The Bard CEP Eco Reader

Alumni Spotlight: Libby Zemaitis MS/MBA ’14

Libby Zemaitis is one of the few who have experienced the full spectrum of Bard’s Graduate Programs in Sustainability. She is a dual-degree graduate, earning both her MBA in Sustainability and MS in Climate Science and Policy. When talking with Zemaitis, one can easily see how dynamic and driven she …

Water and Whiteness in Oaxaca

I am one of those oddball people who tend to travel only out of necessity, and feel ready to return home halfway through a vacation. Oaxaca is different, though. The first day I was here I fell in love, and as anyone who was on last year’s Bard CEP J-term …

Brewing Sustainable Agriculture in Nicaragua

You know that weird feeling you get when you finally watch the movie version of your favorite book? You’ve read every page and spent hours imagining every character and every bit of scenery—you think you know exactly what to expect. Of course, when the lights go down it’s completely different. …

Inside the 6th Annual Bard CEP Alumni Panel

On Friday, August 26th, Bard Center for Environmental Policy (CEP) hosted its 6th annual Alumni/ae Panel. Participants included Serena Macintosh ’14, Rochelle March ’15, Natalie Narotzky ’12, Jessica Schug ’15, Ann Starodaj ’12, and Chad Tudenggongbu ’11. Current Bard CEP students and faculty were in attendance, as well as Bard …

Washington DC: How to Lobby 101

When I opened my eyes in the morning, I knew the day had finally come. I quickly dressed and ate some fried homemade dumplings; I am so ready to start the first day of my internship. As part of the Master’s program in Environmental Policy at Bard College (Bard CEP), …

Trip to Japan: My Experience with LIASE

Ivan Glinski, Economics & Asian Studies student at Bard This summer, I spent four weeks in the often grueling heat of the Kantō region in Japan, working on an organic farm. Six days a week I would get driven in the morning to a rice field, which I would help weed together …

Local Livelihoods and Environmental Conservation in Southern China

Bruce Robertson, Assistant Professor of Biology, Bard College In July, 2016, I traveled to Yunnan Province, China with my colleague Monique Segarra with the goal of better understanding the socio-economic and political environment shaping the conservation of ecosystems and natural resources in the region.  Our central goal was to use …

Adapting and Improving

Climate change is often thought of purely a problem, and a scary one; but what if we reimagine climate change as a challenge, an opportunity to improve our built environment? There is much work to be done to prepare and protect ourselves from climate-related hazards. Let’s use this chance not only to protect ourselves …

Tiny Office, Big Impact: My Work at EESI

The Environmental and Energy Study Institute (EESI) is a non-profit that works in the heart of the national political arena. This small organization is something of a hidden gem among the environmental giants in D.C., with a wide-reaching impact and a network of relationships with NGOs, policymakers, agencies, and industry. …

All for Land and Land for All

Each morning I walk out my side door and amble a few hundred feet to a kiosk that marks the start of public trails. The land is conserved by the Town of Concord, Massachusetts and provides access to White Pond, proximal to Walden Pond and also frequented by Henry David …