The Bard CEP Eco Reader

Massachusetts activists call for end to fossil fuel investments

by C2C Fellow Dana Drugmand Originally published at The Berkshire Edge Editor’s Note: Last week, the Great Barrington Selectboard began consideration of a measure that would divest the town’s pension fund of its holdings in fossil fuel companies. Across Massachusetts there is a growing movement for just such a divestment. …

Synergy Between Bard CEP Skills and Education in Economic Development & Communications

Since August 2014, I have been an intern with Courtney Strong, Inc., utilizing a number of skills from undergraduate school, graduate school at Bard CEP, and gaining new skills on the job. The Internship Courtney Strong, Inc., is a marketing communications firm based in Kingston, NY, and Washington, D.C. Since …

Feeling at Home in the Alphabet Soup

Earlier today, I was standing on top of the former Tippecanoe Sanitary Landfill, which is now a superfund site. Capped and controlled since 2000, now it looks more like a big grassy hill with intermittent monitoring wells sticking out of it. The company I am interning for, Keramida, Inc., has …

New route; same Kinder Morgan natural gas pipeline

By C2C Fellow Dana Drugmand Originally published online at The Berkshire Edge on December 13 Washington, Mass. – This past Monday (December 8) Kinder Morgan, the firm behind the proposed multi-billion dollar Northeast Energy Direct natural gas line, updated its pre-filing application with the Federal Energy Regulatory Committee to reflect a …

Local Money for a Global Environment

Getting Milk? I don’t cry over spilled milk, but I’m not ashamed to admit that trying to navigating my way to the milk isle during peak shopping hours brings me awfully close to tears. Especially right before a snowstorm. It’s not an ordeal I take up willingly, but today we …

The Unique Advantages of Living a Green Lifestyle & the Steps to Get There

2015 Winning PlushBeds Green Scholarship Essay By Sanaz Arjomand  MS ’16 Candidate Bard Center for Environmental Policy originally published by PlushBeds. Just as no shade of green is better than another, there is no best hue to a green lifestyle.Some may consider it greener to live in a rural area that …

Breaking the Code

By Judson Peck, M.S. Environmental Policy ’15 Tedious, frustrating weeks of trial and error to manipulate code for statistical software describes my first project for UNDP that resulted in an impressive win for my boss. Pradeep Kurukulasuriya, Head of the Climate Change Adaptation Team, overseas all ongoing UNDP-GEF funded climate change …

Finding a Balance in Development

As the four months came to an end during my time working as the Land Use intern for the League to Save Lake Tahoe (The League), I have come to admire the hard work and long hours that the staff puts in to “Keep Tahoe Blue”. The League is one …

Collaborations across cities: Working to grow urban tree canopies

Working for Casey Trees for six months has not only allowed me to get a glimpse into the non-profit realm, but has also given me the chance to understand the many ways that these types of organizations collaborate in order to find the most effective measures of reaching their mission.  …

Lauren Frisch BCEP ’14 Co-Authors Study in March Issue of Marine Policy

[show_avatar email=267 avatar_size=200]We are thrilled to announce Bard Center for Environmental Policy grad Lauren Frisch ’14  has co-authored the study “Gauging Public Perceptions of Ocean Acidification in Alaska”, a continuation of her master’s thesis research work with  faculty advisors Gautam Sethi and Jennifer Phillips using statistical tools and research methods she learned while at BardCEP. …