The Bard CEP Eco Reader

C2C Fellows at University of Tennessee, Chattanooga!

You’re cordially invited to the C2C Fellows program’s next meeting! This time we will be gathering at the University of Tennessee, Chattanooga from October 26th-28th.  College students and recent graduates from the southeast will attend this weekend workshop to develop sustainability leadership skills under the direction of Dr. Eban Goodstein, …

The Rocky Marriage of Climate and Politics

By: Brian Sewell EP ’14 and Craig Johnson CSP ’14 On September 19th, the National Climate Seminar hosted a conversation on “Climate and the Election” with Darren Springer, Senior Policy Adviser for Energy and Environment to Senator Bernard Sanders of Vermont. Springer’s work with Sen. Sanders’s office has given him …

I come from down in the valleys

Yes the title is a Bruce Springsteen reference. In June I arrived in Oaxaca to start my internship at the Instituto de la Naturaleza y la Sociedad de Oaxaca or INSO. Nervous? Yes. Prepared? probably. Spanish language skills? Not quite there, but working on it. During my first day I was taken under the wing …

Is Denton fracked?

At this point, one can surmise that natural gas drilling is a booming issue. This is especially true on big shale plays like the Barnett shale in North Central Texas. The challenge for municipalities, Denton among them, then, is to regulate this new gas drilling and production activity as best …

“Rio, Déjà vu” – Reflecting on Rio+20

The 2012 Fall Series of the National Climate Seminar kicked off last week at Bard Center for Environmental Policy with a conversation with Hunter Lovins and Aimée Christensen regarding the outcomes and missed opportunities of the Rio+20 Conference on Sustainable Development held this past June in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. …

The Business Side of Things

I am working for Global Future Solutions as an Environmental Consultant. GFS is a growing business that markets and sells products beneficial to the environment.  I started my first week at their research branch in Winston Salem, NC. Their main headquarters are in Brisbane, Australia. GFS works in every part …

When in RoME…

As expected, the Rocky Mountain Ethics Congress (RoME) in Boulder, CO, which I had the pleasure of attending, inspired some welcome moral pondering. In particular, the keynote address on Thursday of the congress, “What rights may be defended by means of war?” given by Dr. Jeff McMahan of Rutgers University, …

Brief Note on the Survival of Humanity

Hello Bard CEP readers! It’s that time of year again – Summer is upon the Northern Hemisphere. For those of us still involved in the world of schooling, that means a time of rest, and, perhaps also a time of change. Over the past few months, I’ve found myself moving away …

All roads lead to RoME

Howdy y’all, greetings from Texas. Just a quick update — this coming week I will be taking a quick drive up to Boulder, Colorado, to attend the Rocky Mountain Ethics (RoME) Conference starting on Thursday. The conference was organized by Dr. Ben Hale, graduate director at the Environmental Studies department …

Exploring, Enjoying and Protecting Maryland

It is amazing how fast time flies when you love your job! Before joining this amazing grassroots organization, I had no idea that the Sierra Club was so multifaceted in its approaches to promoting sustainable environmental policy. Not only do they spearhead many grassroots campaigns, but they also: lead many …