Category: <span>CEP Students</span>

Alumni Feature – Alternative Energy: Tim Treadwell & Ben Hoen

The past decade has brought with it sweeping changes to energy in the United States. State and National policies have opened the door for alternative energy. Advancements in solar, wind, advanced energy storage, and electric vehicles are making a cleaner, renewable energy future more than just a pipe dream. The …

From Environmental Health to Oil Sludge Treatment- NY to Geneva

Ever since I started my first year as a Bard CEP student, I wanted to intern at an environmental health institution to work on vector-borne diseases whose transmission is facilitated by climate change. This was not only my area of interest but was also my comfort zone. However, I’ve ended …

An Inventory Story

In my last blog post, I wrote about my graduate internship with the City of Hermosa Beach and the South Bay Cities Council of Governments (COG), and my evolution into a “Huge Policy Wonk” (HPW).  I’ve since finished the internship and begun my thesis. Motivated by my work with Hermosa, …

Todo es posible: Reflections on three years of service in Peace Corps Mexico

As I sit here, in my quaint, modest, rural Mexican apartment (at the same time still bigger than my studio apartment my first year at Bard CEP), reflecting over the past three years of my service with the Peace Corps, many thoughts cross my mind.  Friends made, relationships built with …

Following the Tea Horse Road: Trade, Tourism and Conservation in Yunnan Province

Monique Segarra, Assistant Professor Bard Center for Environmental Policy With the generous support of the Luce Foundation Asia and the Environment grant to Bard College, I spent two weeks this July in Yunnan Province, located in Southwestern China. Traveling with my colleague, Dr. Bruce Robertson, we designed a trip that …

Water and Whiteness in Oaxaca

I am one of those oddball people who tend to travel only out of necessity, and feel ready to return home halfway through a vacation. Oaxaca is different, though. The first day I was here I fell in love, and as anyone who was on last year’s Bard CEP J-term …

Brewing Sustainable Agriculture in Nicaragua

You know that weird feeling you get when you finally watch the movie version of your favorite book? You’ve read every page and spent hours imagining every character and every bit of scenery—you think you know exactly what to expect. Of course, when the lights go down it’s completely different. …

Inside the 6th Annual Bard CEP Alumni Panel

On Friday, August 26th, Bard Center for Environmental Policy (CEP) hosted its 6th annual Alumni/ae Panel. Participants included Serena Macintosh ’14, Rochelle March ’15, Natalie Narotzky ’12, Jessica Schug ’15, Ann Starodaj ’12, and Chad Tudenggongbu ’11. Current Bard CEP students and faculty were in attendance, as well as Bard …

Washington DC: How to Lobby 101

When I opened my eyes in the morning, I knew the day had finally come. I quickly dressed and ate some fried homemade dumplings; I am so ready to start the first day of my internship. As part of the Master’s program in Environmental Policy at Bard College (Bard CEP), …

Adapting and Improving

Climate change is often thought of purely a problem, and a scary one; but what if we reimagine climate change as a challenge, an opportunity to improve our built environment? There is much work to be done to prepare and protect ourselves from climate-related hazards. Let’s use this chance not only to protect ourselves …