Category: <span>CEP Students</span>

The Path to Progress — Collaborative Conservation in Cairns

As the Australian summer set in, my internship at Cairns and Far North Environment Centre (CAFNEC) came to a close. The heat and humidity made it difficult to be out all day monitoring mangroves and salt marshes. Therefore, during the second half of my internship, I shifted from working with …

Participation in Policy Making: The power of a seat at the table

As the end of my CEP internship experience nears, I find myself reflecting on what has been an incredibly meaningful 6 months, and an important part of my graduate studies. I am fortunate to have worked with the Columbia Land Conservancy: an impactful organization, dedicated to conserving natural habitats and reconnecting …

Including Everyone in the Conversation about the Climate Crisis

Everyone can feel that the days are getting warmer.  Everyone can see that the rains are falling faster and the ocean is rising higher. We all see that the climate is changing, but we don’t all know how to prepare.  Even if you had the motivation to do so, where …

The Art of Service: Learning the Language and Actions for Change

On MLK Day Weekend, the teens and staff of J-Teen Leadership traveled to St. Louis for a weekend of service. A few themes developed throughout the course of this service trip. Economic inequality. Racial segregation. Resilience. Activism. Inclusion. On theme that stood out to me in particular was language: the …

Enhesa’s Insightful Solutions for Dealing with the Nuanced Nature of EHS Compliance

As my capstone internship experience comes to an end, I’d like to share some moments of growth and reflection. Enhesa has been an experience unlike any other internship opportunity I’ve had in either the environmental law or policy sphere. While other work opportunities allowed me to dive into a few …

Fitting Big Ideas Into Small Packages – Managing Unwieldy Amounts of Information

December saw the annual gathering of government negotiators, NGO representatives, and civil society at the Conference of the Parties, where UNFCCC Member States address the rule-making and implementation of international climate action. 25,000 people were at this year’s meeting in Madrid, Spain, including several from the office where I interned …

Communication Build Up

My effectiveness as an instructor for Wild Earth is largely determined by my ability to communicate effectively. In the first couple of weeks of my internship (here’s a link to my first post about Wild Earth), I apprenticed as an assistant to different lead instructors, spending two or three days …

We All Live in a Watershed

It’s a rainy day and you find yourself staring out the window. The rain hits ground and forms a puddle. The next day is sunny and warm and you forget that there was ever a puddle just outside your window. But what happened to the water from that puddle?  To …

From Houston to White Plains: The Travelling Social Justice Coach

My Beginnings With J-Teen Leadership My work began with J-Teen Leadership when I staffed a trip to Houston, TX to help communities affected by Hurricane Harvey. The activities and personal accounts evoked action and urgency, enriched the communities that we visited and ensured continued support for disaster relief projects.  This …

No small topic – no problem for US Climate Office

I walk up to the building on the first day of my internship, and that iconic Washington D.C. sandstone seems to continue infinitely in every direction. The Harry S. Truman building takes up an entire city block and is just one of the many buildings (in one of many countries) …