. . . who have met or are currently fulfilling their high school requirements, and would like the opportunity to participate in a higher-level educational experience. Students who have attained an overall academic average of 85 or higher are invited to participate in up to two 100- or 200-level classes at Bard to broaden their educational development. The program is not intended to take the place of high school classes, nor is it an alternative to the total high school experience. Enrollment in a subsequent semester will depend upon successful completion of any previous Bard classes. Students who participate in the Bridge program will have access to the Bard library, the campus center, presentations and lectures.
All Bard Classes Will Be In-Person
Please know that students enrolling in the Bridge Program must provide vaccination records (including COVID-19) by the start of classes on Monday, September 4th (for the fall semester) and/or Monday, January 29th (for the spring semester), to participate in the program.
Bridge Program Application Process
- STEP 1. Application: Students should submit a completed online application to the Bard Admission Office at least three weeks prior to registration day (November 30th for Spring Semester, July 31st for Fall Semester). The application will need approval of both the student’s guidance counselor and a parent or guardian. Please include a high school transcript, or equivalent documents, as proof of an average of 85 or higher. In addition, please list at least three courses from the current upcoming semester’s course listing for which the student wishes to register. Current course list
- STEP 2. Interview: Students must schedule an interview with Josh Tyler in the Bard Admissions office no later than three weeks prior to registration day.
- STEP 3. Approval: Applications of recommended students will be forwarded to Craig Jude in the Registrar’s Office.
- STEP 4. Registration: Students should contact the professor of the class they are interested in taking to receive approval for participation in that class. Once a student has received approval, they will need to contact Craig Jude, of the Registrar’s Office, to officially register for the class. Contact: Craig Jude, cjude@bard.edu.
- STEP 5. Payment: Student Accounts must be contacted upon completion of the registration process for registration and course fees to be made. Contact: sao@bard.edu.
- STEP 6. Account Setup: Once students have registered and submitted their payment for the semester, they should contact our Help Desk to set up their Bard account and email. Contact: helpdesk@bard.edu.
Contact: Office of Admission, Josh Tyler: 845 758-7472
Guidelines for High School Students Interested in the Bridge Program
- Must be at least 16 years old and a member of a high school junior or senior class. This includes students who are home-schooled.
- Must be able to participate in a socially responsible manner in a college environment.