Tag: <span>Bard CEP</span>

Climate Change Puts Vermont’s Maple Industry in a Sticky Situation

Maple syrup is more than a sweet treat: to the sugarmakers of the Northeast, it’s a way of life. The tradition of maple sugaring has roots in indigenous culture and the sweet sap continues as a multi-million dollar industry today. But this year’s warm winter and early spring made Vermont’s …

When the Ice Starts Melting, it’s Sink or Swim

For about a decade, stories have been trickling down to the lower latitudes of indigenous Arctic peoples being forced to abandon whole villages because the sea rising up and washing them away. Stories of Inuit hunters falling through the thinning ice. Stories of once vital herds of caribou, a staple for …

4 Reasons that Tesla will not Succeed in China

When the Tesla Model 3 was released and started accepting pre-orders on April 1st, people in the US and Europe went crazy.  Three weeks later, there were more than 400,000 pre-orders, according to the official statistics. There are many benefits of driving electric vehicles (EV) such as Tesla:  Do not require …

Welcome to the Danger Ozone: The Negative Health Effects of Surface Ozone

Do you like to breathe? I hope so, because it’s an involuntary action that keeps us alive. Of the air I can breathe, clean air is my favorite. Polluted air is not clean air. Not only is it not fun to breathe (think of car exhaust), but it’s detrimental to your health. …

Nonprofit Leadership in New York City’s Energy Sector

As I’ve mentioned in my previous blogs about working for NYSERDA, New York City is going through a major energy transition. The State and City governments are both looking at ways to drastically change the energy landscape to include more distributed renewable sources of generation and to reduce energy usage, …

Collaborative Climate Education, Student Voices, and State Policy: Reflections on Power Dialog 2016

The week of April 4th, 2016, over a thousand of students from more than fifty colleges and universities in twenty state capitals participated in Power Dialog forums with state officials and other experts. The focus: state policy efforts to cut global warming pollution, and support the US commitment to reduce …

Bard College Students Organize Nationwide Dialog on Climate: Students in 20 States to Talk with Policy-Makers

For the last nine months, four students at Bard College in New York’s Hudson Valley have been meeting in a basement office on campus. Their mission: to catalyze a nationwide conversation about state-level action on climate change. Undergraduates Xaver Kandler and Maggie Berke, and environmental policy graduate students Meredith Lavalley and …

Fostering Climate Leadership through Adaptation Analytics

Last fall, I attended the UN Climate Change Conference (COP21), where I met Joyce Coffee, a self-described “Midwest-based adaptation maven” and an advocate for corporate sustainability solutions. I recently reconnected with Joyce to discuss the role of adaptation in global climate leadership and how governments, nonprofits and businesses are innovating …

What does leadership in energy efficiency policy look like?

What does leadership in energy efficiency policy look like? www.genesys-project.eu Energy efficiency is an enormous field with numerous different stakeholders, such as utility companies, non-governmental organizations, and the general public. Although each group can vary in its goals and methods of affecting change in the energy efficiency arena, they all …

Hearing the Student Voice on Clean Energy: Nationwide Dialogs Focus on State Climate Action

By Eban Goodstein Becca Krasky is a first year student at Macalester College in Minnesota. If someday she has kids, they will be college-age around the year 2045. She will be in her late 40’s. And by that year, we will know the future of the earth. We will know …