Category: <span>CEP Students</span>

Demystifying group work with the Global Gender Office

Group work. Need I say more? The stuff of nightmares for many students and coworkers, these two dreaded words hold the potential to make anyone scared and discouraged. But fear not, dear Reader. I’m here to help. Today, I’m going to give you some tips for working effectively on a …

Water Reform in Oaxaca: Bard CEP Travels Abroad

The city of Oaxaca de Juarez in southern Mexico and the surrounding communities in the Central Valleys are facing a serious water crisis. As a result of sprawling urban development and the degradation of mountain forests, croplands, and pasture, rainy season precipitation has become fast water, washing away topsoil, flooding …

What’s in a Number? Setting AFT NY’s 100,000 Acre Farmland Protection Goal

By Sanaz Arjomand, M.S. in Environmental Policy 2016 During my internship with the New York field office of American Farmland Trust (AFT), a national organization whose mission is to protect farmland, promote sound farming practices, and keep farmers on the land, my main responsibility was to work on a report …

The importance of compromise in energy efficiency policy

The Importance of Compromise in Energy Efficiency Policy The core work of the “Energy Efficiency – Residential Demand-side Management” group within ICF International involves the organization and implementation of rebates for ENERGYSTAR appliances and lighting in retail stores around the country. These rebates are funded by money from numerous state governments …

Advancing Climate Policy – One State at a Time

Labor Day is a time of transition. On the East Coast, heat and humidity are replaced slowly with cool breezes and longer shadows as the days get noticeably shorter. Vacations end. Work and school begins again. It is a time to reflect on the fun and adventure of another summer …

Winds of Change

A chunk of the atmosphere, fresh off the Atlantic Ocean, hit the south side of Long Island and squeezed itself into the Upper New York Bay. After careening around curve of Bay Ridge Brooklyn it whipped passed the Statue of Liberty and made its way uptown by way of the …

Have you ever wanted to save the planet? Here’s one way you can.

If you wanted advice on how to save the world who would you ask? Buffy maybe, Wonder Woman or Indiana Jones? If you were really lucky Eban Goodstein and Dallas Burtraw might give you some solid strategies on how to really protect the planet from harm. And that is exactly …

Resilience in the land of moss and mushrooms

Pre-Internship Studies (J-term turned A-term) I began the journey towards my internship in the stark landscape of Iceland, hiking among volcanoes, geothermally heated pools, and glaciers. I then travelled to Finland for a course on Urban Green Management at the University of Helsinki. There, I had the chance to learn …

Dial in and Dialog: Become a Part of The Power Dialog!

Become a part of the formal launch of the Power Dialog! Dial-in at noon eastern Wednesday 10/7: 845-746-2287 (No conference code needed). Dallas Burtraw, Senior Researcher at Resources of the Future, and Eban Goodstein, Director of the Bard MBA in Sustainability and CEP programs, will be hosting a phone conversation …

Finding out what community development really means: Jumping head first in the Philippines.

“Ang pinakabudlay nga obra nga imo palanggaon!” That’s the translation of “the toughest job you’ll ever love,” in my local dialect. It’s a well-known Peace Corps quote, and it rang true throughout my service.  I can’t believe that I’m fulfilling a dream I have had since childhood. Here I am, in the Philippines – …