Professors Gautam Sethi just returned from a trip to Oaxaca, Mexico.
Here is a report from Professor Sethi about the nature of his trip:
My goals to visit Oaxaca were two-fold:
1. To better understand the nature of the water problem and its resolution, as viewed by INSO
2. To gain an understanding of the political situation in Oaxaca, especially because of the impending gubernatorial elections slated for July 4, 2010
Professor Monique Segarra and I interviewed a number of individuals from various backgrounds: NGO leaders, journalists, bureaucrats, academics, and community leaders, and we visited INSO’s demonstration site in El Pedregal which is on the outskirts of the city. Through these conversations, I gained a much better understanding of
1. what INSO is trying to accomplish, and how it wishes to achieve its goals, and
2. the undercurrents of Oaxacan politics, and the promises and perils of the July election.