Fraser in Cooperation with Allan McCollum American Fine Arts, Co., VHS, 20min. 1991  


 008.058  Stockholder, Jessica Stockholder, VHS, 3 hr n.d.  


 008.059  Jessica Stockholder: Witte de With, Rotterdam, 8mm, TDK MP-60 1991  


 008.060  Stockholder 020 (Rotterdam), Jessica Stockholder, VHS, 25min. n.d. 


 008.061  Dennis Balk: Prophet's Plain (not edited, do not reproduce), (Jason Simon), VHS, T-60 n.d.  


 008.062  [Renee] Green: Secret (Master), VHS, Fuji T-120 n.d.  


 008.063  Private America, Warren Neidich, VHS, 15 min. n.d.  


 008.064  Robert Melee, VHS, Fuji T-120 n.d. 


 008.065 Puppet Shows: Michael Smith/Doug Skinner, VHS, JVC T-120 n.d. 


 008.066  Bruce & Norman Yonemoto: Installations 1989-1995; Kyodai Productions, VHS, Sony TS-30 n.d. 


 008.067  Barbara and Howard Morse: UNITE - Le Corbusier, Firminy, France 6/93 BSM-2, VHS, 30 min. 1993  


 008.068 Barbara and Howard Morse: Vienna/Graz/Munich 11/93, VHS, 70min. 1993  


 008.069  Jenny Takahiro Hiroshi Rob Show, Children of Our Time, Manhattan Neighborhood Network, VHS, Fuji T-120 n.d. 


 008.070  [John] Waters on Conan O'Brien, VHS, T-120 n.d.  


 008.071  "What Happened to the Institutional Critique?", Master, American Fine Arts., [James Meyer], HI-8 1993  


 008.072  Ikea Raw, 8mm, TDK E-HG 120 n.d. 


 008.073  Andrea Rosen, 8mm, Supertape HG-120 n.d.  


 008.074  Jack Simon & Mark Dion "Artful History: A Restoration Comedy" Devlin, U-matic, 27'48" 1988 


 008.075  "Rock My Religion" Interview with Ann Marie Duguay Part II, Dan Graham, U-matic, Sony KCA-60K n.d.  


 008.076  Performance and Stage-Set Utilizing Two-Way Mirror and Video Time Delay EAI, Dan Graham & Glenn Branca, U-matic, 45min 1983  


 008.077  Portraits of People Living with HIV #1-5, Tape I:Portraits #1-5, Gregg Bordowitz, Gay Men's Health Crisis, VHS, Fuji T-120 n.d.  


 008.078  Tape II: Boat Trip, Portrait #6 (Portrait #6: Boat Trip), Gregg Bordowitz, Gay Men's Health Crisis, VHS, Fuji, T-120 n.d.  


 008.079  Tape III: Portraits #7 & #8 (Portrait #7: Stephen de Francesco, Portrait #8: Frank Moore), Gregg Bordowitz, Gay Men's Health Crisis, VHS, Fuji T-120 n.d.  


 008.080  Warped Universe I and II, 'tis of thee; Dan Asher, VHS, Quantegy T-15 n.d.  


 008.081  Document of 8 Installations 1993-1997, Edy Ferguson, VHS, 18' 1993-1997 


 008.082 Edy Ferguson: May 22, 1999; Edy Ferguson, VHS, 22min 1999  


 008.083 Fin de Siècle, New York à Nantes, Edy Ferguson, VHS, 24min 1999  


 008.084 Check One: Big Shout: On the Buses: Hotel Occidental: Torches: (New Dawn Fades), 199B Bond etc.. Venice Aperto, Henry Bond, VHS 1993  


 008.085  Boug & Worth (Take Manhattan), VHS, Sony T-120 n.d.  


 008.086  Thinking about Death, Gay Men's Health Crisis, VHS, 29min n.d.  


 008.087  It is what it is… , Gay Men's Health Crisis, VHS, 59min 30 1992  


 008.088  Shift 16: Artists in the Kitchen in Limbo, Anne Marie MacDonald, Michael Penhallow, VHS 1993  


 008.089  ArtToday, VHS, T-18 n.d.  


 008.090  ArtToday Vol. 1 No. 1, VHS, 51min33 n.d.  


 008.091  ArtToday Vol. 1 No. 2, VHS n.d.  


 008.092  ArtToday Vol. II No. 1, VHS n.d.  


 008.093  Nelson, Electric Chaircut, VHS, Kodak T-15 n.d.  


 008.094  Nelson, Electric Chaircut Documentary, VHS, 21min 1999  


 008.095  The Ascent of Man, Parts 1,2,and 3 + In the Absence of Heroes, Public Domain, VHS, 60min n.d. 


 008.096  Pleasure-Dome, Absolute Zero; Art Dynamics, Yukihiro Yoshihara, VHS, Scotch HG-30 1992  


 008.097  A Tale of Three Cities, New York; Intervista 1994, VHS, T-60 1994  


 008.098  A Tale of Three Cities, Tokyo; Intervista 1994, VHS, T-60 1994  


 008.099  A Tale of Three Cities, London; Intervista 1994, VHS, Fuji T-60 1994  


 008.100  DaK Theatre, Inc.: Demonstration Tape, 1988; VHS, Sony T-120 1988  


 008.101  Richard Ledes: Paris Air, VHS, 6min n.d.  


 008.102  Ledes (Paris Air Richard C. Ledes Do Not Copy), VHS, T-15 n.d.  


 008.103  Martin Scorcese by Richard C. Ledes & Bob Goldberg, VHS, T-30 n.d.  


 008.104  Devil Tour '94, HI, John Geary, VHS, 29 min. 1997  


 008.105  "Art is For the People", Ludwig Schwartz, VHS, Digitech T-120 1995  


 008.106  Let's Call the Colonel, Ludwig Schwartz, VHS, 29min 1994  


 008.107  The Bear The Duck and The Oyster, A film by Josephine Pryde, VHS, 30 min. 1999  


 008.108  Compilation Crystal Egal; Chystel Egal, VHS, 60 min. 1997  


 008.109  Greening of America, Shifting Mental Structures, Dillinger Running Series MIT Audio Visual Duplication Services, Elaine Sturtevant, VHS, T-15 2000  


 008.110  This Town Will Tear You Apart, Barnaby Levy, VHS, Eastman T-30 n.d.  


 008.111  T.P.C. Appendix, Jan Skovgard, VHS, 5min50 n.d. 


 008.112 T.P.C. Revolver 1989-92 Chapt. 4 (Bar-codes), Jan Skovgard, VHS, 5 min. 20 sec. n.d.  


 008.113  Risques du Metier: Occupational Hazards, Antek Walczak, VHS, T-120 n.d.  


 008.114  Painting Preview 1, Ken Beckles, VHS, BASF T-120s n.d.  


 008.115  Seduction of Patrick, Michel Auder, VHS, 28 min. 1979  


 008.116  Chronicles/Morocco, Michel Auder, VHS, 27 min. 1971-1972  


 008.117  Rooftops and other Scenes (level 3), Michel Auder, VHS, T-60 1996  


 008.118  The Games. Olympic Variations, Michel Auder, VHS, 25 min. 1984  


 008.119 Horse Tape - Loop Tape, Jennifer Reeder, VHS, T-180 1999  


 008.120  "Le Tour Continuer La Respiration" Loop Tape, Jennifer Reeder, VHS, T-160 1999  


 008.121  Nevermind, Video Data Bank, AIC; Jennifer Reeder, VHS, 18min18 1998  


 008.122  Nevermind: Version 2 w/o titles, Jennifer Reeder, VHS, 17'44" n.d.  


 008.123  No Known Enemies are Eternal, Jennifer Reeder, VHS, 14'17" 2000  


 008.124  God's Own Private Mystery, Tape #1, Jennifer Reeder, VHS, 60min 2000  


 008.125  God's Own Private Mystery, Tape #2, Jennifer Reeder, VHS, 60min 2000  


 008.126 God's Own Private Mystery, Tape #3, Jennifer Reeder, VHS, 60min 2000  


 008.127 Tiny Plastic Rainbow, Jennifer Reeder, VHS, 1hr19'43" 2003  


 008.128  White Trash Girl: Episode 1, Jennifer Reeder, VHS, 7'45" 1996  


 008.129  Adventures of White Trash Girl, The Devil Inside; Jennifer Reeder, VHS, 7'45" 1995 


 008.130  Law of Desire, Jennifer Reeder, VHS, 17'49" 1996  


 008.131  Hide Inside Me Tonight, Jennifer Reeder, VHS, 1hr48' 2000  


 008.132 With Someone I Love 'Darling', Otherwise, Nothing (Silent), Jennifer Reeder, VHS, 18'44" 2000 


 008.133 Johnny Take a Dive, Jennifer Reeder, VHS, T-20 1999  


 008.134  "eS C H EIS Es", Heimo Zobernig, VHS, Sony E-30 1992  


 008.135  Home Invasions, J. Silitch, VHS, 2 hr. n.d.  


 008.136 J. Silitch: Video Excerpts, J. Silitch, VHS, Scotch T-120 n.d.  


 008.137  Flowers, Nicolas Sarudiansky, VHS, T-60 n.d. 


 008.138  Feeling Cunty, Nicolas Sarudiansky, VHS, T-05 n.d.  


 008.139  QVC Video, Hope Ginsburg, VHS, Sony V T-120 1999  


 008.140  Bee Beard, Hope Ginsburg, VHS, Sony T-120 1999  


 008.141 Alan Scarritt: Prototype for "Troll", VHS, 5 min. 1905  


 008.142  Marius Kline: 1 2 3, Marius Kline, VHS, 48' n.d.  


 008.143  Antenna: Channel 69; Anney Bonney, Kathryn Greene,VHS, T-30 n.d.  


 008.144  Thork Studio: Extra Shot & Paintings, Thorkelson Studio, VHS, T-15 n.d.  


 008.145  Glamourpuss Rough cut, Jeffrey Means, VHS, T-15 n.d.  


 008.146 How to Keep your Man Happy, Jeffrey Means, VHS, 9'10" 1998  


 008.147  Scanning New York Art (Demo Reel), Art Today Video Magazine, VHS, T-15 n.d. 


 008.148  Scanning New York Art - April, 1995; Art Today Video Magazine, VHS, T-60 1995 


 008.149 Magrite's Dream, Mark Oliver, VHS, 10 min. 1994  


 008.150 This is Not a Pipe, Mark Oliver, VHS, 40 min. n.d.  


 008.151  La Pipe Update Oct. 26 94 (Video Telegram for Colin DeLand), Mark Oliver, VHS, 23 min. 1994 


 008.152  Matt Heckert: Mechanical Sound Orchestra, San Francisco Artspace, VHS 1905 


 008.153 C.H. Bonami: A Video Selection 1990-1991, VHS, Sony T-120 n.d.  


 008.154  Betty Beaumont [3 Videos], VHS, Sony T-120 n.d. 


 008.155 "Obsession" Loop Tape, Maciej Toporowocz, VHS, 2hr40 min. n.d.  


 008.156 Davide Bramante, VHS, 8 min. 1998  


 008.157  Mouse, John Brattin, VHS, 3 min. n.d. 


 008.158 Tales of Love and Glory, Martha Swetzoff, U-matic, 18min 1989  


 008.159  Ralph Wolf: "What Happened to Me Last Night", VHS, Maxell EX-120 n.d.  


 008.160 Mac Academy 4th Dimension 1, VHS, TDK 120 n.d.  


 008.161  Mac Academy 4th Dimension #2, VHS, T-120 n.d.  


 008.162 Mac Academy 4th Dimension #4, VHS, Sony T-120 n.d.  


 008.163 Mac Academy 4th Dimension #5, VHS, Sony T-120 n.d.  


 008.164  insight outcry 64'30": Copie 1 insight, Anne Marie Jugnet, VHS, 44' 1994 


 008.165  insight outcry 64'30": Copie 2 insight, Anne Marie Jugnet, 44' 1994  


 008.166  insight outcry 64'30": Copie 3 insight, Anne Marie Jugnet, VHS, 44' 1994  


 008.167 insight outcry 64'30": Copie 1 outcry, Anne Marie Jugnet, VHS, 44' 1994  


 008.168  insight outcry 64'30": Copie 2 outcry, Anne Marie Jugnet, VHS, 44' 1994  


 008.169  insight outcry 64'30": Copie 3 outcry, Anne Marie Jugnet, VHS, 44' 1994  


 008.170  Canary in a Mine, Meaning; Jane W. Hudson, VHS, 25 min. 1991  


 008.171  Hot Girls, Blue Moon, Gli Amori Difficili;Jane W. Hudson, VHS, 20 min. n.d. 


 008.172  "Family Snapshots", Tulsa Kinney, VHS, 6' 1995  


 008.173  "Lust, part 6 of The 7 Deadly Sins", Tulsa Kinney, VHS, 5'25" n.d.  


 008.174  Diane Ricard: "Moments", VHS, 16'40" n.d.  


 008.175  Mistress Samantha: Diet Doctor, Margie Schnibbe, VHS, 13' 1995  


 008.176 Early Hiroshi - by Hiroshi Sunairi, VHS, TDK T-120 n.d.  


 008.177  The Shrimpdiabloinmypants film festival plus the Reverend Jen's Magical Forest!, Preston P. Coldcut, Naidich/Dowd/Miller, VHS, 1 hr. n.d.  


 008.178 Impact Video Magazine, Stuart S. Shapiro, VHS, 80 min. 1989  


 008.179  Instant Fireplace, Fox Video Communications, Inc., VHS, approx. 60 min 1987 


 008.180  Great Escapes: Marty Stouffer's Wild America, VHS 1993  


 008.181  Macy's Holiday Video - On Location Portrait Studio, VHS 1988  


 008.182 "Resonant Environment" Corcoran 1993, Renee Butler, VHS, 5'42" 1993 


 008.183  Trimpin: King 5 TV News Feb-90, VHS, T-15 1990 


 008.184  TRC Video Compression System, Transitions Research Corporation Aug-93, VHS, 12' 1993 


 008.185  Gustav Exhibit , VHS, T-60 n.d.  


 008.186  Mori 3/24/95, Mariko Mori, Cassette, Sony HF-60 1995  


 008.187  Mori: Audio to Birth of Star "Omoino-mamani" sample, Mariko Mori, Cassette, Ampex C-60 n.d.  


 008.188  Slide Show 1989 Cameron/Faust/Kaup/Minette, Cassette, 80 min. 1989  


 008.189  A Tour of King Ranch - The Loop Road; Daniel Faust, Cassette, Denon HD8-90 1989  


 008.190  Christian P Müller: Interpellations 4/22/94, Cassette, Sony HF-60 1994  


 008.191  Jessica Stockholder, Cassette, TDK EC-1M n.d.  


 008.192  An Introduction to the 1993 Biennial of the Whitney Museum of American Art, Andrea Fraser, Cassette, 45 min. 1993  


 008.193  Power of a Singular Vision, Nancy Barton, Cassette, 12 min. n.d.  


 008.194  "The Power of a Singular Vision", Nancy Barton, Cassette, 12 min. (loop) n.d.  


 008.195  Peter Fend 2, Cassette, 21 min. n.d.  


 008.196  Fend 1/16/87 Tape II, Peter Fend, Cassette, TDK D-90 1987  


 008.197  [Fend 1/16/87] Tape III, Peter Fend, Cassette, Tdk D-90 [1987]  


 008.198  CN Storage 1/23, [Cady Noland?], Cassette, Maxell UR-60 1993 


 008.199  Gil (A Boy's Life) Comp. Perry Botkin, Gil Garfield, Cassette n.d.  


 008.200  Love Me for My Legs, Gil Garfield, Cassette n.d.  


 008.201  [Moyra] Davey 3/29/94, Cassette, Sony HF-60 1994  


 008.202  Jason Simon 2/11/94, Cassette, TDK-90 1994  


 008.203  "When Dinosaurs Ruled… 3/8/94, Mark Dion, Cassette, TDK-60 1994  


 008.204  [Peter] Santino 2/21/94, Cassette, Sony HF-60 1994  


 008.205  Art History: P. Shrinermacher , Cassette, TDK D-60 1989  


 008.206  If Archimedes/ Sounds of the Sculpture of Tony Price, Ellen Zweig, Cassette n.d.  


 008.207  Woon Kyung Balk 1/95, Cassette, Sony HF-60 n.d.  


 008.208  Unger 2/12/95 , Cassette, Sony HF-60 n.d.  


 008.209  Thin Air #3/Thin Air #4, Cassette n.d.  


 008.210  Ljbomir Rastovski: Music to Accompany works of 1990 #1, Cassette, 12' [1990]  


 008.211  Ljbomir Rastovski: Music to Accompany works of 1990 #2, Cassette, 5'40" [1990]  


 008.212  Ljbomir Rastovski: Music to Accompany works of 1990 #3, Cassette, 23'40" [1990]  


 008.213  Ljbomir Rastovski: Music to Accompany works of 1990 #4, Cassette, 11'26" [1990]  


 008.214  Schneemann Tape 2, [Carolee?], Cassette, TDK SA-C60 n.d.  


 008.215  Dawn of the Dead, Cassette n.d.  


 008.216  No New York, Cassette, TDK D-90 n.d.  


 008.217  R.G. "Vistavision", [Renee Green?], Cassette, Duofone 3 min. n.d.  


 008.218  Mama Love Show Pt. 1 7/5/92, Cassette, Scotch BX-90 n.d.  


 008.219  Mama Love Show Pt. 2 7/5/92, Cassette, Scotch BX-90 n.d.  


 008.220  Sig Side A/B, [Roman Signer?], Cassette, Sony HF-90 n.d.  


 008.221  Lena Sept. 95, Cassette, TDK D-60 1995  


 008.222  Every Ten Minutes, A Day Without Art, Created by Robert Farber for Visual Aids, Cassette 1991  


 008.223  The Speaker Project: A Compilation of Sound Works by Artists, Liam Gillick, Paul Mittleman, Cassette 1992  


 008.224  Avengers Theme Dirt Commercial, Cassette n.d.  


 008.225  Long Message, Mini Cassette Radio Shack, MC-60 2001 


 008.226  Trevor Fairbroth, Mini Cassette, Panasonic MC-60 1998 


 008.227  Hallmark 120: 14/13/98 0-134; Sacran Threat (178) 12/21, Mini Cassette, Panasonic MC-60 1999 


 008.228  J.S., Mini Cassette Radio Shack, MC-30 n.d. 


 008.229  KP Messages, Mini Cassette Radio Shack, MC-60 1905 


 008.230  Taka Denouve (?) Message, Mini Cassette Radio Shack, MC-60 2007 


 008.231  Cdllsttstrs, Mini Cassette Panasonic, MC-60 n.d. 


 008.232  2/18 CDL Cohennote/ Hoursr Rec Some Tax Atend, CLD CONT. Note/ Mostry Empty, P.H.E.A.F. Record of Unsold Art, Mini Cassette Radio Shack, MC-60 n.d. 


 008.233  Dr. Grace, New Tumor, Mini Cassette, Panasonic MC-60 1998  


 008.234  Bartscherer, Mini Cassette, Panasonic MC-60 1998 


 008.235  Susan Conno, Grace, Dolinsky , Mini Cassette Panasonic, MC-60 1998  


 008.236  PH: 2/27, Miami, Scard Post OP, TNP 479, NYT Rep. to Portal Usin, Bruce Kkin, Miami 3/3, NYT Klein 3/4, Mini Cassette, Panasonic MC-60 n.d. 


 008.237  2/26/97 Manny Jones, 2/27 Miami, Oxford, Pinacle, 2/27 Miami Finance and Listing, 2/27 Manny Jones, 2/4 Scherer, Mini Cassette, Panasonic MC-60 1997  


Oxford, Walter, 3/6 Ruth KRWN,3/6 Scherer, 3/6 Morse, 3/7 Healy, 3/7 OXFord Healy, 3/7 PH-Oxford, 3/7 Valerie, 3/7 Silverstein Oxford, 3/10 Oxford, 3/11 Ruth/RWM UCLE, Eileen Brenner, Mini Cassette, Panasonic MC-60 008.238 n.d. 


 008.239  NYT/Klein 3/4, Rob Smith, Oxford, 3/6 CNN, 3/6 Accept Panther, LISTD, 3/6 Karust stage, 3/6 Can scherrer, 3/6 Connors Boston, Mini Cassette, Panasonic MC-60 1997  


7/8 Morse PH Joel Conf. Call Emergency HRT Fund Pt II, Dion 8/2 Re Herbert des. Etc., dion 8/2, Herbert PC. Intenneray etc, 8/3 Waters/Burroughs, 9/10 PH-EAF (CH), 9/30 Wirthre Dion, Mini Cassette, Panasonic MC-60 008.240 1997  


4/24/97 Jancou Re: Dion at Chicago, 2/12/97 Jancou Pt 2, 5/5 Hank Hine, Becky Peldt, Maeda, NA 5/12/97, Bob Horton, Oxford, 5/16, Guiners-Warhol, 5/21 Hank HINE, Kainer/Mever, RE: Dion 6/2/97. Dr. Euriley, Reasearch 6/97, 7/8 Morse, PH, Joel Conference of Emergency Art Fund, Mini Cassette, Panasonic MC-60 008.241 1997  


 008.242  PHEAF Benefit, Mini Cassette, Panasonic MC-60 n.d. 


 008.243  Dr. Fasy, Sicular cont (3/31), 3/31 Dr. Grace, Dr. Strauss, 4/3 Oxford Bill, 4/19/1997 Gensren at AFA, Mini Cassette, Panasonic MC-60 1997  


 008.244  3/26 Horton Miami Re: Oxford, McGrady, 3/27 Dr. Maeda, 3/27 Maeda, 3/28 Scherer, 3/28 Gary Schwarts, 3/31 BS/BC Mr/ H Feldt, Dr. Fasy, Mini Cassette, Panasonic MC-60 n.d. 


 008.245  Soldadera - Chapter1, Chapter2, Andrea Fraser Edition of 3, DVD 2001  


 008.246  Nils Norman Press Pack 16/7/03, CD-R, Maxell 700MB 2003  


 008.247  Nils Norman, CD-R, Imation 700MB n.d.  


 008.248  Colin De Land - Ce'st La Vie The Big C - 3' excerpts, L. Brandon Krall, CD-R, Maxell 650MB 2003  


 008.249  De Land/Balk, CD-R n.d.  


 008.250  Balk 4 pcs. ART., [Dennis Balk], CD-R n.d.  


 008.251  Colin De Land Memorial / CBGBs 10/26/03, CD-R, 700MB n.d.  


 008.252  For Kembra from Cat (photos by Cat Deakins, Kembra Pfahler Halloween 2002), CD-R, Maxell 700MB 2002  


 008.253  Lutz Bacher - Jokes 1987, copy John White 2004 last 3 jokes jpeg and tiff, CD-R, Maxell 700MB 2004  


 008.254  Lutz Bacher - Copy 7 Jokes Carson Brando Brooks Copy 17 June 2004, CD-R, Maxell 700MB 2004  


 008.255  Indigestible Correctness, [Lutz Bacher], CD-R, Maxell 700MB [2004]  


 008.256  Christian Philipp Mueller 6/2000 - CPM Vienna '99, CD-R, Fuji 700MB 2000  


 008.257  John Waters "Return to Sender" 2003 Edition of 8, CD-R, Maxell 650MB 2003  


 008.258  J.W. scans of work available 02.28.04, [John Waters], CD-R, Maxell 650MB 2004  


 008.259  John Waters 304 days, 30 days, Return to Sender, CD-R, Sony 700MB n.d.  


 008.260  John invite Jpeg, [John Waters?], CD-R, Memorex 700MB n.d.  


 008.261  J. Waters Images - Page Layouts of Available Work 2/28/04 pgs JW1-4, John Waters, CD-R, Maxell 700MB 2004  


 008.262  Gareth James selected 97-01 low res MASTER, CD-R, Verbatim 650MB n.d.  


 008.263  Gareth James selected work 97-2004, CD-R, Sony 700MB [2004]  


 008.264  Gareth James selected low res 1997-2004, CD-R, Sony 700MB [2004]  


 008.265  Gareth?, [Gareth James], CD-R, Maxell 650MB n.d.  


 008.266  Peter Fend Copie 3, DVD, Verbatim 4.7GB n.d.  


 008.267  Shearer Oct 01 , Steven Shearer, CD-R, Sony 650MB 2001  


 008.268  Shearer, CD-R, Gigastorage 700MB n.d.  


 008.269  Shearer, Steven Shearer, CD-R, Gigastorage 700MB n.d.  


 008.270  Shearer, Steven Shearer, CD-R, Gigastorage 700MB n.d.  


 008.271  Duncan's Morrisroe Images, Mark Morrisroe, CD-R, Fuji 700MB n.d.  


 008.272  Morrisroe Archives Page Layouts Disc 1 - pgs. 1-7, images 1-63, Mark Morrisroe, CD-R Memorex 700MB n.d.  


 008.273  Morrisroe Archive - Morrisroe Polaroids Disc One 06.17.03, Mark Morrisroe, CD-R, Memorex 700MB 2003  


 008.274  Morrisroe Archives Disc 2 06.17.03, Mark Morrisroe, CD-R, Memorex 700MB 2003  


 008.275  Morrisroe Archives: All Framed Polaroid Images 1-140; pgs 1-17 - 6.19.03, Mark Morrisroe, CD-R, Memorex 700MB 2003  


 008.276  Morrisroe Archives pgs. 18-? 06.27.03, CD-R, Fuji 700MB 2003  


 008.277 M. Morrisroe 01.06.04, CD-R, Maxell 650MB 2004  


 008.278  MM Polaroids (made for crates), Mark Morrisroe, CD-R, Maxell 650MB n.d.  


 v Orig. Morrisroe page layouts (This Disc Burned for Crates), Mark Morrisroe, CD-R, Maxell 650MB n.d.  


 008.280  Mark Morrisroe Page Layouts: pgs 1-4; images 1-122 all framed polaroids (Winterthur Porposal), CD-R, Maxell 700MB n.d.  


 008.281  Morrisroe Archs. Pgs. 40-50?, Mark Morrisroe, CD-R, Fuji 700MB n.d.  


 008.282  Morrisroe Archives Page Layouts pgs. 1-29, images 1-204, burned on 06.25.03, CD-R, Fuji 700MB 2003  


 008.283  Morrisroe Page Layouts Disc 3 pgs. 15-22, Morrisroe Archives 06.23.03, CD-R, Memorex 700MB 2003  


 008.284  Mark Morrisroe Layouts and Info 01.03.04, CD-R, Maxell 650MB 2004  


 008.285  Made for Shipping Crates - Morrisroe #3, Mark Morrisroe, CD-R, Maxell 650MB n.d.  


 008.286  Herve Ingrand - Tout l'atelier 1993-2002, CD-R, Memorex 700MB n.d.  


 008.287  Fotomaterial Mary Heilmann Mel Ziegler Norbert Brunner - Secession, CD-R, Platinum 700MB n.d.  


 008.288  Colin T-shirt Designs 10.16.03, CD-R, Memorex 700MB 2003  


 008.289  Colin T-Shirt, CD-R, Shoot Digital n.d.  


 008.290  art calls - curated by Jacob Fabricius, Peter Fend et. al., CD edition of 500 1997  


 008.291  Combines: Five Electronic Essays Composed and Performed by Perry Botkin, CD 1992  


 008.292  Pieces pour Standards et Repondeurs Telephoniques, Noritoshi Hirakawa et. al., CD 1992  


 008.293  I Used to Hate New York, One Man Band Records, Kenny Schacter, CD 2000  


 008.294  She Loves It, She Loves It Not: Women and Technology, Christine Tamblyn, Marjorie Franklin, Paul Tompkins, CD 1993  


 008.295  heavy metal - war and music, les editions belle haleine, Rainer Ganahl, CD n.d. 


 008.296  Cultural Litter (Flash CD-ROM), CD n.d.  


 008.297  Jah Jah, CD-R n.d.  


 008.298  AFA Financials Quickbooks, CD-R, Memorex 700MB n.d.  


 008.299  Macally Product Drivers, CD-ROM 2003  


 008.300  Epson Stylus Photo 750 [software], CD-ROM 1999  


 008.301  Apple Displays Software (Version 1.8.1), CD-ROM 1999  


 008.302  Mac Quark Photoshop, CD-R, Memorex 700MB n.d.  


 008.303  Coup d'etat: Experiments in the subversion of control via the mechanism of the concept September 24 - October 17, 1999, Chris Habib, 2HD 1999  


 008.304 American NT, 2HD n.d.  


 008.305  Aron Namenwirth: "911", DVD, Apple 4.7GB n.d.  


Subseries B: Pat Hearn Gallery Media 

Scope and Contents note

The Pat Hearn Gallery Media subseries contains audiovisual and storage media from the P.H.G. Exhibition Files subseries, in addition to a general media inventory from the gallery.

PHG Exhibition Files Media 

Access Copies 

General note

Only select access copies are available at this time.

 008.306_A_a, 008.306_B_a, 008.307_A_a, 008.307_B_a, 008.308_A_a, 008.308_B_a, 008.309_A_a, 008.309_B_a, 008.310_A_a, 008.310_B_a "William Burroughs and George Condo: Collaborative Works, 1988-1996" 12/6/97-1/17/98: 5 Maxell XLII 90 min. audio tapes (see recording notes Series II.A) 

Original Media 


 008.306, 008.307, 008.308, 008.309, 008.310 "William Burroughs and George Condo: Collaborative Works, 1988-1996" 12/6/97-1/17/98: 5 Maxell XLII 90 min. audio tapes (see recording notes Series II.A) n.d. 


PHG Media Inventory (General) 

Access Copies 

General note

Only select access copies are available at this time.

 008.366_A_a Security by Julia [Scher] 3/92 : Techno & Fallible & Products, Cassette, 60' 

 008.367_A_a, 008.367_B_a Terminal Instructions (From the Technocracy), An Exhibition and panel discussion at Four Walls, Julia Scher et al., Michael Merchant, 22-Mar-92, Cassette, 90' 

 008.368_A_a, 008.368_B_a Susan Hiller: Monument (both sides), Cassette 

 008.369_A_a Susan Hiller: Magic Lantern (soundtrack + avl pulse), Cassette 

 008.370_A_a, 008.370_B_a Conversation Part 1 of 2: Between Peter Schuyff, John Armleder, Neil Cambell, Cassette, Sony S-90 

 008.371_A_a, 008.371_B_a Conversation Part 2 of 2: Between Peter Schuyff, John Armleder, Neil Cambell, Cassette, Maxell S-90 

 008.372_A_a "Continuous Recording" - endless loop cassette #9/10, Andrea Zittel, Cassette 

 008.373_A_a, 008.373_B_a R. Green Partially Buried 1997, Renee Green, Cassette, TDK Pro SM-20 

 008.374_A_a, 008.374_B_a Jutta Koether: The Halal File / Richard Hell: Three New Songs, Cassette, Maxell S-100 

 008.375_A_a, 008.375_B_a "Johnson & Jones" audio, "Southwest" Fountain & Pump audio, Lisa Hein, Cassette, TDK SD-90 

 008.376_A_a, 008.376_B_a Pat Hearn, Cassette, Sony UX-PRO 60 

 008.377_a Pat Hearn (S. Calle - Suite Venetienne?), Digital Audio, Fuji R60 30m 99 

Original Media 


 008.311 Kissing the Canvas, Jutta Koether, VHS, T-120 n.d.  


 008.312  Jutta Koether: Kissing the Canvas Jan 18, 1991, 8mm, TDK-120 1991  


 008.313 Jack Pierson, Mark Morrisroe "Laziest Girl", VHS, T-30 n.d.  


 008.314  Night-Light Readings, P.H.G. 1991-1992, Sept. 25 Fiona Templeton, Lydia Lunch, VHS, T-90 n.d. 


 008.315  Program 1: Food (What We Eat), Programmed by Jason Simon, VHS, 67 min. n.d.  


 008.316  Program 2: Home (Our Place), Programmed by Jason Simon, VHS, 56 min. n.d.  


 008.317  Program 3: Music (What We Hear), Programmed by Jason Simon, VHS, 67 min. n.d.  


 008.318  Program 4: Family Romance (Who We're With), Programmed by Jason Simon, VHS, 57 min. n.d. 


 008.319  Program 4: Death (How We End), Programmed by Jason Simon, VHS, 62 min. n.d.  


 008.320  How to Produce Your Own Gameshow in "The Work of Nations: Three Examples", Jason Simon, VHS, 5min. n.d.  


 008.321 The Library, The Sandbox, David Kelleran, VHS, T-15 n.d.  


 008.322  Production Notes: Fast Food For Thought (American Fine Arts, Co.), Jason Simon, VHS, T-30 1993 


 008.323  Ana Mendieta, Pat Hearn Gallery Video Archive, VHS, T-120 n.d.  


 008.324 NY/Koln Master, VHS, 20'? 1993  


 008.325 Ultra Violet's World, Galerie Z'Editions, Nice Dana Sardet, VHS, 10 min. 1995  


 008.326  Baltimore, MD 1998 Show- 3oz, Edward E. Shott, VHS, Radio Shack T-120 1988  


 008.327 The Oil Paintings of Edward E. Shott, VHS, T-120 1995  


 008.328  Bomb: Trial By Gallery, John Hardwick, David Fryer, VHS, E-15 n.d.  


 008.329 Catscan, Sexual Techniques in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction, SXXX-80, Michelle Handelman, Monte Cazazza, VHS, 30 min. n.d.  


 008.330  Inner-Vision Performance - Obeyern Munich W. Germany (Sub Master DUB), Artist Participants in AIR II, Rafael Montanez Ortiz, VHS, T-160 n.d.  


 008.331  Marilyn Minter: 100 Food Porn, ARTPRESS, Ted Haimes, VHS, T-30 n.d.  


 008.332 Take-Over Daiichi, Gay Men's Health Crisis, VHS, T-120 n.d.  


 008.333  Unwahr Galerie '92 - 24.01.93, VHS, Fuji E-180 1993 


 008.334 "Cinderella 2001" - 12/16/00, Ursula Hodel, VHS, 12 min. 2001  


 008.335 Cable Xcess, Written and Produced by Kristin Lucas, VHS, 4'45" 1996  


 008.336  True Blood: 5 Minute Director's Cut, Charles Gatewood, VHS, TDK T-120 n.d.  


 008.337  Lesions, Managing a Mild Eating Disorder, MFA Thesis Show…, Patty Sunshine, VHS n.d. 


 008.338 Paul Campbell - Hall of Science Proposal, VHS, TDK T-120 n.d.  


 008.339 Tessellation, Home of A Sex-Crazed Spiritual Fanatic, …, Penelope Price, VHS, TS-60 1994  


 008.340  "The Way of the Flesh, Psychic Bleeding: A Clinical Approach", Liz Young, VHS, 12' n.d. 


 008.341 1989 Sculpture Grant Award Exhibition: Major Award Recipient Mark Pauline, July 11-August 19, 1989; San Francisco Artspace, VHS 1989  


 008.342  Latent Energy, Alexei Shulgin, VHS, 14' 1992 


 008.343  The Artist and Her Model, Dorit Cypis, VHS, 30' 1986  


 008.344  Joe Davis NYC 1984 Clean + Neat #49 + Kamikaze, VHS, TDK T-120 [1984]  


 008.345  Desperate: An East Village Western, VHS, 70' n.d.  


 008.346  Jerry Cotton, VHS, Fuji T-120 n.d. 


 008.347  Danny Hobart, VHS, T-30 1999  


 008.348  Danny Hobart (Good Art), VHS n.d.  


 008.349  Close Frenzies, Les Levine, VHS, 26' 1986 


 008.350  Analyze Lovers-The Story of Vincent, Les Levine, VHS, 30' 1990  


 008.351  Polly Gone - music by Dataland, Shelley Lake, Umatic, 3'2" 1988 


 008.352  "An Entertainment" Umatic Submaster A, Umatic, 28' n.d.  


 008.353  "An Entertainment" Umatic Submaster B, Umatic, 28' n.d.  


 008.354  "An Entertainment" UmNTSC Umaticatic Submaster C (silent), Umatic, Sony KCA-30BRS n.d. 


 008.355  "An Entertainment" Umatic Submaster D (silent), Umatic, Sony KCA-30BRS n.d.  


 008.356  Andrea Hillen: A Portrait by Uta Sohr, VHS, 12' 1995  


 008.357  George Jones: "Last Man on Earth", UT concert, Sonic Youth concert live at "Folk City", VHS, Fuji T-120 1983 


 008.358  Object Documentation, Les Leveque, VHS, 3'49" 1992  


 008.359  No Party Tonight: blood on the honky tonk floor, "gone gone gone", Richard Hoeck, VHS 1997  


 008.360 Tokyo Performance Festival: Biyako-sha (Shinji Katom REVEL, PH Studio, Cuel, Genki, Numata), VHS, Victor 120 n.d.  


 008.361  Diportella, VHS, T-90 n.d. 


 008.362  Newtype/Aku 1996, [Alexander Ku?], VHS, Maxell T-15 1996  


 008.363  Josef, [Josef Strau?], VHS, Fuji E-30 n.d. 


 008.364  Josef, [Josef Strau?], VHS, Fuji E-30 n.d. 


 008.365 for Gretchen from Andrea, [Andrea Zittel], Super 8mm film, 50 ft.reel n.d.  


 008.366  Security by Julia [Scher] 3/92 : Techno & Fallible & Products, Cassette, 60' 1992  


 008.367  Terminal Instructions (From the Technocracy), An Exhibition and panel discussion at Four Walls, Julia Scher et al., Michael Merchant, 22-Mar-92, Cassette, 90' 1992 


 008.368  Susan Hiller: Monument (both sides), Cassette n.d.  


 008.369  Susan Hiller: Magic Lantern (soundtrack + avl pulse), Cassette n.d.  


 008.370  Conversation Part 1 of 2: Between Peter Schuyff, John Armleder, Neil Cambell, Cassette, Sony S-90 n.d.  


 008.371  Conversation Part 2 of 2: Between Peter Schuyff, John Armleder, Neil Cambell, Cassette, Maxell S-90 n.d.  


 008.372 "Continuous Recording" - endless loop cassette #9/10, Andrea Zittel, Cassette 1991  


 008.373  R. Green Partially Buried 1997, Renee Green, Cassette, TDK Pro SM-20 1997  


 008.374  Jutta Koether: The Halal File / Richard Hell: Three New Songs, Cassette, Maxell S-100 1992  


 008.375  "Johnson & Jones" audio, "Southwest" Fountain & Pump audio, Lisa Hein, Cassette, TDK SD-90 n.d.  


 008.376 Pat Hearn, Cassette, Sony UX-PRO 60 n.d. 


 008.377 Pat Hearn (S. Calle - Suite Venetienne?), Digital Audio, Fuji R60 30m 99 n.d.  


 008.378  Jeff Zilm Sample Disk (monochrome & idleserver.sea_____) ,zip 100 iomega MAC100 n.d.  


 008.379  Jeff Zilm "Free Interval" cd-rom installation SAMPLE, zip 100, iomega MAC100 2000  


 008.380  Jeff Zilm "Free Interval" cd-rom installation SAMPLE also includes: monochome, idleserver, Ed. of 3, zip 100, iomega MAC100 2000 


 008.381  Free Interval, [Jeff Zilm], Ed. of 3, zip 100, iomega MAC100 2000 


 008.382  Renee Green Press Materials 11/98, 2HD, 3M Imation 1.4MB 1998  


 008.383 Morris - Healy shell for computer, 2DD, Verbatim n.d.  


 008.384 Namulis - Inventory (back up) 9/2/92, 2DD, Sony 1992  


 008.385  Pat Hearn "Jonas 98" quark doc., [Joan Jonas], 2HD, Maxell [1998]  


 008.386 Madeleine's working disk #2, 2HD, Maxell n.d.  


 008.387  D.R.'s special P.H. slide, out correspondence , [Daniel Reich], 2HD, Maxell n.d.  


 008.388  Cameron fax to Sky Frame (from Pat's laptop), 2DD, Verbatim n.d.  


 008.389  Madeleine's disk, 2HD, Memorex 1.4MB n.d.  


 008.390  Back up: PHAG m.l., 2HD, Maxell n.d.  


 008.391  Mary Heilmann Index ad "The All Night Movie", 2HD, 3M 1.4MB n.d.  


 008.392  Sneakers, 2HD, Maxell n.d. 


 008.393  TIAC Shareware Installer: Pat Hearn Virus Disk, 2HD n.d.  


 008.394  Claris FileMaker Pro program, 2HD n.d.  


 008.395  P.H. Collection picture backup, CD-R, Maxell 650MB n.d.  


 008.396  Bach on a Hook demo., CD-R, TDK 650MB n.d.  


 008.397  Wall Tattoos 1987-1990 (excerpts), Gretchen Faust, Pat Hearn, CD 1991  


 008.398  ISSUE +2 (Jeff Elrod, Richard Buckner, Kelly Reichardt), DVD n.d.  


Subseries C. Art Course Audio 

Scope and Contents note

The Art Course Audio subseries contains audiocassettes documenting the Art Courses administered by Colin de Land and guest speakers at American Fine Arts, Co. between 1994 and 1996. See series III.

Access Copies 

General note

Only select access copies are available at this time.

 008.399_A_a, 008.399_B_a Art Course I Spring 94?, 1 of 1, Sony HF; 90 min. 1994 

 008.400_A_a, 008.400_B_a Art Course Session I, Tape 1, 3/8/1994, 1 of 2, Sony HF 90; 90 min. 1994 

 008.401_A_a Art Course Session I, Tape 2 (Side B Blank), 3/8/1994, 2 of 2, Sony HF 90; 90 min. 1994 

 008.402_A_a, 008.402_B_a Art Course Session 2 (lost ending), 3/15/1994,1 of 1, Sony HF 90; 90 min. 1994 

 008.403_A_a Art Course Session 3, tape 2, (Side B- blank), 3/28/1994, 2 of 2, TDK D60; 60 min. 1994 

 008.404_A_a, 008.404_B_a Art Course Session 5, Tape 1, 4/18/1994, 1 of 2, Sony HF90; 90 min. 1994 

 008.405_A_a, 008.405_B_a Art Course Session 5, Tape 2, 4/18/1994, 2 of 2, Sony HF90; 90 min. 1994 

 008.406_A_a Art Course Session 5?, 4/18/1994, 1 of 1, Maxell XL II-90, 90 min. 1994 

 008.407_A_a, 008.407_B_a Art Course Session 6, Tape 1, 4/25/1994, 1 of 2, Sony HF90; 90 min. 1994 

 008.408_A_a, 008.408_B_a Art Course Session 6, Tape 2, 4/25/1994, 2 of 2 Sony HF90; 90 min. 1994 

 008.409_A_a, 008.409_B_a Art Course Session 7, 5/9/1994, Sony HF90; 90 min. 1994 

 008.410_A_a, 008.410_B_a Art Course Session 7, Spring 94, [5/9/1994], Sony HF90; 90 min. 1994 

 008.411_A_a, 008.411_B_a James Meyer Art Course, 6/6/1994, 1 of 1, Sony HF90; 90 min. 1994 

 008.412_A_a, 008.412_B_a AC2: Vito Acconci,Session 1, 11/14/1994 , 1 of 1, Sony HF90; 90 min. 1994 

 008.413_A_a, 008.413_B_a AC2: Dennis Balk, Session 2, 11/28/1994, 1 of 1, Sony HF90; 90 min. 1994 

 008.414_A_a, 008.414_B_a AC2: John Miller, 12/12/1994, 1 of 2, Sony HF90; 90 min. 1994 

 008.415_A_a AC2: John Miller, part 2, 12/12/1994, 2 of 2, Sony HF90; 90 min. 1994 

 008.416_A_a, 008.416_B_a AC2: Todd Alden, part 1, 1/23/1995, 1 of 2, Sony HF60; 60 min. 1995 

 008.417_A_a, 008.417_B_a AC2: Todd Alden, part 2, 1/23/1995, 2 of 2, Sony HF60; 60 min. 1995 

 008.418_A_a, 008.418_B_a AC2: Clegg & Guttman, [undated], 1 of 1, Sony HF90; 90 min. 1995 

 008.419_A_a, 008.419_B_a AC3: [James] Welling, 4/25/1995, 1 of 1, TDK90; 90 min. 1995 

 008.420_A_a, 008.420_B_a AC3: Vivian Bobka, 5/8/1995,1 of 1, TDK90; 90 min. 1995 

 008.421_A_a, 008.421_B_a AC3: Ostendarp, DiBenedetto, Rayne, 5/22/1995, 1 of 2, TDK90; 90 min. 1995 

 008.422_A_a AC3: Ostendarp, DiBenedetto, Rayne 5/22/1995, 2 of 2, TDK90; 90 min. 1995 

 008.423_A_a, 008.423_B_a AC3: Andrea Fraser, 6/19/1995, 1 of 2, TDK90, 90 min. 1995 

 008.424_A_a, 008.424_B_a AC3: A. Fraser, tape 2 and Avgikos, tape 2, 6/19/1995; 7/10/1995, 2 of 2, TDK90; 90 min. 1995 

 008.425_A_a, 008.425_B_a AC3: Avgikos- tape 1, 7/10/1995, 1 of 2, Maxell UR-90, 90 min. 1995 

 008.426_A_a, 008.426_B_a AC3: Ron Jones, 7/31/1995, 1 of 1, Maxell UR-90; 90 min. 1995 

 008.427_A_a, 008.427_B_a AC4: Josh Decter, part 1, 1/29/1996, 1 of 2, TDK90; 90 min. 1996 

 008.428_A_a, 008.428_B_a AC4: Josh Decter, part 2 and Alberro, part 2, 1/29/1996; 2/12/1996, 2 of 2, Maxell UR-90; 90 min. 1996 

 008.429_A_a, 008.429_B_a AC4: [Alexander] Alberro, part 1, 2/12/1996, 1 of 2, Maxell UR-90, 90 min. 1996 

 008.430_A_a, 008.430_B_a AC4: [Mel] Bochner, part 1 (may include Gerber), part 2 [undated], 1 of 2, Maxell UR-90, 90 min. 1996 

 008.431_A_a, 008.431_B_a AC4: [Gaylen] Gerber (may include Bochner), part 2, Mar-96, 1 of 2, Maxell UR-90; 90 min. 1996 

 008.432_A_a, 008.432_B_a AC4: [Peter] Halley, 4/8/1996, 1 of 1, Maxell UR-90; 90 min. 1996 

 008.433_A_a, 008.433_B_a AC4: [Douglas] Blau, part 1, 4/22/1996, 1 of 2, Sony HF90; 90 min. 1996 

 008.434_A_a AC4: [Douglas] Blau, part 2, 4/22/1996, 2 of 2, Sony HF90; 90 min. 1996 

 008.435_A_a, 008.435_B_a AC4: Avgikos, part 1, 5/15/1996, 1 of 2, Fuji DR-II, 90 min. 1996 

 008.436_A_a AC4: Avgikos, part 2, 5/15/1996, 2 of 2, Fuji DR-II; 90 min. 1996 

Original Media 


 008.399 Art Course I Spring 94?, 1 of 1, Sony HF; 90 min. 1994 


 008.400 Art Course Session I, Tape 1, 3/8/1994, 1 of 2, Sony HF 90; 90 min. 1994 


 008.401 Art Course Session I, Tape 2 (Side B Blank), 3/8/1994, 2 of 2, Sony HF 90; 90 min. 1994 


 008.402 Art Course Session 2 (lost ending), 3/15/1994,1 of 1, Sony HF 90; 90 min. 1994 


 008.403 Art Course Session 3, tape 2, (Side B- blank), 3/28/1994, 2 of 2, TDK D60; 60 min. 1994 


 008.404 Art Course Session 5, Tape 1, 4/18/1994, 1 of 2, Sony HF90; 90 min. 1994 


 008.405 Art Course Session 5, Tape 2, 4/18/1994, 2 of 2, Sony HF90; 90 min. 1994 


 008.406 Art Course Session 5?, 4/18/1994, 1 of 1, Maxell XL II-90, 90 min. 1994 


 008.407 Art Course Session 6, Tape 1, 4/25/1994, 1 of 2, Sony HF90; 90 min. 1994 


 008.408 Art Course Session 6, Tape 2, 4/25/1994, 2 of 2 Sony HF90; 90 min. 


 008.409 Art Course Session 7, 5/9/1994, Sony HF90; 90 min. 1994 


 008.410 Art Course Session 7, Spring 94, [5/9/1994], Sony HF90; 90 min. 1994 


 008.411 James Meyer Art Course, 6/6/1994, 1 of 1, Sony HF90; 90 min. 1994 


 008.412 AC2: Vito Acconci,Session 1, 11/14/1994 , 1 of 1, Sony HF90; 90 min. 1994 


 008.413 AC2: Dennis Balk, Session 2, 11/28/1994, 1 of 1, Sony HF90; 90 min. 1994 


 008.414 AC2: John Miller, 12/12/1994, 1 of 2, Sony HF90; 90 min. 1994 


 008.415 AC2: John Miller, part 2, 12/12/1994, 2 of 2, Sony HF90; 90 min. 


 008.416 AC2: Todd Alden, part 1, 1/23/1995, 1 of 2, Sony HF60; 60 min. 1995 


 008.417 AC2: Todd Alden, part 2, 1/23/1995, 2 of 2, Sony HF60; 60 min. 1995 


 008.418 AC2: Clegg & Guttman, [undated], 1 of 1, Sony HF90; 90 min. n.d. 


 008.419 AC3: [James] Welling, 4/25/1995, 1 of 1, TDK90; 90 min. 1995 


 008.420 AC3: Vivian Bobka, 5/8/1995,1 of 1, TDK90; 90 min. 1995 


 008.421 AC3: Ostendarp, DiBenedetto, Rayne, 5/22/1995, 1 of 2, TDK90; 90 min. 1995 


 008.422 AC3: Ostendarp, DiBenedetto, Rayne 5/22/1995, 2 of 2, TDK90; 90 min. 1995 


 008.423 AC3: Andrea Fraser, 6/19/1995, 1 of 2, TDK90, 90 min. 1995 


 008.424 AC3: A. Fraser, tape 2 and Avgikos, tape 2, 6/19/1995; 7/10/1995, 2 of 2, TDK90; 90 min. 1995 


 008.425 AC3: Avgikos- tape 1, 7/10/1995, 1 of 2, Maxell UR-90, 90 min. 1995 


 008.426 AC3: Ron Jones, 7/31/1995, 1 of 1, Maxell UR-90; 90 min. 1995 


 008.427 AC4: Josh Decter, part 1, 1/29/1996, 1 of 2, TDK90; 90 min. 1996 


 008.428 AC4: Josh Decter, part 2 and Alberro, part 2, 1/29/1996; 2/12/1996, 2 of 2, Maxell UR-90; 90 min. 1996 


 008.429 AC4: [Alexander] Alberro, part 1, 2/12/1996, 1 of 2, Maxell UR-90, 90 min. 1996 


 008.430 AC4: [Mel] Bochner, part 1 (may include Gerber), part 2 [undated], 1 of 2, Maxell UR-90, 90 min. [1996] 


 008.431 AC4: [Gaylen] Gerber (may include Bochner), part 2, Mar-96, 1 of 2, Maxell UR-90; 90 min. 1996 


 008.432 AC4: [Peter] Halley, 4/8/1996, 1 of 1, Maxell UR-90; 90 min. 1996 


 008.433 AC4: [Douglas] Blau, part 1, 4/22/1996, 1 of 2, Sony HF90; 90 min. 1996 


 008.434 AC4: [Douglas] Blau, part 2, 4/22/1996, 2 of 2, Sony HF90; 90 min. 1996 


 008.435 AC4: Avgikos, part 1, 5/15/1996, 1 of 2, Fuji DR-II, 90 min. 1996 


 008.436 AC4: Avgikos, part 2, 5/15/1996, 2 of 2, Fuji DR-II; 90 min. 1996 


Subseries D. Colin De Land Files Media 

Scope and Contents note

The Colin de Land Files Media subseries contains various audiocassettes and CDs, ranging from commercially released music to mixtapes and self-help titles.

Access Copies 

General note

Only select access copies are available at this time.

Original Media 


 008.437  Dorman 1/7/93, 4:50PM re: Corp. Assignment, Cassette, Maxell UR-60 1993  


 008.438  Insurance Claim: Deluccia, & Fleischner etc. 0-50, 6/20/94, 7/29/94, Cassette, Sony HF-60 1994  


 008.439  NPR Morning Edition on Ailes Exh. Oct 29, 1992, Cassette, TDK MA-60 1992  


 008.440  Non Smoker/Tommy's Tape, Cassette, Maxell UR-60 n.d.  


 008.441  Self Help (The Enemy Within), Cassette, Maxell 90 n.d. 


 008.442  Natural Living With Gary Null - Ozone 2/23, Cassette, TDK D-90 n.d.  


 008.444  Animal Connection Tape, Carol Bennett, Cassette, 1 hr. 30' 1994  


 008.445  The World Sevice of The Christian Science Monitor, Cassette, 81 min. 1988  


 008.443  Our Ancestral Food, featuring Wil Wade, Cassette, 80 min. 1994 


 008.446 Pro Step Telephone Training, Cassette, Memorex 60 n.d.  


 008.447  Cell Tech International Teleconference #1, Hope, Health, and Freedon, Cassette 1994  


 008.448  Music of the Nile Valley, Lyrichord, Cassette n.d.  


 008.449  Kicking Against the Pricks, Your Funeral/My Trial, Nick Cave, Cassette, Maxell 90 n.d.  


 008.450  Crosby Stills Nash "So Far", Cassette, TDK 90 n.d.  


 008.451 Song Search Can't Catch That Timeless Punk Spirit, Cassette, Maxell 100 n.d.  


 008.452  Tom Verlaine: Warm and Cool , RYKO Analogue, Cassette 1992  


 008.453  "Lions of the African Night" for Wilhelm Schurman, Cassette, Duofone, 3 min. loop n.d.  


 008.454 Xmas Phil Spector and Others Merry Christmas from Mary, Cassette, Denon DX-90 n.d.  


 008.455  Christmas All Over the World, MCA, New Edition, Cassette 1985  


 008.456  Elvis sings The Wonderful World of Christmas, RCA, Cassette n.d. 


 008.457 The Essential Sly & The Family Stone, Epic, CD 2002  


 008.458  millennium 60's Rock Party, Rhino, CD 1999  


 008.459  It Won't Hurt, Grace Braun, CD 1996 


Subseries E: Miscellaneous Media 

Scope and Contents note

The Miscellaneous Media subseries consists of laregely unlabeled audiovisual and storage media.


 008.460  Found Video, VHS, Fuji A/V Pro T-30, 9hr. n.d.  


 008.461  FW2, VHS, RCA T-120 n.d. 


 008.462  #5+6, VHS, TDK HS T-120 n.d.  


 008.463  Seems Blank, VHS, TDK HS T-120 n.d.  


 008.464  [Untitled VHS], VHS, BASF T-180 n.d. 


 008.465  [Untitled VHS], VHS, JVC Premium STD T-120 n.d.  


 008.466  [Untitled VHS], VHS, TDk HD-X Pro T-120 n.d.  


 008.467  [Untitled VHS] (Tom B Empty) , VHS, BASF T-180, 9hr. n.d. 


 008.468  [Untitled VHS], VHS, Maxell HGX Gold 180 n.d.  


 008.469  Use as Blank (Sad Meeting for ET), Cassette, Fuji DR II 90 n.d.  


 008.470  [Untitled Audio Cassette], Cassette, TDK AD-C60 n.d. 


 008.471  [Untitled Audio Cassette], Cassette, TDK D60 n.d. 


 008.472  [Untitled Audio Cassette], Cassette, Sony Type I Normal Bias HF, 60mins. n.d. 


 008.473  [Untitled Audio Cassette], Cassette, Ampex, 60mins. n.d. 


 008.474  [Untitled Audio Cassette], Cassette, TDK D60 n.d. 


 008.475  [Untitled Audio Cassette], Cassette, Green Club Rivera Super Precission Tape n.d. 


 008.476  [Untitled Audio Cassette], Cassette, TDK SA-C60 n.d. 


 008.477 [Untitled Audio Cassette], Cassette, TDK SA 90 (Low Noise) Supertape n.d. 


 008.478  [Untitled Audio Cassette], Cassette, Sony Metal SR, 60mins. n.d. 


 008.479 [Untitled Audio Cassette], Cassette, Maxell LN60, 60mins. n.d. 


 008.480  [Untitled Audio Cassette], Cassette, Sony MP120 Video 8 n.d. 


 008.481 [Untitled Audio Cassette], Cassette, UX-Pro60 n.d. 


 008.482  [Untitled Audio Cassette], Cassette, Maxell Epilaxial 90 n.d. 


 008.483  [Untitled Audio Cassette], Cassette, Duofone, 60 sec endless loop n.d. 


 008.484  [Untitled Audio Cassette], Cassette, Duofone, 60 sec endless loop n.d. 


 008.485  [Untitled Audio Cassette], Cassette, Duofone, 60 sec endless loop n.d. 


 008.486  [Untitled Audio Cassette], Cassette, Duofone, 60 sec endless loop n.d. 


 008.487  [Untitled Audio Cassette], Cassette, Duofone, 60 sec endless loop n.d. 


 008.488  [Untitled Audio Cassette], Cassette n.d. 


 008.489  [Untitled Audio Cassette], Cassette n.d. 


 008.490  [Untitled Mini Cassette], Mini Cassette, Radio Shack MC-60 n.d. 


 008.491  [Untitled Mini Cassette], Mini Cassette, TDK MC60 n.d. 


 008.492  [Untitled Mini Cassette], Mini Cassette, Panasonic MC-30 n.d. 


 008.493  Disk Tools #1 of 14, 2SHD, Memorex, 1.4 MB n.d. 


 008.494  [Untitled Floppy Disc], 2DD, Verbatim n.d. 


 008.495  [Untitled Floppy Disc], 2DD, Verbatim n.d. 


 008.496  [Untitled Floppy Disc], 2HD, Maxell n.d. 


 008.497  [Untitled Floppy Disc], 2HD, Maxell n.d. 


 008.498 [Untitled Floppy Disc], 2HD, Maxell n.d. 


 008.499  [Untitled Floppy Disc], 2HD, Maxell n.d. 


 008.500 [Untitled Floppy Disc], 2HD, Fuji Film HD n.d. 


 008.501  [Untitled Floppy Disc], 2SHD, Memorex (IBM Formatted), 1.44, MB n.d. 


 008.502 [Untitled Floppy Disc], 2SHD, Memorex (IBM Formatted), 1.44 MB n.d. 


 008.503  [Untitled Floppy Disc], 2SHD, Memorex (IBM Formatted), 1.44MB n.d. 


 008.504  [Untitled Floppy Disc], 2SHD, Memorex (IBM Formatted), 1.44MB n.d. 


 008.505  [Untitled Floppy Disc], 2SHD, Memorex (IBM Formatted), 1.44 MB n.d. 


 008.506 [Untitled Floppy Disc], 2SHD, Memorex (IBM Formatted), 1.44 MB n.d. 


 008.507 [Untitled Floppy Disc], 2SHD, Memorex (IBM Formatted), 1.44 MB n.d. 


 008.508 [Untitled Floppy Disc], 2SHD, Memorex (Mac Formatted), 1.4MB n.d. 


 008.509  [Untitled Floppy Disc], 2SHD, Memorex (Mac Formatted), 1.4MB n.d. 


 008.510 [Untitled Floppy Disc], 2SHD, Memorex (Mac Formatted), 1.4MB n.d. 


 008.511  [Untitled Floppy Disc], 2SHD, Memorex (Mac Formatted), 1.4MB n.d. 


 008.512  [Untitled Floppy Disc], 2SHD, Memorex (Mac Formatted), 1.4MB n.d. 


 008.513  [Untitled Floppy Disc], 2SHD, Memorex (Mac Formatted), 1.4MB n.d. 


 008.514 [Untitled Floppy Disc], 2SHD, Memorex (Mac Formatted), 1.4MB n.d.  


 008.515  [Untitled Floppy Disc], 2SHD, Memorex (Mac Formatted), 1.4MB n.d.  


 008.516  [Untitled Floppy Disc], 2SHD, Memorex (Mac Formatted), 1.4MB n.d.  


 008.517 [Untitled Floppy Disc], 2SHD, Memorex (Mac Formatted), 1.4MB n.d.  


 008.518  [Untitled Floppy Disc], 2SHD, Memorex (Mac Formatted), 1.4MB n.d.  


 008.519  [Untitled Floppy Disc], 2SHD, Memorex (Mac Formatted), 1.4MB n.d.  


 008.520  [Untitled Floppy Disc], 2SHD, Memorex (Mac Formatted), 1.4MB n.d.  


 008.521  [Untitled Floppy Disc], 2SHD, Memorex (Mac Formatted), 1.4MB n.d.  


 008.522  [Untitled Floppy Disc], 2SHD, Memorex (Mac Formatted), 1.4MB n.d. 


 008.523  [Untitled Floppy Disc], 2SHD, Memorex (Mac Formatted), 1.4MB n.d.  


 008.524  [Untitled Floppy Disc], 2SHD, Memorex (Mac Formatted), 1.4MB n.d.  


 008.525 [Untitled Floppy Disc], 2SHD, Memorex (Mac Formatted), 1.4MB n.d.  


 008.526 [Untitled CD], CD-R, Memorex Music, 80mins n.d. 


 008.527  [Untitled CD], CD-R, Maxell, 74mins n.d. 


Return to Table of Contents »

Oversize Series I 

Oversize Series I.A: Artists' Files 

Cady Noland 

Box Folder

Exhibition: Whitney Biennial 1991 4/19-6/16/91 (Deinstallation documentation) 

180 2521

Oversize Series I.C: Exhibition Files 

Box Folder

Jack Pierson 4/18-5/9/98 [1998] 

180 2522

"Dennis Balk: Particles + Waves with Plausibility" 5/2-6/4/03 [2003] 

180 2523

Return to Table of Contents »

Oversize Series II 

Oversize Series II.C: Pat Hearn Gallery Artist Files 

David Askevold 

Box Folder

DA Photo (contains accordion folded portfolio of intallation views, Works 1970-1983) n.d. 

180 2524

Return to Table of Contents »