The Bard CEP Eco Reader

Lessons on Sustainability from Indigenous Communities–by Jake Duncan

As a Westerner, when I ask myself what marginalized remote indigenous communities can do when facing severe water shortages and little in the way of modern technological resources, I am sometimes at a loss. Much to my surprise and pleasure, Bard CEP’s visit to the community of San Juan Cieneguilla …

Community conservation in Oaxaca: San Pablo Etla and La Mesita–by Emma Elbaum

What do coastal resort towns and mountainous coffee farms have in common with peri-urban Oaxaca? Other than places visited by Bard CEP during our time in Mexico this January, they are home to communities that recognize the value of nature and natural spaces and are working at the local level …

The Puzzle of Monte Alban — by Eli Meyer

In January of 2018, the first-year students at Bard’s Center for Environmental Policy (CEP) travelled to Oaxaca, Mexico to visit and learn from indigenous and local communities. We had an opportunity to talk about methods for environmental conservation as well as practices that make life easier (to that same end) …

Earthquakes, Monsoons, and $30 Watermelons

Ryan Rusiecki Spending time in both remote villages and populated cities, I was given a glimpse into the food systems in Japan. I spent the first few days of my trip in Fukuoka city and began to observe the themes of maximization and efficiency within everyday infrastructure. Transportation was precisely …

Connecting Hokkaido and the Hudson Valley: Hosting the Farmers of the Sophia Farm Community in Hokkaido, Japan

By Mika Endo Our relationship with Ben and Konomi Campbell and their Sophia Farm Community began when a former student and now alumna went to their farm in Honbetsu, Hokkaidô in the summer of 2015. Over the past few years, Professor Nate Shockey and I have been organizing a program …

Creative Conservation in Huatulco–by Suzanne Flaum

  This January, Bard CEP students visited the state of Oaxaca, Mexico to study watershed management and sustainable development. While traveling to the Pacific coast, we met with Omar Gabriel Gordillo Solís, a Director at the National Commission on Protected Natural Areas (CONANP). Omar told us about the history and …

International Trade and Sustainable Development: An Interdisciplinary Understanding–by Casey Hughes

This January, first-year Bard CEP students went to Oaxaca, Mexico for a course examining resource management, sustainable development and international trade dynamics. The activities of the trip highlighted how community dynamics and global economic drivers influence resource management and the sustainability of development. One approach to sustainable development that I …

Toilet Talk–by Allie Gumas

During the Bard CEP Oaxaca course trip I learned about a new technology that I’ve been fixated on since: dry toilets! I’ve always specialized in waste management, but I’ve never had much exposure to human waste management. When we visited the community of Cieneguilla, our hosts mentioned dry toilets as …

Oaxaca, Where the Local is Global–by James Richmond

Mist billows up from the valley, swirling around the green mountains of San Miguel Suchixtepec. Standing by the snow-white superadobe house of Don Claudio, I see a kaleidoscope of alternating bright greens and dark greys, as the sun breaks through the clouds and then ducks behind them again. Looking out …

Small Business Strategies for Sustainability–by Brett Landau

The state of Oaxaca, Mexico might not be the first place I think of when I am considering innovative sustainability strategies, but, as the Bard CEP class of 2019 found out, it’s full of surprises. One such surprise was the Rancho Alternativo, a small business run by an indigenous family in …