The Bard CEP Eco Reader

New speakers on NCS this spring – topics range from power plant regulation, to offshore wind, to climate justice.

Join us the first and third Wednesday of each month at noon eastern to hear climate and clean energy specialists talk about the latest climate change issues. These public conference calls are a great chance to connect with top scientists, analysts and political leaders discuss climate and clean energy solutions. …

Let’s talk about dry farming

After 7 months of interning at Community Alliance with Family Farmers (CAFF) in California, I have worked to organize and facilitate two dry-farming workshops, helped create a dry-farming program complete with webpages (it’s a work in progress, but check it out so far!, crafted a series of case studies, …

A Note from a Fellow

Lexie Carr recently attended the C2C Fellows workshop at Bard College from November 30th-December 2nd. While at the workshop Lexie stood out amongst the students and was one of the most active participants in the workshop weekend. Below is a brief bio about Lexie. Followed by that is a blog …

Lessons Learned from NYC Parks & Recreation

Interning at the NYC Parks Department left me with three take-home gifts: new connections, perspective, and an eco-friendly bag made of recyclable materials. To sum up what I learned from my five month internship would take me a while, but I’ll highlight what I found to be most important. Sharing …

The Ideology of Fracking

Reposted from Science Progress: where science, technology, and policy meet A survey of beliefs about hydraulic fracturing for natural gas By Jordan Kincaid, MS’13, and Adam Briggle To take the survey of beliefs on fracking and technology beliefs, click here. Hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking,” for natural gas has become a lightning rod in …

News & Events from Bard College: Training Environmental Leaders

Eban Goodstein kicked off the Northeast Regional C2C Fellows Workshop at Bard College last Friday night with a call to action for young environmentalists. “We’ve arrived at a truly extraordinary moment in human history,” he told the audience. “The decisions you make will impact not only your lives and the …

Your local forecast: Sunny with a chance of extinction

By Megan McClellan MS‘14 and Danielle Salisbury MS/MI‘16 Did you have orange juice or coffee with breakfast this morning? If you did, your breakfast probably depended on an insect to pollinate those plants that grew the fruit and beans that you so deliciously enjoyed.  But what if you had to hand …

Climate Change: A Matter of Health

By Dunja Drmac ’14 Kim Knowlton, a Senior Scientist at the National Resource Defense Council (NRDC) and an author of a report on health costs caused by climate change events in the United States, spoke at the National Climate Seminar on November 21st. The topics discussed included the health costs, …

C2C: Challenges of Sustainability

Stephanie Scavelli from SUNY Purchase did a great, creative job answering some tough questions on her C2C Fellows application, and was one of our most active participants at our workshop here at Bard last weekend. Check out this link to see her video application now: C2C_Challenges of Sustainability – YouTube

Science Progress publicizes study of beliefs about hydraulic fracturing for natural gas As a follow up to the Science Progress article I co-authored with Dr. Adam Briggle earlier this July, we have written another short piece that again explains the subject of our study, Technology and Society: Fracking Ideology, and requests reader participation. You can find the article linked here and above. …