Category: <span>Internships</span>

The Organic Waste Makeover: From Waste to Vehicle Fuel

Four weeks ago on June 3, 2013 I started my internship as a Research Assistant at Energy Vision (EV), a national non-profit organization in New York City.   EV was created in 2006 to analyze the issues surrounding the nation’s energy and transportation systems and to propose alternatives that do …

The Complexities of Bringing Development to Cameroon

Finding a common ground for a social movement is essential to collective action, hence, solidarity between those directly affected by the issue at hand (i.e. not having access to pipe borne water) becomes increasingly important as the movement grows. Herein, I will describe a story, that surrounds the idea of …

Catastrophe Bonds, Communication & Connections

During my internship at The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), my work focused on climate adaptation finance. I was (/am) pondering the question of how to link capital markets with regional climate adaptation. During my research, I came across something known as catastrophe bonds, which were developed after Hurricane Andrew …

Finding Your Calling: Bard CEP Class of 2013 Internship Dinner

The Bard Center for Environmental Policy hosted their annual internship dinner last night to welcome back their second year masters students. The Class of 2013 returned to campus last week to begin their last semester of classes and finish writing their masters level theses. First year Bard CEP students who …

Climate Change and Community Radio

I spent the majority of my five months interning at Development Alternatives (DA) working on two climate adaptation related projects based in the Bundelkhand region of India. One project, a collaboration with the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, I discussed in a previous CEP Blog entry. In short, the …

Improving Regulation of Natural Gas Extraction: My Internship Experience at EDF

After seven months of interning at the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) in their New York City office, I left not only feeling confident that I obtained a new set of professional skills and connections, but also that I took my first step towards impacting state energy policy.  The internship started …

Internship to Job at NYC DEP and the Power of Effective Communication

The past few months have been quite exciting. Not only did I have have an amazing internship experience at the New York City Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), but I was fortunate enough to be hired for a full-time position. The full-time position directly relates to work that I did …

Potential for Green Technologies in Different Fields

Potential for Green Technologies in Different Fields Posted on January 14, 2013 by Maggie Yayac As part of my master’s degree at the Bard Center for Environmental Policy, I worked for Global Future Solutions (GFS) as an environmental consultant from June to November 2012. GFS researches green chemistry solutions for the oil and gas, bio-remediation, …

Confronting Policy Challenges Associated with Engineering and Design

The past seven months at Group Mackenzie has truly been a great learning experience. The company has invested in profitable projects since the economic downturn, allowing me to accrue quite the repertoire of projects this year. At any given time during the past few months I have been working on …

Let’s talk about dry farming

After 7 months of interning at Community Alliance with Family Farmers (CAFF) in California, I have worked to organize and facilitate two dry-farming workshops, helped create a dry-farming program complete with webpages (it’s a work in progress, but check it out so far!, crafted a series of case studies, …