The Bard CEP Eco Reader

Solving Environmental Needs Through Markets

Every year, billions of dollars are spent on aid and grants. Each country in the global south has its share of NGOs. All this is meant to do well, and impact the lives of the people or environments in which this money is spent. Does this really happen? There are …

*Fracking survey* — Make sure your beliefs about hydraulic fracturing for natural gas are counted!

Technology and Society: Fracking Ideology A survey of beliefs about hydraulic fracturing for natural gas Dear energy consumers, Hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking,” for natural gas plays an important role in the debate about our energy future. As an energy consumer, you may have beliefs about, or beliefs that relate to, …

Gambling with Health for Gas

by Nadia Steinzor ’04 MS (Also see Nadia and her organization, Earthworks, featured in Huffington Post.) New York remains at a decision crossroads when it comes to developing its shale gas resources, widely known as fracking. Thanks to growing opposition and the state’s environmental review process, New York hasn’t rushed forward …

Sustainability Policy Careers: Changing the Rules of the Game

By Eban Goodstein. Reposted from on Oct 23, 2012 Are you (1) a patient leader and a systems thinker? Or (2) an impatient leader who likes to build things? When I counsel students interested in careers in sustainability, I direct them down two paths: policy and business. A policy …

Operating for the Climate: Grassroots Activism Explained

By Alicia Caruso ’14 and Sara DiNovi ’14 The National Climate Seminar recently hosted Jeremy Osborn, the Director of Operations at, an environmental advocacy group focused on building grassroots movements for environmental initiatives, namely climate change, worldwide. 350 is both a number (350 ppm) and a symbol. It stands …

The Northwest Leading the Green Revolution Charge

In the Northwest, as the last blows are exchanged, the Big Black Coal Beast lies slumped on the ground, collapsed. Hot, sticky carbon dioxide, steams off its back and thick, black carbon-sweat drips down its face. Has the Coal Beast been defeated? Eco-warrior KC Golden, of Climate Solutions, has led …

Upcoming UTC C2C Event!

Hey guys, I’m here to tell you about a really great program that is coming up in just under two weeks from October 26th-29th. The C2C Fellows program will be coming to the University of Tennessee in Chattanooga to teach undergraduates, recent graduates, and graduate students how to become the …

A letter to the Denton City Council

Denton is knee deep in revising its natural gas drilling ordinance. A draft of the revised ordinance was released for public comments on October 2, and I thought y’all might like to read the comment I submitted — it should give you a good picture of what it’s like on …

¿Estamos preparados para el ‘boom’ de hidrocarburos no convencionales?

Publicado originalmente 30 de septiembre 2012, en El Opinión Por: Prof. Víctor M. Tafur* Colombia quiere explotar los recursos no convencionales de hidrocarburos, pero claramente no estamos listos para enfrentar sus impactos. Se trata de explotar el petróleo y gas que se encuentran en condiciones que dificultan su aprovechamiento, bien …

Namaste from India

For many, thinking about India often invokes images of large crowded cities where thousands of merchants sell their wares in teeming markets, ancient temples and tombs stand next to homes and businesses, and auto-rickshaws and cows share space on the loud and dirty roads. A truly representative picture of India, …