The Bard CEP Eco Reader

Letter from Oaxaca, January 2017

Professor Monique Segarra is the lead faculty for our January Term in Oaxaca, Mexico. She wrote this letter on January 27, 2017. Dear All, We are having an amazing January term –in large part due to the tireless work of Sebastian. Yesterday we rested and recovered from a pretty grueling …

Don’t Falter, Organize!

Before entering my internship with the Food & Water Watch (FWW) I was unsure exactly of what an organizer position consisted of. I have always considered myself somewhat organized, so I was interested in seeing if my organizing skills honed from years of academia were transferable to this line of …

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work: My Time at the Alliance

Reflecting back on my 6-month internship at the Alliance to Save Energy, one element stands out above all others: my coworkers.   The Beginning of My Internship This was my first “real” full-time job, and by “real,” I mean business attire, 9-5, 5 days a week, office computer work. It …

You Need to Cut It: Carbon Emissions Policies

Guest Post by C2C Fellow Courtney Chennault, University of Miami ’18 For the past year O.T. Genasis’ popular and relentless lyrics, “you need to cut it,” have blasted on the radio and transformed into the hashtag that has taken over the Internet.  #CutIt signifies whatever the user deems to be “way …

More than just caffeine: Shade coffee energizes conservation efforts

I’m hunched over my precious data notebook, trying desperately to scribble down the series of numbers being shouted to me in Spanish. Although my field assistant is less than ten feet away, I can barely hear him over the roar of rain beating against the trees and coffee plants around …

Washington DC: How to Lobby 201

I have always dreamt about lobbying meetings and thought that politics are similar to the TV series, House of Cards. Not really, to be honest! Actually, lobbying on Capitol Hill isn’t as hard as I thought. After completing my internship at Citizens’ Climate Lobby (CCL), I have a much better understanding …

At the Heart of It All: Lessons from Land Conservation

On November 15th, the Land Trust Alliance brought together leaders in land conservation across New England recognized for their outstanding performance. Twenty-five people from ten land trusts gathered at the Alnoba Lodge (Alnoba comes from an indigenous word for “Change”) for a day of high-level discussion and peer-to-peer learning as …

The Long View, Sustainability and President Trump

Eban Goodstein Director, Bard MBA in Sustainability At a moment when the future of America seems to hang in the balance, it is critical to take the long view.  Whether President Trump crashes and burns, or digs in for eight years, nevertheless, we remain standing at an extraordinary moment in …

Bringing Peace to the Forest

  Many moons ago when I was still a bright eyed CEP first year attending Internfest, I decided that for my internship I wanted to work with an organization that fostered sustainable development in rural Africa and Asia. After months of researching and applying, Jadora and I found each other …

Peace Corps Shutters Popular Advanced Degree Program

By John Stapleton Danielle Salisbury just came back from the Peace Corps and is stepping back into her graduate program in Environmental Policy at Bard College. After working with local people to protect a biosphere reserve in the Mexican state of Queretaro, she will graduate this spring with her Master of Science degree. Danielle, like …