You’re cordially invited to the C2C Fellows program’s next meeting! This time we will be gathering at the University of Tennessee, Chattanooga from October 26th-28th. College students and recent graduates from the southeast will attend this weekend workshop to develop sustainability leadership skills under the direction of Dr. Eban Goodstein, Director of the Bard College Center for Environmental Policy. Local green entrepreneurs will advise workshop attendees, and together we will speak about some of the most pressing sustainability issues we are currently facing.
C2C Fellows is a network of young leaders whose vision is to develop clean energy solutions. Our mission is to accelerate their life’s work. Stabilizing the climate is not the work of a year, of a presidential term, or of a decade. It is the work of a generation. C2C Fellows is designed to engage students and recent graduates who have leadership ambition, and provide them knowledge, skills, courage, and a powerful, ongoing network, to help lead a global revolution.
If this program sounds interesting to you, here are some logistics about who can attend and how to register and apply.
This program is intended for undergraduates, recent graduates, and graduate students from any local college or university. The registration fee for the weekend is $30, and includes food and lodging. Students can often apply for funding to their student governments or activity boards. Scholarships are also available. To find out more information on this program, click here. To apply for the C2C Fellows program, go here.
We hope to see you there! Please contact me ([email protected]) or Jess Scott ([email protected]) with any questions!
Serafina Zeringo
C2C Fellows Program Assistant
Bard CEP Graduate Student