Author: <span>BARD CEP</span>

Garbage !

From the blog Karen and Dave In Samoa Posted April 21, 2011   It would be nice to say that Karen and I had such great success with the first field trip to the beach that we decided to go on another field trip. But, that would be a lie. The …

Selected “Bard in the News”

Article cites Bard’s commitment to geothermal energy use: The Los Angeles Times interviews Bard faculty Kelly Reichardt on her new film:,0,5004622.story Soprano Dawn Upshaw shares NY Times spotlight with Bard Conservatory Vocal Arts students: The Saratogian cites alum Pia Carusone: The Kingston Times praises Bard’s “Math …

Levy Economics Institute of Bard College Conference Draws Worldwide Attention

The Levy Economics Institute of Bard College held its 20th annual Hyman P. Minsky Conference: Financial Reform and the Real Economy. recently The three-day conference, held at, and with support from, the Ford Foundation, drew and extraordinary international group of speakers and audience members composed of many of the world’s …

We Asked, You Acted !

From the blog Karen and Dave In Samoa Posted April 1, 2011 When we first arrived in Samoa we realized that our vegan/vegetarian diets would not be possible in Samoa… immediately. We sent emails, asked for packages, made phone calls, and skype calls, all asking for seeds. We are still receiving seeds to …

Samoan Umu

From the blog Karen and Dave In Samoa Posted March 13, 2011 This is the traditional way to cook Samoan food.  I have been told that this version is not the original, but the only difference is that this one is above ground instead of below.  It seems to me …

Bard in the News

CEP Director Eban Goodstein appears on WAMC-Radio’s “Academic Minute”: Bard College Conservatory Vocal Arts students perform at Morgan Library and receive positive review from the NY Times: Jacob Neusner is cited in numerous articles about Pope Benedict’s new book: Norman Manea writes on “Revolutionary Shadows”: Eileen Quinlan …

Solar Cooker

From the blog Karen and Dave In Samoa Posted March 1st, 2011 Finished rice ready to eat Last January, I went to a conference in Washington, DC.  One of the sessions I attended was on building and using a solar cooker.  We even built one, but since it was the middle …

Nike in India – sustainable manufacturing

Second year student, Tara Singh, has been working in Bangalore, India for Nike for the past few months. She is the “Sustainable Manufacturing & Performance Institutional Research Intern” and is charged with the following responsibilities: Develop and spearhead factory worker employee Energy, Lean and Empowerment Program pilot to be rolled out …

Karen and Dave in Samoa

Hi BCEP people! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, or, as we say in Samoa, Manuia le Kerisimasi! Manuia le Tausaga Fou! Since I know that this is a stressful time of the school year for everyone, I thought I could brighten everyone’s day with some fun stuff about …

Week 2 of School, Complete

From the blog Karen and Dave In Samoa Posted on February 11, 2011 All of Group 83 has now finished our first two weeks of school here in Samoa. That does not, however, mean that much learning – or teaching – has taken place. As I wrote last week, the …