Author: <span>BARD CEP</span>

As a Member of the Bard CEP Community

This is my last semester at Bard Center for Environmental Policy (BCEP) at Bard College. Instead of letting my near-graduation-anxieties dominate my remaining time here at BCEP. I decided to look back and to share with you some of my experiences as a member of the BCEP community. Upon completing …

Bard in the News

Below is a small sample of recent Bard-related news items. There are far too many to list in full,  but here are some recent highlights: Bard CEP Director Eban Goodstein on WAMC Radio: The NY Times on Citizen Science: Blog posting on Citizen Science: Kudos to Citizen …

As we move further into the internship season, I wanted to just quickly remind you how important it is to send a thank you letter right after you’ve had any kind of an interview, even just an informational one. The letter should go out immediately (within 24 hours), and it …

Plantation life … without the slaves

From the blog Karen and Dave in Samoa Posted Dec. 14, 2010 Here in Samoa they have a very clear hierarchical system.  The matai is the boss and then there is everyone underneath him.  When it comes to the plantation, this is the domain of the “taulelea” or untitled men.  …

What a house looks like in Samoa

From the blog Karen and Dave In Samoa Posted Dec. 14 2010 For the last month and a half I have been living in Fusi, while Karen was in Tafitoala.  Both of these villages are in the Safata district on the south side of Upolu.  I lived in a traditional …

Bard Professor Felicia Keesing in the News

This week the journal Nature published a new study on biodiversity and human disease, whose lead author is Bard’s own Felicia Keesing. This important study has received international attention and press. The New York Times mentioned described this study in an article on Dec. 2nd in the article “As Biodiversity …

Climate Realism: Too Late for What?

By Eban Goodstein The elections this month saw the breaching of the 2016 deadline set by NASA’s Jim Hansen for global CO2 stabilization, and also moved us well beyond IPCC Chairman Rajendra Pauchuari’s statement that action beyond 2012 “will be too late”. So where does this leave us? For what …

Director Goodstein Advising Chevrolet on Clean Energy Initiative

Bard CEP Director Eban Goodstein participated in a press conference announcing a major new green initiative by General Motors. Chevy’s $40 million project aims to reduce 8 million metric tons of carbon over the next few years through energy efficiency and renewable energy projects in communities across the country. Below are …

Water Stories from Oaxaca, México by Robyn Glenney

Water Stories from Oaxaca, México I know that I should have posted something earlier to this blog, in order to represent the international internship experience, but this way at least I have a larger perspective of the time here.  I won’t summarize the whole Oaxaca program here, which is an …

Brent Miller’s Blog from Washington D.C.

October 29, 2010 Hey Folks, Greetings from the District! I’ve been down here at my internship now for the past two months and I am approximately half way done. The organization I’m working at is the Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation ( CSF is the leading hunting and fishing policy organization in …