Category: <span>CEP Students</span>

It’s time for a water diet…

 As you all know by now, I am from Vermont. And although Vermont, for quite some time, was famous for having more cows than people, the scale of the agricultural sector in Vermont pales in comparison to California’s. In driving around California, I have been shocked by the size and …

Keeping Portland “Weird”

I can’t begin to express how great it is to be back on the West Coast, not to mention in the great city of Portland, OR!  Over the years, Portland has grown in popularity, serving as a sustainable icon for the rest of the nation.  In a most recent study …

“Fracked Ideologies” co-authored by EP ’13 student Jordan M. Kincaid published at Science Progress

via “Fracked Ideologies” at Science Progress. What the Debate Over Shale Gas Might Tell Us About the Future of Politics By Jordan M. Kincaid and Adam Briggle  The use of high-volume hydraulic fracturing for natural gas drilling has ignited a fiery political debate. Advocates tout natural gas as a clean-burning, cheap, and abundant …

Life in “The Middle”

About a month has passed since I began working at the Center for Neighborhood Technology  (CNT) in Chicago. Beginning in 1978, CNT has been promoting urban sustainability, “the more effective use of existing resources and community assets to improve the health of natural systems and the wealth of people, today …

Environmental Defense Fund is “Finding the Ways that Work”

I started my internship at the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) as a Researcher in their Natural Gas Program in NYC three weeks ago. I would argue that Environmental Defense Fund’s slogan, “finding the ways that work,” accurately summarizes their overall objective as an environmental advocacy organization.  EDF is unique in …

Solar Panels in Ñaupe, Perú

June 1, 2012 When I first arrived in Ñaupe, the town had no electricity. A few months into service, the Peace Corps Renewable Energy Committee sent out an e-mail announcing $1,000 grants available for projects. I applied for and was awarded the full amount to install solar panels to power …

El Alto Precio del Agua Potable en el Valle de Hudson

Publicado originalmente en La Voz, Edición April 2012. Por Jessica Delgado ¿Cuánto pagarías por tu agua potable? O más importante aún, ¿hasta qué punto dejarías que una compañía siguiera sus operaciones si esto implicara extremos daños ambientales? ¿Intentarías parar sus operaciones acudiendo a tu representante gubernamental o senadores estatales por medio …

Sonia in Ghana- One Year In

Village Savings and Loans Associations: Filling the Local’s Needs Created by the Insecurity of Farming in Sirigu, Ghana Hello from Ghana! I’ve almost hit my year mark of leaving for my journey to West Africa to serve in the Peace Corps, and I can’t believe how fast the time has …

Peace Corps Samoa and BCEP

One of the things Peace Corps requires of its volunteers as they near their close of service (COS) is that they reflect back over their two years and write a description of service (DOS) that enumerates the projects they have completed, successes they have had, and anything else they have …

Warming stirs new interest in Arctic

Reposted from the Poughkeepsie Journal Oil, natural gas, mineral deposits, fisheries and shipping prospectors are advancing on the Arctic. Fueled by global warming, ocean routes normally blocked by sea ice are opening up. Most notably, the Northwest Passage, an ocean route across North America, became accessible in recent years to …