Useful Forms
Student Employment at B&G
There many employment opportunities at Buildings and Grounds.
Please use the forms below to learn more.
There many employment opportunities at Buildings and Grounds.
Please use the forms below to learn more.
Area: Facilities - Buildings & Grounds
Adopted: 12/04/05
Revisions Approved:
It is the policy of Bard College to comply with the regulations of New York State, the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that pertain to asbestos in the work place and environment.
Notification to Buildings & Grounds is required for all contracted and in-house asbestos work (removal, disposal or laboratory). All work activities involving the management of asbestos at the college must adhere to all applicable rules and regulations.
Federal and State Regulations
Federal, state, and local government regulations govern removal of ACM within New York State. OSHA Standard 29 CFR 1910.1001 addresses asbestos from the occupational health standpoint, by specifying limitations of workers' exposure through engineering controls, protective equipment, monitoring and training. The OSHA standard also provides requirements for the specifications and posting of caution signs and labels and respiratory protection guidelines. The EPA regulates the emission standard for asbestos (40 CFR Part 61, Subpart M) and addresses the requirements for the manufacturing, application, removal, and disposal of asbestos. The sections of the EPA regulations that pertain to the University are those which govern removal from renovation or demolition areas and the disposal of asbestos.
New York State Department of Labor (DOL) promulgated 12 NYCRR Part 56 (Industrial Code Rule) to address the hazards to public safety and health during the removal, encapsulation, enclosure or disturbance of friable asbestos or any handling of asbestos material that may result in the release of asbestos fiber. The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) regulates the transportation of asbestos waste (6 NYCRR Part 364) and also the disposal in New York State landfills (6 NYCRR Part 360). By reference above, all the cited regulations are incorporated herein and become a part hereof.
The Bard project manager will ensure that all outside employers hired for asbestos work possess appropriate credentials, and provide B&G with all appropriate USEPA documentation, including Notification of Asbestos Removal project, as well as removal record-keeping requirements.
Area: Facilities - Environmental Resources Department
Adopted: 4/14/05 (interim policy)
Revisions Approved:
Description: Hazardous Chemicals – Handling, Disposal and Minimization
Bard's policy is to minimize the production of hazardous wastes and to prevent the production of air and water pollutants. To this end, Bard is committed to protecting the environment through waste reduction, conscientious recycling practices and by the reclamation of our waste materials.
Disposal of hazardous chemicals is expensive and creates a regulatory burden for the campus. Bard's new chemical inventory system will streamline purchasing and help Bard minimize the use and disposal of hazardous chemicals.
No EPA P-listed chemicals may be purchased without prior clearance from the Chemical Hygiene officer.
Area: Facilities - Environmental Resources Department
Adopted: 9/24/05
Revisions Approved:
Description: Proper Disposal of Hypodermic Syringes, Needles and Lancets (Sharps)
Bard College recognizes the need to provide a safe work environment, and that risk from sharps injury requires a specific policy. Protect yourself and protect sanitation workers through proper disposal of sharps.
Used disposable needles/sharps shall be discarded immediately after use WITHOUT RECAPPING into an approved SHARPS CONTAINER, a container that is puncture resistant, leak proof on the sides and bottom, properly labeled and closable. These containers are available free from Health Services (758-7433).
If a sharp is found in non-teaching areas such as the grounds or in non-science Divisions, phone security immediately (758-7777), advising them of the location of the item. Do not pick up the item.
If a person sustains a sharps injury contact Health Services immediately. Wherever possible, keep the sharp or contaminated object or any material that has caused the contamination to the object that then caused the sharps injury. Testing may need to be undertaken to establish the level of risk.
Area: Facilities - Buildings & Grounds
Draft: 3/2013
Revisions Approved:
The Ozone Action Plan for Bard College Buildings and Grounds is designed to support efforts by the mid-Hudson Valley region to combat the rise of ozone levels to the severe level. The action plan outlines the efforts the campus community will voluntarily make to keep ozone levels in the area below this level. This program of activities is entirely voluntary on the part of students, faculty and staff. The efforts are coordinated by Buildings and Grounds.
The purpose of the Ozone Action Program is to decrease the formation of ground-level ozone during the summer in the Hudson Valley ozone. Ultimately, achieving attainment for ozone (air quality better than the national standard) will result in a healthier environment for the region's citizens and work force.
During ozone season, May 1 - August 31, Buildings and Grounds staff will receive Ozone Action Day notices from the Cary Institute*. Employees will be notified in a timely manner via email, fax, voicemail, signs or flyers.
*As of August 2012, the nearest air quality measurement point is at the Cary Institute in Millbrook, NY.
Area: Facilities - Buildings & Grounds
Draft: 5/2015
Revisions Approved:
Why Use UAS on Campus?
Why use UAS on campus? The use of UAS (Unmanned Aircraft Systems, or drones) by the Bard Department of Buildings & Grounds for the purpose of inspecting facilities can reduce the cost, time, and risk associated with conventional means of inspection. Such conventions may require the rental, staging, and operation of large-boom lift equipment, risk damage to property, and/or present dangerous conditions for personnel who must access roofs and rig harnesses for even a “first look” at the problem. Certain sites and conditions may even prevent inspection, where roof access or equipment staging is not possible. With proper safety and coordination, UAS can provide a quick and efficient means to gather “first look” information (pictures and video) on a hard-to-reach problem area, without lifts or jeopardizing staff.
For photography and videography, UAS can provide a unique (and often picturesque) perspective of buildings, landscapes, and events. UAS photo and video (at even modest heights of 10 to 20 feet) can provide aerial vantages and sweeping pans with greater ease, and with reduced cost and setup, than ground-based and fixed-position equipment.
While operation of a UAS is not without risk, by following FAA guidelines, applying OSHA safety rules established for conventional inspection, and taking a “common sense and respectful” approach to this new technology (with considerations for individual privacy), UAS’s can become viable tool for campus operations.
Guildelines for use of UAS
The primary directives for use of UAS are such:
Area: Facilities - Environmental Resources Department
Adopted: 2/3/06
Revisions Approved:
Description: Proper Disposal of Aerosol Cans
Aerosol cans can be extremely dangerous if they are improperly disposed. They can become a projectile if they are compacted in the back of a trash truck and can spray Bard personnel with hazardous materials. Empty aerosol cans may be recycled in our metal stream.
The EPA requires that only empty aerosol cans may be recycled; containers that are not empty may be considered hazardous waste and must be processed through our Hazardous Waste program.
Proper Disposal of Aerosol Cans—No. F-BERD-004.1
Employees using aerosol cans must ensure that they are completely empty of product and propellant. Empty, non food-containing aerosol cans must be placed in specially designated collection containers. Containers are located in the Physical Plant, Recycle Yard, Fisher Arts Center, and the Performing Arts Center.
If you have unusable product in an aerosol can, please contact or Laurie Husted at x7180 so we can ensure proper disposal.
Area: Facilities - Environmental Resources Department
Adopted: 6/5/2006
Revisions approved:
To ensure that potentially hazardous conditions are addressed immediately, we are identifying spill notification procedures for campus personnel to follow.
If there is a spill or hazardous situation on campus, the discovering party should notify Security. Security will immediately notify the on call emergency responder who will make a determination about whether to handle the incident in-house or use one of our outside spill response companies.
Anyone discovering a spill or condition that could eventually lead to a spill, shall immediately notify Security x 7777 and report the following:
Area: Facilities - Environmental Resources Department
Adopted: 10/21/05
Revisions Approved:
Description: Vehicle Idling
Engine emissions are increasingly connected to a wide variety of health complaints. Anti-idling is a simple and cost-effective way to reduce emissions and protect your health. To ensure the health of our workers, as well as to extend the engine's life, Bard is adopting an Anti-Idling Policy. This idling policy is extended to Bard subcontractors, and is hereby expanded upon to include diesel engines and comply with New York State law (NY 217-3.2, 3.3): diesel trucks should idle for no more than five minutes.
Idling gets you nowhere
According to the EPA, a typical truck burns approximately one gallon of fuel for each hour of idling. Running an engine at low speed (idling) causes twice the wear on internal parts compared to driving at regular speeds. While sitting in an idling vehicle, drivers are exposed to the vehicle's pollution more so than when the vehicle is in motion. Start-up emissions are not as great as the idling emissions, so it's always better to shut down.
For diesel trucks, follow manufacturer's recommendations for minimum warm-up time - usually 3-5 minutes, depending on the size of the vehicle. Turn off your engine when your vehicle is not in motion (follow manufacturers recommendations for cool-down - usually 3-5 minutes after full load operation). Most newer diesel engines will stay warm for several hours after they have been running, retaining more than enough heat to keep the engine warm and avoid starting difficulties.
Employees using Bard vehicles may idle their vehicles during the initial morning warm-up (no more than 10 minutes); however, any time they exit their vehicle after that point, engines should be shut down.
Diesel trucks and buses should idle for no more than five minutes.
Area: Facilities - Environmental Resources Department
Adopted: 6/5/2006
Revisions approved:
To ensure that potentially hazardous conditions are addressed immediately, we are identifying spill notification procedures for campus personnel to follow.
If there is a spill or hazardous situation on campus, the discovering party should notify Security. Security will immediately notify the on call emergency responder who will make a determination about whether to handle the incident in-house or use one of our outside spill response companies.
Anyone discovering a spill or condition that could eventually lead to a spill, shall immediately notify Security x 7777 and report the following:
Area: Facilities – Environmental Resources Department
Adopted: 6/13/2006
Revisions approved:
Bard recycles obsolete college-owned computers, televisions, laptops, monitors, keyboards, computer boards, printers and scanners and other e-waste in compliance with federal law.
E-waste may contain toxic metals and materials such as lead in the glass of the monitor's cathode ray tube, silver, lead solder in older CPU boards, and PCBs in some electronic components and cannot be disposed of as trash.
If you or your department has unwanted, college owned:
Area: Facilities – Environmental Resources Department
Adopted: 10/6/2006
Revisions approved:
Bard is under increased scrutiny from state and federal regulators that track and monitor what we discard as solid waste. Trash generated on campus is transferred to the Bard Recycle Yard where it is categorized, sorted and shipped off-site to a transfer station in Dutchess or Ulster County. From the transfer station, items are routed to landfills, an incinerator or for recycling. Hazardous waste and electronic waste are handled separately and are covered under other policies.
Only solid waste generated on campus may be discarded on campus.
Area: Facilities – Environmental Resources Department
Adopted: 3/17/2009
Revisions approved:
Bard College is committed to environmental protection and will seek to the fullest extent possible to purchase environmentally friendly products. This reduces Bard’s waste stream, lowers our energy use and enhances Bard’s reputation. This policy extends to Bard contractors. The following qualities are preferred: