Tag: <span>intern</span>


After a year of intensive graduate school coursework at Bard’s Center for Environmental Policy (CEP), I interned with ManTech International Corporation, a technology and innovation company that does contract consulting work primarily for the U.S. military. I worked in the environmental department and assisted project managers write and research for …

Transforming Ain’t Easy

How does one transform a market? Who comprises a market? What does market transformation even mean? If there’s anyone to turn to answer these questions when it comes to the energy efficiency market, it’s the Institute for Market Transformation (IMT), a D.C. based non-profit that works to develop the market …

From a Classroom to the Wilderness

All the hype about Alaska is real: it is BIG, BEAUTIFUL, and WILD. I don’t know how to begin to describe it after that. Adjectives fail at capturing whatever *it* is here. I feel so lucky to have had the opportunity to live, work, and play here for the summer. …

How data management is more challenging, and satisfying, than climbing mountains–by Holly Kistner

When I started graduate school at Bard College’s Center for Environmental Policy (CEP), I also started my student employment with Bard’s Office of Sustainability as the “energy intern.” Less than a year ago, I would have laughed at the prospect of me working with energy data. Me? I’d just spent two …

Howdy, Partner: Celebrating the Human Connection of Conservation

  My internship with New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) at the Hudson River National Estuarine Research Reserve (the Reserve, or HRNERR), partnered with Americorps and the Student Conservation Association (SCA), came to a close earlier this year.   It was a treat to further plug into the …

Transition: Student to Employee

When I first arrived in Switzerland to start my internship at KB Oil Environmental, I had million thoughts going on in my mind. I was really glad to start a new experience in a new country. However, it was very different. I was used to the Bard bubble, where you …

Washington DC: Where the magic happens

The beauty of an internship is that you not only gain on-the-ground experience in a field of interest, but you also get to learn about yourself. Internships are a growing experience and to grow you’ve got to fling yourself out of your comfort zone (see diagram).   This is my …

Life in the Consulting Firm Capital of the World: Washington, D.C.

    I am a firm believer in the expression, “things happen for a reason” (“when life gives you lemons…” is a close second). Coming down to D.C. in late May, I was ready to begin a 4-6 month internship as part of my Master’s program with Bard College’s Center for …

Forget Greening the TPP – The Environment Needs Industrial Policy

Over the years, I’ve come to see two different and seemingly contradictory movements as both vitally important to America’s future: the environmental movement, and the movement to bring jobs back to America and prevent large swaths of the country from turning into Detroit, Camden, Gary, and Youngstown, through a kind …

The Real World: PES-Style

I remember it well. Sitting down in the classroom at Bard CEP on a crisp morning in the Winter of 2013 to a class that I found both enlightening yet simultaneously intimidating, Environmental Economics. It was the first lecture of the semester, and we were set to discuss Payment for Ecosystem Services (PES). …