Author: <span>C2CFellows</span>

Capitalism, I’d like to introduce you to my friends Intent and Design

Reposted from BRKFREE By Peter Croce, C2C Fellow There is a major gap in the assumption that market production is a mirror of consumer demand. It’s not, because the mirror is dirty. It’s a problem of transparency.

The Fossil Fuel Resistance

As the world burns, a new movement to reverse climate change is emerging – fiercely, loudly and right next door Reposted from The Rolling Stone By: Bill McKibben                           It got so hot in Australia in January that …

Bard CEP Helps Equip Millennials with the Skills for Success

Reposted from Switchboard By Kelly Henderson, C2C Fellow, National Resources Defense Council As a young person in an organization full of seasoned experts, I often find myself wanting to learn and do more to not only contribute to the organization’s goals, but also to develop my own personal skill set …

The Extinction of Paradise: Climate Change and the Maldives

By: David Nacmanie After living for more than two years in the small island nation of Samoa, I am well aware of the many challenges facing these small island states. From devastating tropical cyclones and tsunamis to water shortages and heat waves, these countries face big challenges with few resources. …

National Flash Mob, Climate and Democracy: Next Up, April 17th

By Eban Goodstein, Director Bard Center for Environmental Policy A signature organizing tool of the Civil Rights and Vietnam war era was the Washington rally. Rallies were how folks, as Bill McKibben says, put the “move in the movement”. Climate organizers have shown that we can do this too, with …

Why I Don’t Like the Word “Sustainability”

Reposted from Residence on Earth By: Clara Fang “So, what do you do for a living?” The question has been asked of me hundreds of times, and more often than not, the answer yields blank stares and further questions. “I’m a sustainability coordinator at a university.” This time I am …

Divest Tulane Urges Cessation of Oil Company Investments

Check out C2C Fellow Nick Stracco leading divestment at Tulane! Keep up the good work, Taco! Reposted from The Tulane Hullabaloo By Kaila Lopez                   A new on-campus organization, Divest Tulane, is pushing for Tulane to end its endowment investments in fossil …

What the Sequester Means for the Clean Energy Workforce

By Comly Wilson, C2C Fellow Reposted from Renewable Energy World. Now that the Sequester has officially begun, people are wondering what the impacts will be, both long term and short term. The message from the two sides of the political spectrum could not be more opposite. Republicans are confident that …

“Politicians Don’t Create Political Will, They Respond to it”

By: Serafina Zeringo MS ’13 and Kyle Rorah MS ’13 Mark Reynolds, Executive Director of the Citizens Climate Lobby, spoke on the National Climate Seminar this week about citizen engagement, education, and environmental activism as ways to push Congress to have a stronger stance on environmental protection. Citizens Climate Lobby gains its …

Sustainability Leadership in Portland, OR

“Step Up Your Green Game” Portland, Oregon is known for being green and promoting sustainability. People ride their bikes everywhere, hike on weekends, and eat locally grown foods. The city’s regional government supports an environmentally sustainable lifestyle through promoting: Natural gardening practices Toxin free homes Recycled paints Public transportation Step …