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Mar 1 / BARD CEP

Natural Resource Specialist- Santa Rosa, CA

Organization: Ocean Associates Inc.

Job Title: Natural Resource Specialist

Location: Santa Rosa, CA

Hours and Compensation: $21.53/hr for approximately 1575 hrs with start date ASAP

Benefits: Health insurance; paid Federal holidays, annual leave & sick leave; 401k plan; and much more

Application Deadline: ASAP

Posted on: Feb 24


Organization Overview

Ocean Associates, Inc. is seeking a Natural Resource Specialist II to provide technical support to the NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) Southwest Region Protected Resources Division Office in Santa Rosa, California with tasks associated with the development of recovery plans for steelhead, Chinook salmon and coho salmon. OAI conducts research, offers policy advice, and provides personnel support services to government and industry clients for marine fisheries and protected species. We are under contract to provide support services to many NMFS facilities. The work location is at the convenience of the incumbent with bi-weekly status update meetings at the Santa Rosa office at a minimum


The OAI incumbent will be responsible for the following tasks:
1. Complete technical writing assignments, review and revise draft Word documents, prepare graphs, figures and tables and complete other tasks associated with the finalization of Northern California Central Coast (NCCC) Domain recovery plans.
2. Conduct analyses on biological and habitat data and develop data tables and graphs for presentation in documents or other materials.
3. Prepare outreach materials and assist with public meetings and recovery presentations.
4. Conduct literature searches to update scientific information used in recovery plans and provide reference management support with reference database and bibliographies.
5. Assist the Recovery Coordinator with maintenance of the administrative records for recovery plans to include public comments.
6. Prepare documents such as Federal Register Notices and transmittal memorandums for recovery plan release to the public.


Selected individual must have the following qualifications:
1. Bachelor Degree in fisheries, biological sciences, or natural resource management and 3 years of experience, or a Masters Degree and one year of experience.
To apply for this position:
 Send a copy of your resume in .pdf or .doc form to [email protected]
 Use a separate email for each position that you are applying for.
 IMPORTANT – Put the title of the position that you are applying for in the subject line. Failure to do so may result in your resume being noted as spam or not being directed to the correct department.
2. Familiarity with ESA recovery planning for salmon and steelhead, and NMFS guidance for recovery
3. Knowledge of anadromous salmonid life history and ability to read and assimilate scientific and
technical reports.
4. Strong skills in technical writing, document formatting and editing.
5. Proficient using End Notes bibliographic software and Microsoft WORD 2007 or 2010 software.
6. Must work well in a team setting and meet deadlines.

How to Apply:

If you are interested in being considered for this position, please send your resume in .pdf or .doc to
[email protected] or [email protected]. The resume must have the following information:
1. Work history for the past 10 years or since last full-time education.
2. Education
3. Previous experience in a same or similar position with the same or similar requirements.
4. Professional references.

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