Author: <span>mollygilligan</span>

The Importance of Teamwork in Promoting Gender Equality within Environmental Sectors

Introduction IUCN—International Union for Conservation of Nature—is the world’s oldest and largest international conservation organization that works in many sectors and many regions around the world. I am part of the gender team, or the Global Gender Office (GGO), of IUCN. This office focuses on mainstreaming gender considerations into environment …

Leadership Education for Sustainability: Balancing Confidence and Humility

Contributed to the Spheres of Influence by Molly Gilligan.  To view the original post, and to listen to the podcast of the discussion with Dr. Michael Shriberg, and Dr. Eban Goodstein, moderated by the Spheres of Influence founder Dr. Sarah Warren, please click here.  As a Master’s student in Environmental Policy, I am …

The Global Gender Office and the U.S. Senate

By: Molly Gilligan, M.S. Environmental Policy ’15   IUCN Global Gender Office  IUCN, International Union for Conservation of Nature, is the world’s oldest and largest international environmental organization.  IUCN is a member organization with members such as national governments, departments and ministries, non-governmental organizations, and citizen groups. With headquarters in …