Category: <span>Internships</span>

Finding a Balance in Development

As the four months came to an end during my time working as the Land Use intern for the League to Save Lake Tahoe (The League), I have come to admire the hard work and long hours that the staff puts in to “Keep Tahoe Blue”. The League is one …

Collaborations across cities: Working to grow urban tree canopies

Working for Casey Trees for six months has not only allowed me to get a glimpse into the non-profit realm, but has also given me the chance to understand the many ways that these types of organizations collaborate in order to find the most effective measures of reaching their mission.  …

A Panda experience in a memorable climate year

With a bitter-sweet feeling, I left Washington, D.C., after spending the last 7 months of my life with World Wildlife Fund (WWF), one of the world’s oldest and biggest environmental non-governmental organizations, working as the Latino Climate Change Communications and Policy Intern. I am so grateful that I had the …

One Small Step

By: Anne Lapera These past four months working with VAEIC have been extremely rewarding and successful. We as an organization were successful in sharing our research and recommendations with Governor McAuliffe (governor of Virginia). Our goals included developing an Energy Plan that promoted open markets for clean advanced energy technologies, …

Insights on Ground-level Interactions as a Development Agent

“So, what did you gain from your Peace Corps experience?” people often ask me following my return from 26 months abroad in the Republic of Cameroon, Central Africa. To answer that question in one sentence would group all of my relationships with friends and work partners, on-the-ground experiences and ups-and-downs …

The Importance of Teamwork in Promoting Gender Equality within Environmental Sectors

Introduction IUCN—International Union for Conservation of Nature—is the world’s oldest and largest international conservation organization that works in many sectors and many regions around the world. I am part of the gender team, or the Global Gender Office (GGO), of IUCN. This office focuses on mainstreaming gender considerations into environment …

Money of the People, by the People, and for the People — and the Planet

Financing a Sustainable Future On September 21, 2014, hundreds of thousands of protesters marched down the streets of New York City, demanding that world leaders about to meet at the United Nations Climate Summit lay the groundwork for meaningful action to address global climate change. The day before the climate …

Working with the UN to secure water, prevent conflict

 “Where resource exploitation has driven war, or served to impede peace, improving governance capacity to control natural resources is a critical element of peacebuilding.” Carolyn McAskie   I flew out of John F. Kennedy International Airport the day after the People`s Climate March where over 400,000 people gathered to voice their …

Strengthening Connections between People and Land

Columbia Land Conservancy’s (CLC) mission statement reads as follows: “The Columbia Land Conservancy works with the community to conserve the farmland, forests, wildlife habitat, and rural character of Columbia County, strengthening connections between people and the land.” From my experience here thus far, I can confidently say they are living …

Vast Ocean of Marine Advocacy

The Arrival Golden hills, blue skies, warm weather, the bay, and the Pacific Ocean surrounded me as I arrived in Marin County in California. The vista at my internship is breathtaking, especially with the common modes of transportation being hiking and biking. My internship at Turtle Island Restoration Network sits …