Category: <span>CEP Students</span>

Work with India on transfer of technology

Reposted from the Poughkeepsie Journal At the U.S.-India Energy Partnership Summit, a distinguished panel, including academics, CEOs, and high-ranking government officials, discussed the barriers to technology transfer between the U.S. and India and how these barriers may be overcome in the coming years. Much of the day’s discussion centered around …

Cambio climático ¿Y ahora qué hacemos?

Publicado originalmente en La Voz, Edición Mayo 2012. Por Ariadne Prior-Grosch ¿Que podemos hacer para minimizar nuestra contribución a la contaminación por los gases de efecto invernadero–como dióxido de carbono–que causa el calentamiento global? Estos gases son producidos por la quema de cualquier combustible que tenga carbono, como leña, carbón, aceite …

¿Hay agua o no hay agua? La situación en la ciudad de Oaxaca de Juárez, México

Publicado originalmente en La Voz, Edición Abril 2012. Por Ariadne Prior-Grosch El agua es sagrada, fuente de vida y cultura. Donde no hay agua, no hay vida. En varias partes del mundo, el desarrollo, la migración a ciudades grandes y el cambio climático esta afectando la disponibilidad del agua. Este …

¿Cómo alimentar a la creciente raza humana en medio del calentamiento global?

Publicado originalmente en La Voz, Edición April 2012. Por Jessica Delgado La súper tierra ya no es un misterio Permanecemos en la tierra gracias a lo aprendido de nuestros ancestros, pero sobre todo, gracias a los beneficios que nos brinda para obtener la comida que tanto nos gusta, y que necesitamos …

Collecting Data for Soild Waste Systems: Aquiring Life Skills in Haiti

From July to November 2011, I embarked on my first career building experience. Well when written like that, it sounds so serious. It was serious to some extent. The experience changed me: my world-view, my abilities, and my character. In the next paragraphs, I will explain the nature of my …

Book traces efforts to create doubt of science

Reposted from the Poughkeepsie Journal In their book “Merchants of Doubt,” (Bloomsbury Press, 2010), scientific historians Naomi Oreskes and Erik Conway provide readers with a provocative explanation of how and why a handful of Cold War veterans have been able to control the hearts and minds of many U.S. citizens. …

Let’s sort through trash for a less trashy tomorrow

Reposted from the Poughkeepsie Journal The way we deal with trash is a real mess. In 2010 alone, Americans created 250 million tons of solid waste, only 34 percent of which was recycled. Between overflowing landfills, high waste-collection prices, synthetic materials that never decompose and the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, it’s …

BCEP plays ball

Thursday was the first game for the BCEP basketball team. BCEP stands for Bard Center for Environmental Policy, but given the collection of talent that we’ve assembled this year maybe it should stand for Basketball Center for Extreme Pwnage. Captaining the team is First Year Diana who recently rallied her …

Sustainably Speaking: Ancient technique could boost food production

Written by: Nicholas Martin (CSP ’13) and Justin Wexler (EP/MAT ’13) Reposted from: The Poughkeepsie Journal An ancient environmental technology is making a comeback. Five centuries ago, Spanish explorer Francisco de Orellana reported vast areas of indigenous settlement and cultivation along the Amazon River. Surprisingly, the incredibly rich and productive …

Pyramid 2012: Addressing Sustainability Issues

On February 17th and 18th the second year Bard CEP students got the pleasure of participating in the Pyramid 2012 challenge, organized by the ISIS Academy and led by Roberta Fernandez.  The two-day workshop took us through a set of tools that we will now all be able to utilize …