The Bard CEP Eco Reader

Finding Common Ground With Evangelical Christians on Climate Change

By Justine Schwartz How do you engage evangelical Christians—a group of people most commonly associated with denying the science of evolution and climate change—in the environmental movement? The answer lies in a growing, faith-based environmental movement called Creation Care. In February 2006, an ad signed by 86 prominent evangelical leaders …

Divest Tulane Urges Cessation of Oil Company Investments

Check out C2C Fellow Nick Stracco leading divestment at Tulane! Keep up the good work, Taco! Reposted from The Tulane Hullabaloo By Kaila Lopez                   A new on-campus organization, Divest Tulane, is pushing for Tulane to end its endowment investments in fossil …

Put Your Money Where Your Values Are: Creating Sustainable Citizen Brands

The age of marketing a ‘quick sell’ to eager, faceless consumers is coming to an end. More companies are turning to the power behind values-based branding: using their customer’s personal ethics to create campaigns reaching beyond the cha-ching of registers. At the forefront of this marketing movement is Citizen Group, …

What the Sequester Means for the Clean Energy Workforce

By Comly Wilson, C2C Fellow Reposted from Renewable Energy World. Now that the Sequester has officially begun, people are wondering what the impacts will be, both long term and short term. The message from the two sides of the political spectrum could not be more opposite. Republicans are confident that …

Catastrophe Bonds, Communication & Connections

During my internship at The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), my work focused on climate adaptation finance. I was (/am) pondering the question of how to link capital markets with regional climate adaptation. During my research, I came across something known as catastrophe bonds, which were developed after Hurricane Andrew …

“Politicians Don’t Create Political Will, They Respond to it”

By: Serafina Zeringo MS ’13 and Kyle Rorah MS ’13 Mark Reynolds, Executive Director of the Citizens Climate Lobby, spoke on the National Climate Seminar this week about citizen engagement, education, and environmental activism as ways to push Congress to have a stronger stance on environmental protection. Citizens Climate Lobby gains its …

Sustainability Leadership in Portland, OR

“Step Up Your Green Game” Portland, Oregon is known for being green and promoting sustainability. People ride their bikes everywhere, hike on weekends, and eat locally grown foods. The city’s regional government supports an environmentally sustainable lifestyle through promoting: Natural gardening practices Toxin free homes Recycled paints Public transportation Step …

Eat your Vegetables. Live your Leadership.

What did you have for lunch? By: Jada Garofalo This past Monday, Campus2Congress launched its second C2C Exclusive—the Leadership 4 Lunch conference call. Leaders from four renowned institutions joined us for a discussion about the opportunities they offer to aspiring young change-makers like you! Keep reading for a breakdown of …

After Sandy: Flooded with Knowledge

By Lauren Frisch and Danielle Bissett, Bard CEP MS ’14 On March 6, 2013 the National Climate Seminar hosted a conversation on “After Sandy, What’s Next?” with Brenda Ekwurzel, a Climate Scientist and Assistant Director of Climate Research and Analysis at the Union of Concerned Scientists. Using Hurricane Sandy as a …

Letter: Ram coal project a reckless risk

Reposted from The Advocate By Nick Stracco The article “La. coast facing grim reality” republished in The Advocate highlights new data that shows that Louisiana is likely to see “the highest rate of relative sea-level rise on the planet.” Tim Osborn, the expert quoted in the article, mentioned at Tulane’s …