Category: <span>CEP Students</span>

The Back of the Brownie Box

Hello all, I hope all is well wherever you happen to be reading this. So my internship is over and I am again back at Bard, and while I miss parts of DC, particularly the Indian food restaurant that I ordered lunch from quite frequently (Naan & Beyond, if you’re …

Sustainably Speaking: Many land trusts need helpers

Written By : Christine Pizzuti, EP ’13 Reposted from: The Poughkeepsie Journal For career changers and new job seekers alike, the route to a “green job” is often through a stint as a volunteer. A recent two-week course at the Bard Center for Environmental Policy provided some pointers on getting a foot …

¿Como afectará el cambio climático al Valle de Hudson?

Publicado originalmente en La Voz, Edición Febrero 2012. Por Ariadne Prior-Grosch Desde el año 1970 la temperatura promedio anual en el estado de Nueva York ha subido 2.4°F. Este aumento en temperatura representa sólo una fracción del potencial del calentamiento que podemos ver durante los próximos sesenta años. Recientemente la …

Innovations in EIA

During the second week of my internship I was incredibly lucky to be invited to accompany my supervisor to a World Bank/IAIA conference.  The “Innovations in EIA” Conference was a staggering example of putting theory into practice.  The purpose was for many different stakeholders to share their experiences, new technology, …

Local Foods in Massachusetts

My internship with Grow Food Northampton (GFN) involved working on numerous and varied projects, ranging from food access, community outreach, an agricultural economics report, a local foods assessment survey, and a community garden committee. I felt that my work at GFN often related closely to my first year studies at …

Details, Details, Details: Time Management Lessons from Haiti

Between scheduling appointments with relevant stakeholders such as local officials and NGOs, independently collecting, processing, and presenting information to my colleagues across the Atlantic, and traveling around a 120 KM region to complete these daily tasks, my internship became quite a handful. To top all of this off, the mission …

Internship at the EPA (OECA)

My internship at the EPA was an incredible learning experience. I was a law clerk in the Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance (OECA), Office of International Affairs. OECA handles enforcement of all environmental laws, especially the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). The EPA’s website details the facets of OECA’s …

Parting internships is such sweet sorrow

Happy new year! In my first blog post about my internship I said I was amazed how fast a month had already passed. Six months and many, many cartons of animal crackers later, it only feels like a few days have passed. While the original intent of my internship did …

Greening NYC—From the eyes of an Intern

It is hard to believe that my internship with Global Green Coalition for Resource Recovery is complete!  The Coalition for Resource Recovery (CoRR) is an industry-working group working to find ways to recover the value of waste that make sense in the corporate framework and is replicable and scalable throughout …

Timing of Cost-Benefit Analyses

One thing I was particularly glad of during my internship was our class discussions regarding cost-benefit analyses, since the policy world is abuzz with the term at the moment. However, I began to think hard about a dimension of CBA that had not been discussed at CEP—the timeline of the …