Visit Us in Annandale
Join us for a campus tour and discover Bard!
The best way to get to know Bard is to visit our beautiful campus, whether in person or virtually. Learn more and make your plans now.
Tour Bard Your Way
With in-person and virtual options, we’re happy to show you around our campus. Anytime, anywhere.
Campus Experiences
Immersive 360 Tour
Group Tours
March, May, September, and November
Looking to tour Bard's campus with a group of like-minded applicants? A group tour can be a wonderful way to get to know Bard—and possibly your future classmates.
Photo by Karl Rabe
Bard’s Conservatory of Music Tour
Accepted to the Conservatory?
When scheduling a campus tour of the college, there is an option to also indicate your interest in a tour of Bard's Conservatory of Music. Those interested students and families will be contacted by a representative from the Conservatory to schedule this tour as well. If you are unable to attend a Conservatory tour, the staff in the Office of Admission will be happy to speak with you more generally about the Conservatory of Music.
Campus Tour Videos
While our live virtual tours cover the central hub of Bard’s 1,000-acre campus they don’t encompass its outermost reaches, where you’ll find extraordinary facilities and stunning views of the Hudson River and Catskill Mountains. These videos let you explore these areas, at your own pace. Meet the Student Ambassadors
About Campus
Students and alumni/ae offer snapshots of Bard
Students and alumni/ae talk about their favorite spots on campus. Take a look at the best places to explore Annandale, from the historic Blithewood mansion to the iconic Frank Gehry–designed Fisher Center for the Performing Arts. These locations are not part of the campus tour, so we encourage you to explore them on your own.
Residence Halls Virtual Tours
Tour your new residence in videos
Take a video tour of a selection of our residence halls. Bard has over 50 student residences featuring WiFi, social rooms, kitchens, and laundry facilities. Most of them are coed, and roughly one-third of the rooms are single occupancy. The residences are as eclectic as the College’s student population; rather than having a uniform architectural design, the halls have evolved as Bard has grown.
Bard on the Road
Bard comes to you
Meet with members of our admission team virtually or in a town near you! We regularly schedule visits with high schools and at college fairs around the country and the world. You can join us for in-person events near you or attend a virtual event from anywhere. Visit our Bard on the Road page for dates and details.
Campus Map
We encourage you to use the virtual map below to learn more about the buildings, amenities, and topography of the Bard College campus.