The Bard CEP Eco Reader

¿Cómo alimentar a la creciente raza humana en medio del calentamiento global?

Publicado originalmente en La Voz, Edición April 2012. Por Jessica Delgado La súper tierra ya no es un misterio Permanecemos en la tierra gracias a lo aprendido de nuestros ancestros, pero sobre todo, gracias a los beneficios que nos brinda para obtener la comida que tanto nos gusta, y que necesitamos …

Las CAR: ¿maquillaje político?

Sobre la reforma de las Corporaciones Autónomas Regionales (CAR)/On Environmental Governance in Colombia’s Regional Environmental Authorities  Publicado originalmente Marzo 30, 2012, en El Opinión Por: Prof. Víctor M. Tafur La reforma a las corporaciones autónomas regionales que propone el Gobierno es simplemente una “reforma política” a los órganos de dirección, …

Collecting Data for Soild Waste Systems: Aquiring Life Skills in Haiti

From July to November 2011, I embarked on my first career building experience. Well when written like that, it sounds so serious. It was serious to some extent. The experience changed me: my world-view, my abilities, and my character. In the next paragraphs, I will explain the nature of my …

Book traces efforts to create doubt of science

Reposted from the Poughkeepsie Journal In their book “Merchants of Doubt,” (Bloomsbury Press, 2010), scientific historians Naomi Oreskes and Erik Conway provide readers with a provocative explanation of how and why a handful of Cold War veterans have been able to control the hearts and minds of many U.S. citizens. …

36 hours in Panama

To celebrate its 25th Anniversary, Universidad del Itsmo (UDI)—with presence in Panama and Guatemala—held its inaugural “Jornada de Derecho Ambiental” (First Conference in Environmental Law) in Panama City on March 20, 2012. I was invited to address recent developments in international environmental law, particularly the Rio+20 processes, and to discuss …

Corporaciones Autónomas Regionales: ¿Maquillaje Político?

Sobre la reforma de las Corporaciones Autónomas Regionales (CAR)/On Environmental Governance in Colombia’s Regional Environmental Authorities  Publicado originalmente Marzo 30, 2012, en El Opinión Por: Prof. Víctor M. Tafur La reforma a las Corporaciones Autónomas Regionales que propone el gobierno es simplemente una “reforma política” a los órganos de dirección, …

Goodstein reviews “The Island President” as the best global warming film in years

Reposted from Grist By Eban Goodstein “A cross between paradise and paradise.” This is how Mohamed Nasheed of the Maldives describes his nation in Jon Shenk’s powerful new film, The Island President. Shenk follows President Nasheed over a one-year period, leading up to the Copenhagen climate summit, in a beautiful, courageous, and …

Getting Green Done

The National Climate Seminar recently hosted a conversation with Auden Schendler about his role as Vice President of Sustainability at the Aspen Skiing Company and on his new book, Getting Green Done: Hard Truths from the Front Lines of the Sustainability Revolution. In an interview with The Atlantic, Schendler was asked …

Let’s sort through trash for a less trashy tomorrow

Reposted from the Poughkeepsie Journal The way we deal with trash is a real mess. In 2010 alone, Americans created 250 million tons of solid waste, only 34 percent of which was recycled. Between overflowing landfills, high waste-collection prices, synthetic materials that never decompose and the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, it’s …

BCEP plays ball

Thursday was the first game for the BCEP basketball team. BCEP stands for Bard Center for Environmental Policy, but given the collection of talent that we’ve assembled this year maybe it should stand for Basketball Center for Extreme Pwnage. Captaining the team is First Year Diana who recently rallied her …