The Bard CEP Eco Reader

Finding Creative Solutions at NRDC

Before I began my internship with the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), I had no prior experience with coal research. I owe tremendous thanks to professor Jen Phillips for encouraging all of us in Bard CEP’s spring Environmental Science course to research and present on a variety of topics throughout …

A Time Of Reflection

By a happy coincidence, the writing of this blog coincided with the start of a new year and the last semester of our graduate program (almost there!!), setting the stage for some reflection on how the past year and a half has prepared me to embark on my professional journey. …

100%! CEP ’16 Working to Change the Future

We are pleased to report that 100% of the CEP class of 2016 is now employed in the sustainability field or pursuing further graduate study. Here is the list: Kasope Aleshinloye at Babab Gonan (Agricultural social enterprise) in Nigeria Sanaz Arjomand at the American Farmland Trust in DC Karen Baumert …

Asia-Environment Student Research Gathering, Second Annual

April 14-15 2016, forty-five undergraduate and graduate students gathered at Bard to present their research related to Sustainable Development and the environment in Asia. Here are a few photos! ——————–        

Eban’s Annual Ask- Polar Plunge V in support of our graduate students

Dear Friends, Even as we come out of the hottest year ever, nevertheless, it’s a beautiful snowy day here in Annandale, and that means it’s polar plunge time! Please help support our policy graduate students at Bard as they fan out across the world for internships, and start changing the future. For the …

Trying to Get By Without Science Direct: Learning a Different Kind of Research

When I moved from the academic setting at Bard to Washington, D.C. to start my internship, one of my biggest adjustments—besides dealing with city living—was learning a new style of research.  I’ve always loved research, but in the past, my research has been primarily focused in databases.  My work experience …

To Save the Wallkill River

The Wallkill River starts at Lake Mohawk in New Jersey and flows north 90 miles to meet the Rondout Creek in Esopus and Rosendale, New York.  Along the way, the river drains 785 square miles, its 69 major tributaries branching out to include 43 municipalities in five counties across two …

How Much Does it Take to Keep the Arctic Afloat?

I’m continuing to feed my passion for all things Arctic (it’s just so cool…) in my second internship, this one with the US Arctic Research Commission (USARC). USARC is a tiny but well-connected Federal agency tasked with helping to steer the large agenda of federal Arctic research. USARC is a hub …

Advancing Climate Adaptation and Resilience

Climate change adaptation is a complex challenge, requiring input from many disciplines and stakeholders throughout the process. And that process is never over. Iteration is key, revisions need to be made to existing strategies and plans as stakeholder needs, politics, economics, and science shift. My work in Climate Outreach with …

Transition: Student to Employee

When I first arrived in Switzerland to start my internship at KB Oil Environmental, I had million thoughts going on in my mind. I was really glad to start a new experience in a new country. However, it was very different. I was used to the Bard bubble, where you …