Category: <span>CEP Students</span>

What is Natural Capital?

Capital, most often financial capital, represents how much money is available. Financial capital also generally refers to saved-up wealth, often saved in order to one day start or maintain a business and purchase goods. Everyone wants capital, and generally more of it. Capital represents security, success, and future gains. Currently, however, the …

If a scientist meets a decision maker, will they communicate by Morse?

During our first-year courses at Bard CEP, we learned about the science-policy gap in the United States and the difficulties that arise when researchers and decision makers need to work together. In the US, if you pay attention to popular media, there is clear lack of faith, and sometimes outright …

The Power of Waste

It has been over a month since I finished my six-month internship with Energy Vision – a national nonprofit organization focused on powering the nation’s municipal fleets with renewable natural gas (RNG) – and the experience has been both educational and invaluable. RNG is a carbon neutral vehicle fuel created …

Let’s ‘Ixnay on the Hombre’ but intelligently… and with love.

Mexico is one of the most bio- and culturally diverse countries on the planet – its future depends very much on the people that lead it. My internship time was split four months in Mexico City and one month in Oaxaca City, working with CEMDA and INSO, respectively. The experience in …

The Policy World is No Place For a One Man Wolfpack

Anyone who knows me well understands that I am an avid fan of the Boston-area sports teams. In the spirit of the New England Patriots advancing to their conference championship game, I find it fitting to kick off this blog with a quote from Patriots head coach, Bill Belichick: “There …

Turkish Bureaucracy Welcomes UNDP

United Nations Development Programme’s (UNDP) current projects in Turkey can be categorized in three groups: poverty reduction, democratic governance, and environment and sustainable development. High population growth, rising incomes, and increasing energy consumption are the causes of problems such as water shortages, land degradation, and lack of clean and affordable energy …

Landing a Green Job Before Graduation

By Molly Williams M.S. ’08, Assistant Director of Admission and Public Programs At the Bard Center for Environmental Policy, twenty-seven second year students are hard at work on Master’s theses, ranging from landfill gas capture for the NYC transit fleet to water quality management on Wuxi lake in northeast China. …

Graduate Assistantships Enhance the Student Experience

By Molly Williams, MS ’08, Graduate Admissions and Public Programs Select students in Bard CEP master’s programs are chosen each year to work directly with faculty and staff on research projects and public programs. The graduate assistantship positions Bard offers vary in scope and responsibility, but all of them come …

Natural Gas: Not So Fracking Clean

Natural Gas: Not So Fracking Clean By  Jessica Schug MS ’15, Judson Peck MS ’15, Violeta Borilova Mezeklieva MS ’15 Natural gas is promoted as a clean energy alternative to fossil fuel, providing energy that will reduce both global warming and the United State’s dependence on foreign oil. After being approached by …

Clean Energy Made Simple and Affordable in Massachusetts

Does having 100% of your electricity come from clean and local energy sources sound too good to be true? It’s not. That is exactly what Mass Energy Consumers Alliance has been offering to rate payers for over a decade. Started as a community heating oil service in 1982, Mass Energy, …