The Bard CEP Eco Reader

C2C Fellows Lay Foundation for Environmental Careers During Weekend Intensive

Originally posted at: on March 13, 2014 How do you get a room full of young environmentalists, budding entrepreneurs, and aspiring policymakers ready for an intensive weekend workshop at Bard College? Ask them a lot of soul-searching questions to break the ice. At this year’s Northeast Regional C2C Fellows Workshop at Bard, …


Originally posted at: Written by Dana Francisco Miranda The Campus to Congress-Corporation Fellows workshop, commonly known as C2C, is an opportunity for current students and young professionals to network and further their skills in sustainable business and politics. The C2C Fellows workshop took place February 14–16, one of three occurring this …

Empowering a New Generation for a Stronger Economy & Ecosystem

Originally posted at: Written by Dorthea Thomas When it comes to environmental justice, it’s about ensuring low-income, communities of color have equal access to clean air, water, and land.  Environmentalism, sustainable development, and labor are apart of the solutions to make the possibility of a better future for generations to …

Helping Close the Gap: Including Environmental Justice in Climate Action

Originally posted on: Written by, Dorthea Thomas On March 6, 2014 WE ACT for Environmental Justice hosted their first Environmental and Climate Justice Teach-In atThe Peace House in Washington DC. The Peace House is a center that fosters learning and activist excellence through the facilitating various individual, community, and world betterment projects; such …

This Tea Party Leader is Championing Green. Here’s Why.

Originally posted on: FEBRUARY 10, 2014 BY CAROLINE HODGE   Debbie Dooley isn’t your typical Tea Party leader. She’s a Georgia grandmother who became an activist six years ago when her first grandson was born. Dooley is co-founder of the Atlanta Tea Party Patriots, and has been active with the Tea Party …

What keeps you up at night?

As part of the C2C Fellows workshop application, we asked fellows to tell us what sustainability challenges keep them up at night. We want to know,  do you worry more, less or the same about this issue as you do about the fact that more than two and a half …

Lost in Translation and the Power of Social Media

I am here back in the United States after spending six months in Turkey. I was an intern at a United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) project about improving energy efficiency in industry. It is not going to be easy to write about my experiences in Turkey while sitting in my …

Green Tea, Georgia Style: A new brand of bipartisanship

Green Tea, Georgia Style A New Brew of Bipartisanship By Andrew Bonanno MS’15 and Jeremy Cherson MS’15   It’s election season 2012 and Colleen Kiernan, chapter director of the Georgia Sierra Club, is battling a bill that would limit the right to protest in the Peach State.  A broad coalition …

Southern Lessons in Environmental Law

I come from the scenic Hudson Valley of New York State with a rich and inspiring history of environmental litigation in the name of conservation. It was there, at the Bard Center for Environmental Policy, that I was inspired to pursue my interest in environmental law. After completing my first …

How to Make It as an Environmental Lawyer

There are many obstacles facing a recent graduate of environmental law. Many law graduates mass-produced in this country were poorly advised to choose the legal profession, since they find that in the face of extraordinary student debt, they have few advantages…a degree from a top tier law school, a top class …