Bard Email

Bard College is a G Suite for Education School

Bard College is a G Suite for Education School

Gmail is the primary email provider for all Bard student, faculty, and staff. Please use the tools and information below to manage your Bard Gmail account. 
  • Log in to Gmail using your full Bard Email address and Bard password. If you are already logged in to a personal account, click your profile icon and select "Add account" to open a new tab for login.
  • Your Bard Account Password can be changed in the Bard Account Management tool linked below. If you do not know your current password and have not set up recovery methods, please call the HelpDesk at 845-758-7500 with your Bard ID.

Gmail How Tos

  • Password Change Expand for Password Change
  • Quotas and Storage Expand for Quotas and Storage
  • Email Client Settings Expand for Email Client Settings
  • Mobile Settings Expand for Mobile Settings
  • Phishing Attempts Expand for Phishing Attempts
  • Vacation Message Expand for Vacation Message