The Bard CEP Eco Reader

Linking Science and Policy

Bard CEP first year graduate students attended NYSERDA‘s Environmental Monitoring, Evaluation, and Protection in New York: “Linking Science and Policy” conference in Albany yesterday. It was a jam-packed day of presentations, discussion and networking covering a range of topics such as alternative energy technologies, modeling/mapping tools, biomass heating and natural gas …

Bard In the News

The Institute of International Education and the Fulbright Program’s sponsor, the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, sent its congratulations today on the announcement that Bard College is one of this year’s Fulbright Scholarship “top producers.” Top-producing institutions in all Carnegie Classifications were highlighted in the October …

“The Carbon Control Knob”

For anyone looking for a crash course on how CO2 controls the climate, there is no better teacher than Dr. Richard Alley, Professor of Geosciences and Associate of the EMS Environment Institute at Penn State University. Alley, who has contributed to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, has been called …

Protest, Power, OWS and C2C

Eban Goodstein, Director Bard Center for Environmental Policy In Early September, I was sitting hand-cuffed in the back of a police paddy-wagon with two-dozen other guys. Everybody was in a good mood. We had all just been arrested in front of the White House, as part of a large-scale, peaceful …

Concealing the Facts of Climate Change

This past Friday, BardCEP Environmental Policy graduate students attended the keynote address at the Hannah Arendt Center’s fourth annual conference, “Truthtelling: Democracy in an Age Withought Facts.” The keynote address was given by Naomi Oreskes, co-author of “Merchants of Doubt: How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the Truth on Issues …

Small World, Green World: Chevy, Clean Energy and Maine Housing

Post by Bard CEP Director Eban Goodstein Last fall, I took on a volunteer advisory role helping Chevy figure out how to spend $40 million on clean energy projects. I also met Lucy Van Hook, at the time, a new Master’s Student here at Bard CEP.  Lucy came to us …

Washington NRDC

Hey look how clever my title is It feels a little weird to be writing my one-month in blog when a lot of people have already finished their internships, but that’s what happens when you commit to a fall internship.   Anyways I’ve been at the NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Council) …

Help Wanted: Omnivores Preferred

I made a decision not to eat meat about 13 years ago, but I’m not preachy about it and rarely discuss it outside of a passing “I’m a vegetarian.”  Back when I first went veggie, my main justification was that factory farming relied on animal cruelty.  Since then my decision …

Climate Solutions for Cities

The Bard CEP National Climate Seminar Fall 2011 series continued yesterday with a conversation with Sharon Nunes, Vice President of Smarter Cities Strategy & Solutions at IBM Corporation, entitled “Smarter Planet? IBM’s Climate Solutions.” Nunes elaborated on IBM’s projects with cities around the world to provide information technology and expertise …