The Bard CEP Eco Reader

I Can See Russia From My Internship

For the past month, I have been interning with the Ocean Acidification Research Center (OARC) in Fairbanks, Alaska.  OARC is a major contributor of ocean acidification research in Alaska, and has made great strides to better understand variability in the stressors that exacerbate ocean acidification around the coast of Alaska.  …

Making Sausage

As I finished up my first year of the Bard CEP program this May, my policy tool-belt seemed full. I knew all this new wonky policy jargon, I understood basic regression analysis, and could tell you a few things about some of the major environmental statutes. I felt prepared to …

An Outsider Looking In…

“Oh good, you know about EERS policies! So do you know a lot about energy efficiency?” Uh no, no actually I don’t know anything about energy efficiency policies or energy efficiency or what I’m doing here… That is how my first two weeks at NEEP felt. Between writing bill summaries, …

The Organic Waste Makeover: From Waste to Vehicle Fuel

Four weeks ago on June 3, 2013 I started my internship as a Research Assistant at Energy Vision (EV), a national non-profit organization in New York City.   EV was created in 2006 to analyze the issues surrounding the nation’s energy and transportation systems and to propose alternatives that do …

Skill Building in Ghana- What would you do with your magic soybeans?

I only wanted a simple answer to a simple question. The women in the farming groups I work with have been asking me how to make tofu, or ‘soya kebabs’ as they are called here (it’s always sold cut, fried, and on a stick). After we finished a large soap …

C2C Fellows Connect To Green Jobs

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 7.6% of people in the US were unemployed in May. That’s a little over 28 million people out of work. For young people with at least a college bachelor’s degree, the rate was a little higher for men (8%) and a little lower …

Capitalism, I’d like to introduce you to my friends Intent and Design

Reposted from BRKFREE By Peter Croce, C2C Fellow There is a major gap in the assumption that market production is a mirror of consumer demand. It’s not, because the mirror is dirty. It’s a problem of transparency.

On Crossing The Big Four O (O)

1963.  I am three years old. My older sister, seven, is a plaintiff in the lawsuit integrating our grade school in south central Tennessee.  There are three billion people in the world. One of them is named Chung Chungin. She is six and lives in Seoul, Korea.  The atmosphere holds …

The Fossil Fuel Resistance

As the world burns, a new movement to reverse climate change is emerging – fiercely, loudly and right next door Reposted from The Rolling Stone By: Bill McKibben                           It got so hot in Australia in January that …

What do we want from “Local Food Systems”?

By Dr. Jennifer Phillips Over the coming decades, climate change will challenge regional, national, and global economies.   Some regions of the world will see agricultural productivity drop by 50% by 2080, while regions will experience increased productivity.   Part of the adaptation process will be to build resilience into …