The Bard CEP Eco Reader

Bard in the News: The Bard Prison Initiative

The Bard Prison Initiative on PBS, Parts I & II Tuesday night, The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer broadcast the first segment of a two-part story on The Bard Prison Initiative. Last night they broadcast part II of this extraordinary piece. Below, please find links for both segments. Again, kudos to …

¡Adiós, Oaxaca!

Queridos amigos, I write to you once again from Oaxaca, Mexico as an Institute of Nature and Society of Oaxaca (INSO) intern.  It’s hard for me to believe, but my three months here are already coming to close.  I’m now in the midst of tying up loose ends, buying gifts, …

Sorting garbage one stream at a time

Hello classmates! I hope that everyone has been having a great experience with their internship thus far.  I have been certainly enjoying mine! I am interning with Global Green’s Coalition for Resource Recovery.  Global Green is a branch of Green Cross International, which was founded by Mikael Gorbachov to address …

An Alaskan Summer

This summer I was the Arctic/Renewable Energy Intern at the Northern Alaska Environmental Center located in Fairbanks, Alaska. The Northern Alaska Environmental Center is a grassroots environmental organization that “promotes conservation of the environment and sustainable resource stewardship in Interior and Arctic Alaska through education and advocacy.”  I’ve spent my …

Grassroots Climate Action: What’s next?

The Bard CEP National Climate Seminar kicked off the Fall 2011 series with a conversation with Mike Tidwell, founder and director of the Chesapeake Climate Action Network, entitled “The Tea Party and Climate Strategy”. With the arrests of 1,252 climate activists in front of the White House over the past …

Peace Corps Ghana- It’s All Getting Started

Tuuma tuuma!  This is the traditional greeting in Gurune (the language I’m learning here) for a person that is busy at work, be it farming, carrying a heavy load, etc.  I also think that it’s appropriate for my wonderful classmates back home busy with thesis work.  For those readers not …

New map highlights which reefs are salvageable and which ones are doomed

An article published yesterday in the PLoS ONE by Maina and colleagues, Global Gradients of Coral Exposure to Environmental Stresses and Implications for Local Management, investigates the reasons for global coral reef decline.  They found that “despite radiation stress being the most dominant stressor, the exposure of coral reefs could …

Federal Committee: Shale Gas Needs More Openness, Better Data

A U.S. Department of Energy committee has waded into the fracas over the production of natural gas from shale using the controversial hydrofracturing, or fracking, technology, with a call for shared data. Read rest of report on ScienceNOW

Los Maestros de Muestras

Although I have been in Oaxaca for almost two months, and coming into work at the office of the Institute for Nature and Society of Oaxaca (INSO) for over 7 weeks, it does not feel as though my internship really started until about 4 weeks ago. Things in Mexico move …