Category: <span>CEP Students</span>

Looking for the Role of Product Life Cycle Assessment in the Hudson Valley

Life Cycle Assessment A Life cycle assessment (LCA) is an attempt to evaluate all environmental impacts associated with a product, process, or activity. This includes considering impacts at all stages of the product, including raw material extraction, production, product use, and disposal/reuse. A LCA can be particularly important when dealing with …

Beyond Toledo: Toxic Water in a Hotter World

Beyond Toledo: Toxic Water in a Hotter World By: Karen Baumert   In August 2014, Toledo, Ohio’s tap water became undrinkable, leaving about 500,000 people without water.  The cause:  a toxic algae bloom in Lake Erie near Toledo’s water intake.  To talk about how global climate change affects the occurrence …

Time to Adapt

By Judson Peck, M.S. Environmental Policy ’15 “Mitigating and adapting to climate change is entirely compatible with pursuing development.” – Helen Clark, UNDP Administrator UNDP and Climate Change Efforts to tackle climate change have largely been focused on isolated, distinct, and often competing goals and actions on mitigation (lowering emissions) or adaptation …

China Exploration and Research Society in Shangri-la

Written by Suolang Dongcuo (Master’s in Environmental Policy Candidate 2015)   After finishing the first year of my master’s degree at Bard College’s Center for Environmental Policy, I decided to go back to Tibet where my knowledge is mostly needed. After a long and tedious search and application process, I …


Featured on the homepage of the New York Times 410,000 peaceful protesters descended on New York City to demand world action on climate change as part of the People’s Climate March. Bard’s Graduate Programs in Sustainability, including the MBA in Sustainability and Center for Environmental Policy, were there to proudly support the March. Bard MBA students also interviewed marchers …

The Global Gender Office and the U.S. Senate

By: Molly Gilligan, M.S. Environmental Policy ’15   IUCN Global Gender Office  IUCN, International Union for Conservation of Nature, is the world’s oldest and largest international environmental organization.  IUCN is a member organization with members such as national governments, departments and ministries, non-governmental organizations, and citizen groups. With headquarters in …

From the rural forest to the urban forest: Bard to D.C.

A typical picture of a forest is one full of lush, green landscapes, never ending rows of trees, and wildlife only found in wooded areas.  Well, the forest I am working in this summer is full of people, buildings, and roadways.  Trees have existed in cities for centuries, and it …

Beer and policy? Say what?

When I told my classmates and friends that I was going to do my environmental policy internship at a brewery, I received one of two reactions: incredulity or laughter. It was evident that, to my peers, the connection between environmental policy and brewing beer seemed tenuous at best. I am …

You can’t have local food if you don’t have local farms!

Scenic Hudson believes that the Hudson Valley is an irreplaceable national treasure that must be preserved for all residents and visitors to enjoy. Since kickstarting the grassroots environmental movement in 1963, the organization has dedicated itself to promoting the Hudson Valley’s environmental health and sustainable economic growth. One of Scenic …

From D.C with love: Latinos pushing for US climate action

After finishing the first year of my master’s degree in Climate Science and Policy (CSP) at Bard College’s Center for Environmental Policy (Bard CEP) in Annandale on Hudson, NY, I changed from the landscape of the Hudson Valley to the wonderful city of Washington, D.C. and couldn’t be happier. As …