Author: <span>Emma Cooper</span>

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work: My Time at the Alliance

Reflecting back on my 6-month internship at the Alliance to Save Energy, one element stands out above all others: my coworkers.   The Beginning of My Internship This was my first “real” full-time job, and by “real,” I mean business attire, 9-5, 5 days a week, office computer work. It …

Creating an Alliance with the Alliance

As part of the Bard Center for Environmental Policy’s (CEP) Master’s program, we students are required to do a 4 to 6-month internship at an organization related to environmental or climate science and policy. This internship gives us the opportunity to apply what we’ve learned in our first-year coursework and …

Welcome to the Danger Ozone: The Negative Health Effects of Surface Ozone

Do you like to breathe? I hope so, because it’s an involuntary action that keeps us alive. Of the air I can breathe, clean air is my favorite. Polluted air is not clean air. Not only is it not fun to breathe (think of car exhaust), but it’s detrimental to your health. …