The Bard CEP Eco Reader

Peace Corps Samoa and BCEP

One of the things Peace Corps requires of its volunteers as they near their close of service (COS) is that they reflect back over their two years and write a description of service (DOS) that enumerates the projects they have completed, successes they have had, and anything else they have …

Warming stirs new interest in Arctic

Reposted from the Poughkeepsie Journal Oil, natural gas, mineral deposits, fisheries and shipping prospectors are advancing on the Arctic. Fueled by global warming, ocean routes normally blocked by sea ice are opening up. Most notably, the Northwest Passage, an ocean route across North America, became accessible in recent years to …

Shopping Your Values in the Hudson Valley

By Eban Goodstein The elusive green consumer. For decades now, sustainability entrepreneurs have been trying to mine the vein of responsible consumption, with only limited success. Area businesses tout local wares, but consumers still shop at Amazon. Poll’s show we all want to shop our values, but we seldom shell …

Work with India on transfer of technology

Reposted from the Poughkeepsie Journal At the U.S.-India Energy Partnership Summit, a distinguished panel, including academics, CEOs, and high-ranking government officials, discussed the barriers to technology transfer between the U.S. and India and how these barriers may be overcome in the coming years. Much of the day’s discussion centered around …

Will this Farm Bill do enough for young farmers?

Reposted from Grist By Lindsey Lusher Shute, CEP Alumna ’07 By the time the next Farm Bill expires in five years, 125,000 American farmers will have retired. This fact may well be the biggest threat to national food security, but you wouldn’t know it if you’ve been following this year’s …

Cambio climático ¿Y ahora qué hacemos?

Publicado originalmente en La Voz, Edición Mayo 2012. Por Ariadne Prior-Grosch ¿Que podemos hacer para minimizar nuestra contribución a la contaminación por los gases de efecto invernadero–como dióxido de carbono–que causa el calentamiento global? Estos gases son producidos por la quema de cualquier combustible que tenga carbono, como leña, carbón, aceite …

Carbon Supply Chain: Black Mesa and Beyond

Also posted on the Poughkeepsie Journal. The final National Climate Seminar for the spring 2012 semester wrapped up with a poignant conversation with Jihan Gearon, Executive Director of the Black Mesa Water Coalition. The conversation, entitled “Carbon Supply Chain: Black Mesa and Beyond,” touched on a diverse array of environmental …

Climate and Food Supply

On April 18th, the National Climate Seminar hosted a conversation on “Climate and Food Supply” with Cynthia Rosenzweig, leader of the Climate Impacts Group at the Goddard Institute for Space Studies at Columbia University. Rosenzweig’s work has focused on the effects of climate change on systems and sectors that are …

Marketing clean technology like we mean it

Reposted from Written by Lisa Jaccoma, Bard CEP alumna ’10 From a marketing and communications standpoint, 2011 should have been a wake-up call for the cleantech industry in the U.S. We are getting our collective butts kicked in the national conversation. Yes, individual companies did well. Enough good to …

¿Hay agua o no hay agua? La situación en la ciudad de Oaxaca de Juárez, México

Publicado originalmente en La Voz, Edición Abril 2012. Por Ariadne Prior-Grosch El agua es sagrada, fuente de vida y cultura. Donde no hay agua, no hay vida. En varias partes del mundo, el desarrollo, la migración a ciudades grandes y el cambio climático esta afectando la disponibilidad del agua. Este …