Category: <span>C2C Fellows</span>

Employment Rates in Solar Industry

Will the Solar Industry Soon Face a Lack of Skilled Labor? By Comly Wilson Reposted from Clean Edison Continued Growth The growth of the solar industry may soon face the reality of not having enough skilled workers to satisfy demand, suggests a recent report by The Solar Foundation and the …

A C2C Fellow Analyzes Green Building Industry

Reposted from Clean Edison Blog What the Green Building Industry Can Learn From Motorola By Comly Wilson, 2011 C2C Fellow Whether driven by a genuine desire to reduce their environmental footprint, or simply to insulate themselves against rising costs, energy efficiency is becoming a significant organizational goal for many companies …

Conversations on Doha – A Discussion by C2C Fellows

  “We’re getting rowdy!” – Rob Friedman   In December, government and citizen representatives from 190 countries around the world met in Doha, Qatar to create an international agreement on climate change action following the end of the Kyoto Protocol. The outcome of Doha was predictable in the lack of …

New speakers on NCS this spring – topics range from power plant regulation, to offshore wind, to climate justice.

Join us the first and third Wednesday of each month at noon eastern to hear climate and clean energy specialists talk about the latest climate change issues. These public conference calls are a great chance to connect with top scientists, analysts and political leaders discuss climate and clean energy solutions. …

A Note from a Fellow

Lexie Carr recently attended the C2C Fellows workshop at Bard College from November 30th-December 2nd. While at the workshop Lexie stood out amongst the students and was one of the most active participants in the workshop weekend. Below is a brief bio about Lexie. Followed by that is a blog …

News & Events from Bard College: Training Environmental Leaders

Eban Goodstein kicked off the Northeast Regional C2C Fellows Workshop at Bard College last Friday night with a call to action for young environmentalists. “We’ve arrived at a truly extraordinary moment in human history,” he told the audience. “The decisions you make will impact not only your lives and the …

C2C: Challenges of Sustainability

Stephanie Scavelli from SUNY Purchase did a great, creative job answering some tough questions on her C2C Fellows application, and was one of our most active participants at our workshop here at Bard last weekend. Check out this link to see her video application now: C2C_Challenges of Sustainability – YouTube

Telling the story of climate change: a call to action

Dr. Jennifer Browdy de Hernandez, Associate Professor of Comparative Literature, Media Studies and Human Rights of Bard College at Simon’s Rock was a recent facilitator at the C2C Fellows Workshop at Bard College. The weekend long workshop inspired her to write this blog post. Reposted from her blog: bethechange You …

Do the Math.

Do the Math Campaign: In order to keep the planet from warming about 2 degrees Celsius, scientists estimate we can put up to another 565 gigatons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. However, fossil fuel companies have about 2,795 gigatons in their reserves and will burn all of it unless …

Upcoming UTC C2C Event!

Hey guys, I’m here to tell you about a really great program that is coming up in just under two weeks from October 26th-29th. The C2C Fellows program will be coming to the University of Tennessee in Chattanooga to teach undergraduates, recent graduates, and graduate students how to become the …