The Bard CEP Eco Reader

My Time in Oaxaca

  Having the opportunity to come to Oaxaca and closely study the region’s water crisis and reform process was a great experience. It gave me the chance to learn more about the politics of water but also to understand those politics in relation to how a lack of access to …

El Pedregal: A Slow-Water Vision for Oaxaca

We met Señor Juan José Consejo, Director of the Institute of Nature and Society of Oaxaca (INSO ), again on a cool morning in the mountains above the central valley. Upon stepping out of the van I immediately noticed the contrast between the urban center of Oaxaca de Juarez and …

Webinar with Rachel Cleetus: Renewables, Efficiency, and Carbon Pricing

Listen to the National Climate Seminar webinar from March 2nd here. We spoke with Rachel Cleetus from the Union of Concerned Scientists on policy issues surrounding renewables, and what states might do in the wake of SCOTUS to meet our Paris pledges.

Oaxaca 2016: Rainwater Harvesting

Author: Kevin Zhou      Photo Credit: Gabrielle Weiss On our second day in Oaxaca, we were fortunate to have an INSO staff member, Vincent Aba, introduce us to the Intelligent Water Use Program (PIA). PIA is one solution to solve the shortage and cost of water for users in the city …

Oaxaca 2016 – Arriving in Oaxaca

Author: Gabrielle Weiss, CEP Student Our class arrived in Oaxaca late on Monday the 25th and on Tuesday morning, we began our studies. We walked down the cobblestone streets of the colonial center of the Ciudad Oaxaca de Juárez (Oaxaca City) toward the central square, called the Zócalo. Flanked by …

Power Dialog Sample Press Release

The Missing Voice on Climate Post-Paris: Students Nationwide ‘Power Dialogs’ in April Will Give College Students A Voice In Their Future   Feb. 18, 2016 — In a surprising move, the Supreme Court last week delayed U.S. climate action for a year. Justice Antonin Scalia’s passing following that ruling only …

Power Dialog Best Practices: Michigan State University Spotlight

As April approaches, plans for Power Dialogs around the nation are becoming solidified. To make things a bit easier for state organizers in the midst of event planning, we will begin sharing best practices from from Power Dialogs across the country. Below is an example from Michigan State University of …

Power Dialog Speaker Options

Hello Power Dialog State Organizers,   It is a tumultuous time for the Clean Power Plan. The events of the last few weeks have shaken things up ,and we, at the Power Dialog, are adjusting our strategy. Because the future of the Clean Power Plan is somewhat unclear, it is …

Trip to Japan: Education and Agriculture

Written by Elisabeth Darnell My name is Elisabeth Darnell and I was fortunate enough to receive funding from the Henry Luce Foundation to study organic agriculture in Japan. I graduated from Bard College in the class of 2015 with a Bachelor’s degree in Environmental and Urban Studies. During my studies, …

Dark nights and Northern lights

Wicked problems call for new institutions! The problems that the world and society are facing today are of the very complex and intractable sort, wicked problems that span value systems, disciplines, and knowledge bases. Climate change is one of these. It is an economic, scientific, and social issue of spectacular …