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Jan 24 / BARD CEP

Internship- San Francisco, CA

Organization: US Department of Interior, Office of Environmental Policy and Compliance

Job Title: Intern

Location: San Francisco, CA

Hours and Compensation: part time

Application Deadline:

Posted on:

Organization Overview

The U.S. Department of Interior, Office of Environmental Policy and Compliance (OEPC) is seeking interns to engage in environmental policy work. OEPC provides national and regional leadership in the coordination and development of policy and program evaluation related to natural resources and the natural environment. To ensure the DOI acts as one entity, OEPC coordinates and unifies response on environmental and natural resource issues that affect multiple bureaus.

OEPC’s mission is to actively foster cooperation among DOI’s bureaus and other federal and state agencies, to encourage joint initiatives, and to stimulate consideration of environmental and natural resource aspects of any proposed or continuing project or undertaking. The office provides independent environmental and technical advice to the Interior Secretary, Deputy Secretary, and Assistant Secretary, and acts as an advocate for programs that enable bureaus to accomplish their missions in an efficient and effective manner.


As an intern with OEPC, you will become an integral part of the functioning of the office, and will be responsible for understanding existing and evolving environmental laws, regulations, and resources, coordinating with DOI bureaus and other federal, state, and tribal agencies, critically analyzing status reports, reviewing proposed agency actions, cooperating with EPA personnel on projects, and updating the status of the DOI’s activities.

You will have a hand in several of OEPC’s ongoing projects, which include Water Policy, Air Quality, Energy Regulations, Environmental Impact Statement Review, U.S.-Mexico Border cooperation, Hazardous Waste Clean-up and response, and Regional Response Team activities.

Interns gain contacts in California and national environmental communities, knowledge of ongoing projects and policy developments, outstanding interviewing and coordinating skills, document analysis and critique skills, public speaking practice, and an understanding of government agencies, all in a supportive and flexible environment.

Assignments are unpaid, last from 3 months (40 hours per week) to 6 months (minimum 24 hours per week), and can involve work on one or multiply projects. 4 hours per a week may be completed outside of the office, but these hours are granted for special circumstances and special projects and/or meetings. Schedules are flexible. Interns must be available to travel locally to attend meetings related to their projects or other topics of interest. Guidance is provided but OEPC is looking for interns willing to take initiative.


  • Understanding existing materials and resources; keeping up on policy changes
  • Contacting US Department of Interior contacts and other federal agencies active in NEPA review
  • Reading and critically analyzing Environmental Impact Statements and Reports (EIS/EIR)
  • Reviewing and editing Environmental Review comments from other agencies in EIS process
  • Contacting federal agencies in regards to emergency response and National Response Team’s notifications
  • There will also be personal projects that interns can chose to follow and research

Interns at the OEPC will learn:

  • networking abilities
  • investigative reporting and journalistic skills
  • document analysis and critique style
  • the workings of government policy and compromise
  • public speaking practice
  • an overall understanding of environmental policy and the political players


This opportunity is ONLY open to students (undergraduate and graduate level) and US citizens.

How to Apply:

Patricia Port
415.296.3355 (phone)
415.773.8334 (fax)
[email protected]


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