Tag: <span>Bard CEP</span>

An Oasis To A Food Desert: A Mobile Farmers Market

Semi-panicked, I stood in an empty parking lot searching for the office building but could not find it; I was at the wrong address. By the time I found the building, my soon to be boss and co-workers were already on the bus preparing for the day’s markets. I turned the …

Working for the President (of Manhattan)

NYC Government The governmental apparatus of New York City is probably more complicated than you think, unless you happen to have worked in it before. There are various city agencies, boards and judiciaries – and that’s all before we get to elected officials. The elected positions of New York City …

Protecting the Environment of New York State: The Legal Arm of the NYSDEC

The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) is tasked with the environmental protection of the entire state of New York. This protection comes in many forms, including environmental laws, permitting of activities, and cleaning up contaminated sites. The NYSDEC is divided into 9 regions. Region 2, located in …

Leadership: The Balance of Empathy and Strength

Given the unusual political climate we find ourselves in, I wanted to learn from an expert who has many years of experience overcoming political barriers. Last week, I had the pleasure of speaking with Sharon Buccino from the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC). Sharon is the Director of the Land …

Microhydropower: Part of New York’s Clean Energy Future?

Hydropower has a long history in New York State. There are more than 6,000 dams in New York, some dating back to the 1700s. Even through the industrial revolution of the 19th century, dams were the main source of power for running mills and powering machinery. As electric power replaced …

Promoting Science-Based Policies in the Era of “Alternative Facts”

In one episode of NBC’s Parks and Recreation, Leslie Knope (Amy Poehler) tries to pass a bill adding fluoride to the town’s water source.  She’s opposed by a councilman/dentist who wants to continue making money off of the many cavities that occur in the town.  As she discusses the debate, …

Offshore Wind: What Lies Beneath?

With an increasing demand for alternative energy production, offshore wind has become a hot topic of discussion. For the last twenty years Germany, United Kingdom, and many other European countries have been leading the way for offshore wind production to meet energy demands. Quite recently, the United States constructed its …

Land Legacies Part II – Spanning Boundaries

Continued from Part I – New England Forests   “A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves.” —Lao Tzu   Highstead New England’s grassroots conservation organizations continue to innovate around individual challenges. Those …

Land Legacies Part I – New England Forests

  On a crisp fall day some several years ago, I left my house in rural Connecticut for a contemplative walk in the woods. My restless teenage legs were matched by my curiosity about the world around me. Down a wooded path with no houses in sight, I stopped to rest along …

From Mayor to Graduate Student, Jason West on Leadership in Local Communities

Every time I drive down to New York City, the village of New Paltz and the Wallkill River show up on my GPS. Along highway I-87, you can see marvelous mountain views and amazing apple trees. I always think that I should tour and try the hiking trails in this …