The Bard CEP Eco Reader

Public Relations: Environmental & Introspective?

Oh gosh, what did I get myself into? I thought as I found myself becoming a public speaking mentor for the C2C Fellowship Summit, co-organized by the Bard Center for Environmental Policy and Climate Corps Bay Area. In theory, working in a PR firm and volunteering for the Zawadisha fund …

$5,000 Scholarship for Students going into Environmental Careers

We’ve heard of  a great opportunity for C2C Fellows. If you’re like us (interested in sustainability, environmental justice and saving the world) then you should look into the Udall Scholarship: The Udall Foundation seeks future leaders from the entire spectrum of environmental fields, including policy, engineering, science, education, urban planning …

Campus to Congress; A Young Person’s path to Politics

Written by Dorthea Thomas Originally posted at: When it comes to politics, young people are often left out of the conversation. Today’s generation of young progressives are now encountering some of the most challenging issues of our time. Often these problems are sorely neglected. College affordability, student loans, jobs …

Landing a Green Job Before Graduation

By Molly Williams M.S. ’08, Assistant Director of Admission and Public Programs At the Bard Center for Environmental Policy, twenty-seven second year students are hard at work on Master’s theses, ranging from landfill gas capture for the NYC transit fleet to water quality management on Wuxi lake in northeast China. …

Graduate Assistantships Enhance the Student Experience

By Molly Williams, MS ’08, Graduate Admissions and Public Programs Select students in Bard CEP master’s programs are chosen each year to work directly with faculty and staff on research projects and public programs. The graduate assistantship positions Bard offers vary in scope and responsibility, but all of them come …

Natural Gas: Not So Fracking Clean

Natural Gas: Not So Fracking Clean By  Jessica Schug MS ’15, Judson Peck MS ’15, Violeta Borilova Mezeklieva MS ’15 Natural gas is promoted as a clean energy alternative to fossil fuel, providing energy that will reduce both global warming and the United State’s dependence on foreign oil. After being approached by …

Clean Energy Made Simple and Affordable in Massachusetts

Does having 100% of your electricity come from clean and local energy sources sound too good to be true? It’s not. That is exactly what Mass Energy Consumers Alliance has been offering to rate payers for over a decade. Started as a community heating oil service in 1982, Mass Energy, …

Because it takes more than book smarts to succeed

When I started my internship at Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships (NEEP) back in June I was unsure of how I was going to handle my position since I went into with a limited knowledge of energy efficiency issues. Writing a report on energy efficiency resource standards is one thing, but …

My trip back to high school…

    Out of the several organizations I worked for during my internship, teaching and working with high school students was the highlight for me. If I was told I’d be doing this before I began my internship, I might have quit. I was pretty scared of them since they …

Future Economies Project, Starting Now by: Eban Goodstein, Director

Future Economies Project, Starting Now by: Eban Goodstein, Bard Center for Environmental Policy Director Reposted from the Economics for Equity & Environment Initiative on November 12, 2013.   Back in 2009, I had the chance to interview two Oregon policy experts about the emergent green economy in that state. The interview is …