Tag: <span>internship</span>

NYC DEP Graduate Energy Intern

by Taylor Evans The NYC Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) is a City agency of approximately 6,000 employees. DEP both manages and conserves the water supply for NYC and collects and treats all wastewater.  It is estimated that DEP distributes more than one billion gallons of drinking water to 9 million New Yorkers …

Adaptation Finance, Real Options, India and Swimming Pools

by Jed Wolf ’13 I have just completed my fourth week of interning at The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) in New Delhi India. When I arrived at the TERI I was assigned to work in the Climate Change and earth science division, however, I have a growing interest in energy, …

From Student to Steward

by Danielle Seeley ’13 My studies at Bard have given me a solid foundation of knowledge that was beneficial for my internship with the Maryland Sierra Club. It provided me with an interdisciplinary view of complex environmental issues which fully prepared me to offer solutions with confidence at my internship. …

Solving Environmental Needs Through Markets

Every year, billions of dollars are spent on aid and grants. Each country in the global south has its share of NGOs. All this is meant to do well, and impact the lives of the people or environments in which this money is spent. Does this really happen? There are …

Namaste from India

For many, thinking about India often invokes images of large crowded cities where thousands of merchants sell their wares in teeming markets, ancient temples and tombs stand next to homes and businesses, and auto-rickshaws and cows share space on the loud and dirty roads. A truly representative picture of India, …

I come from down in the valleys

Yes the title is a Bruce Springsteen reference. In June I arrived in Oaxaca to start my internship at the Instituto de la Naturaleza y la Sociedad de Oaxaca or INSO. Nervous? Yes. Prepared? probably. Spanish language skills? Not quite there, but working on it. During my first day I was taken under the wing …

The Business Side of Things

I am working for Global Future Solutions as an Environmental Consultant. GFS is a growing business that markets and sells products beneficial to the environment.  I started my first week at their research branch in Winston Salem, NC. Their main headquarters are in Brisbane, Australia. GFS works in every part …

Brief Note on the Survival of Humanity

Hello Bard CEP readers! It’s that time of year again – Summer is upon the Northern Hemisphere. For those of us still involved in the world of schooling, that means a time of rest, and, perhaps also a time of change. Over the past few months, I’ve found myself moving away …

Exploring, Enjoying and Protecting Maryland

It is amazing how fast time flies when you love your job! Before joining this amazing grassroots organization, I had no idea that the Sierra Club was so multifaceted in its approaches to promoting sustainable environmental policy. Not only do they spearhead many grassroots campaigns, but they also: lead many …

Greetings from San Francisco!

So three weeks have officially passed since I started my internship with the Center for Biological Diversity (CBD) in downtown San Francisco. CBD is an organization that believes humans are deeply connected to nature and that all species have intrinsic value. For this reason, CBD fights for the survival of …