Category: <span>CEP Students</span>

Calling all Sustainability Leaders!

Are you in college, or a recent graduate? Are you passionate about climate change, and wonder how to apply that passion to a meaningful career? Do you want to change the world? Join the C2C Fellows Network.   Our next C2C Fellows Sustainability Workshop will bring together young leaders from …

A question is worth a thousand words

All great things begin as anything else: as an idea. Though for me, well rather, for my idea to become reality, I had to shape it into a question. After all, I realized, the worst response to a question is “no”, and even then, one typically walks away from the …

The Moral Arc of the Universe and the Arc of History- Eban Goodstein

The beginning of the semester is, for me, always a time for reflection on my purpose on the planet. Witnessing local communities in collapse—from Syria to Detroit— it can be hard to hang on to Dr. King’s vision of a moral arc of the universe that bends, eventually, towards justice. …

Grüße aus Bonn am schönen Rhein

World Health Organization: A world of diplomacy and science So after seven years of studying in the US, I am finally back to my continent—Europe. And not only any place, but Germany. In order to get ready for the strict and proper German lifestyle, first I had to forget about the …

It Shouldn’t Take a Fire for Us to Realize that Land Use and Water Planning are Connected

Just a few weeks ago, a friend of mine called me in a state of panic saying that San Francisco was recently placed under a state of emergency due to the Rim Fire threatening the city’s water supply. This particular fire burned hundreds of thousands of acres in and around …

Connecting Monkeys, Connecting People

Gregory McAuliffe San Martín has deemed itself the Región Verde (Green Region) of Peru, and it is hard to challenge the name. Everywhere you travel in San Martín, you see the dense green vegetation of the alta selva, or high jungle. The landscape is littered with high mountains covered to …

A Shallow Lake in China

????Hi all, I write to you from the Nanjing Institute for Geology and Limnology, Chinese Academy of Science, (NIGLAS). Since 1960, NIGLAS researchers have focused on understanding lake basin ecosystems in China. The Institute has also installed monitoring buoys on some of their lakes that allow it to gather lake …

Quite before the hour I typically have my morning coffee…

“Wait, what was that again?” My mind was spinning as I tried to keep track of the acronyms spewing out of everyone’s mouths on my first day of my internship. I seemed to have walked into a world of abbreviations; and to my astonishment, none of them were clearly identifiable. …

Lying in waste

My internship with the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta has been a great reminder of what I loved so much about working in sustainability. Perhaps it’s just the southern charm that I missed when I lived in New York, but everyone here is so polite, whether it’s greeting each other …

The inclusion of gender into climate change and environmental policy

I have spent my summer interning with the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) in the Global Gender Office (GGO) in Washington D.C. What an experience it has been! IUCN is an intergovernmental agency working to find “pragmatic solutions to our most pressing environmental and development challenges.” And gender …